
160 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include protocol PContent;
include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";
using struct nsIntPoint from "nsRect.h";
using struct nsIntSize from "nsRect.h";
using struct nsIntRect from "nsRect.h";
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
struct AccessibleData
uint64_t ID;
uint32_t Role;
uint32_t ChildrenCount;
uint32_t Interfaces;
struct ShowEventData
uint64_t ID;
uint32_t Idx;
AccessibleData[] NewTree;
struct Attribute
nsCString Name;
nsString Value;
struct RelationTargets
uint32_t Type;
uint64_t[] Targets;
prio(normal upto high) sync protocol PDocAccessible
manager PContent;
* Notify the parent process the document in the child process is firing an
* event.
Event(uint64_t aID, uint32_t type);
ShowEvent(ShowEventData data);
HideEvent(uint64_t aRootID);
* Tell the parent document to bind the existing document as a new child
* document.
BindChildDoc(PDocAccessible aChildDoc, uint64_t aID);
// Accessible
prio(high) sync State(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t states);
prio(high) sync Name(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString name);
prio(high) sync Value(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString value);
prio(high) sync Description(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString desc);
prio(high) sync Attributes(uint64_t aID) returns(Attribute[] attributes);
prio(high) sync RelationByType(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRelationType)
returns(uint64_t[] targets);
prio(high) sync Relations(uint64_t aID) returns(RelationTargets[] relations);
// AccessibleText
// TextSubstring is getText in IDL.
prio(high) sync CaretOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aOffset);
prio(high) sync SetCaretOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset) returns (bool aValid);
prio(high) sync CharacterCount(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync SelectionCount(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync TextSubstring(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t
aEndOffset) returns(nsString aText);
prio(high) sync GetTextAfterOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync GetTextAtOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync GetTextBeforeOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync CharAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset) returns(uint16_t aChar);
prio(high) sync TextAttributes(uint64_t aID, bool aIncludeDefAttrs, int32_t aOffset)
returns(Attribute[] aAttributes, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync DefaultTextAttributes(uint64_t aID) returns(Attribute[] aAttributes);
prio(high) sync TextBounds(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(nsIntRect aRetVal);
prio(high) sync CharBounds(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(nsIntRect aRetVal);
prio(high) sync OffsetAtPoint(uint64_t aID, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(int32_t aRetVal);
prio(high) sync SelectionBoundsAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum)
returns(bool aSucceeded, nsString aData, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync SetSelectionBoundsAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum,
int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
prio(high) sync AddToSelection(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
prio(high) sync RemoveFromSelection(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
ScrollSubstringTo(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aScrollType);
ScrollSubstringToPoint(uint64_t aID,
int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordinateType,
int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
prio(high) sync ReplaceText(uint64_t aID, nsString aText);
prio(high) sync InsertText(uint64_t aID, nsString aText, int32_t aPosition);
prio(high) sync CopyText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
prio(high) sync CutText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
prio(high) sync DeleteText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
prio(high) sync PasteText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aPosition);
prio(high) sync ImagePosition(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCoordType) returns(nsIntPoint aRetVal);
prio(high) sync ImageSize(uint64_t aID) returns(nsIntSize aRetVal);
prio(high) sync StartOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync EndOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync IsLinkValid(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aRetVal);
prio(high) sync AnchorCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync AnchorURIAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(nsCString aURI, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync AnchorAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(uint64_t aIDOfAnchor, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync LinkCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync LinkAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(uint64_t aIDOfLink, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync LinkIndexOf(uint64_t aID, uint64_t aLinkID) returns(int32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync LinkIndexAtOffset(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aOffset) returns(int32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync TableOfACell(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t aTableID, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync ColIdx(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync RowIdx(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync ColExtent(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync RowExtent(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync ColHeaderCells(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aCells);
prio(high) sync RowHeaderCells(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aCells);
prio(high) sync IsCellSelected(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aSelected);