
795 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
let { components, Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
let Services = require("Services");
const {Promise: promise} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {Arg, Option, method, RetVal, types} = protocol;
const {LongStringActor, ShortLongString} = require("devtools/server/actors/string");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "CssLogic", () => require("devtools/styleinspector/css-logic").CssLogic);
let TRANSITION_CLASS = "moz-styleeditor-transitioning";
:root.moz-styleeditor-transitioning, :root.moz-styleeditor-transitioning * {\
transition-duration: " + TRANSITION_DURATION_MS + "ms !important; \
transition-delay: 0ms !important;\
transition-timing-function: ease-out !important;\
transition-property: all !important;\
let LOAD_ERROR = "error-load";
exports.register = function(handle) {
handle.addTabActor(StyleEditorActor, "styleEditorActor");
handle.addGlobalActor(StyleEditorActor, "styleEditorActor");
exports.unregister = function(handle) {
* Creates a StyleEditorActor. StyleEditorActor provides remote access to the
* stylesheets of a document.
let StyleEditorActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "styleeditor",
* The window we work with, taken from the parent actor.
get window() this.parentActor.window,
* The current content document of the window we work with.
get document() this.window.document,
events: {
"document-load" : {
type: "documentLoad",
styleSheets: Arg(0, "array:old-stylesheet")
form: function()
return { actor: this.actorID };
initialize: function (conn, tabActor) {, null);
this.parentActor = tabActor;
// keep a map of sheets-to-actors so we don't create two actors for one sheet
this._sheets = new Map();
* Destroy the current StyleEditorActor instance.
destroy: function()
* Called by client when target navigates to a new document.
* Adds load listeners to document.
newDocument: method(function() {
// delete previous document's actors
// Note: listening for load won't be necessary once
// is fixed
if (this.document.readyState == "complete") {
else {
this.window.addEventListener("load", this._onDocumentLoaded, false);
return {};
* Event handler for document loaded event. Add actor for each stylesheet
* and send an event notifying of the load
_onDocumentLoaded: function(event) {
if (event) {
this.window.removeEventListener("load", this._onDocumentLoaded, false);
let documents = [this.document];
var forms = [];
for (let doc of documents) {
let sheetForms = this._addStyleSheets(doc.styleSheets);
forms = forms.concat(sheetForms);
// Recursively handle style sheets of the documents in iframes.
for (let iframe of doc.getElementsByTagName("iframe")) {
events.emit(this, "document-load", forms);
* Add all the stylesheets to the map and create an actor for each one
* if not already created. Send event that there are new stylesheets.
* @param {[DOMStyleSheet]} styleSheets
* Stylesheets to add
* @return {[object]}
* Array of actors for each StyleSheetActor created
_addStyleSheets: function(styleSheets)
let sheets = [];
for (let i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) {
let styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
// Get all sheets, including imported ones
let imports = this._getImported(styleSheet);
sheets = sheets.concat(imports);
let actors =;
return actors;
* Create a new actor for a style sheet, if it hasn't already been created.
* @param {DOMStyleSheet} styleSheet
* The style sheet to create an actor for.
* @return {StyleSheetActor}
* The actor for this style sheet
_createStyleSheetActor: function(styleSheet)
if (this._sheets.has(styleSheet)) {
return this._sheets.get(styleSheet);
let actor = new OldStyleSheetActor(styleSheet, this);
this._sheets.set(styleSheet, actor);
return actor;
* Get all the stylesheets @imported from a stylesheet.
* @param {DOMStyleSheet} styleSheet
* Style sheet to search
* @return {array}
* All the imported stylesheets
_getImported: function(styleSheet) {
let imported = [];
for (let i = 0; i < styleSheet.cssRules.length; i++) {
let rule = styleSheet.cssRules[i];
if (rule.type == Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.IMPORT_RULE) {
// Associated styleSheet may be null if it has already been seen due to
// duplicate @imports for the same URL.
if (!rule.styleSheet) {
// recurse imports in this stylesheet as well
imported = imported.concat(this._getImported(rule.styleSheet));
else if (rule.type != Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.CHARSET_RULE) {
// @import rules must precede all others except @charset
return imported;
* Clear all the current stylesheet actors in map.
