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#!perl -w
package Packager;
require 5.004;
use strict;
use File::stat;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::stat;
require Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
# Package that generates a jar manifest from an input file
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
# initialize variables
my($saved_cwd) = cwd();
my($component) = ""; # current component being copied
my(@components) = (); # list of components to copy
my($components) = ""; # string version of @components
my($altdest) = ""; # alternate file destination
my($line) = ""; # line being processed
my($srcdir) = ""; # root directory being copied from
my($destdir) = ""; # root directory being copied to
my($package) = ""; # file listing files to copy
my($os) = ""; # os type (MSDOS, Unix)
my($lineno) = 0; # line # of package file for error text
my($debug) = 0; # controls amount of debug output
my($dirflag) = 0; # flag: are we copying a directory?
my($help) = 0; # flag: if set, print usage
my($flat) = 0; # copy everything into the package dir, not into separate
# component dirs
# Copy
# Loop over each line in the specified manifest, copying into $destdir
sub Copy {
($srcdir, $destdir, $package, $os, $flat, $help, $debug, @components) = @_;
if ($os eq "MSDOS") {
$srcdir =~ s|\\|/|;
$destdir =~ s|\\|/|;
open (MANIFEST,"<$package") ||
die "Error: couldn't open file $package for reading: $!. Exiting...\n";
LINE: while (<MANIFEST>) {
$line = "";
$altdest = "";
s/\\/\//g if ($os eq "MSDOS"); # Convert to posix path
s/\;.*//; # it's a comment, kill it.
s/^\s+//; # nuke leading whitespace
s/\s+$//; # nuke trailing whitespace
($debug >= 2) && print "\n";
($debug >= 8) && print "line $lineno:$_\n";
# it's a blank line, skip it.
/^$/ && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "blank line.\n";
next LINE;
# it's a new component
/^\[/ && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "component.\n";
$component = $_;
next LINE;
# if we find a file before we have a component and we are in flat mode,
# copy it - allows for flat only files (installed-chrome.txt)
if (( $component eq "" ) && ($components eq "" ) && (!$flat)) {
next LINE;
# skip line if we're only copying specific components and outside
# those components
if (( $component eq "" ) && ($components ne "" )) {
($debug >= 10) && print "Not in specifed component. Skipping $_\n";
next LINE;
if ($line eq "") {
$line = $_; # if $line not set, set it.
if ($os ne "MSDOS") { # hack - need to fix for dos
$line =~ s|^/||; # strip any leading path delimiter
# delete the file or directory following the '-'
/^-/ && do {
$line =~ s/^-//; # strip leading '-'
($debug >= 10) && print "delete: $destdir/$component/$line\n";
do_delete ("$destdir", "$component", "$line");
next LINE;
# file/directory being copied to different target location
/\,/ && do {
/.*\,.*\,.*/ &&
die "Error: multiple commas not allowed ($package, $lineno): $_.\n";
($line, $altdest) = split (/\s*\,\s*/, $line, 2);
$line =~ s|/*$||; # strip any trailing path delimiters
$altdest =~ s|/*$||; # strip any trailing delimiter
($debug >= 10) && print "relocate: $line => $altdest.\n";
# if it has wildcards, do recursive copy.
/(?:\*|\?)/ && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "wildcard copy.\n";
do_wildcard ("$srcdir/$line");
next LINE;
# if it's a single file, copy it.
( -f "$srcdir/$line" ) && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "file copy.\n";
do_copyfile ();
next LINE;
