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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* License.
* The Original Code is search.js.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Foundation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Aza Raskin <>
* Raymond Lee <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/* ******************************
* This file incorporates work from:
* Quicksilver Score (qs_score):
* This incorporated work is covered by the following copyright and
* permission notice:
* Copyright 2008 Lachie Cox
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* ***************************** */
// **********
// Title: search.js
// Implementation for the search functionality of Firefox Panorama.
// ----------
// Function: scorePatternMatch
// Given a pattern string, returns a score between 0 and 1 of how well
// that pattern matches the original string. It mimics the heuristics
// of the Mac application launcher Quicksilver.
function scorePatternMatch(pattern, matched, offset) {
offset = offset || 0;
pattern = pattern.toLowerCase();
matched = matched.toLowerCase();
if (pattern.length == 0) return 0.9;
if (pattern.length > matched.length) return 0.0;
for (var i = pattern.length; i > 0; i--) {
var sub_pattern = pattern.substring(0,i);
var index = matched.indexOf(sub_pattern);
if (index < 0) continue;
if (index + pattern.length > matched.length + offset) continue;
var next_string = matched.substring(index+sub_pattern.length);
var next_pattern = null;
if (i >= pattern.length)
next_pattern = '';
next_pattern = pattern.substring(i);
var remaining_score =
scorePatternMatch(next_pattern, next_string, offset + index);
if (remaining_score > 0) {
var score = matched.length-next_string.length;
if (index != 0) {
var j = 0;
var c = matched.charCodeAt(index-1);
if (c == 32 || c == 9) {
for (var j = (index - 2); j >= 0; j--) {
c = matched.charCodeAt(j);
score -= ((c == 32 || c == 9) ? 1 : 0.15);
} else {
score -= index;
score += remaining_score * next_string.length;
score /= matched.length;
return score;
return 0.0;
// ##########
// Class: TabUtils
// A collection of helper functions for dealing with both
// <TabItem>s and <xul:tab>s without having to worry which
// one is which.
var TabUtils = {
// ---------
// Function: _nameOfTab
// Given a <TabItem> or a <xul:tab> returns the tab's name.
nameOf: function TabUtils_nameOfTab(tab) {
// We can have two types of tabs: A <TabItem> or a <xul:tab>
// because we have to deal with both tabs represented inside
// of active Panoramas as well as for windows in which
// Panorama has yet to be activated. We uses object sniffing to
// determine the type of tab and then returns its name.
return tab.label != undefined ? tab.label : tab.nameEl.innerHTML;
// ---------
// Function: URLOf
// Given a <TabItem> or a <xul:tab> returns the URL of tab
URLOf: function TabUtils_URLOf(tab) {
// Convert a <TabItem> to <xul:tab>
if( != undefined)
tab =;
return tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec;
// ---------
// Function: favURLOf
// Given a <TabItem> or a <xul:tab> returns the URL of tab's favicon.
faviconURLOf: function TabUtils_faviconURLOf(tab) {
return tab.image != undefined ? tab.image : tab.favImgEl.src;
// ---------
// Function: focus
// Given a <TabItem> or a <xul:tab>, focuses it and it's window.
focus: function TabUtils_focus(tab) {
// Convert a <TabItem> to a <xul:tab>
if ( != undefined) tab =;
tab.ownerDocument.defaultView.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
// ##########
// Class: TabMatcher
// A singleton class that allows you to iterate over
// matching and not-matching tabs, given a case-insensitive
// search term.
function TabMatcher(term) {
this.term = term;
TabMatcher.prototype = {
// ---------
// Function: _filterAndSortMatches
// Given an array of <TabItem>s and <xul:tab>s returns a new array
// of tabs whose name matched the search term, sorted by lexical
// closeness.
_filterAndSortForMatches: function TabMatcher__filterAndSortForMatches(tabs) {
var self = this;
tabs = tabs.filter(function(tab){
let name = TabUtils.nameOf(tab);
let url = TabUtils.URLOf(tab);
return name.match(self.term, "i") || url.match(self.term, "i");
tabs.sort(function sorter(x, y){
var yScore = scorePatternMatch(self.term, TabUtils.nameOf(y));
var xScore = scorePatternMatch(self.term, TabUtils.nameOf(x));
return yScore - xScore;
return tabs;
// ---------
// Function: _filterForUnmatches
// Given an array of <TabItem>s returns an unsorted array of tabs whose name
// does not match the the search term.
