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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* IBM Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
* IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* IBM Corporation
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* A struct that represents the value (type and actual data) of an
* attribute.
#ifndef nsAttrValue_h___
#define nsAttrValue_h___
#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsStringBuffer.h"
#include "nsColor.h"
#include "nsCaseTreatment.h"
#include "nsMargin.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
typedef PRUptrdiff PtrBits;
class nsAString;
class nsIAtom;
class nsIDocument;
template<class E, class A> class nsTArray;
struct nsTArrayDefaultAllocator;
class nsSVGLength2;
namespace mozilla {
namespace css {
class StyleRule;
class SVGLengthList;
* A class used to construct a nsString from a nsStringBuffer (we might
* want to move this to nsString at some point).
class nsCheapString : public nsString {
nsCheapString(nsStringBuffer* aBuf)
if (aBuf)
aBuf->ToString(aBuf->StorageSize()/2 - 1, *this);
class nsAttrValue {
typedef nsTArray< nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> > AtomArray;
nsAttrValue(const nsAttrValue& aOther);
explicit nsAttrValue(const nsAString& aValue);
explicit nsAttrValue(nsIAtom* aValue);
nsAttrValue(mozilla::css::StyleRule* aValue, const nsAString* aSerialized);
explicit nsAttrValue(const nsIntMargin& aValue);
inline const nsAttrValue& operator=(const nsAttrValue& aOther);
static nsresult Init();
static void Shutdown();
// This has to be the same as in ValueBaseType
enum ValueType {
eString = 0x00, // 00
// 01 this value indicates an 'misc' struct
eAtom = 0x02, // 10
eInteger = 0x03, // 0011
eColor = 0x07, // 0111
eEnum = 0x0B, // 1011 This should eventually die
ePercent = 0x0F, // 1111
// Values below here won't matter, they'll be always stored in the 'misc'
// struct.
eCSSStyleRule = 0x10
,eAtomArray = 0x11
,eDoubleValue = 0x12
,eIntMarginValue = 0x13
,eSVGLength = 0x14
,eSVGLengthList = 0x15
ValueType Type() const;
void Reset();
void SetTo(const nsAttrValue& aOther);
void SetTo(const nsAString& aValue);
void SetTo(nsIAtom* aValue);
void SetTo(PRInt16 aInt);
void SetTo(double aValue, const nsAString* aSerialized);
void SetTo(mozilla::css::StyleRule* aValue, const nsAString* aSerialized);
void SetTo(const nsIntMargin& aValue);
void SetTo(const nsSVGLength2& aValue, const nsAString* aSerialized);
void SetTo(const mozilla::SVGLengthList& aValue,
const nsAString* aSerialized);
* Sets this object with the string or atom representation of aValue.
* After calling this method, this object will have type eString unless the
* type of aValue is eAtom, in which case this object will also have type
* eAtom.
void SetToSerialized(const nsAttrValue& aValue);
void SwapValueWith(nsAttrValue& aOther);
void ToString(nsAString& aResult) const;
* Returns the value of this object as an atom. If necessary, the value will
* first be serialised using ToString before converting to an atom.
already_AddRefed<nsIAtom> GetAsAtom() const;
// Methods to get value. These methods do not convert so only use them
// to retrieve the datatype that this nsAttrValue has.
inline bool IsEmptyString() const;
const nsCheapString GetStringValue() const;
inline nsIAtom* GetAtomValue() const;
inline PRInt32 GetIntegerValue() const;
bool GetColorValue(nscolor& aColor) const;
inline PRInt16 GetEnumValue() const;
inline float GetPercentValue() const;
inline AtomArray* GetAtomArrayValue() const;
inline mozilla::css::StyleRule* GetCSSStyleRuleValue() const;
inline double GetDoubleValue() const;
bool GetIntMarginValue(nsIntMargin& aMargin) const;
* Returns the string corresponding to the stored enum value.
* @param aResult the string representing the enum tag
* @param aRealTag wheter we want to have the real tag or the saved one
void GetEnumString(nsAString& aResult, bool aRealTag) const;
// Methods to get access to atoms we may have
// Returns the number of atoms we have; 0 if we have none. It's OK
// to call this without checking the type first; it handles that.
PRUint32 GetAtomCount() const;
// Returns the atom at aIndex (0-based). Do not call this with
// aIndex >= GetAtomCount().
nsIAtom* AtomAt(PRInt32 aIndex) const;
PRUint32 HashValue() const;
bool Equals(const nsAttrValue& aOther) const;
bool Equals(const nsAString& aValue, nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
bool Equals(nsIAtom* aValue, nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
* Compares this object with aOther according to their string representation.
