bug 1178988 - refactor key-specific parts of pycert.py into pykey.py r=Cykesiopka,mgoodwin

This commit is contained in:
David Keeler 2015-06-30 14:35:42 -07:00
parent b2f6bbd517
commit 19ba26c5f5
2 changed files with 224 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ or as the subject public key information field, respectively.
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder
from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder
from pyasn1.type import constraint, namedtype, tag, univ, useful
from pyasn1.type import constraint, tag, univ, useful
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2459
import base64
import binascii
import datetime
import hashlib
import sys
import rsa
import pykey
class UnknownBaseError(Exception):
"""Base class for handling unexpected input in this module."""
@ -99,14 +99,6 @@ class UnknownKeyPurposeTypeError(UnknownBaseError):
self.category = 'keyPurpose'
class UnknownKeySpecificationError(UnknownBaseError):
"""Helper exception type to handle unknown key specifications."""
def __init__(self, value):
UnknownBaseError.__init__(self, value)
self.category = 'key specification'
class UnknownKeyTargetError(UnknownBaseError):
"""Helper exception type to handle unknown key targets."""
@ -166,97 +158,10 @@ def datetimeToTime(dt):
time.setComponentByName('generalTime', useful.GeneralizedTime(dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')))
return time
def byteStringToHexifiedBitString(string):
"""Takes a string of bytes and returns a hex string representing
those bytes for use with pyasn1.type.univ.BitString. It must be of
the form "'<hex bytes>'H", where the trailing 'H' indicates to
pyasn1 that the input is a hex string."""
return "'%s'H" % binascii.hexlify(string)
class RSAPublicKey(univ.Sequence):
"""Helper type for encoding an RSA public key"""
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('N', univ.Integer()),
namedtype.NamedType('E', univ.Integer()))
class Certificate:
"""Utility class for reading a certificate specification and
generating a signed x509 certificate"""
# For reference, when encoded as a subject public key info, the
# base64-encoded sha-256 hash of this key is
# VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8=
sharedRSA_N = long(
'fe4923fa7251c431d503acda180a35ed8d', 16)
sharedRSA_E = 65537L
sharedRSA_D = long(
'5b62b30e6011f224725946eec57c6d9441', 16)
sharedRSA_P = long(
'3ca5d19301f48c742b', 16)
sharedRSA_Q = long(
'5810a77b9845bc3127', 16)
# For reference, when encoded as a subject public key info, the
# base64-encoded sha-256 hash of this key is
# K+uamI+1JmrxMsBxEfGOoydEDJVMa5MY/eaTj+43Lzc=
alternateRSA_N = long(
'f7b7acfe65e7c0e5212fb2a9d472902c35', 16)
alternateRSA_E = 65537L
alternateRSA_D = long(
'24c31307901dd04a848b02db32f61a01', 16)
alternateRSA_P = long(
'651a14b498311615b1', 16)
alternateRSA_Q = long(
'd039ba01adf328ebc5', 16)
def __init__(self, paramStream, now=datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
self.versionValue = 2 # a value of 2 is X509v3
self.signature = 'sha256WithRSAEncryption'
@ -267,13 +172,8 @@ class Certificate:
self.subject = 'Default Subject'
self.signatureAlgorithm = 'sha256WithRSAEncryption'
self.extensions = None
self.subjectRSA_N = self.sharedRSA_N
self.subjectRSA_E = self.sharedRSA_E
self.issuerRSA_N = self.sharedRSA_N
self.issuerRSA_E = self.sharedRSA_E
self.issuerRSA_D = self.sharedRSA_D
self.issuerRSA_P = self.sharedRSA_P
self.issuerRSA_Q = self.sharedRSA_Q
self.subjectKey = pykey.RSAKey()
self.issuerKey = pykey.RSAKey()
self.serialNumber = self.generateSerialNumber()
@ -351,20 +251,12 @@ class Certificate:
raise UnknownExtensionTypeError(extensionType)
def setupKey(self, subjectOrIssuer, value):
if value == 'alternate':
if subjectOrIssuer == 'subject':
self.subjectRSA_N = self.alternateRSA_N
self.subjectRSA_E = self.alternateRSA_E
elif subjectOrIssuer == 'issuer':
self.issuerRSA_N = self.alternateRSA_N
self.issuerRSA_E = self.alternateRSA_E
self.issuerRSA_D = self.alternateRSA_D
self.issuerRSA_P = self.alternateRSA_P
self.issuerRSA_Q = self.alternateRSA_Q