_clearStyleSheetActors: function() {
for (let actor in this._sheets) {
* Create a new style sheet in the document with the given text.
* Return an actor for it.
* @param {object} request
* Debugging protocol request object, with 'text property'
* @return {object}
* Object with 'styelSheet' property for form on new actor.
newStyleSheet: method(function(text) {
let parent = this.document.documentElement;
let style = this.document.createElementNS("", "style");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
if (text) {
let actor = this._createStyleSheetActor(style.sheet);
return actor;
}, {
request: { text: Arg(0, "string") },
response: { styleSheet: RetVal("old-stylesheet") }
* The corresponding Front object for the StyleEditorActor.
let StyleEditorFront = protocol.FrontClass(StyleEditorActor, {
initialize: function(client, tabForm) {, client);
this.actorID = tabForm.styleEditorActor;
getStyleSheets: function() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
events.once(this, "document-load", (styleSheets) => {
return deferred.promise;
addStyleSheet: function(text) {
return this.newStyleSheet(text);
* A StyleSheetActor represents a stylesheet on the server.
let OldStyleSheetActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "old-stylesheet",
events: {
"property-change" : {
type: "propertyChange",
property: Arg(0, "string"),
value: Arg(1, "json")
"source-load" : {
type: "sourceLoad",
source: Arg(0, "string")
"style-applied" : {
type: "styleApplied"
toString: function() {
return "[OldStyleSheetActor " + this.actorID + "]";
* Window of target
get window() this._window || this.parentActor.window,
* Document of target.
get document() this.window.document,
* URL of underlying stylesheet.
get href() this.rawSheet.href,
* Retrieve the index (order) of stylesheet in the document.
* @return number
get styleSheetIndex()
if (this._styleSheetIndex == -1) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
if (this.document.styleSheets[i] == this.rawSheet) {
this._styleSheetIndex = i;
return this._styleSheetIndex;
initialize: function(aStyleSheet, aParentActor, aWindow) {, null);
this.rawSheet = aStyleSheet;
this.parentActor = aParentActor;
this.conn = this.parentActor.conn;
this._window = aWindow;
// text and index are unknown until source load
this.text = null;
this._styleSheetIndex = -1;
this._transitionRefCount = 0;
// if this sheet has an @import, then it's rules are loaded async
let ownerNode = this.rawSheet.ownerNode;
if (ownerNode) {
let onSheetLoaded = (event) => {
ownerNode.removeEventListener("load", onSheetLoaded, false);
ownerNode.addEventListener("load", onSheetLoaded, false);
* Get the current state of the actor
* @return {object}
* With properties of the underlying stylesheet, plus 'text',
* 'styleSheetIndex' and 'parentActor' if it's @imported
form: function(detail) {
if (detail === "actorid") {
return this.actorID;
let docHref;
if (this.rawSheet.ownerNode) {
if (this.rawSheet.ownerNode instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument) {
docHref = this.rawSheet.ownerNode.location.href;
if (this.rawSheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument) {
docHref = this.rawSheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument.location.href;
let form = {
actor: this.actorID, // actorID is set when this actor is added to a pool
href: this.href,
nodeHref: docHref,
disabled: this.rawSheet.disabled,
title: this.rawSheet.title,
system: !CssLogic.isContentStylesheet(this.rawSheet),
styleSheetIndex: this.styleSheetIndex
try {
form.ruleCount = this.rawSheet.cssRules.length;
catch(e) {
// stylesheet had an @import rule that wasn't loaded yet
return form;
* Toggle the disabled property of the style sheet
* @return {object}
* 'disabled' - the disabled state after toggling.
toggleDisabled: method(function() {
this.rawSheet.disabled = !this.rawSheet.disabled;
return this.rawSheet.disabled;
}, {
response: { disabled: RetVal("boolean")}
* Send an event notifying that a property of the stylesheet
* has changed.