# if it's a directory, do recursive copy.
(-d "$srcdir/$line") && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "directory copy.\n";
do_copydir ("$srcdir/$line");
next LINE;
# if we hit this, it's either a file in the package file that is
# not in the src directory, or it is not a valid entry.
print "Warning: package error or possible missing or unnecessary file: $line ($package, $lineno).\n";
} # LINE
close (MANIFEST);
chdir ($saved_cwd);
# Delete the given file or directory
sub do_delete
my ($targetpath) = $_[0];
my ($targetcomp) = $_[1];
my ($targetfile) = $_[2];
my ($target) = ($flat) ? "$targetpath/$targetfile" : "$targetpath/$targetcomp/$targetfile";
($debug >= 2) && print "do_delete():\n";
($debug >= 1) && print "-$targetfile\n";
if ( -f $target ) {
(! -w $target ) &&
die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
($debug >= 4) && print " unlink($target)\n";
unlink ($target) ||
die "Error: unlink() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
} elsif ( -d $target ) {
(! -w $target ) &&
die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
($debug >= 4) && print " rmtree($target)\n";
rmtree ($target, 0, 0) ||
die "Error: rmtree() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
} else {
warn "Warning: delete failed: $target is not a file or directory ($package, $component, $lineno).\n";
# Copy an individual file from the srcdir to the destdir.
# This is called by both the individual and batch/recursive copy routines,
# using $dirflag to check if called from do_copydir. Batch copy can pass in
# directories, so be sure to check first and break if it isn't a file.
sub do_copyfile
my ($destpath) = ""; # destination directory path
my ($destpathcomp) = ""; # ditto, but possibly including component dir
my ($destname) = ""; # destination file name
my ($destsuffix) = ""; # destination file name suffix
my ($altpath) = ""; # alternate destination directory path
my ($altname) = ""; # alternate destination file name
my ($altsuffix) = ""; # alternate destination file name suffix
my ($srcpath) = ""; # source file directory path
my ($srcname) = ""; # source file name
my ($srcsuffix) = ""; # source file name suffix
($debug >= 2) && print "do_copyfile():\n";
($debug >= 10) && print " cwd: " . getcwd() . "\n";
# set srcname correctly depending on how called
if ( $dirflag ) {
($srcname, $srcpath, $srcsuffix) = fileparse("$File::Find::name", '\..*?$');
} else {
($srcname, $srcpath, $srcsuffix) = fileparse("$srcdir/$line", '\..*?$');
($debug >= 4) && print " fileparse(src): '$srcpath $srcname $srcsuffix'\n";
# return if srcname is a directory from do_copydir
if ( -d "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix" ) {
($debug >= 10) && print " return: '$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix' is a directory\n";
else {
($debug >= 10) && print " '$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix' is not a directory\n";
# set the destination path, if alternate destination given, use it.
if ($flat) {
if ($srcsuffix eq ".manifest" && $srcpath =~ m'/(chrome|components)/$') {
my $subdir = $1;
if ($component eq "") {
die ("Manifest file was not part of a component.");
$destpathcomp = "$srcdir/manifests/$component/$subdir";
$altdest = "$srcname$srcsuffix";
elsif ($srcsuffix eq ".xpt" && $srcpath =~ m|/components/$|) {
if ($component eq "") {
die ("XPT file was not part of a component.");
$destpathcomp = "$srcdir/xpt/$component/components";
$altdest = "$srcname$srcsuffix";
else {
$destpathcomp = "$destdir";
} else {
if ( $component ne "" ) {
$destpathcomp = "$destdir/$component";
else {
$destpathcomp = "$destdir";
if ( $altdest ne "" ) {
if ( $dirflag ) { # directory copy to altdest
($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$altdest/$File::Find::name", '\..*?$');
# Todo: add MSDOS hack
$destpath =~ s|\Q$srcdir\E/$line/||; # rm info added by find
($debug >= 5) &&
print " dir copy to altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n";
} else { # single file copy to altdest
($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$altdest", '\..*?$');
($debug >= 5) &&
print " file copy to altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n";
} else {
if ( $dirflag ) { # directory copy, no altdest
my $destfile = $File::Find::name;
if ($os eq "MSDOS") {
$destfile =~ s|\\|/|;
$destfile =~ s|\Q$srcdir\E/||;
($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$destfile", '\..*?$');
($debug >= 5) &&
print " dir copy w/o altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n";
} else { # single file copy, no altdest
($destname, $destpath, $destsuffix) = fileparse("$destpathcomp/$line", '\..*?$');
($debug >= 5) &&
print " file copy w/o altdest: $destpath $destname $destsuffix\n";
if ($flat) {
$destpath =~ s|bin[/\\]||;
# create the destination path if it doesn't exist
if (! -d "$destpath" ) {
($debug >= 5) && print " mkpath($destpath)\n";
