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# Updates step. Configures patcher files.
package Bootstrap::Step::PatcherConfig;
use Config::General;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use MozBuild::Util qw(MkdirWithPath);
use Bootstrap::Step;
use Bootstrap::Config;
use Bootstrap::Util qw(CvsCatfile GetBouncerPlatforms
@ISA = ("Bootstrap::Step");
use strict;
my $RELEASE_CANDIDATE_CHANNELS = ['beta', 'betatest'];
sub Execute {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
my $configBumpDir = $config->Get(var => 'configBumpDir');
my $version = $config->Get(var => 'version');
my $oldVersion = $config->Get(var => 'oldVersion');
my $mofoCvsroot = $config->Get(var => 'mofoCvsroot');
my $patcherConfig = $config->Get(var => 'patcherConfig');
my $stagingServer = $config->Get(var => 'stagingServer');
my $ftpServer = $config->Get(var => 'ftpServer');
my $bouncerServer = $config->Get(var => 'bouncerServer');
# Create patcher config area in the config bump area.
if (not -d $configBumpDir) {
MkdirWithPath(dir => $configBumpDir)
or die("Cannot mkdir $configBumpDir: $!");
# checkout config to bump
cmd => 'cvs',
cmdArgs => ['-d', $mofoCvsroot, 'co', '-d', 'patcher',
CvsCatfile('release', 'patcher', $patcherConfig)],
logFile => catfile($logDir, 'patcherconfig-checkout.log'),
dir => $configBumpDir,
# Do all the work...
# verify that BumpPatcherConfig() actually did something.
$this->Log(msg=> 'Ignoring shell value here because cvs diff returns a ' .
'non-zero value if a diff exists; this is an assertion that a diff does ' .
cmd => 'cvs',
cmdArgs => ['diff', $patcherConfig ],
logFile => catfile($logDir, 'patcherconfig-diff.log'),
ignoreExitValue => 1,
dir => catfile($configBumpDir, 'patcher'),
cmd => 'cvs',
cmdArgs => ['-d', $mofoCvsroot,
'ci', '-m', "\"Automated configuration bump: $patcherConfig, "
. "from $oldVersion to $version\"", $patcherConfig],
logFile => catfile($logDir, 'patcherconfig-checkin.log'),
dir => catfile($configBumpDir, 'patcher'),
sub BumpPatcherConfig {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $product = $config->Get(var => 'product');
my $configBumpDir = $config->Get(var => 'configBumpDir');
my $version = $config->Get(var => 'version');
my $oldVersion = $config->Get(var => 'oldVersion');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $oldRc = $config->Get(var => 'oldRc');
my $localeInfo = $config->GetLocaleInfo();
my $patcherConfig = $config->Get(var => 'patcherConfig');
my $stagingUser = $config->Get(var => 'stagingUser');
my $stagingServer = $config->Get(var => 'stagingServer');
my $ftpServer = $config->Get(var => 'ftpServer');
my $bouncerServer = $config->Get(var => 'bouncerServer');
my $logDir = $config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir');
# First, parse the file.
my $checkedOutPatcherConfig = catfile($configBumpDir, 'patcher',
my $patcherConfigObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile =>
my %rawConfig = $patcherConfigObj->getall();
die "ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): null rawConfig"
if (0 == scalar(keys(%rawConfig)));
my $appObj = $rawConfig{'app'}->{ucfirst($product)};
die "ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): null appObj" if (! defined($appObj));
my $currentUpdateObj = $appObj->{'current-update'};
# Add the release we're replacing to the past-releases array, but only if
# it's a new release; we used to determine this by looking at the rc
# value, but that can be misleading because sometimes we may not get to
# the update step before a respin; so what we really need to compare is
# whether our current version in bootstrap.cfg is in the to clause of the
# patcher config file/object; we now control this via doOnetimePatcherBumps.
# More complicated than it needs to be because it handles the (uncommon)
# case that there is no past-update yet (e.g. Firefox 3.0)
my $doOnetimePatcherBumps = ($currentUpdateObj->{'to'} ne $version);
if ($doOnetimePatcherBumps) {
my $pastUpdateObj = $appObj->{'past-update'};
if (ref($pastUpdateObj) ne 'ARRAY') {
my $oldSinglePastUpdateStr = $pastUpdateObj;
$appObj->{'past-update'} = $pastUpdateObj = [];
push(@{$pastUpdateObj}, $oldSinglePastUpdateStr);
my @pastUpdateChannels = (split(/[\s,]+/,
push(@{$pastUpdateObj}, join(' ', $currentUpdateObj->{'from'},
$currentUpdateObj->{'to'}, @pastUpdateChannels));
# Now we can replace information in the "current-update" object; start
# with the to/from versions, the rc channels, then the information for
# the partial and complete update patches
# Only bump the to/from versions if we're really a new release. We used
# to determine this by looking at the rc value, but now we use
# doOnetimePatcherBump
if ($doOnetimePatcherBumps) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'to'} = $version;
$currentUpdateObj->{'from'} = $oldVersion;
$currentUpdateObj->{'rc'} = {};
foreach my $c (@{$RELEASE_CANDIDATE_CHANNELS}) {
$currentUpdateObj->{'rc'}->{$c} = "$rc";
my $rcStr = 'rc' . $rc;
my $partialUpdate = {};
$partialUpdate->{'url'} = 'http://' . $bouncerServer . '/?product=' .
