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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#include "nsISupports.idl"
[scriptable, uuid(1510cf0c-5db6-11e4-9869-6bf419e26642)]
interface nsIStkDuration : nsISupports
* The value of Time units defined in 12.8 Duration of TS 11.14.
readonly attribute unsigned short timeUnit;
* The length of time required, expressed in timeUnit.
* Note: the range is from 1 unit to 255 units.
readonly attribute unsigned short timeInterval;
[scriptable, uuid(c7b6e57a-696d-11e4-bcaa-bfe8386e75a9)]
interface nsIStkIcon : nsISupports
* The color coding schemes defined in of TS 31.102.
const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_BASIC = 0x11;
const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_COLOR = 0x21;
const unsigned short CODING_SCHEME_COLOR_TRANSPARENCY = 0x22;
* Width of the icon.
readonly attribute unsigned long width;
* Height of the icon.
readonly attribute unsigned long height;
* Image coding scheme of the icon.
readonly attribute unsigned short codingScheme;
* Array of pixels. Each pixel represents a color in the RGBA format made up
* of four bytes, that is, the Red sample in the highest 8 bits, followed by
* the Green sample, Blue sample and the Alpha sample in the lowest 8 bits.
* @param aCount
* The number of pixels.
* @returns a copy of the array of pixels.
void getPixels([optional] out unsigned long aCount,
[array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned long aPixels);
[scriptable, uuid(4a6d173e-5e8b-11e4-9d78-071bb3d6ba8f)]
interface nsIStkIconInfo : nsISupports
* Indicates how the icon is to be used.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.31, Icon Identifier.
* true: icon replaces the text string.
* false: icon shall be displayed together with the text string.
readonly attribute boolean iconSelfExplanatory;
* Icon(s) that replaces or accompanies the text string.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.31, Icon Identifier.
* Array of icons, basically of a same image, that may differ in size,
* resolution or coding scheme. The first icon should be the default one.
* @param aCount
* The number of icons.
* @returns a copy of the list of icons.
void getIcons([optional] out unsigned long aCount,
[array, size_is(aCount), retval] out nsIStkIcon aIcons);
[scriptable, uuid(ea95d25c-5e84-11e4-bd96-07285c50c1f2)]
interface nsIStkItem : nsISupports
* Identifier of item.
* The identifier is a single byte between '01' and 'FF'. Each item shall
* have a unique identifier within an Item list.
readonly attribute unsigned short identifier;
* Text string of item.
readonly attribute DOMString text;
* (Optional)
* Icon info of item.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo;
[scriptable, uuid(222651f0-6976-11e4-accf-736a9c6e7d19)]
interface nsIStkTimer : nsISupports
* Identifier of a timer.
readonly attribute unsigned short timerId;
const unsigned long TIMER_VALUE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
* Length of time during which the timer has to run.
* The possible duration of a timer is between 1 s and 24 h.
* The resolution of a timer is 1 second.
* Note: In TS 11.14, clause 6.6.21 TIMER MANAGEMENT,
* "
* The SIM shall supply this data object only when a timer has to
* be started.
* "
* Hence, set to TIMER_VALUE_INVALID when |timerAction| is not equal to
readonly attribute unsigned long timerValue;
* Times actions defined in TS 11.14, clause 12.6,
* Command Qualifier, TIMER MANAGEMENT
const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_START = 0x00;
const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_DEACTIVATE = 0x01;
const unsigned short TIMER_ACTION_GET_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x02;
* The action requested from UICC.
* It shall be one of TIMER_ACTION_*.
readonly attribute unsigned short timerAction;
* The base class of all STK Proactive Commands.
* This interface is to be applied by the commands that provide info no more than:
* |commandNumber|, |typeOfCommand|, |commandQualifier|.
* The commands in this category are:
[scriptable, uuid(f47f25b2-5d84-11e4-8637-7f59ea6da82f)]
interface nsIStkProactiveCmd : nsISupports
* The number of command issued by ICC. And it is assigned
* by ICC may take any hexadecimal value betweean '01' and 'FE'.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 6.5.1
readonly attribute unsigned short commandNumber;
* The value of |Type of Command| defined in TS 11.14, clause 13.4
readonly attribute unsigned short typeOfCommand;
* Qualifiers specific to the command.
readonly attribute unsigned short commandQualifier;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_POLL_INTERVAL.
[scriptable, uuid(0a27c090-5dbc-11e4-92eb-ebc26db3db29)]
interface nsIStkPollIntervalCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* The maximum interval between two STATUS commands related to
* Proactive Polling.
