Bug 674158 - OOify aboutMemory.js. r=dolske.

This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Nethercote 2011-08-11 00:04:44 -07:00
parent dd85675225
commit 14c38da508
2 changed files with 218 additions and 231 deletions

View File

@ -135,6 +135,36 @@ function sendHeapMinNotifications()
function Reporter(aPath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription)
this._path = aPath;
this._kind = aKind;
this._units = aUnits;
this._amount = aAmount;
this._description = aDescription;
// this._nMerged is only defined if > 1
// this._done is defined when getBytes is called
Reporter.prototype = {
// Sum the values (accounting for possible kUnknown amounts), and mark |this|
// as a dup. We mark dups because it's useful to know when a reporter is
// duplicated; it might be worth investigating and splitting up to have
// non-duplicated names.
merge: function(r) {
if (this._amount !== kUnknown && r._amount !== kUnknown) {
this._amount += r._amount;
} else if (this._amount === kUnknown && r._amount !== kUnknown) {
this._amount = r._amount;
this._nMerged = this._nMerged ? this._nMerged + 1 : 2;
treeNameMatches: function(aTreeName) {
return this._path.slice(0, aTreeName.length) === aTreeName;
function getReportersByProcess()
var mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"].
@ -142,18 +172,8 @@ function getReportersByProcess()
// Process each memory reporter:
// - Make a copy of it into a sub-table indexed by its process. Each copy
// looks like this:
// interface Reporter {
// _path: string;
// _kind: number;
// _units: number;
// _amount: number;
// _description: string;
// _nMerged: number; (only defined if >= 2)
// }
// After this point we never use the original memory reporter again.
// is a Reporter object. After this point we never use the original memory
// reporter again.
// - Note that copying rOrig.amount (which calls a C++ function under the
// IDL covers) to r._amount for every reporter now means that the
@ -165,30 +185,16 @@ function getReportersByProcess()
function addReporter(aProcess, aPath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription)
var process = aProcess === "" ? "Main" : aProcess;
var r = {
_path: aPath,
_kind: aKind,
_units: aUnits,
_amount: aAmount,
_description: aDescription
var r = new Reporter(aPath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription);
if (!reportersByProcess[process]) {
reportersByProcess[process] = {};
var reporters = reportersByProcess[process];
var reporter = reporters[r._path];
if (reporter) {
// Already an entry; must be a duplicated reporter. This can
// happen legitimately. Sum the values (accounting for possible kUnknown
// amounts), and mark the reporter as a dup. We mark dups because it's
// useful to know when a reporter is duplicated; it might be worth
// investigating and splitting up to have non-duplicated names.
if (reporter._amount !== kUnknown && r._amount !== kUnknown) {
reporter._amount += r._amount;
} else if (reporter._amount === kUnknown && r._amount !== kUnknown) {
reporter._amount = r._amount;
reporter._nMerged = reporter._nMerged ? reporter._nMerged + 1 : 2;
// Already an entry; must be a duplicated reporter. This can happen
// legitimately. Merge them.
} else {
reporters[r._path] = r;
@ -203,8 +209,8 @@ function getReportersByProcess()
var e = mgr.enumerateMultiReporters();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
var r = e.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMemoryMultiReporter);
r.collectReports(addReporter, null);
var mrOrig = e.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMemoryMultiReporter);
mrOrig.collectReports(addReporter, null);
return reportersByProcess;
@ -266,68 +272,63 @@ function update()
// Compare two 'explicit' memory reporter nodes.
function cmpExplicitReporters(a, b)
// There are two kinds of TreeNode. Those that correspond to Reporters
// have more properties. The remainder are just scaffolding nodes for the
// tree, whose values are derived from their children.
function TreeNode(aName)
assert(a._units === undefined && b._units === undefined,
"'explicit' tree nodes must not have _units defined");
// Nb: _units is not needed, it's always UNITS_BYTES.
this._name = aName;
this._kids = [];
// All TreeNodes have these properties added later:
// - _amount (which is never |kUnknown|)
// - _description
// TreeNodes corresponding to Reporters have these properties added later:
// - _kind
// - _nMerged (if > 1)
// - _hasProblem (only defined if true)
TreeNode.prototype = {
findKid: function(aName) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._kids.length; i++) {
if (this._kids[i]._name === aName) {
return this._kids[i];
return undefined;
toString: function() {
return formatBytes(this._amount);
TreeNode.compare = function(a, b) {
return b._amount - a._amount;
// Compare two memory reporter nodes from the 'other measurements' list.
function cmpOtherReporters(a, b)
return a._path < b._path ? -1 :
a._path > b._path ? 1 :
function findKid(aName, aKids)
for (var i = 0; i < aKids.length; i++) {
if (aKids[i]._name === aName) {
return aKids[i];
return undefined;
* From a list of memory reporters, builds a tree that mirrors the tree
* structure that will be shown as output.
