errGarbageAfterLtSlash=Garbage after \u201C</\u201D.
errLtSlashGt=Saw \u201C</>\u201D. Probable causes: Unescaped \u201C<\u201D (escape as \u201C<\u201D) or mistyped end tag.
errCharRefLacksSemicolon=Character reference was not terminated by a semicolon.
errNoDigitsInNCR=No digits in numeric character reference.
errGtInSystemId=\u201C>\u201D in system identifier.
errGtInPublicId=\u201C>\u201D in public identifier.
errNamelessDoctype=Nameless doctype.
errConsecutiveHyphens=Consecutive hyphens did not terminate a comment. \u201C--\u201D is not permitted inside a comment, but e.g. \u201C- -\u201D is.
errPrematureEndOfComment=Premature end of comment. Use \u201C-->\u201D to end a comment properly.
errBogusComment=Bogus comment.
errUnquotedAttributeLt=\u201C<\u201D in an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Missing \u201C>\u201D immediately before.
errUnquotedAttributeGrave=\u201C`\u201D in an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Using the wrong character as a quote.
errUnquotedAttributeQuote=Quote in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
errUnquotedAttributeEquals=\u201C=\u201D in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
errSlashNotFollowedByGt=A slash was not immediate followed by \u201C>\u201D.
errNoSpaceBetweenAttributes=No space between attributes.
errUnquotedAttributeStartLt=\u201C<\u201D at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Missing \u201C>\u201D immediately before
errUnquotedAttributeStartGrave=\u201C`\u201D at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Using the wrong character as a quote.
errUnquotedAttributeStartEquals=\u201C=\u201D at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Stray duplicate equals sign.
errAttributeValueMissing=Attribute value missing.
errBadCharBeforeAttributeNameLt=Saw \u201C<\u201D when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Missing \u201C>\u201D immediately before.
errEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName=Saw \u201C=\u201D when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Attribute name missing.
errBadCharAfterLt=Bad character after \u201C<\u201D. Probable cause: Unescaped \u201C<\u201D. Try escaping it as \u201C<\u201D.
errLtGt=Saw \u201C<>\u201D. Probable causes: Unescaped \u201C<\u201D (escape as \u201C<\u201D) or mistyped start tag.
errProcessingInstruction=Saw \u201C<?\u201D. Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.)
errUnescapedAmpersandInterpretedAsCharacterReference=The string following \u201C&\u201D was interpreted as a character reference. (\u201C&\u201D probably should have been escaped as \u201C&\u201D.)
errNotSemicolonTerminated=Named character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. (Or \u201C&\u201D should have been escaped as \u201C&\u201D.)
errNoNamedCharacterMatch=\u201C&\u201D did not start a character reference. (\u201C&\u201D probably should have been escaped as \u201C&\u201D.)
errQuoteBeforeAttributeName=Saw a quote when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: \u201C=\u201D missing immediately before.
errLtInAttributeName=\u201C<\u201D in attribute name. Probable cause: \u201C>\u201D missing immediately before.
errNonSpaceInTrailer=Non-space character in page trailer.
errNonSpaceAfterFrameset=Non-space after \u201Cframeset\u201D.
errNonSpaceInFrameset=Non-space in \u201Cframeset\u201D.
errNonSpaceAfterBody=Non-space character after body.
errNonSpaceInColgroupInFragment=Non-space in \u201Ccolgroup\u201D when parsing fragment.
errNonSpaceInNoscriptInHead=Non-space character inside \u201Cnoscript\u201D inside \u201Chead\u201D.
errFooBetweenHeadAndBody=\u201C%1$S\u201D element between \u201Chead\u201D and \u201Cbody\u201D.
errStartTagWithoutDoctype=Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected \u201C<!DOCTYPE html>\u201D.
errNoSelectInTableScope=No \u201Cselect\u201D in table scope.
errStartSelectWhereEndSelectExpected=\u201Cselect\u201D start tag where end tag expected.
errStartTagWithSelectOpen=\u201C%1$S\u201D start tag with \u201Cselect\u201D open.
errBadStartTagInHead=Bad start tag in \u201C%1$S\u201D in \u201Chead\u201D.
errImage=Saw a start tag \u201Cimage\u201D.
errIsindex=\u201Cisindex\u201D seen.
errFooSeenWhenFooOpen=An \u201C%1$S\u201D start tag seen but an element of the same type was already open.
errHeadingWhenHeadingOpen=Heading cannot be a child of another heading.
errFramesetStart=\u201Cframeset\u201D start tag seen.
errNoCellToClose=No cell to close.
errStartTagInTable=Start tag \u201C%1$S\u201D seen in \u201Ctable\u201D.
errFormWhenFormOpen=Saw a \u201Cform\u201D start tag, but there was already an active \u201Cform\u201D element. Nested forms are not allowed. Ignoring the tag.
errTableSeenWhileTableOpen=Start tag for \u201Ctable\u201D seen but the previous \u201Ctable\u201D is still open.
errStartTagInTableBody=\u201C%1$S\u201D start tag in table body.
errEndTagSeenWithoutDoctype=End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected \u201C<!DOCTYPE html>\u201D.
errEndTagAfterBody=Saw an end tag after \u201Cbody\u201D had been closed.
errEndTagSeenWithSelectOpen=\u201C%1$S\u201D end tag with \u201Cselect\u201D open.
errGarbageInColgroup=Garbage in \u201Ccolgroup\u201D fragment.
errEndTagBr=End tag \u201Cbr\u201D.
errNoElementToCloseButEndTagSeen=No \u201C%1$S\u201D element in scope but a \u201C%1$S\u201D end tag seen.
errHtmlStartTagInForeignContext=HTML start tag \u201C%1$S\u201D in a foreign namespace context.
errTableClosedWhileCaptionOpen=\u201Ctable\u201D closed but \u201Ccaption\u201D was still open.