* For example, when called on an object with type eInteger and value 4, and
* given aOther of type eString and value "4", EqualsAsStrings will return
* true (while Equals will return false).
bool EqualsAsStrings(const nsAttrValue& aOther) const;
* Returns true if this AttrValue is equal to the given atom, or is an
* array which contains the given atom.
bool Contains(nsIAtom* aValue, nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
* Returns true if this AttrValue is an atom equal to the given
* string, or is an array of atoms which contains the given string.
* This always does a case-sensitive comparison.
bool Contains(const nsAString& aValue) const;
void ParseAtom(const nsAString& aValue);
void ParseAtomArray(const nsAString& aValue);
void ParseStringOrAtom(const nsAString& aValue);
* Structure for a mapping from int (enum) values to strings. When you use
* it you generally create an array of them.
* Instantiate like this:
* EnumTable myTable[] = {
* { "string1", 1 },
* { "string2", 2 },
* { 0 }
* }
struct EnumTable {
/** The string the value maps to */
const char* tag;
/** The enum value that maps to this string */
PRInt16 value;
* Parse into an enum value.
* @param aValue the string to find the value for
* @param aTable the enumeration to map with
* @param aCaseSensitive specify if the parsing has to be case sensitive
* @param aDefaultValue if non-null, this function will always return true.
* Failure to parse aValue as one of the values in aTable will just
* cause aDefaultValue->value to be stored as the enumeration value.
* @return whether the enum value was found or not
bool ParseEnumValue(const nsAString& aValue,
const EnumTable* aTable,
bool aCaseSensitive,
const EnumTable* aDefaultValue = nsnull);
* Parse a string into an integer. Can optionally parse percent (n%).
* This method explicitly sets a lower bound of zero on the element,
* whether it be percent or raw integer.
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value could be parsed
* @see
bool ParseSpecialIntValue(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a string value into an integer.
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value could be parsed
bool ParseIntValue(const nsAString& aString) {
return ParseIntWithBounds(aString, PR_INT32_MIN, PR_INT32_MAX);
* Parse a string value into an integer with minimum value and maximum value.
* @param aString the string to parse
* @param aMin the minimum value (if value is less it will be bumped up)
* @param aMax the maximum value (if value is greater it will be chopped down)
* @return whether the value could be parsed
bool ParseIntWithBounds(const nsAString& aString, PRInt32 aMin,
PRInt32 aMax = PR_INT32_MAX);
* Parse a string value into a non-negative integer.
* This method follows the rules for parsing non-negative integer from:
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value is valid
bool ParseNonNegativeIntValue(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a string value into a positive integer.
* This method follows the rules for parsing non-negative integer from:
* In addition of these rules, the value has to be greater than zero.
* This is generally used for parsing content attributes which reflecting IDL
* attributes are limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero, see:
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value was valid
bool ParsePositiveIntValue(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a string into a color. This implements what HTML5 calls the
* "rules for parsing a legacy color value".
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value could be parsed
bool ParseColor(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a string value into a double-precision floating point value.
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value could be parsed
bool ParseDoubleValue(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a lazy URI. This just sets up the storage for the URI; it
* doesn't actually allocate it.
bool ParseLazyURIValue(const nsAString& aString);
* Parse a margin string of format 'top, right, bottom, left' into
* an nsIntMargin.
* @param aString the string to parse
* @return whether the value could be parsed
bool ParseIntMarginValue(const nsAString& aString);
PRInt64 SizeOf() const;
// These have to be the same as in ValueType
enum ValueBaseType {
eStringBase = eString, // 00
eOtherBase = 0x01, // 01
eAtomBase = eAtom, // 10
eIntegerBase = 0x03 // 11
struct MiscContainer
ValueType mType;
// mStringBits points to either nsIAtom* or nsStringBuffer* and is used when
// mType isn't mCSSStyleRule.
// Note eStringBase and eAtomBase is used also to handle the type of
// mStringBits.
PtrBits mStringBits;
union {
PRInt32 mInteger;
nscolor mColor;
PRUint32 mEnumValue;
PRInt32 mPercent;
mozilla::css::StyleRule* mCSSStyleRule;
AtomArray* mAtomArray;
double mDoubleValue;
nsIntMargin* mIntMargin;
const nsSVGLength2* mSVGLength;
const mozilla::SVGLengthList* mSVGLengthList;
inline ValueBaseType BaseType() const;
* Get the index of an EnumTable in the sEnumTableArray.
* If the EnumTable is not in the sEnumTableArray, it is added.
* @param aTable the EnumTable to get the index of.
* @return the index of the EnumTable.
