2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
typedef float4 rect;
cbuffer PerLayer {
rect vTextureCoords;
rect vLayerQuad;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
rect vMaskQuad;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
float fLayerOpacity;
float4x4 mLayerTransform;
cbuffer PerOccasionalLayer {
float4 vRenderTargetOffset;
float4 fLayerColor;
cbuffer PerLayerManager {
float4x4 mProjection;
BlendState Premul
AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
BlendEnable[0] = TRUE;
SrcBlend = One;
DestBlend = Inv_Src_Alpha;
BlendOp = Add;
SrcBlendAlpha = One;
DestBlendAlpha = Inv_Src_Alpha;
BlendOpAlpha = Add;
RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = 0x0F; // All
BlendState NonPremul
AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
BlendEnable[0] = TRUE;
SrcBlend = Src_Alpha;
DestBlend = Inv_Src_Alpha;
BlendOp = Add;
SrcBlendAlpha = One;
DestBlendAlpha = Inv_Src_Alpha;
BlendOpAlpha = Add;
RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = 0x0F; // All
2012-04-03 13:25:52 -07:00
BlendState NoBlendDual
AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
BlendEnable[0] = FALSE;
BlendEnable[1] = FALSE;
RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = 0x0F; // All
RenderTargetWriteMask[1] = 0x0F; // All
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
BlendState ComponentAlphaBlend
AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
BlendEnable[0] = TRUE;
SrcBlend = One;
DestBlend = Inv_Src1_Color;
BlendOp = Add;
2011-11-13 20:42:08 -08:00
SrcBlendAlpha = One;
DestBlendAlpha = Inv_Src_Alpha;
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
BlendOpAlpha = Add;
RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = 0x0F; // All
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
RasterizerState LayerRast
ScissorEnable = True;
2010-12-07 09:42:08 -08:00
CullMode = None;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
Texture2D tRGB;
Texture2D tY;
Texture2D tCb;
Texture2D tCr;
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
Texture2D tRGBWhite;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
Texture2D tMask;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
SamplerState LayerTextureSamplerLinear
2011-02-15 19:19:45 -08:00
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
SamplerState LayerTextureSamplerPoint
2011-02-15 19:19:45 -08:00
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
struct VS_INPUT {
float2 vPosition : POSITION;
struct VS_OUTPUT {
float4 vPosition : SV_Position;
float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 vPosition : SV_Position;
float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float2 vMaskCoords : TEXCOORD1;
struct VS_MASK_3D_OUTPUT {
float4 vPosition : SV_Position;
float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float3 vMaskCoords : TEXCOORD1;
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
struct PS_OUTPUT {
float4 vSrc;
float4 vAlpha;
2012-04-03 13:25:52 -07:00
float4 vOutput1 : SV_Target0;
float4 vOutput2 : SV_Target1;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float2 TexCoords(const float2 aPosition)
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float2 result;
const float2 size = vTextureCoords.zw;
result.x = vTextureCoords.x + aPosition.x * size.x;
result.y = vTextureCoords.y + aPosition.y * size.y;
return result;
float4 TransformedPostion(float2 aInPosition)
// the current vertex's position on the quad
float4 position = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
// We use 4 component floats to uniquely describe a rectangle, by the structure
// of x, y, width, height. This allows us to easily generate the 4 corners
// of any rectangle from the 4 corners of the 0,0-1,1 quad that we use as the
// stream source for our LayerQuad vertex shader. We do this by doing:
// Xout = x + Xin * width
// Yout = y + Yin * height
float2 size = vLayerQuad.zw;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
position.x = vLayerQuad.x + aInPosition.x * size.x;
position.y = vLayerQuad.y + aInPosition.y * size.y;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
position = mul(mLayerTransform, position);
return position;
float4 VertexPosition(float4 aTransformedPosition)
float4 result;
result.w = aTransformedPosition.w;
result.xyz = aTransformedPosition.xyz / aTransformedPosition.w;
result -= vRenderTargetOffset;
result.xyz *= result.w;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
result = mul(mProjection, result);
return result;
VS_OUTPUT LayerQuadVS(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
float4 position = TransformedPostion(aVertex.vPosition);
outp.vPosition = VertexPosition(position);
outp.vTexCoords = TexCoords(aVertex.vPosition.xy);
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
return outp;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
VS_MASK_OUTPUT LayerQuadMaskVS(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 position = TransformedPostion(aVertex.vPosition);
outp.vPosition = VertexPosition(position);
// calculate the position on the mask texture
outp.vMaskCoords.x = (position.x - vMaskQuad.x) / vMaskQuad.z;
outp.vMaskCoords.y = (position.y - vMaskQuad.y) / vMaskQuad.w;
outp.vTexCoords = TexCoords(aVertex.vPosition.xy);
return outp;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
VS_MASK_3D_OUTPUT LayerQuadMask3DVS(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 position = TransformedPostion(aVertex.vPosition);
outp.vPosition = VertexPosition(position);
// calculate the position on the mask texture
position.xyz /= position.w;
outp.vMaskCoords.x = (position.x - vMaskQuad.x) / vMaskQuad.z;
outp.vMaskCoords.y = (position.y - vMaskQuad.y) / vMaskQuad.w;
// We use the w coord to do non-perspective correct interpolation:
// the quad might be transformed in 3D, in which case it will have some
// perspective. The graphics card will do perspective-correct interpolation
// of the texture, but our mask is already transformed and so we require
// linear interpolation. Therefore, we must correct the interpolation
// ourselves, we do this by multiplying all coords by w here, and dividing by
// w in the pixel shader (post-interpolation), we pass w in outp.vMaskCoords.z.