* Note: Mandatory for STK_CMD_POLL_INTERVAL.
* @See TS 11.14, clause 6.6.6 POLL INTERVAL
readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFO.
[scriptable, uuid(89a304ce-5dc6-11e4-8dce-23723fb242b4)]
interface nsIStkProvideLocalInfoCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* Values defined in TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier,
readonly attribute unsigned short localInfoType;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_EVENT_LIST.
[scriptable, uuid(5f796dec-5e6a-11e4-aaf3-bb675cb36df5)]
interface nsIStkSetupEventListCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* (Optional)
* Get the list of events.
* Each event could be one of values defined in TS 11.14, clause 8.25, Event list.
* Note: It could be null as an indication to the terminal to remove the
* existing list of events in the terminal.
* @param aCount
* The number of events.
* @returns a copy of the list of events.
void getEventList([optional] out unsigned long aCount,
[array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned short aEventList);
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_MENU.
[scriptable, uuid(d7a66664-a602-11e4-9cc7-c7ce5fdade7d)]
interface nsIStkSetUpMenuCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* (Optional for STK_CMD_SELECT_ITEM)
* Title of the menu.
readonly attribute DOMString title;
* Get the list of menu items.
* Note: The minimal number of items is 1.
* See TS 11.14, clause 6.6.7 SET-UP MENU and 6.6.8 SELECT ITEM.
* @param aCount
* The number of items.
* @returns a copy of the list of menu items.
* For |SET-UP MENU|, the 1st item in |aItems| could be null as an
* indication to the ME to remove the existing menu from the menu
* system in the ME.
void getItems([optional] out unsigned long aCount,
[array, size_is(aCount), retval] out nsIStkItem aItems);
* (Optional)
* Get the list of Next Action Indicators.
* Each element should be the value of |Next Action Indicator| in TS 11.14,
* clause 13.4.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.24, Items Next Action Indicator.
* @param aCount
* The number of indicators.
* @returns a copy of the list of Next Action Indicators.
void getNextActionList([optional] out unsigned long aCount,
[array, size_is(aCount), retval] out unsigned short aActions);
* (Optional)
* Icon info of the menu.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo;
* Help information available or not.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, SET UP MENU, bit 8.
* true: help information available.
* false: no help information available.
readonly attribute boolean isHelpAvailable;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SELECT_ITEM.
[scriptable, uuid(eb71f0fa-a602-11e4-926f-a3814461d218)]
interface nsIStkSelectItemCmd : nsIStkSetUpMenuCmd
* Presentation type, one of PRESENTATION_TYPE_*.
* @See TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier: Select Item
const unsigned short PRESENTATION_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0x00;
const unsigned short PRESENTATION_TYPE_DATA_VALUES = 0x01;
readonly attribute unsigned short presentationType;
const unsigned short DEFAULT_ITEM_INVALID = 0xFFFF;
* (Optional)
* Default item identifier of the menu.
* Set to DEFAULT_ITEM_INVALID if null.
readonly attribute unsigned short defaultItem;
* This interface is to be applied by
[scriptable, uuid(61c42b3c-6324-11e4-959e-7fb2dc9a3f0d)]
interface nsIStkTextMessageCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* Text String.
readonly attribute DOMString text;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT.
[scriptable, uuid(66a83f0a-6322-11e4-a773-9382de87a74a)]
interface nsIStkDisplayTextCmd : nsIStkTextMessageCmd
* (Optional)
* The length of time for which the ME shall display the dialog.
readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration;
* Indicate this text message is high priority or normal priority.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, Display Text, bit 1.
* true: high priority
* false: normal priority
readonly attribute boolean isHighPriority;
* Need to wait for user to clear message or not.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, Display Text, bit 8.
* true: Wait for user to clear message.
* false: clear message after a delay.
readonly attribute boolean userClear;
* Need to response immediately or not.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.43, Immediate response.
* true: The terminal shall send response immediately.
* false: otherwise.
readonly attribute boolean responseNeeded;
* The base interface of nsIStkInputKeyCmd, nsIStkInputTextCmd.
[scriptable, uuid(ed16a67e-6022-11e4-a8fd-c34fe6e6bb11)]
interface nsIStkInputCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* Text for the ME to display in conjunction with asking the user to respond.
readonly attribute DOMString text;
* (Optional)
* The length of time for which the ME shall display the dialog.
readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration;
* Minimum length of response.
* Set to 1 for STK_CMD_GET_INKEY.
readonly attribute unsigned short minLength;
* Maximum length of response.
