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<svg xmlns="">
<title>Test that marker orientation is correct at the end of arcs</title>
<!-- -->
<marker id="m1" markerWidth="40" markerHeight="40" refX="20" refY="20"
markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" fill="blue">
<rect x="5" y="15" width="22" height="10"/>
<path d="M 25,10 35,20 25,30 z"/>
<marker id="m2" markerWidth="40" markerHeight="40" refX="20" refY="20"
markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" fill="red">
<rect x="5" y="15" width="22" height="10"/>
<path d="M 25,10 35,20 25,30 z"/>
<g fill="none">
<!-- arcs that go from the left of the circle to... -->
<g marker-end="url(#m2)">
<!-- ...90 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 1 0 150,50" marker-start="url(#m1)"/>
<!-- ...180 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 0 0 200,100"/>
<!-- ...270 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 0 0 150,150"/>
<!-- arcs that go from the left of the circle to... -->
<g marker-end="url(#m2)" transform="translate(250,0)">
<!-- ...90 degrees clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 0 1 150,50" marker-start="url(#m1)"/>
<!-- ...180 degrees clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 1 1 200,100"/>
<!-- ...270 degrees clockwise -->
<path d="M100,100 A 50,50 0 1 1 150,150"/>
<!-- arcs that go from the right of the circle to... -->
<g marker-end="url(#m2)" transform="translate(0,250)">
<!-- ...90 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 0 1 150,150" marker-start="url(#m1)"/>
<!-- ...180 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 0 1 100,100"/>
<!-- ...270 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 1 1 150,50"/>
<!-- arcs that go from the right of the circle to... -->
<g marker-end="url(#m2)" transform="translate(250,250)">
<!-- ...90 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 0 0 150,50" marker-start="url(#m1)"/>
<!-- ...180 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 1 0 100,100"/>
<!-- ...270 degrees anti-clockwise -->
<path d="M200,100 A 50,50 0 1 0 150,150"/>