# For OS/2 - remove trailing '/'
mkpath ($destpath, 0, 0755) ||
die "Error: mkpath() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
# Put delimiter back for copying...
$destpath = "$destpath/";
# path exists, source and destination known, time to copy
if ((-f "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") && (-r "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix")) {
if ( $debug >= 1 ) {
if ( $dirflag ) {
print "$destname$destsuffix\n"; # from unglob
} else {
print "$line\n"; # from single file
if ( $debug >= 3 ) {
print " copy\t$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix =>\n\t\t$destpath$destname$destsuffix\n";
unlink("$destpath$destname$destsuffix") if ( -e "$destpath$destname$destsuffix");
# If source is a symbolic link pointing in the same directory, create a
# symbolic link
if ((-l "$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") && (readlink("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") !~ /\//)) {
symlink(readlink("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix"), "$destpath$destname$destsuffix") ||
die "Error: copy of symbolic link $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix failed ($package, $component, $lineno): $!. Exiting...\n";
copy ("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix", "$destpath$destname$destsuffix") ||
die "Error: copy of file $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix failed ($package, $component, $lineno): $!. Exiting...\n";
# if this is unix, set the dest file permissions
# read permissions
my($st) = stat("$srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix") ||
die "Error: can't stat $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix: $! Exiting...\n";
# set permissions
($debug >= 2) && print " chmod ".$st->mode." $destpath$destname$destsuffix\n";
chmod ($st->mode, "$destpath$destname$destsuffix") ||
warn "Warning: chmod of $destpath$destname$destsuffix failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
} else {
warn "Error: file $srcpath$srcname$srcsuffix is not a file or is not readable ($package, $component, $lineno).\n";
# Expand any wildcards and copy files and/or directories
# todo: pass individual files to do_copyfile, not do_copydir
sub do_wildcard
my ($entry) = $_[0];
my (@list) = ();
my ($item) = "";
($debug >= 2) && print "do_wildcard():\n";
if ( $entry =~ /(?:\*|\?)/ ) { # it's a wildcard,
@list = glob($entry); # expand it
($debug >= 4) && print " glob: $entry => @list\n";
foreach $item ( @list ) { # now copy each item in list
if ( -f $item ) {
($debug >= 10) && print " do_copyfile: $item\n";
# glob adds full path to item like find() in copydir so
# take advantage of existing code in copyfile by using
# $dirflag and $File::Find::name.
$File::Find::name = $item;
$dirflag = 1;
$dirflag = 0;
$File::Find::name = "";
} elsif ( -d $item ) {
($debug >= 10) && print " do_copydir($item)\n";
do_copydir ($item);
} else {
warn "Warning: $item is not a file or directory ($package, $component, $lineno). Skipped...\n";
# Recursively copy directories specified.
sub do_copydir
my ($entry) = $_[0];
$dirflag = 1; # flag indicating directory copy in progress
($debug >= 2) && print "do_copydir():\n";
if (! -d "$entry" ) {
warn "Warning: $entry is not a directory ($package, $component, $lineno). Skipped...\n";
($debug >= 4) && print " find($entry)\n";
find (\&do_copyfile, $entry);
$dirflag = 0;
# Handle new component
sub do_component
($debug >= 2) && print "do_component():\n";
( $component =~ /^\[.*(?:\s|\[|\])+.*\]/ ) && # no brackets or ws
die "Error: malformed component $component. Exiting...\n";
$component =~ s/^\[(.*)\]/$1/; # strip []
if ( $components ne "") {
if ( $components =~ /$component/ ) {
($debug >= 10) && print "Component $component is in $components.\n";
} else {
($debug >= 10) && print "Component $component not in $components.\n";
$component = "";
return; # named specific components and this isn't it
if ($debug >= 1) {
print "[$component]\n";
# create component directory
if (!$flat) {
if ( -d "$destdir/$component" ) {
warn "Warning: component directory \"$component\" already exists in \"$destdir\".\n";
} else {
($debug >= 4) && print " mkdir $destdir/$component\n";
mkdir ("$destdir/$component", 0755) ||
die "Error: couldn't create component directory \"$component\": $!. Exiting...\n";