* @param aReporters
* The list of memory reporters.
* @return The built tree. The tree nodes have this structure:
* interface Node {
* _name: string;
* _kind: number;
* _amount: number; (non-negative or 'kUnknown')
* _description: string;
* _kids: [Node];
* _hasReporter: boolean; (only defined if 'true')
* _hasProblem: boolean; (only defined if 'true')
* _nMerged: number; (only defined if >= 2)
* }
* _units isn't needed because it's always UNITS_BYTES for 'explicit'
* reporters.
* The table of Reporters, indexed by path.
* @return The built tree.
function buildTree(aReporters)
const treeName = "explicit";
// We want to process all reporters that begin with 'treeName'. First we
// build the tree but only fill in '_name', '_kind', '_kids', maybe
// '_hasReporter' and maybe '_nMerged'. This is done top-down from the
// reporters.
var t = {
_name: "falseRoot",
_kind: KIND_OTHER,
_kids: []
// We want to process all reporters that begin with |treeName|. First we
// build the tree but only fill the properties that we can with a top-down
// traversal.
var t = new TreeNode("falseRoot");
for (var path in aReporters) {
// Add any missing nodes in the tree implied by the path.
var r = aReporters[path];
if (r._path.slice(0, treeName.length) === treeName) {
if (r.treeNameMatches(treeName)) {
assert(r._kind === KIND_HEAP || r._kind === KIND_NONHEAP,
"reporters in the tree must have KIND_HEAP or KIND_NONHEAP");
assert(r._units === UNITS_BYTES);
@ -335,21 +336,17 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
var u = t;
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var uMatch = findKid(name, u._kids);
var uMatch = u.findKid(name);
if (uMatch) {
u = uMatch;
} else {
var v = {
_name: name,
_kind: KIND_OTHER,
_kids: []
var v = new TreeNode(name);
u = v;
// Fill in extra details from the Reporter.
u._kind = r._kind;
u._hasReporter = true;
if (r._nMerged) {
u._nMerged = r._nMerged;
@ -359,14 +356,14 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
// treeName at the root.
t = t._kids[0];
// Next, fill in '_description' and '_amount', and maybe '_hasProblem'
// for each node. This is done bottom-up because for most non-leaf nodes
// '_amount' and '_description' are determined from the child nodes.
// Next, fill in the remaining properties bottom-up.
// Note that this function never returns kUnknown.
function fillInTree(aT, aPrepath)
var path = aPrepath ? aPrepath + '/' + aT._name : aT._name;
if (aT._kids.length === 0) {
// Leaf node. Must have a reporter.
assert(aT._kind !== undefined);
aT._description = getDescription(aReporters, path);
var amount = getBytes(aReporters, path);
if (amount !== kUnknown) {
@ -380,23 +377,18 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
var childrenBytes = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < aT._kids.length; i++) {
// Allow for kUnknown, treat it like 0.
var b = fillInTree(aT._kids[i], path);
childrenBytes += (b === kUnknown ? 0 : b);
childrenBytes += fillInTree(aT._kids[i], path);
if (aT._hasReporter === true) {
if (aT._kind !== undefined) {
aT._description = getDescription(aReporters, path);
var amount = getBytes(aReporters, path);
if (amount !== kUnknown) {
// Non-leaf node with its own reporter. Use the reporter and add
// an "other" child node.
aT._amount = amount;
var other = {
_name: "other",
_kind: KIND_OTHER,
_description: "All unclassified " + aT._name + " memory.",
_amount: aT._amount - childrenBytes,
_kids: []
var other = new TreeNode("other");
other._description = "All unclassified " + aT._name + " memory.",
other._amount = aT._amount - childrenBytes,
} else {
// Non-leaf node with a reporter that returns kUnknown.