PRInt16 GetEnumTableIndex(const EnumTable* aTable);
inline void SetPtrValueAndType(void* aValue, ValueBaseType aType);
void SetIntValueAndType(PRInt32 aValue, ValueType aType,
const nsAString* aStringValue);
void SetColorValue(nscolor aColor, const nsAString& aString);
void SetMiscAtomOrString(const nsAString* aValue);
void ResetMiscAtomOrString();
inline void ResetIfSet();
inline void* GetPtr() const;
inline MiscContainer* GetMiscContainer() const;
inline PRInt32 GetIntInternal() const;
bool EnsureEmptyMiscContainer();
bool EnsureEmptyAtomArray();
nsStringBuffer* GetStringBuffer(const nsAString& aValue) const;
// aStrict is set true if stringifying the return value equals with
// aValue.
PRInt32 StringToInteger(const nsAString& aValue,
bool* aStrict,
PRInt32* aErrorCode,
bool aCanBePercent = false,
bool* aIsPercent = nsnull) const;
// Given an enum table and a particular entry in that table, return
// the actual integer value we should store.
PRInt32 EnumTableEntryToValue(const EnumTable* aEnumTable,
const EnumTable* aTableEntry);
static nsTArray<const EnumTable*, nsTArrayDefaultAllocator>* sEnumTableArray;
PtrBits mBits;
* Implementation of inline methods
inline const nsAttrValue&
nsAttrValue::operator=(const nsAttrValue& aOther)
return *this;
inline nsIAtom*
nsAttrValue::GetAtomValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eAtom, "wrong type");
return reinterpret_cast<nsIAtom*>(GetPtr());
inline PRInt32
nsAttrValue::GetIntegerValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eInteger, "wrong type");
return (BaseType() == eIntegerBase)
? GetIntInternal()
: GetMiscContainer()->mInteger;
inline PRInt16
nsAttrValue::GetEnumValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eEnum, "wrong type");
// We don't need to worry about sign extension here since we're
// returning an PRInt16 which will cut away the top bits.
return static_cast<PRInt16>((
(BaseType() == eIntegerBase)
? static_cast<PRUint32>(GetIntInternal())
: GetMiscContainer()->mEnumValue)
inline float
nsAttrValue::GetPercentValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == ePercent, "wrong type");
return ((BaseType() == eIntegerBase)
? GetIntInternal()
: GetMiscContainer()->mPercent)
/ 100.0f;
inline nsAttrValue::AtomArray*
nsAttrValue::GetAtomArrayValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eAtomArray, "wrong type");
return GetMiscContainer()->mAtomArray;
inline mozilla::css::StyleRule*
nsAttrValue::GetCSSStyleRuleValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eCSSStyleRule, "wrong type");
return GetMiscContainer()->mCSSStyleRule;
inline double
nsAttrValue::GetDoubleValue() const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eDoubleValue, "wrong type");
return GetMiscContainer()->mDoubleValue;
inline bool
nsAttrValue::GetIntMarginValue(nsIntMargin& aMargin) const
NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eIntMarginValue, "wrong type");
nsIntMargin* m = GetMiscContainer()->mIntMargin;
if (!m)
return false;
aMargin = *m;
return true;
inline nsAttrValue::ValueBaseType
nsAttrValue::BaseType() const
return static_cast<ValueBaseType>(mBits & NS_ATTRVALUE_BASETYPE_MASK);
inline void
nsAttrValue::SetPtrValueAndType(void* aValue, ValueBaseType aType)
"pointer not properly aligned, this will crash");
mBits = reinterpret_cast<PtrBits>(aValue) | aType;
inline void
if (mBits) {
inline void*
nsAttrValue::GetPtr() const
NS_ASSERTION(BaseType() != eIntegerBase,
"getting pointer from non-pointer");
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(mBits & NS_ATTRVALUE_POINTERVALUE_MASK);
inline nsAttrValue::MiscContainer*
nsAttrValue::GetMiscContainer() const
NS_ASSERTION(BaseType() == eOtherBase, "wrong type");
return static_cast<MiscContainer*>(GetPtr());
inline PRInt32
nsAttrValue::GetIntInternal() const
NS_ASSERTION(BaseType() == eIntegerBase,
"getting integer from non-integer");
// Make sure we get a signed value.
// Lets hope the optimizer optimizes this into a shift. Unfortunatly signed
// bitshift right is implementaion dependant.
return static_cast<PRInt32>(mBits & ~NS_ATTRVALUE_INTEGERTYPE_MASK) /
inline bool
nsAttrValue::IsEmptyString() const
return !mBits;