_filterForUnmatches: function TabMatcher__filterForUnmatches(tabs) {
var self = this;
return tabs.filter(function(tab) {
var name = tab.nameEl.innerHTML;
let url = TabUtils.URLOf(tab);
return !name.match(self.term, "i") && !url.match(self.term, "i");
// ---------
// Function: _getTabsForOtherWindows
// Returns an array of <TabItem>s and <xul:tabs>s representing that
// tabs from all windows but the currently focused window. <TabItem>s
// will be returned for windows in which Panorama has been activated at
// least once, while <xul:tab>s will be return for windows in which
// Panorama has never been activated.
_getTabsForOtherWindows: function TabMatcher__getTabsForOtherWindows(){
var wm = Components.classes[";1"]
var enumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
var currentWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
var allTabs = [];
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var win = enumerator.getNext();
// This function gets tabs from other windows: not the one you currently
// have focused.
if (win != currentWindow) {
// If TabView is around iterate over all tabs, else get the currently
// shown tabs...
let tvWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow();
if (tvWindow)
allTabs = allTabs.concat( tvWindow.TabItems.getItems() );
// win.gBrowser.tabs isn't a proper array, so we can't use concat
for (var i=0; i<win.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) allTabs.push( win.gBrowser.tabs[i] );
return allTabs;
// ----------
// Function: matchedTabsFromOtherWindows
// Returns an array of <TabItem>s and <xul:tab>s that match the search term
// from all windows but the currently focused window. <TabItem>s will be
// returned for windows in which Panorama has been activated at least once,
// while <xul:tab>s will be return for windows in which Panorama has never
// been activated.
// (new TabMatcher("app")).matchedTabsFromOtherWindows();
matchedTabsFromOtherWindows: function TabMatcher_matchedTabsFromOtherWindows(){
if (this.term.length < 2)
return [];
var tabs = this._getTabsForOtherWindows();
tabs = this._filterAndSortForMatches(tabs);
return tabs;
// ----------
// Function: matched
// Returns an array of <TabItem>s which match the current search term.
// If the term is less than 2 characters in length, it returns
// nothing.
matched: function TabMatcher_matched() {
if (this.term.length < 2)
return [];
var tabs = TabItems.getItems();
tabs = this._filterAndSortForMatches(tabs);
return tabs;
// ----------
// Function: unmatched
// Returns all of <TabItem>s that .matched() doesn't return.
unmatched: function TabMatcher_unmatched() {
var tabs = TabItems.getItems();
if (this.term.length < 2)
return tabs;
return this._filterForUnmatches(tabs);
// ----------
// Function: doSearch
// Performs the search. Lets you provide three functions.
// The first is on all matched tabs in the window, the second on all unmatched
// tabs in the window, and the third on all matched tabs in other windows.
// The first two functions take two parameters: A <TabItem> and its integer index
// indicating the absolute rank of the <TabItem> in terms of match to
// the search term. The last function also takes two paramaters, but can be
// passed both <TabItem>s and <xul:tab>s and the index is offset by the
// number of matched tabs inside the window.
doSearch: function TabMatcher_doSearch(matchFunc, unmatchFunc, otherFunc) {
var matches = this.matched();
var unmatched = this.unmatched();
var otherMatches = this.matchedTabsFromOtherWindows();
matches.forEach(function(tab, i) {
matchFunc(tab, i);
otherMatches.forEach(function(tab,i) {
otherFunc(tab, i+matches.length);
unmatched.forEach(function(tab, i) {
unmatchFunc(tab, i);
// ##########
// Class: SearchEventHandlerClass
// A singleton class that handles all of the
// event handlers.
function SearchEventHandlerClass() {
SearchEventHandlerClass.prototype = {
// ----------
// Function: init
// Initializes the searchbox to be focused, and everything
// else to be hidden, and to have everything have the appropriate
// event handlers;
init: function () {
var self = this;
iQ("#searchshade").hide().click(function(event) {
if ( != "searchbox")
iQ("#searchbox").keyup(function() {
iQ("#searchbutton").mousedown(function() {
self.initiatedBy = "buttonclick";
this.initiatedBy = "";
this.currentHandler = null;
// ----------
// Function: beforeSearchKeyHandler
// Handles all keydown before the search interface is brought up.
beforeSearchKeyHandler: function (event) {
// Only match reasonable text-like characters for quick search.
if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
if ((event.keyCode > 0 && event.keyCode <= event.DOM_VK_DELETE) ||
event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_CONTEXT_MENU ||
event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_SLEEP ||
(event.keyCode >= event.DOM_VK_F1 &&
event.keyCode <= event.DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK) ||
event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_META) {
// If we are already in an input field, allow typing as normal.
if ( == "INPUT")
this.initiatedBy = "keydown";
// ----------
// Function: inSearchKeyHandler
// Handles all keydown while search mode.