@ -411,6 +403,7 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
aT._description = "The sum of all entries below '" + aT._name + "'.";
assert(aT._amount !== kUnknown);
return aT._amount;
fillInTree(t, "");
@ -442,17 +435,20 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
unknownHeapUsedBytes = heapUsedBytes - getKnownHeapUsedBytes(t);
hasProblem = false;
var heapUnclassified = {
_name: "heap-unclassified",
_kind: KIND_HEAP,
var heapUnclassified = new TreeNode("heap-unclassified");
// This kindToString() ensures the "(Heap)" prefix is set without having to
// set the _kind property, which would mean that there is a corresponding
// Reporter for this TreeNode (which isn't true).
heapUnclassified._description =
kindToString(KIND_HEAP) +
"Memory not classified by a more specific reporter. This includes " +
"waste due to internal fragmentation in the heap allocator (caused " +
"when the allocator rounds up request sizes).",
_amount: unknownHeapUsedBytes,
_hasProblem: hasProblem,
_kids: []
"when the allocator rounds up request sizes).";
heapUnclassified._amount = unknownHeapUsedBytes;
if (hasProblem) {
heapUnclassified._hasProblem = true;
t._amount += unknownHeapUsedBytes;
@ -460,13 +456,13 @@ function buildTree(aReporters)
* Sort all kid nodes from largest to smallest and aggregate
* insignificant nodes.
* Sort all kid nodes from largest to smallest and aggregate insignificant
* nodes.
* @param aTotalBytes
* The size of the tree's root node
* The size of the tree's root node.
* @param aT
* The tree
* The tree.
function filterTree(aTotalBytes, aT)
@ -479,7 +475,7 @@ function filterTree(aTotalBytes, aT)
(100 * aBytes / aTotalBytes) < omitThresholdPerc;
for (var i = 0; i < aT._kids.length; i++) {
if (shouldOmit(aT._kids[i]._amount)) {
@ -493,21 +489,18 @@ function filterTree(aTotalBytes, aT)
var n = i - i0;
var rSub = {
_name: "(" + n + " omitted)",
_kind: KIND_OTHER,
_amount: aggBytes,
_description: n + " sub-trees that were below the " +
omitThresholdPerc + "% significance threshold. " +
"Click 'More verbose' at the bottom of this page " +
"to see them.",
_kids: []
// Add the "omitted" sub-tree at the end and then resort, because the
// sum of the omitted sub-trees may be larger than some of the
// shown sub-trees.
var rSub = new TreeNode("(" + n + " omitted)");
rSub._amount = aggBytes;
rSub._description =
n + " sub-trees that were below the " + omitThresholdPerc +
"% significance threshold. Click 'More verbose' at the bottom of " +
"this page to see them.";
// Add the "omitted" sub-tree at the end and then re-sort, because the
// sum of the omitted sub-trees may be larger than some of the shown
// sub-trees.
aT._kids[i0] = rSub;
filterTree(aTotalBytes, aT._kids[i]);
@ -518,10 +511,10 @@ function filterTree(aTotalBytes, aT)
* Generates the text for a single process.
* @param aProcess
* The name of the process
* The name of the process.
* @param aReporters
* Table of reporters for this process, indexed by _path
* @return The generated text
* Table of Reporters for this process, indexed by _path.
* @return The generated text.
function genProcessText(aProcess, aReporters)
@ -537,34 +530,12 @@ function genProcessText(aProcess, aReporters)
return text;
* Returns the reporter's amount formatted as a human-readable string (with
* units, if applicable).
* @param aReporter
* The reporter whose usage we're formatting
* @return The reporter's amount formatted as a human-readable string
function formatReporterAmount(aReporter)
switch(aReporter._units) {
return formatBytes(aReporter._amount);
return formatInt(aReporter._amount);
return formatPercentage(aReporter._amount);
default: return "(???)"
* Formats an int as a human-readable string.
* @param aN
* The integer to format
* @return A human-readable string representing the int
* The integer to format.
* @return A human-readable string representing the int.
function formatInt(aN)
@ -597,8 +568,8 @@ function formatInt(aN)
* Converts a byte count to an appropriate string representation.
* @param aBytes
* The byte count
* @return The string representation
* The byte count.
* @return The string representation.
function formatBytes(aBytes)
@ -619,7 +590,7 @@ function formatBytes(aBytes)
* Converts a percentage to an appropriate string representation.
* @param aPerc100x
* The percentage, multiplied by 100 (see nsIMemoryReporter)
* The percentage, multiplied by 100 (see nsIMemoryReporter).
* @return The string representation
function formatPercentage(aPerc100x)
@ -628,15 +599,15 @@ function formatPercentage(aPerc100x)
* Right-justifies a string in a field of a given width, padding as necessary
* Right-justifies a string in a field of a given width, padding as necessary.
* @param aS
* The string
* The string.