$product. '-' . $version . '-partial-' .
$oldVersion .
$partialUpdate->{'path'} = catfile($product, 'nightly', $version .
'-candidates', $rcStr, $product. '-' .
$oldVersion . '-' . $version .
$partialUpdate->{'betatest-url'} =
'http://' . $stagingServer. '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $rcStr . '/' . $product . '-' . $oldVersion .
'-' . $version . '.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar';
$partialUpdate->{'beta-url'} =
'http://' . $ftpServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $rcStr . '/' . $product . '-' . $oldVersion .
'-' . $version . '.%locale%.%platform%.partial.mar';
$currentUpdateObj->{'partial'} = $partialUpdate;
# Now the same thing, only complete update
my $completeUpdate = {};
$completeUpdate->{'url'} = 'http://' . $bouncerServer . '/?product=' .
$product . '-' . $version .
$completeUpdate->{'path'} = catfile($product, 'nightly', $version .
'-candidates', $rcStr, $product . '-' . $version .
$completeUpdate->{'betatest-url'} =
'http://' . $stagingServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $rcStr . '/' . $product . '-' . $version .
$completeUpdate->{'beta-url'} =
'http://' . $ftpServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $rcStr . '/' . $product . '-' . $version .
$currentUpdateObj->{'complete'} = $completeUpdate;
# Now, add the new <release> stanza for the release we're working on
my $releaseObj;
$appObj->{'release'}->{$version} = $releaseObj = {};
$releaseObj->{'schema'} = '1';
$releaseObj->{'version'} = $releaseObj->{'extension-version'} = $version;
my $linBuildId;
my $winBuildId;
my $macBuildId;
# grab os-specific buildID file on FTP
my $candidateDir = $config->GetFtpCandidateDir(bitsUnsigned => 0);
foreach my $os ('linux', 'macosx', 'win32') {
my ($bh, $buildIDTempFile) = tempfile(DIR => '.');
cmd => 'scp',
cmdArgs => [$stagingUser . '@' . $stagingServer . ':' .
$candidateDir .'/' . $os . '_info.txt',
my $buildID;
open(FILE, "< $buildIDTempFile") ||
die("Could not open buildID temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!");
while (<FILE>) {
my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
if ($var eq 'buildID') {
$buildID = $value;
close(FILE) ||
die("Could not close buildID temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!");
if (! defined($buildID)) {
die("Could not read buildID from temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!");
if (! $buildID =~ /^\d+$/) {
die("ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig: $buildID is non-numerical");
if ($os eq 'linux') {
$linBuildId = "$buildID";
} elsif ($os eq 'macosx') {
$macBuildId = "$buildID";
} elsif ($os eq 'win32') {
$winBuildId = "$buildID";
} else {
die("ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): unknown OS $os");
$releaseObj->{'platforms'} = { 'linux-i686' => $linBuildId,
'win32' => $winBuildId,
'mac' => $macBuildId };
$releaseObj->{'locales'} = join(' ', sort (keys(%{$localeInfo})));
$releaseObj->{'completemarurl'} =
'http://' . $stagingServer . '/pub/' . $product. '/nightly/' .
$version . '-candidates/' . $rcStr . '/' . $product . '-'. $version .
# Compute locale exceptions;
# $localeInfo is hash ref of locales -> array of platforms the locale
# is for.
# To calculate the exceptions to this rule, create a hash with
# all known platforms in it. It's a hash so we can easily delete() keys
# out of it. Then, we iterate through all the platforms we should build
# this locale for, and delete them from the list of all known locales.
# If we should build it for all the loclaes, then this hash should be
# empty after this process. If it's not, those are the platforms we would
# __NOT__ build this locale for. But, that doesn't matter; what we're
# interested in is that it is such a locale, so we can create a list of
# platforms we *do* build it for; such information is in the original
# localeInfo hash, so this is a lot of work to make sure that we do
# the right thing here.
$releaseObj->{'exceptions'} = {};
my %platformMap = GetBouncerToPatcherPlatformMap();
foreach my $locale (keys(%{$localeInfo})) {
my $allPlatformsHash = {};
foreach my $platform (GetBouncerPlatforms()) {
$allPlatformsHash->{$platform} = 1;
foreach my $localeSupportedPlatform (@{$localeInfo->{$locale}}) {
die 'ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig(): platform in locale, but not in' .
' all locales? Invalid platform?' if
delete $allPlatformsHash->{$localeSupportedPlatform};
my @supportedPatcherPlatforms = ();
foreach my $platform (@{$localeInfo->{$locale}}) {
push(@supportedPatcherPlatforms, $platformMap{$platform});
if (keys(%{$allPlatformsHash}) > 0) {
$releaseObj->{'exceptions'}->{$locale} =
join(', ', sort(@supportedPatcherPlatforms));
if (! $patcherConfigObj->save_file($checkedOutPatcherConfig)) {
die("save_file() failed\n");
sub Verify {
my $this = shift;