
298 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Bug 723071: test adding a pane to display the list of breakpoints across
* all scripts in the debuggee.
const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "browser_dbg_script-switching.html";
let gPane = null;
let gTab = null;
let gDebuggee = null;
let gDebugger = null;
let gScripts = null;
let gBreakpoints = null;
let gBreakpointsContainer = null;
let gBreakpointsParent = null;
let gBreakpointsList = null;
function test()
let scriptShown = false;
let framesAdded = false;
let resumed = false;
let testStarted = false;
debug_tab_pane(TAB_URL, function(aTab, aDebuggee, aPane) {
gTab = aTab;
gDebuggee = aDebuggee;
gPane = aPane;
gDebugger = gPane.panelWin;
resumed = true;
gDebugger.addEventListener("Debugger:SourceShown", onScriptShown);
gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.addOneTimeListener("framesadded", function() {
framesAdded = true;
executeSoon(function() {
function onScriptShown(aEvent)
scriptShown = aEvent.detail.url.indexOf("-02.js") != -1;
function startTest()
if (scriptShown && framesAdded && resumed && !testStarted) {
gDebugger.removeEventListener("Debugger:SourceShown", onScriptShown);
testStarted = true;{ run: performTest }, 0);
let breakpointsAdded = 0;
let breakpointsDisabled = 0;
let breakpointsRemoved = 0;
function performTest()
gScripts = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources;
is(gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.state, "paused",
"Should only be getting stack frames while paused.");
is(gScripts._container.itemCount, 2, "Found the expected number of scripts.");
let editor = gDebugger.editor;
isnot(editor.getText().indexOf("debugger"), -1,
"The correct script was loaded initially.");
isnot(gScripts.selectedValue, gScripts.values[0],
"the correct script is selected");
gBreakpoints = gPane.getAllBreakpoints();
is(Object.keys(gBreakpoints), 0, "no breakpoints");
ok(!gPane.getBreakpoint("chocolate", 3), "getBreakpoint('chocolate', 3) returns falsey");
is(editor.getBreakpoints().length, 0, "no breakpoints in the editor");
gBreakpointsContainer = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Breakpoints;
gBreakpointsParent = gBreakpointsContainer._container._parent;
gBreakpointsList = gBreakpointsContainer._container._list;
is(gBreakpointsParent.querySelectorAll(".list-item.empty").length, 1,
"The breakpoints pane should be empty, but showing a " +
"'no breakpoints' information message.");
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, 0,
"Found junk in the breakpoints container.");
addBreakpoints(function() {
is(breakpointsAdded, 3,
"Should have added 3 breakpoints so far.");
is(breakpointsDisabled, 0,
"Shouldn't have disabled anything so far.");
is(breakpointsRemoved, 0,
"Shouldn't have removed anything so far.");
"Found junk in the breakpoints container.");
disableBreakpoints(function() {
is(breakpointsAdded, 3,
"Should still have 3 breakpoints added so far.");
is(breakpointsDisabled, 3,
"Should have 3 disabled breakpoints.");
is(breakpointsRemoved, 0,
"Shouldn't have removed anything so far.");
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, breakpointsAdded,
"Should have the same number of breakpoints in the pane.");
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, breakpointsDisabled,
"Should have the same number of disabled breakpoints.");
addBreakpoints(function() {
is(breakpointsAdded, 3,
"Should still have only 3 breakpoints added so far.");
is(breakpointsDisabled, 3,
"Should still have 3 disabled breakpoints.");
is(breakpointsRemoved, 0,
"Shouldn't have removed anything so far.");
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, breakpointsAdded,
"Since half of the breakpoints already existed, but disabled, " +
"only half of the added breakpoints are actually in the pane.");
"Found junk in the breakpoints container.");
removeBreakpoints(function() {
is(breakpointsRemoved, 3,
"Should have 3 removed breakpoints.");
