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<title>Modutil Specification</title>
<body bgcolor=white fgcolor=black>
<center><h1>PKCS #11 Module Management Utility
<!-------------------------- capabilities ------------------------------>
<li>Add a PKCS #11 module, specifying a name and library file.
(<a href="#add">-add</a>)
<li>Add a PKCS #11 module from a server-formatted JAR file.
(<a href="#jar">-jar</a>)
<li>Change the password on or initialize a token.
(<a href="#changepw">-changepw</a>)
<li>Create databases (secmod[ule].db, key3.db, cert7.db) from scratch.
(<a href="#create">-create</a>)
<li>Switch to and from FIPS-140 compliant mode.
(<a href="#fips">-fips</a>)
<li>Delete a PKCS #11 module. (<a href="#delete">-delete</a>)
<li>List installed PKCS #11 modules. (<a href="#list">-list</a>)
<li>List detailed info on a particular module and its tokens, including
whether needs login, is hardware, needs user init
(<a href="#list">-list</a>)
<li>Specify which modules should be the default provider of various
cryptographic operations.(<a href="#default">-default</a>,
<a href="#undefault">-undefault</a>)
<li>Disable and enable slots, find out whether and why they are disabled.
(<a href="#disable">-disable</a>, <a href="#enable">-enable</a>,
<a href="#list">-list</a>)
<!-------------------------- Usage ------------------------------------->
<code>modutil [<i>command</i>] [<i>options</i>]</code>
<p>At most one command can be specified. With no arguments,
<code>modutil</code> prints a usage message.
<table border>
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
<!---------------------------- -add ------------------------------>
<td> <a name="add"></a>
<code>-add <u><i>module name</i></u> -libfile <u><i>library file</i></u>
[-ciphers <u><i>cipher enable list</i></u>]
[-mechanisms <u><i>default mechanism list</i></u>]
<td>Adds a new module to the database with the given name.
<p><u><i>library file</i></u> is the path of the DLL or other library file
containing the module's implementation of the PKCS #11 interface.
<p><u><i>cipher enable flags</i></u> is a colon-separated list of ciphers
that will be enabled on this module. The list should be enclosed within quotes
if necessary to prevent shell interpretation. The following ciphers are
currently available:
<p><u><i>default mechanism flags</i></u> is a colon-separated list of
mechanisms for which this module should be the default provider. The
list should be enclosed within quotes if necessary to prevent shell
interpretation. <b>This
list does not enable the mechanisms; it only specifies that this module
will be a default provider for the listed mechanisms.</b> If more than
one module claims to be a default provider for a given mechanism, it is
undefined which will actually be chosen to provide that mechanism. The
following mechanisms are currently available:
<li>RANDOM <i>(random number generation)</i>
<li>FRIENDLY <i>(certificates are publicly-readable)</i>
<!-------------------------- -changepw ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="changepw"></a><code>-changepw <u><i>token name</i></u>
[-pwfile <u><i>old password file</i></u>]
[-newpwfile <u><i>new password file</i></u>]</code></td>
<td>Changes the password on the named token. If the token has not been
initialized, this command will initialize the PIN.
If a password file is given, the password will be read from that file;
otherwise, the password will be obtained interactively.
<b>Storing passwords in a file is much less secure than supplying them
<p>The password on the Netscape internal module cannot be changed if
the <code>-nocertdb</code> option is specified.
<!-------------------------- -create ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="create"></a><code>-create</code></td>
<td>Creates a new secmod[ule].db, key3.db, and cert7.db in the directory
specified with the
<code>-dbdir</code> option, if one is specified. If no directory is
specified, UNIX systems will use the user's .netscape directory, while other
systems will return with an error message. If any of these databases already
exist in the chosen directory, an error message is returned.
<p>If used with <code>-nocertdb</code>, only secmod[ule].db will be created;
cert7.db and key3.db will not be created.
<!------------------------------ -default -------------------------------->
<td> <a name="default"></a> <code>-default <u><i>module name</i></u>
-mechanisms <u><i>mechanism list</i></u></code>
<td>Specifies that the given module will be a default provider of the
listed mechanisms. The mechanism list is the same as in the <code>-add</code>
<!-------------------------- -delete ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="delete"></a><code>-delete <u><i>module name</i></u></code></td>
<td>Deletes the named module from the database</td>
<!-------------------------- -disable ------------------------------------->
<td> <a name="disable"></a> <code>-disable <u><i>module name</i></u>
[-slot <u><i>slot name</i></u>]</code></td>
<td>Disables the named slot. If no slot is specified, all slots on
the module are disabled.</td>
<!-------------------------- -enable ------------------------------------->
<td> <a name="enable"></a> <code>-enable <u><i>module name</i></u>
[-slot <u><i>slot name</i></u>]</code></td>
<td>Enables the named slot. If no slot is specified, all slots on
the module are enabled.</td>
<!-------------------------- -fips ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="fips"></a><code>-fips [true | false]</code></td>
<td>Enables or disables FIPS mode on the internal module. Passing
<code>true</code> enables FIPS mode, passing <code>false</code> disables
FIPS mode.</td>
<!-------------------------- -force ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="force"></a><code>-force</code></td>
<td>Disables interactive prompts, so modutil can be run in a script.
