
59 lines
2.7 KiB
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transferred=%1SKB of %2SKB
notStarted=Not Started
downloadErrorAlertTitle=Download Error
quitCancelDownloadsAlertTitle=Cancel All Downloads?
quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsg=If you exit now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to exit?
quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple=If you exit now, %S downloads will be canceled. Are you sure you want to exit?
quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMac=If you quit now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to quit?
quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMacMultiple=If you quit now, %S downloads will be canceled. Are you sure you want to quit?
offlineCancelDownloadsAlertTitle=Cancel All Downloads?
offlineCancelDownloadsAlertMsg=If you go offline now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to go offline?
offlineCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple=If you go offline now, %S downloads will be canceled. Are you sure you want to go offline?
cancelDownloadsOKText=Cancel 1 Download
cancelDownloadsOKTextMultiple=Cancel %S Downloads
dontQuitButtonWin=Don't Exit
dontQuitButtonMac=Don't Quit
dontGoOfflineButton=Stay Online
downloadsCompleteTitle=Downloads Complete
downloadsCompleteMsg=All files have finished downloading.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusFormat2): — is the "em dash" (long dash)
# #1 transfer progress; #2 rate number; #3 rate unit; #4 time left
# example: 4 minutes left — 1.1 of 11.1 GB (2.2 MB/sec)
statusFormat2=#4 — #1 (#2 #3/sec)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (transferSameUnits, transferDiffUnits, transferNoTotal):
# #1 progress number; #2 progress unit; #3 total number; #4 total unit
# examples: 1.1 of 333 MB; 11.1 MB of 3.3 GB; 111 KB
transferSameUnits=#1 of #3 #4
transferDiffUnits=#1 #2 of #3 #4
transferNoTotal=#1 #2
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeLeft): number of minutes left (greater than 1)
# 3 min -> 2 min -> less than a minute; example: 11 minutes left
timeLeft=#1 minutes left
timeLessMinute=Less than a minute
timeUnknown=Unknown time left
fileDoesNotExistOpenTitle=Cannot Open %S
fileDoesNotExistShowTitle=Cannot Show %S
fileDoesNotExistError=%S does not exist. It may have been renamed, moved, or deleted since it was downloaded.
chooseAppFilePickerTitle=Open With...
downloadsTitle=%S%% of 1 file - Downloads
downloadsTitleMultiple=%S%% of %S files - Downloads
fileExecutableSecurityWarning="%S" is an executable file. Executable files may contain viruses or other malicious code that could harm your computer. Use caution when opening this file. Are you sure you want to launch "%S"?
fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle=Open Executable File?
fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk=Don't ask me this again