* @param aN
* The field width
* The field width.
* @param aC
* The char used to pad
* @return The string representation
* The char used to pad.
* @return The string representation.
function pad(aS, aN, aC)
@ -649,46 +620,41 @@ function pad(aS, aN, aC)
* Gets the byte count for a particular memory reporter and sets its _done
* Gets the byte count for a particular Reporter and sets its _done
* property.
* @param aReporters
* Table of reporters for this process, indexed by _path
* Table of Reporters for this process, indexed by _path.
* @param aPath
* The path of the memory reporter
* The path of the R.
* @param aDoNotMark
* If set, the _done property is not set.
* @return The byte count
* If true, the _done property is not set.
* @return The byte count.
function getBytes(aReporters, aPath, aDoNotMark)
var r = aReporters[aPath];
if (r) {
var bytes = r._amount;
if (!aDoNotMark) {
r._done = true;
return bytes;
assert(r, "getBytes: no such Reporter: " + aPath);
if (!aDoNotMark) {
r._done = true;
// Nb: this should never occur; all paths have been extracted from
// the original list of reporters and so the lookup should succeed. Return
// an obviously wrong number that will likely be noticed.
return -2 * 1024 * 1024;
return r._amount;
* Gets the description for a particular memory reporter.
* Gets the description for a particular Reporter.
* @param aReporters
* Table of reporters for this process, indexed by _path
* Table of Reporters for this process, indexed by _path.
* @param aPath
* The path of the memory reporter
* @return The description
* The path of the Reporter.
* @return The description.
function getDescription(aReporters, aPath)
var r = aReporters[aPath];
return r ? r._description : "???";
assert(r, "getDescription: no such Reporter: " + aPath);
return r._description;
function genMrValueText(aValue)
@ -701,8 +667,9 @@ function kindToString(aKind)
switch (aKind) {
case KIND_NONHEAP: return "(Non-heap) ";
case KIND_HEAP: return "(Heap) ";
case KIND_OTHER: return "";
default: return "(???) ";
case undefined: return "";
default: assert(false, "bad kind in kindToString");
@ -770,29 +737,29 @@ function genMrNameText(aKind, aDesc, aName, aHasProblem, aNMerged)
* Generates the text for the tree, including its heading.
* @param aT
* The tree
* @return The generated text
* The tree.
* @return The generated text.
function genTreeText(aT)
var treeBytes = aT._amount;
var treeBytesLength = formatBytes(treeBytes).length;
var rootStringLength = aT.toString().length;
* Generates the text for a particular tree, without a heading.
* @param aT
* The tree
* The tree.
* @param aIndentGuide
* Records what indentation is required for this tree. It has one
* entry per level of indentation. For each entry, ._isLastKid
* records whether the node in question is the last child, and
* ._depth records how many chars of indentation are required.
* @param aParentBytesLength
* The length of the formatted byte count of the top node in the tree
* @return The generated text
* @param aParentStringLength
* The length of the formatted byte count of the top node in the tree.
* @return The generated text.
function genTreeText2(aT, aIndentGuide, aParentBytesLength)
function genTreeText2(aT, aIndentGuide, aParentStringLength)
function repeatStr(aC, aN)
@ -824,9 +791,8 @@ function genTreeText(aT)
// Indent more if this entry is narrower than its parent, and update
// aIndentGuide accordingly.
var tMemoryUsedStr = formatBytes(aT._amount);
var tBytesLength = tMemoryUsedStr.length;
var extraIndentLength = Math.max(aParentBytesLength - tBytesLength, 0);
var tString = aT.toString();
var extraIndentLength = Math.max(aParentStringLength - tString.length, 0);
if (extraIndentLength > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < extraIndentLength; i++) {
indent += kHorizontal;
@ -845,20 +811,20 @@ function genTreeText(aT)
perc = "<span class='mrPerc'>(" + perc + "%)</span> ";
var text = indent + genMrValueText(tMemoryUsedStr) + " " + perc +
var text = indent + genMrValueText(tString) + " " + perc +
genMrNameText(aT._kind, aT._description, aT._name,
aT._hasProblem, aT._nMerged);
for (var i = 0; i < aT._kids.length; i++) {
// 3 is the standard depth, the callee adjusts it if necessary.
aIndentGuide.push({ _isLastKid: (i === aT._kids.length - 1), _depth: 3 });
text += genTreeText2(aT._kids[i], aIndentGuide, tBytesLength);
text += genTreeText2(aT._kids[i], aIndentGuide, tString.length);
return text;
var text = genTreeText2(aT, [], treeBytesLength);
var text = genTreeText2(aT, [], rootStringLength);
// Nb: the newlines give nice spacing if we cut+paste into a text buffer.
