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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsMixedContentBlocker.h"
#include "nsContentPolicyUtils.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsIDocShell.h"
#include "nsISecurityEventSink.h"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
using namespace mozilla;
// Is mixed script blocking (fonts, plugin content, scripts, stylesheets,
// iframes, websockets, XHR) enabled?
bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sBlockMixedScript = false;
// Is mixed display content blocking (images, audio, video, <a ping>) enabled?
bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sBlockMixedDisplay = false;
// Fired at the document that attempted to load mixed content. The UI could
// handle this event, for example, by displaying an info bar that offers the
// choice to reload the page with mixed content permitted.
// Disabled for now until bug 782654 is fixed
class nsMixedContentBlockedEvent : public nsRunnable
nsMixedContentBlockedEvent(nsISupports *aContext, unsigned short aType)
: mContext(aContext), mType(aType)
"You can't call this runnable without a requesting context");
// To update the security UI in the tab with the blocked mixed content, call
// nsISecurityEventSink::OnSecurityChange. You can get to the event sink by
// calling NS_CP_GetDocShellFromContext on the context, and QI'ing to
// nsISecurityEventSink.
return NS_OK;
// The requesting context for the content load. Generally, a DOM node from
// the document that caused the load.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mContext;
// The type of mixed content that was blocked, i.e. active or display
unsigned short mType;
// Cache the pref for mixed script blocking
// Cache the pref for mixed display blocking
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsMixedContentBlocker, nsIContentPolicy)
nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldLoad(uint32_t aContentType,
nsIURI* aContentLocation,
nsIURI* aRequestingLocation,
nsISupports* aRequestingContext,
const nsACString& aMimeGuess,
nsISupports* aExtra,
nsIPrincipal* aRequestPrincipal,
int16_t* aDecision)
// Default policy: allow the load if we find no reason to block it.
*aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT;
// If mixed script blocking and mixed display blocking are turned off
// we can return early
if (!sBlockMixedScript && !sBlockMixedDisplay) {
return NS_OK;
// Top-level load cannot be mixed content so allow it
if (aContentType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
return NS_OK;
// We need aRequestingLocation to pull out the scheme. If it isn't passed
// in, get it from the DOM node.
if (!aRequestingLocation) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = do_QueryInterface(aRequestingContext);
if (node) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> principalUri;
aRequestingLocation = principalUri;
// If we still don't have a requesting location then we can't tell if
// this is a mixed content load. Deny to be safe.
if (!aRequestingLocation) {
*aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST;
return NS_OK;
// Check the parent scheme. If it is not an HTTPS page then mixed content
// restrictions do not apply.
bool parentIsHttps;
if (NS_FAILED(aRequestingLocation->SchemeIs("https", &parentIsHttps)) ||
!parentIsHttps) {
return NS_OK;
// Get the scheme of the sub-document resource to be requested. If it is
// an HTTPS load then mixed content doesn't apply.
bool isHttps;
if (NS_FAILED(aContentLocation->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps)) || isHttps) {
return NS_OK;
// If we are here we have mixed content.
// Decide whether or not to allow the mixed content based on what type of
// content it is and if the user permitted it.
switch (aContentType) {
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_FONT:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OBJECT:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SCRIPT:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_STYLESHEET:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_WEBSOCKET:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST:
// fonts, plugin content, scripts, stylesheets, iframes, websockets and
// XHRs are considered high risk for mixed content so these are blocked
// per the mixed script preference
if (sBlockMixedScript) {
*aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST;
// Fire the event from a script runner as it is unsafe to run script
// from within ShouldLoad
// Disabled until bug 782654 is fixed.
new nsMixedContentBlockedEvent(aRequestingContext, eBlockedMixedScript));
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_IMAGE:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_MEDIA:
case nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_PING:
// display (static) content are considered moderate risk for mixed content
// so these will be blocked according to the mixed display preference
if (sBlockMixedDisplay) {
*aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST;
// Fire the event from a script runner as it is unsafe to run script
// from within ShouldLoad
// Disabled until bug 782654 is fixed.
new nsMixedContentBlockedEvent(aRequestingContext, eBlockedMixedDisplay));
// other types of mixed content are allowed
return NS_OK;
nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldProcess(uint32_t aContentType,
nsIURI* aContentLocation,
nsIURI* aRequestingLocation,
nsISupports* aRequestingContext,
const nsACString& aMimeGuess,
nsISupports* aExtra,
nsIPrincipal* aRequestPrincipal,
int16_t* aDecision)
if(!aContentLocation) {
// aContentLocation may be null when a plugin is loading without an associated URI resource
if(aContentType == TYPE_OBJECT) {
return NS_OK;
} else {
return ShouldLoad(aContentType, aContentLocation, aRequestingLocation,
aRequestingContext, aMimeGuess, aExtra, aRequestPrincipal,