is(gBreakpointsParent.querySelectorAll(".list-item.empty").length, 1,
"The breakpoints pane should be empty, but showing a " +
"'no breakpoints' information message.");
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, 0,
"Found junk in the breakpoints container.");
executeSoon(function() {
gDebugger.gClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", function() {
}, true);
function addBreakpoints(callback, increment)
let line;
line = 6;
gPane.addBreakpoint({url: gScripts.selectedValue, line: line},
function(cl, err) {{ increment: increment, line: line }, cl, err);
line = 7;
gPane.addBreakpoint({url: gScripts.selectedValue, line: line},
function(cl, err) {{ increment: increment, line: line }, cl, err);
line = 9;
gPane.addBreakpoint({url: gScripts.selectedValue, line: line},
function(cl, err) {{ increment: increment, line: line }, cl, err);
executeSoon(function() {
function disableBreakpoints(callback)
let nodes = Array.slice(gBreakpointsList.childNodes);
info("Nodes to disable: " + breakpointsAdded);
is(nodes.length, breakpointsAdded,
"The number of nodes to disable is incorrect.");
Array.forEach(nodes, function(bkp) {
info("Disabling breakpoint: " +;
let item = gBreakpointsContainer.getItemForElement(bkp);
let { sourceLocation: url, lineNumber: line } = item.attachment;
gDebugger.DebuggerView.Breakpoints.disableBreakpoint(url, line, { callback: function() {
if (++breakpointsDisabled !== breakpointsAdded) {
executeSoon(function() {
function removeBreakpoints(callback)
let nodes = Array.slice(gBreakpointsList.childNodes);
info("Nodes to remove: " + breakpointsAdded);
is(nodes.length, breakpointsAdded,
"The number of nodes to remove is incorrect.");
Array.forEach(nodes, function(bkp) {
info("Removing breakpoint: " +;
let item = gBreakpointsContainer.getItemForElement(bkp);
let { sourceLocation: url, lineNumber: line } = item.attachment;
gDebugger.DebuggerView.Breakpoints.removeBreakpoint(url, line);
gPane.removeBreakpoint(gPane.getBreakpoint(url, line), function() {
if (++breakpointsRemoved !== breakpointsAdded) {
executeSoon(function() {
function onBreakpointAdd(aBreakpointClient, aResponseError)
if (this.increment) {
is(gBreakpointsList.childNodes.length, breakpointsAdded, this.increment
? "Should have added a breakpoint in the pane."
: "Should have the same number of breakpoints in the pane.");
let id = "breakpoint-" +;
let bkp = gDebugger.document.getElementById(id);
let info = bkp.getElementsByClassName("dbg-breakpoint-info")[0];
let text = bkp.getElementsByClassName("dbg-breakpoint-text")[0];
let check = bkp.querySelector("checkbox");
is(, id,
"Breakpoint element " + id + " found successfully.");
is(info.getAttribute("value"), getExpectedBreakpointInfo(this.line),
"The expected information wasn't found in the breakpoint element.");
is(text.getAttribute("value"), getExpectedLineText(this.line).trim(),
"The expected line text wasn't found in the breakpoint element.");
is(check.getAttribute("checked"), "true",
"The breakpoint enable checkbox is checked as expected.");
function getExpectedBreakpointInfo(line) {
let url = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue;
let label = gDebugger.SourceUtils.getSourceLabel(url);
return label + ":" + line;
function getExpectedLineText(line) {
return gDebugger.DebuggerView.getEditorLine(line - 1);
function finalCheck() {
is(Object.keys(gBreakpoints).length, 0, "no breakpoint in the debugger");
ok(!gPane.getBreakpoint(gScripts.values[0], 5),
"getBreakpoint(locations[0], 5) returns no breakpoint");
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
is(breakpointsAdded, 3, "correct number of breakpoints have been added");
is(breakpointsDisabled, 3, "correct number of breakpoints have been disabled");
is(breakpointsRemoved, 3, "correct number of breakpoints have been removed");
gPane = null;
gTab = null;
gDebuggee = null;
gDebugger = null;
gScripts = null;
gBreakpoints = null;
gBreakpointsContainer = null;
gBreakpointsParent = null;
gBreakpointsList = null;