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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* parsing of CSS stylesheets, based on a token stream from the CSS scanner */
#ifndef nsCSSParser_h___
#define nsCSSParser_h___
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsCSSProperty.h"
Bug 773296 - Part 8: Resolve and compute CSS variables. r=dbaron We add a new class CSSVariableResolver whose job is to take the inherited computed variables and the specified variable declarations and to perform cycle removal and resolution of the variables, storing the result in the CSSVariableValues object on an nsStyleVariables. We use CSSVariableResolver in nsRuleNode::ComputeVariablesData. The variable resolver does this: 1. Asks the CSSVariableValues and CSSVariableDeclarations objects to add their variables to it. 2. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function EnumerateVariableReferences that informs the resolver which other variables a given variable references, and by doing so, builds a graph of variable dependencies. 3. Removes variables involved in cyclic references using Tarjan's strongly connected component algorithm, setting those variables to have an invalid value. 4. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function ResolveVariableValue to resolve the remaining valid variables by substituting variable references. We extend nsCSSParser::ParseValueWithVariables to take a callback function to be invoked when encountering a variable reference. This lets EnumerateVariableReferences re-use ParseValueWithVariables. CSSParserImpl::ResolveValueWithVariableReferences needs different error handling behaviour from ParseValueWithVariables, so we don't re-use it. CSSParserImpl::AppendImpliedEOFCharacters is used to take the value returned from nsCSSScanner::GetImpliedEOFCharacters while resolving variable references that were declared using custom properties that encountered EOF before being closed properly. The SeparatorRequiredBetweenTokens helper function in nsCSSParser.cpp implements the serialization rules in CSS Syntax Module Level 3:
2013-12-11 18:09:41 -08:00
#include "nsCSSScanner.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h"
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIURI;
struct nsCSSSelectorList;
class nsMediaList;
class nsMediaQuery;
class nsCSSKeyframeRule;
class nsCSSValue;
struct nsRuleData;
namespace mozilla {
class CSSStyleSheet;
Bug 773296 - Part 8: Resolve and compute CSS variables. r=dbaron We add a new class CSSVariableResolver whose job is to take the inherited computed variables and the specified variable declarations and to perform cycle removal and resolution of the variables, storing the result in the CSSVariableValues object on an nsStyleVariables. We use CSSVariableResolver in nsRuleNode::ComputeVariablesData. The variable resolver does this: 1. Asks the CSSVariableValues and CSSVariableDeclarations objects to add their variables to it. 2. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function EnumerateVariableReferences that informs the resolver which other variables a given variable references, and by doing so, builds a graph of variable dependencies. 3. Removes variables involved in cyclic references using Tarjan's strongly connected component algorithm, setting those variables to have an invalid value. 4. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function ResolveVariableValue to resolve the remaining valid variables by substituting variable references. We extend nsCSSParser::ParseValueWithVariables to take a callback function to be invoked when encountering a variable reference. This lets EnumerateVariableReferences re-use ParseValueWithVariables. CSSParserImpl::ResolveValueWithVariableReferences needs different error handling behaviour from ParseValueWithVariables, so we don't re-use it. CSSParserImpl::AppendImpliedEOFCharacters is used to take the value returned from nsCSSScanner::GetImpliedEOFCharacters while resolving variable references that were declared using custom properties that encountered EOF before being closed properly. The SeparatorRequiredBetweenTokens helper function in nsCSSParser.cpp implements the serialization rules in CSS Syntax Module Level 3:
2013-12-11 18:09:41 -08:00
class CSSVariableValues;
namespace css {
class Rule;
class Declaration;
class Loader;
class StyleRule;
// Interface to the css parser.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsCSSParser {
explicit nsCSSParser(mozilla::css::Loader* aLoader = nullptr,
mozilla::CSSStyleSheet* aSheet = nullptr);
static void Startup();
static void Shutdown();
nsCSSParser(nsCSSParser const&) = delete;
nsCSSParser& operator=(nsCSSParser const&) = delete;
// Set a style sheet for the parser to fill in. The style sheet must
// implement the CSSStyleSheet interface. Null can be passed in to clear
// out an existing stylesheet reference.
nsresult SetStyleSheet(mozilla::CSSStyleSheet* aSheet);
// Set whether or not to emulate Nav quirks
nsresult SetQuirkMode(bool aQuirkMode);
// Set loader to use for child sheets
nsresult SetChildLoader(mozilla::css::Loader* aChildLoader);
* Parse aInput into the stylesheet that was previously set by calling
* SetStyleSheet. Calling this method without calling SetStyleSheet first is
* an error.