inSearchKeyHandler: function (event) {
let term = iQ("#searchbox").val();
if ((event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) ||
(event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE && term.length <= 1 && this.initiatedBy == "keydown")) {
let matcher = createSearchTabMacher();
let matches = matcher.matched();
let others = matcher.matchedTabsFromOtherWindows();
if ((event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_RETURN ||
event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_ENTER) &&
(matches.length > 0 || others.length > 0)) {
if (matches.length > 0)
// ----------
// Function: switchToBeforeMode
// Make sure the event handlers are appropriate for
// the before-search mode.
switchToBeforeMode: function switchToBeforeMode() {
let self = this;
if (this.currentHandler)
iQ(window).unbind("keydown", this.currentHandler);
this.currentHandler = function(event) self.beforeSearchKeyHandler(event);
// ----------
// Function: switchToInMode
// Make sure the event handlers are appropriate for
// the in-search mode.
switchToInMode: function switchToInMode() {
let self = this;
if (this.currentHandler)
iQ(window).unbind("keydown", this.currentHandler);
this.currentHandler = function(event) self.inSearchKeyHandler(event);
var TabHandlers = {
onMatch: function(tab, index){
index != 0 ? tab.addClass("notMainMatch") : tab.removeClass("notMainMatch");
// Remove any existing handlers before adding the new ones.
// If we don't do this, then we may add more handlers than
// we remove.
.unbind("mousedown", TabHandlers._hideHandler)
.unbind("mouseup", TabHandlers._showHandler);
onUnmatch: function(tab, index){
.unbind("mousedown", TabHandlers._hideHandler)
.unbind("mouseup", TabHandlers._showHandler);
onOther: function(tab, index){
// Unlike the other on* functions, in this function tab can
// either be a <TabItem> or a <xul:tab>. In other functions
// it is always a <TabItem>. Also note that index is offset
// by the number of matches within the window.
let item = iQ("<div/>")
.attr("src", TabUtils.faviconURLOf(tab) )
.text( TabUtils.nameOf(tab) )
index != 0 ? item.addClass("notMainMatch") : item.removeClass("notMainMatch");
_hideHandler: function(event){
TabHandlers._mouseDownLocation = {x:event.clientX, y:event.clientY};
_showHandler: function(event){
// If the user clicks on a tab without moving the mouse then
// they are zooming into the tab and we need to exit search
// mode.
if (TabHandlers._mouseDownLocation.x == event.clientX &&
TabHandlers._mouseDownLocation.y == event.clientY){
// Marshal the search.
setTimeout(performSearch, 0);
_mouseDownLocation: null
function createSearchTabMacher() {
return new TabMatcher(iQ("#searchbox").val());
function hideSearch(event){
iQ("#searchbutton").css({ opacity:.8 });
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
if (event){
// Return focus to the tab window
let newEvent = document.createEvent("Events");
newEvent.initEvent("tabviewsearchdisabled", false, false);
function performSearch() {
let matcher = new TabMatcher(iQ("#searchbox").val());
// Remove any previous other-window search results and
// hide the display area.
matcher.doSearch(TabHandlers.onMatch, TabHandlers.onUnmatch, TabHandlers.onOther);
// ----------
// Function: ensureSearchShown
// Ensure the search feature is displayed. If not, display it.
// Parameters:
// - a boolean indicates whether this is triggered by a keypress or not
function ensureSearchShown(activatedByKeypress) {
var $search = iQ("#search");
var $searchShade = iQ("#searchshade");
var $searchbox = iQ("#searchbox");
iQ("#searchbutton").css({ opacity: 1 });
if (!isSearchEnabled()) {
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
UI.setTitlebarColors({active: "#717171", inactive: "#EDEDED"});
// NOTE: when this function is called by keydown handler, next keypress
// event or composition events of IME will be fired on the focused editor.
function dispatchTabViewSearchEnabledEvent() {
let newEvent = document.createEvent("Events");
newEvent.initEvent("tabviewsearchenabled", false, false);
if (activatedByKeypress) {
// set the focus so key strokes are entered into the textbox.
} else {
// marshal the focusing, otherwise it ends up with searchbox[0].focus gets
// called before the search button gets the focus after being pressed.
setTimeout(function setFocusAndDispatchSearchEnabledEvent() {
}, 0);
function isSearchEnabled() {
return iQ("#search").css("display") != "none";
var SearchEventHandler = new SearchEventHandlerClass();
// Features to add:
// (1) Make sure this looks good on Windows. Bug 594429
// (2) Group all of the highlighted tabs into a group? Bug 594434