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping#Perspective_correctness
outp.vMaskCoords.z = 1;
outp.vMaskCoords *= position.w;
outp.vTexCoords = TexCoords(aVertex.vPosition.xy);
return outp;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 RGBAShaderMask(const VS_MASK_OUTPUT aVertex, uniform sampler aSampler) : SV_Target
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
return tRGB.Sample(aSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity * mask;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 RGBAShaderLinearMask3D(const VS_MASK_3D_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
return tRGB.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity * mask;
float4 RGBShaderMask(const VS_MASK_OUTPUT aVertex, uniform sampler aSampler) : SV_Target
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
float4 result;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
result = tRGB.Sample(aSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
result.a = fLayerOpacity;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
return result * mask;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
float4 CalculateYCbCrColor(const float2 aTexCoords)
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
float4 yuv;
float4 color;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
yuv.r = tCr.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aTexCoords).r - 0.5;
yuv.g = tY.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aTexCoords).r - 0.0625;
yuv.b = tCb.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aTexCoords).r - 0.5;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
color.r = yuv.g * 1.164 + yuv.r * 1.596;
color.g = yuv.g * 1.164 - 0.813 * yuv.r - 0.391 * yuv.b;
color.b = yuv.g * 1.164 + yuv.b * 2.018;
color.a = 1.0f;
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
return color;
float4 YCbCrShaderMask(const VS_MASK_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
return CalculateYCbCrColor(aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity * mask;
PS_OUTPUT ComponentAlphaShaderMask(const VS_MASK_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
PS_OUTPUT result;
result.vSrc = tRGB.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aVertex.vTexCoords);
result.vAlpha = 1.0 - tRGBWhite.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aVertex.vTexCoords) + result.vSrc;
result.vSrc.a = result.vAlpha.g;
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
result.vSrc *= fLayerOpacity * mask;
result.vAlpha *= fLayerOpacity * mask;
return result;
float4 SolidColorShaderMask(const VS_MASK_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords;
float mask = tMask.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, maskCoords).a;
return fLayerColor * mask;
* Un-masked versions
float4 RGBAShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex, uniform sampler aSampler) : SV_Target
return tRGB.Sample(aSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
float4 RGBShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex, uniform sampler aSampler) : SV_Target
float4 result;
result = tRGB.Sample(aSampler, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
result.a = fLayerOpacity;
return result;
float4 YCbCrShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
return CalculateYCbCrColor(aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
PS_OUTPUT ComponentAlphaShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
PS_OUTPUT result;
result.vSrc = tRGB.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aVertex.vTexCoords);
result.vAlpha = 1.0 - tRGBWhite.Sample(LayerTextureSamplerLinear, aVertex.vTexCoords) + result.vSrc;
2011-11-13 20:42:08 -08:00
result.vSrc.a = result.vAlpha.g;
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
result.vSrc *= fLayerOpacity;
result.vAlpha *= fLayerOpacity;
return result;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
float4 SolidColorShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : SV_Target
return fLayerColor;
2012-04-03 13:25:52 -07:00
PS_DUAL_OUTPUT AlphaExtractionPrepareShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex)
result.vOutput1 = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
result.vOutput2 = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
return result;
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBLayerPremul
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBShader(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBLayerPremulPoint
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBShader(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBALayerPremul
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShader(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBALayerNonPremul
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( NonPremul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShader(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBALayerPremulPoint
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShader(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderRGBALayerNonPremulPoint
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( NonPremul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShader(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderYCbCrLayer
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, YCbCrShader() ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
technique10 RenderComponentAlphaLayer
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
Pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( ComponentAlphaBlend, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, ComponentAlphaShader() ) );
2011-01-27 21:34:29 -08:00
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
technique10 RenderSolidColorLayer
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, SolidColorShader() ) );
2010-09-30 15:53:49 -07:00
2012-04-03 13:25:52 -07:00
technique10 PrepareAlphaExtractionTextures
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( NoBlendDual, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, AlphaExtractionPrepareShader() ) );
2012-02-15 15:34:28 -08:00
technique10 RenderRGBLayerPremulMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
technique10 RenderRGBLayerPremulPointMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
technique10 RenderRGBALayerPremulMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
technique10 RenderRGBALayerPremulMask3D
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMask3DVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShaderLinearMask3D() ) );
technique10 RenderRGBALayerNonPremulMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( NonPremul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerLinear) ) );
technique10 RenderRGBALayerPremulPointMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
technique10 RenderRGBALayerNonPremulPointMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( NonPremul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, RGBAShaderMask(LayerTextureSamplerPoint) ) );
technique10 RenderYCbCrLayerMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, YCbCrShaderMask() ) );
technique10 RenderComponentAlphaLayerMask
Pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( ComponentAlphaBlend, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, ComponentAlphaShaderMask() ) );
technique10 RenderSolidColorLayerMask
pass P0
SetRasterizerState( LayerRast );
SetBlendState( Premul, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0_level_9_3, LayerQuadMaskVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0_level_9_3, SolidColorShaderMask() ) );