* @param {string} property
* Name of the changed property
_notifyPropertyChanged: function(property) {
events.emit(this, "property-change", property, this.form()[property]);
* Fetch the source of the style sheet from its URL. Send a "sourceLoad"
* event when it's been fetched.
fetchSource: method(function() {
this._getText().then((content) => {
events.emit(this, "source-load", this.text);
* Fetch the text for this stylesheet from the cache or network. Return
* cached text if it's already been fetched.
* @return {Promise}
* Promise that resolves with a string text of the stylesheet.
_getText: function() {
if (this.text) {
return promise.resolve(this.text);
if (!this.href) {
// this is an inline <style> sheet
let content = this.rawSheet.ownerNode.textContent;
this.text = content;
return promise.resolve(content);
let options = {
window: this.window,
charset: this._getCSSCharset()
return fetch(this.href, options).then(({ content }) => {
this.text = content;
return content;
* Get the charset of the stylesheet according to the character set rules
* defined in <>.
* @param string channelCharset
* Charset of the source string if set by the HTTP channel.
_getCSSCharset: function(channelCharset)
// StyleSheet's charset can be specified from multiple sources
if (channelCharset && channelCharset.length > 0) {
// step 1 of syndata.html: charset given in HTTP header.
return channelCharset;
let sheet = this.rawSheet;
if (sheet) {
// Do we have a @charset rule in the stylesheet?
// step 2 of syndata.html (without the BOM check).
if (sheet.cssRules) {
let rules = sheet.cssRules;
if (rules.length
&& rules.item(0).type == Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.CHARSET_RULE) {
return rules.item(0).encoding;
// step 3: charset attribute of <link> or <style> element, if it exists
if (sheet.ownerNode && sheet.ownerNode.getAttribute) {
let linkCharset = sheet.ownerNode.getAttribute("charset");
if (linkCharset != null) {
return linkCharset;
// step 4 (1 of 2): charset of referring stylesheet.
let parentSheet = sheet.parentStyleSheet;
if (parentSheet && parentSheet.cssRules &&
parentSheet.cssRules[0].type == Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.CHARSET_RULE) {
return parentSheet.cssRules[0].encoding;
// step 4 (2 of 2): charset of referring document.
if (sheet.ownerNode && sheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument.characterSet) {
return sheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument.characterSet;
// step 5: default to utf-8.
return "UTF-8";
* Update the style sheet in place with new text.
* @param {object} request
* 'text' - new text
* 'transition' - whether to do CSS transition for change.
update: method(function(text, transition) {
DOMUtils.parseStyleSheet(this.rawSheet, text);
this.text = text;
if (transition) {
else {
}, {
request: {
text: Arg(0, "string"),
transition: Arg(1, "boolean")
* Insert a catch-all transition rule into the document. Set a timeout
* to remove the rule after a certain time.
_insertTransistionRule: function() {
// Insert the global transition rule
// Use a ref count to make sure we do not add it multiple times.. and remove
// it only when all pending StyleEditor-generated transitions ended.
if (this._transitionRefCount == 0) {
this.rawSheet.insertRule(TRANSITION_RULE, this.rawSheet.cssRules.length);
// Set up clean up and commit after transition duration (+10% buffer)
// @see _onTransitionEnd
Math.floor(TRANSITION_DURATION_MS * 1.1));
* This cleans up class and rule added for transition effect and then
* notifies that the style has been applied.