Should only be used by experts, since the prompts may relate to security
or database integrity. Before using this option, test the command
interactively once to see the warnings that are produced.</td>
<!-------------------------- -jar ------------------------------------->
<td><a name="jar"></a><code>-jar <u><i>JAR file</i></u>
-installdir <u><i>root installation directory</i></u>
[-tempdir <u><i>temporary directory</i></u>]</code></td>
<td>Adds a new module from the given JAR file. The JAR file uses the
server <a href="pk11jar.html">PKCS #11 JAR format</a> to describe the names of
any files that need to be installed, the name of the module, mechanism flags,
and cipher flags. The <u><i>root installation directory</i></u>
is the directory relative to which files will be installed. This should be a
under which it would be natural to store dynamic library files, such as
a server's root directory, or Communicator's root directory.
The <u><i>temporary directory</i></u> is where temporary modutil files
will be created in the course of the installation. If no temporary directory
is specified, the current directory will be used.
<p>If used with the <code>-nocertdb</code> option, the signatures on the JAR
file will not be checked.</td>
<!----------------------------- -list ------------------------------>
<td><a name="list"></a><code>-list [<u><i>module name</i></u>]</code></td>
<td>Without an argument, lists the PKCS #11 modules present in the module
% <b>modutil -list</b>
Using database directory /u/nicolson/.netscape...
Listing of PKCS #11 Modules
1. Netscape Internal PKCS #11 Module
slots: 2 slots attached
status: loaded
slot: Communicator Internal Cryptographic Services Version 4.0
token: Communicator Generic Crypto Svcs
slot: Communicator User Private Key and Certificate Services
token: Communicator Certificate DB
<p>With an argument, provides a detailed description of the named module
and its slots and tokens.
% <b>modutil -list "Netscape Internal PKCS #11 Module"</b>
Using database directory /u/nicolson/.netscape...
Name: Netscape Internal PKCS #11 Module
Library file: **Internal ONLY module**
Manufacturer: Netscape Communications Corp
Description: Communicator Internal Crypto Svc
PKCS #11 Version 2.0
Library Version: 4.0
Cipher Enable Flags: None
Default Mechanism Flags: RSA:DSA:RC2:RC4:DES:SHA1:MD5:MD2
Slot: Communicator Internal Cryptographic Services Version 4.0
Manufacturer: Netscape Communications Corp
Type: Software
Version Number: 4.1
Firmware Version: 0.0
Status: Enabled
Token Name: Communicator Generic Crypto Svcs
Token Manufacturer: Netscape Communications Corp
Token Model: Libsec 4.0
Token Serial Number: 0000000000000000
Token Version: 4.0
Token Firmware Version: 0.0
Access: Write Protected
Login Type: Public (no login required)
User Pin: NOT Initialized
Slot: Communicator User Private Key and Certificate Services
Manufacturer: Netscape Communications Corp
Type: Software
Version Number: 3.0
Firmware Version: 0.0
Status: Enabled
Token Name: Communicator Certificate DB
Token Manufacturer: Netscape Communications Corp
Token Model: Libsec 4.0
Token Serial Number: 0000000000000000
Token Version: 7.0
Token Firmware Version: 0.0
Access: NOT Write Protected
Login Type: Login required
User Pin: Initialized
<!------------------------------ Undefault ------------------------------->
<td><a name="undefault"></a><code>-undefault <u><i>module name</i></u>
-mechanisms <u><i>mechanism list</i></u></code></td>
<td>Specifies that the given module will NOT be a default provider of
the listed mechanisms. This command clears the default mechanism flags
for the given module.</td>
<!------------------------------ Options --------------------------------->
<table border>
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><th>Option</th><th>Description</th> </tr>
<!------------------------------ -dbdir ---------------------------------->
<td><code>-dbdir <u><i>directory</i></u></code></td>
<td>Specifies which directory holds the module database. On UNIX systems,
the user's netscape directory is the default. On other systems, there is
no default, and this option must be used.</td>
<!------------------------------ -dbdir ---------------------------------->
<td>Do not open the certificate or key databases. This has several effects.
With the <code>-create</code> command, this means that only a secmod.db file
will be created; cert7.db and key3.db will not be created. With the
<code>-jar</code> command, signatures on the JAR file will not be checked.
With the <code>-changepw</code> command, the password on the Netscape internal
module cannot be set or changed, since this password is stored in key3.db.