const desc =
"This tree covers explicit memory allocations by the application, " +
@ -877,55 +843,79 @@ function genTreeText(aT)
"'>Explicit Allocations</h2>\n" + "<pre>" + text + "</pre>\n";
function OtherReporter(aPath, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription,
// Nb: _kind is not needed, it's always KIND_OTHER.
this._path = aPath;
this._units = aUnits;
if (aAmount === kUnknown) {
this._amount = 0;
this._hasProblem = true;
} else {
this._amount = aAmount;
this._description = aDescription;
this.asString = this.toString();
OtherReporter.prototype = {
toString: function() {
switch(this._units) {
case UNITS_BYTES: return formatBytes(this._amount);
case UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE: return formatInt(this._amount);
case UNITS_PERCENTAGE: return formatPercentage(this._amount);
assert(false, "bad units in OtherReporter.toString");
OtherReporter.compare = function(a, b) {
return a._path < b._path ? -1 :
a._path > b._path ? 1 :
* Generates the text for the "Other Measurements" section.
* @param aReporters
* Table of reporters for this process, indexed by _path
* @return The generated text
* @param aReportersByProcess
* Table of Reporters for this process, indexed by _path.
* @return The generated text.
function genOtherText(aReporters)
function genOtherText(aReportersByProcess)
// Generate an array of Reporter-like elements, stripping out all the
// reporters that have already been handled. Also find the width of the
// Reporters that have already been handled. Also find the width of the
// widest element, so we can format things nicely.
var maxAmountLength = 0;
var rArray = [];
for (var path in aReporters) {
var r = aReporters[path];
var maxStringLength = 0;
var otherReporters = [];
for (var path in aReportersByProcess) {
var r = aReportersByProcess[path];
if (!r._done) {
assert(r._kind === KIND_OTHER, "_kind !== KIND_OTHER for " + r._path);
assert(r.nMerged === undefined); // we don't allow dup'd OTHER reporters
var hasProblem = false;
if (r._amount === kUnknown) {
hasProblem = true;
var elem = {
_path: r._path,
_kind: r._kind,
_units: r._units,
_amount: hasProblem ? 0 : r._amount,
_description: r._description,
_hasProblem: hasProblem,
_nMerged: r._nMerged
var thisAmountLength = formatReporterAmount(elem).length;
if (thisAmountLength > maxAmountLength) {
maxAmountLength = thisAmountLength;
var o = new OtherReporter(r._path, r._units, r._amount, r._description);
if (o.asString.length > maxStringLength) {
maxStringLength = o.asString.length;
// Generate text for the not-yet-printed values.
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < rArray.length; i++) {
var elem = rArray[i];
assert(elem._kind === KIND_OTHER,
"elem._kind is not KIND_OTHER for " + elem._path);
text += genMrValueText(
pad(formatReporterAmount(elem), maxAmountLength, ' ')) + " ";
text += genMrNameText(elem._kind, elem._description, elem._path,
elem._hasProblem, elem._nMerged);
for (var i = 0; i < otherReporters.length; i++) {
var o = otherReporters[i];
text += genMrValueText(pad(o.asString, maxStringLength, ' ')) + " ";
text += genMrNameText(KIND_OTHER, o._description, o._path, o._hasProblem);
// Nb: the newlines give nice spacing if we cut+paste into a text buffer.

View File

@ -85,8 +85,7 @@
f("", "explicit/g/a", HEAP, 6 * MB),
f("", "explicit/g/b", HEAP, 5 * MB),
f("", "other1", OTHER, 111 * MB),
f2("", "other4", OTHER, COUNT_CUMULATIVE, 888),
f2("", "unknown-unit", OTHER, /*bogus unit*/999, 999)
f2("", "other4", OTHER, COUNT_CUMULATIVE, 888)
var fakeMultiReporters = [
{ collectReports: function(cbObj, closure) {
@ -203,7 +202,6 @@ Other Measurements\n\
888 -- other4\n\
45.67% -- perc1\n\
100.00% -- perc2\n\
(???) -- unknown-unit\n\
2nd Process\n\
@ -276,7 +274,6 @@ Other Measurements\n\
888 -- other4\n\
45.67% -- perc1\n\
100.00% -- perc2\n\
(???) -- unknown-unit\n\
2nd Process\n\