# Check that arguments to script are valid.
sub check_arguments
my ($exitval) = 0;
($debug >= 2) && print "check_arguments():\n";
# if --help print usage
if ($help) {
exit (1);
# make sure required variables are set:
# check source directory
if ( $srcdir eq "" ) {
print "Error: source directory (--source) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ((! -d $srcdir) || (! -r $srcdir)) {
print "Error: source directory \"$srcdir\" is not a directory or is unreadable.\n";
$exitval = 1;
# check destination directory
if ( $destdir eq "" ) {
print "Error: destination directory (--destination) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ((! -d $destdir) || (! -w $destdir)) {
print "Error: destination directory \"$destdir\" is not a directory or is not writeable.\n";
$exitval += 2;
# check destdir not a subdir of srcdir
# hack - workaround for bug 14558 that should be fixed eventually.
if (0) { # todo - write test
print "Error: destination directory must not be subdirectory of the source directory.\n";
$exitval += 32;
# check package file
if ( $package eq "" ) {
print "Error: package file (--file) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif (!(-f $package) || !(-r $package)) {
print "Error: package file \"$package\" is not a file or is unreadable.\n";
$exitval += 4;
# check OS == {unix|dos}
if ($os eq "") {
print "Error: OS type (--os) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ( $os =~ /dos/i ) {
$os = "MSDOS";
fileparse_set_fstype ($os);
} elsif ( $os =~ /unix/i ) {
$os = "Unix"; # can be anything but MSDOS
fileparse_set_fstype ($os);
} else {
print "Error: OS type \"$os\" unknown.\n";
$exitval += 16;
# turn components array into a string for regexp
if ( @components > 0 ) {
$components = join (",",@components);
} else {
$components = "";
if ($debug > 4) {
print ("source dir:\t$srcdir\ndest dir:\t$destdir\npackage:\t$package\nOS:\t$os\ncomponents:\t$components\n");
if ($exitval) {
print "See \'$0 --help\' for more information.\n";
print "Exiting...\n";
exit ($exitval);
# display usage information
sub print_usage
($debug >= 2) && print "print_usage():\n";
print <<EOC
Copy files from the source directory to component directories
in the destination directory as specified by the package file.
-s, --source <source directory>
Specifies the directory from which to copy the files
specified in the file passed via --file.
-d, --destination <destination directory>
Specifies the directory in which to create the component
directories and copy the files specified in the file passed
via --file.
NOTE: Source and destination directories must be absolute paths.
Relative paths will NOT work. Also, the destination directory
must NOT be a subdirectory of the source directory.
-f, --file <package file>
Specifies the file listing the components to be created in
the destination directory and the files to copy from the
source directory to each component directory in the
destination directory.
-o, --os [dos|unix]
Specifies which type of system this is. Used for parsing
file specifications from the package file.
-c, --component <component name>
Specifies a specific component in the package file to copy
rather than copying all the components in the package file.
Can be used more than once for multiple components (e.g.
"-c browser -c mail" to copy mail and news only).
-l, --flat
Suppresses creation of components dirs, but stuffes everything
directly into the package destination dir. This is useful
for creating tarballs.
-h, --help
Prints this information.
--debug [1-10]
Controls verbosity of debugging output, 10 being most verbose.
1 : same as --verbose.
2 : includes function calls.
3 : includes source and destination for each copy.
-v, --verbose
Print component names and files copied/deleted.
$0 --os unix --source /builds/mozilla/dist --destination /h/lithium/install --file packages-win --os unix --verbose
Note: options can be specified by either a leading '--' or '-'.