* Set to 1 for STK_CMD_GET_INKEY.
readonly attribute unsigned short maxLength;
* (Optional)
* Text for the ME to display, corresponds to a default text string offered
* by the ICC.
readonly attribute DOMString defaultText;
* Input format.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 1.
* true: Alphabet set.
* false: Digits only.
readonly attribute boolean isAlphabet;
* Alphabet encoding.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 2.
* true: UCS2 alphabet.
* false: default SMS alphabet.
readonly attribute boolean isUCS2;
* Help information available or not.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT/GET INKEY, bit 8.
* true: help information available.
* false: no help information available.
readonly attribute boolean isHelpAvailable;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_GET_INKEY.
[scriptable, uuid(27a4078a-6025-11e4-a9ab-bf39252bfaf1)]
interface nsIStkInputKeyCmd : nsIStkInputCmd
* Yes/No response is requested.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INKEY, bit 3.
* true: Yes/No response is requested, and character sets
* (Alphabet set and UCS2) are disabled.
* false: Character sets (Alphabet set and UCS2) are enabled.
readonly attribute boolean isYesNoRequested;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_GET_INPUT.
[scriptable, uuid(f3c33ae8-60d4-11e4-9da8-4ff4cb8566c3)]
interface nsIStkInputTextCmd : nsIStkInputCmd
* Visibility of input.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT, bit 3.
* true: User input shall not be revealed in any way.
* false: ME may echo user input on the display.
readonly attribute boolean hideInput;
* User input in packed or unpacked format.
* @see TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, GET INPUT, bit 4.
* true: User input to be in SMS packed format.
* false: User input to be in unpacked format.
readonly attribute boolean isPacked;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_SET_UP_CALL.
[scriptable, uuid(6abbf688-6956-11e4-a9d3-4b07f063ef21)]
interface nsIStkSetUpCallCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* The Dialling number.
readonly attribute DOMString address;
* (Optional)
* The text message used in user confirmation phase.
readonly attribute DOMString confirmText;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed in user confirmation phase.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo confirmIconInfo;
* (Optional)
* The text message used in call set up phase.
readonly attribute DOMString callText;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed in call set up phase.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo callIconInfo;
* (Optional)
* The maximum duration for the redial mechanism.
* The time elapsed since the first call set-up attempt has exceeded the duration
* requested by the UICC, the redial mechanism is terminated.
readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_LAUNCH_BROWSER.
[scriptable, uuid(b9bca548-695b-11e4-8c1f-cfb850f421ab)]
interface nsIStkBrowserSettingCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* The URL to be opened by browser.
readonly attribute DOMString url;
* Browser launch mode.
* @See TS 11.14, clause 12.6, Command Qualifier, LAUNCH BROWSER.
readonly attribute unsigned short mode;
* (Optional)
* Confirm message to launch browser.
readonly attribute DOMString confirmText;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed in user confirmation phase.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo confirmIconInfo;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_PLAY_TONE.
[scriptable, uuid(f49dd148-60ee-11e4-af46-6b938538de51)]
interface nsIStkPlayToneCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
const unsigned short TONE_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFF;
* (Optional)
* Text String.
readonly attribute DOMString text;
* (Optional)
* One of the tone value coded in TS 11.14, clause 12.16, Tone.
* Set to TONE_TYPE_INVALID if null.
readonly attribute unsigned short tone;
* (Optional)
* The length of time for which the ME shall generate the tone.
readonly attribute nsIStkDuration duration;
* Need to vibrate or not.
* true: vibrate alert, if available, with the tone.
* false: use of vibrate alert is up to the ME.
readonly attribute boolean isVibrate;
* (Optional)
* Icon to be displayed.
readonly attribute nsIStkIconInfo iconInfo;
* This interface is to be applied by STK_CMD_TIMER_MANAGEMENT.
[scriptable, uuid(e421b122-60f3-11e4-b8d7-bfe75825a796)]
interface nsIStkTimerManagementCmd : nsIStkProactiveCmd
* Timer Information.
readonly attribute nsIStkTimer timerInfo;
[scriptable, uuid(000696fe-5d85-11e4-8da2-2fdf3880276b)]
interface nsIIccMessenger : nsISupports
* To broadcast 'icc-stkcommand' system message
* @param aIccId
* Integrated Circuit Card Identifier.
* @param aCommand
* An instance of nsIStkProactiveCmd or its sub-class.
void notifyStkProactiveCommand(in DOMString aIccId,
in nsIStkProactiveCmd aCommand);