_onTransitionEnd: function()
if (--this._transitionRefCount == 0) {
this.rawSheet.deleteRule(this.rawSheet.cssRules.length - 1);
events.emit(this, "style-applied");
* StyleSheetFront is the client-side counterpart to a StyleSheetActor.
var OldStyleSheetFront = protocol.FrontClass(OldStyleSheetActor, {
initialize: function(conn, form, ctx, detail) {, conn, form, ctx, detail);
this._onPropertyChange = this._onPropertyChange.bind(this);
events.on(this, "property-change", this._onPropertyChange);
destroy: function() {, "property-change", this._onPropertyChange);;
_onPropertyChange: function(property, value) {
this._form[property] = value;
form: function(form, detail) {
if (detail === "actorid") {
this.actorID = form;
this.actorID =;
this._form = form;
getText: function() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
events.once(this, "source-load", (source) => {
let longStr = new ShortLongString(source);
return deferred.promise;
getOriginalSources: function() {
return promise.resolve([]);
get href() this._form.href,
get nodeHref() this._form.nodeHref,
get disabled() !!this._form.disabled,
get title() this._form.title,
get isSystem() this._form.system,
get styleSheetIndex() this._form.styleSheetIndex,
get ruleCount() this._form.ruleCount
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DOMUtils", function () {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils);
exports.StyleEditorActor = StyleEditorActor;
exports.StyleEditorFront = StyleEditorFront;
exports.OldStyleSheetActor = OldStyleSheetActor;
exports.OldStyleSheetFront = OldStyleSheetFront;
* Performs a request to load the desired URL and returns a promise.
* @param aURL String
* The URL we will request.
* @returns Promise
* A promise of the document at that URL, as a string.
function fetch(aURL, aOptions={ loadFromCache: true, window: null,
charset: null}) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let scheme;
let url = aURL.split(" -> ").pop();
let charset;
let contentType;
try {
scheme =;
} catch (e) {
// In the xpcshell tests, the script url is the absolute path of the test
// file, which will make a malformed URI error be thrown. Add the file
// scheme prefix ourselves.
url = "file://" + url;
scheme =;
switch (scheme) {
case "file":
case "chrome":
case "resource":
try {
NetUtil.asyncFetch(url, function onFetch(aStream, aStatus, aRequest) {
if (!components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Request failed with status code = "
+ aStatus
+ " after NetUtil.asyncFetch for url = "
+ url));
let source = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aStream, aStream.available());
contentType = aRequest.contentType;
} catch (ex) {
let channel;
try {
channel =, null, null);
} catch (e if == "NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL") {
// On Windows xpcshell tests, c:/foo/bar can pass as a valid URL, but
// newChannel won't be able to handle it.
url = "file:///" + url;
channel =, null, null);
let chunks = [];
let streamListener = {
onStartRequest: function(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
if (!components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Request failed with status code = "
+ aStatusCode
+ " in onStartRequest handler for url = "
+ url));
onDataAvailable: function(aRequest, aContext, aStream, aOffset, aCount) {
chunks.push(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aStream, aCount));
onStopRequest: function(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
if (!components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Request failed with status code = "
+ aStatusCode
+ " in onStopRequest handler for url = "
+ url));
charset = channel.contentCharset || charset;
contentType = channel.contentType;
if (aOptions.window) {
// respect private browsing
channel.loadGroup = aOptions.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
channel.loadFlags = aOptions.loadFromCache
channel.asyncOpen(streamListener, null);
return deferred.promise.then(source => {
return {
content: convertToUnicode(source, charset),
contentType: contentType
* Convert a given string, encoded in a given character set, to unicode.
* @param string aString
* A string.
* @param string aCharset
* A character set.
function convertToUnicode(aString, aCharset=null) {
// Decoding primitives.
let converter = Cc[""]
try {
converter.charset = aCharset || "UTF-8";
return converter.ConvertToUnicode(aString);
} catch(e) {
return aString;
* Normalize multiple relative paths towards the base paths on the right.
function normalize(...aURLs) {
let base =, null, null);
let url;
while ((url = aURLs.pop())) {
base =, null, base);
return base.spec;
function dirname(aPath) {
".", null,, null, null)).spec;