raise UnknownKeyTargetError(subjectOrIssuer)
if subjectOrIssuer == 'subject':
self.subjectKey = pykey.RSAKey(value)
elif subjectOrIssuer == 'issuer':
self.issuerKey = pykey.RSAKey(value)
raise UnknownKeySpecificationError(value)
raise UnknownKeyTargetError(subjectOrIssuer)
def addExtension(self, extensionType, extensionValue):
if not self.extensions:
@ -460,21 +352,6 @@ class Certificate:
def getSignatureAlgorithm(self):
return stringToAlgorithmIdentifier(self.signature)
def getSubjectPublicKey(self):
rsaKey = RSAPublicKey()
rsaKey.setComponentByName('N', univ.Integer(self.subjectRSA_N))
rsaKey.setComponentByName('E', univ.Integer(self.subjectRSA_E))
return univ.BitString(byteStringToHexifiedBitString(encoder.encode(rsaKey)))
def getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(self):
algorithmIdentifier = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()
algorithmIdentifier.setComponentByName('algorithm', rfc2459.rsaEncryption)
algorithmIdentifier.setComponentByName('parameters', univ.Null())
spki = rfc2459.SubjectPublicKeyInfo()
spki.setComponentByName('algorithm', algorithmIdentifier)
spki.setComponentByName('subjectPublicKey', self.getSubjectPublicKey())
return spki
def toDER(self):
tbsCertificate = rfc2459.TBSCertificate()
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('version', self.getVersion())
@ -483,7 +360,8 @@ class Certificate:
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('issuer', self.getIssuer())
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('validity', self.getValidity())
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('subject', self.getSubject())
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('subjectPublicKeyInfo', self.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo())
if self.extensions:
extensions = rfc2459.Extensions().subtype(
explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 3))
@ -492,14 +370,11 @@ class Certificate:
extensions.setComponentByPosition(count, extension)
count += 1
tbsCertificate.setComponentByName('extensions', extensions)
tbsDER = encoder.encode(tbsCertificate)
rsaPrivateKey = rsa.PrivateKey(self.issuerRSA_N, self.issuerRSA_E, self.issuerRSA_D,
self.issuerRSA_P, self.issuerRSA_Q)
signature = rsa.sign(tbsDER, rsaPrivateKey, 'SHA-256')
certificate = rfc2459.Certificate()
certificate.setComponentByName('tbsCertificate', tbsCertificate)
certificate.setComponentByName('signatureAlgorithm', self.getSignatureAlgorithm())
certificate.setComponentByName('signatureValue', byteStringToHexifiedBitString(signature))
tbsDER = encoder.encode(tbsCertificate)
certificate.setComponentByName('signatureValue', self.issuerKey.sign(tbsDER))
return encoder.encode(certificate)
def toPEM(self):

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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
Provides methods for signing data and representing a key as a
subject public key info for use with pyasn1.
The key specification format is currently very simple. If it is
empty, one RSA key is used. If it consists of the string
'alternate', a different RSA key is used. In the future it will
be possible to specify other properties of the key (type,
strength, signature algorithm, etc.).
from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder
from pyasn1.type import univ, namedtype
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2459
import binascii
import rsa
def byteStringToHexifiedBitString(string):
"""Takes a string of bytes and returns a hex string representing
those bytes for use with pyasn1.type.univ.BitString. It must be of
the form "'<hex bytes>'H", where the trailing 'H' indicates to
pyasn1 that the input is a hex string."""
return "'%s'H" % binascii.hexlify(string)
class UnknownBaseError(Exception):
"""Base class for handling unexpected input in this module."""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.category = 'input'
def __str__(self):
return 'Unknown %s type "%s"' % (self.category, repr(self.value))
class UnknownKeySpecificationError(UnknownBaseError):
"""Helper exception type to handle unknown key specifications."""
def __init__(self, value):
UnknownBaseError.__init__(self, value)
self.category = 'key specification'
class RSAPublicKey(univ.Sequence):
"""Helper type for encoding an RSA public key"""
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('N', univ.Integer()),
namedtype.NamedType('E', univ.Integer()))
class RSAKey:
# For reference, when encoded as a subject public key info, the
# base64-encoded sha-256 hash of this key is
# VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8=
sharedRSA_N = long(
'fe4923fa7251c431d503acda180a35ed8d', 16)
sharedRSA_E = 65537L
sharedRSA_D = long(
'5b62b30e6011f224725946eec57c6d9441', 16)
sharedRSA_P = long(
'3ca5d19301f48c742b', 16)
sharedRSA_Q = long(
'5810a77b9845bc3127', 16)
sharedRSA_exp1 = long(
'5315be9c24d191992d', 16)
sharedRSA_exp2 = long(
'5a4a6287c151de2d', 16)
sharedRSA_coef = long(
'7402af6c43247f43', 16)
# For reference, when encoded as a subject public key info, the
# base64-encoded sha-256 hash of this key is
alternateRSA_N = long(
'324ad7de86e6552f1d1e191d712168d3bb', 16)
alternateRSA_E = 65537L
alternateRSA_D = long(
'78c4021a9a2c93c9a70390e9d0a54401', 16)
alternateRSA_P = long(
'27b06fe09ddda7c0a1', 16)
alternateRSA_Q = long(
'fe764c1967b3e8cadb', 16)
alternateRSA_exp1 = long(
'9b5790a63c595181', 16)
alternateRSA_exp2 = long(
'1cd6234d571e90b7df', 16)
alternateRSA_coef = long(
'7b0df271e19a65c0', 16)
def __init__(self, specification = None):
if not specification:
self.RSA_N = self.sharedRSA_N
self.RSA_E = self.sharedRSA_E
self.RSA_D = self.sharedRSA_D
self.RSA_P = self.sharedRSA_P
self.RSA_Q = self.sharedRSA_Q
self.RSA_exp1 = self.sharedRSA_exp1
self.RSA_exp2 = self.sharedRSA_exp2
self.RSA_coef = self.sharedRSA_coef
elif specification == 'alternate':
self.RSA_N = self.alternateRSA_N
self.RSA_E = self.alternateRSA_E
self.RSA_D = self.alternateRSA_D
self.RSA_P = self.alternateRSA_P
self.RSA_Q = self.alternateRSA_Q
self.RSA_exp1 = self.alternateRSA_exp1
self.RSA_exp2 = self.alternateRSA_exp2
self.RSA_coef = self.alternateRSA_coef
raise UnknownKeySpecificationError(specification)
def asSubjectPublicKeyInfo(self):
"""Returns a subject public key info representing
this key for use by pyasn1."""
algorithmIdentifier = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()
algorithmIdentifier.setComponentByName('algorithm', rfc2459.rsaEncryption)
algorithmIdentifier.setComponentByName('parameters', univ.Null())
spki = rfc2459.SubjectPublicKeyInfo()
spki.setComponentByName('algorithm', algorithmIdentifier)
rsaKey = RSAPublicKey()
rsaKey.setComponentByName('N', univ.Integer(self.RSA_N))
rsaKey.setComponentByName('E', univ.Integer(self.RSA_E))
subjectPublicKey = univ.BitString(byteStringToHexifiedBitString(encoder.encode(rsaKey)))
spki.setComponentByName('subjectPublicKey', subjectPublicKey)
return spki
def sign(self, data):
"""Returns a hexified bit string representing a
signature by this key over the specified data.
Intended for use with pyasn1.type.univ.BitString"""
rsaPrivateKey = rsa.PrivateKey(self.RSA_N, self.RSA_E, self.RSA_D, self.RSA_P, self.RSA_Q)
signature = rsa.sign(data, rsaPrivateKey, 'SHA-256')
return byteStringToHexifiedBitString(signature)