* @param aInput the data to parse
* @param aSheetURL the URI to use as the sheet URI (for error reporting).
* This must match the URI of the sheet passed to
* SetStyleSheet.
* @param aBaseURI the URI to use for relative URI resolution
* @param aSheetPrincipal the principal of the stylesheet. This must match
* the principal of the sheet passed to SetStyleSheet.
* @param aLineNumber the line number of the first line of the sheet.
* @param aAllowUnsafeRules see aEnableUnsafeRules in
* mozilla::css::Loader::LoadSheetSync
nsresult ParseSheet(const nsAString& aInput,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURI,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
bool aAllowUnsafeRules);
// Parse HTML style attribute or its equivalent in other markup
// languages. aBaseURL is the base url to use for relative links in
// the declaration.
nsresult ParseStyleAttribute(const nsAString& aAttributeValue,
nsIURI* aDocURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aNodePrincipal,
mozilla::css::StyleRule** aResult);
// Parse the body of a declaration block. Very similar to
// ParseStyleAttribute, but used under different circumstances.
// The contents of aDeclaration will be erased and replaced with the
// results of parsing; aChanged will be set true if the aDeclaration
// argument was modified.
nsresult ParseDeclarations(const nsAString& aBuffer,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
mozilla::css::Declaration* aDeclaration,
bool* aChanged);
nsresult ParseRule(const nsAString& aRule,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
mozilla::css::Rule** aResult);
// Parse the value of a single CSS property, and add or replace that
// property in aDeclaration.
// SVG "mapped attributes" (which correspond directly to CSS
// properties) are parsed slightly differently from regular CSS; in
// particular, units may be omitted from <length>. The 'aIsSVGMode'
// argument controls this quirk. Note that this *only* applies to
// mapped attributes, not inline styles or full style sheets in SVG.
void ParseProperty(const nsCSSProperty aPropID,
const nsAString& aPropValue,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
mozilla::css::Declaration* aDeclaration,
bool* aChanged,
bool aIsImportant,
bool aIsSVGMode = false);
// The same as ParseProperty but for a variable.
void ParseVariable(const nsAString& aVariableName,
const nsAString& aPropValue,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
mozilla::css::Declaration* aDeclaration,
bool* aChanged,
bool aIsImportant);
* Parse aBuffer into a media list |aMediaList|, which must be
* non-null, replacing its current contents. If aHTMLMode is true,
* parse according to HTML rules, with commas as the most important
* delimiter. Otherwise, parse according to CSS rules, with
* parentheses and strings more important than commas. |aURL| and
* |aLineNumber| are used for error reporting.
void ParseMediaList(const nsSubstring& aBuffer,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
nsMediaList* aMediaList,
bool aHTMLMode);
* Parse aBuffer into a list of media queries and their associated values,
* according to grammar:
* <source-size-list> = <source-size>#?
* <source-size> = <media-condition>? <length>
* Note that this grammar is top-level: The function expects to consume the
* entire input buffer.
* Output arrays overwritten (not appended) and are cleared in case of parse
* failure.
bool ParseSourceSizeList(const nsAString& aBuffer,
nsIURI* aURI, // for error reporting
uint32_t aLineNumber, // for error reporting
InfallibleTArray< nsAutoPtr<nsMediaQuery> >& aQueries,
InfallibleTArray<nsCSSValue>& aValues,
bool aHTMLMode);
* Parse aBuffer into a nsCSSValue |aValue|. Will return false
* if aBuffer is not a valid font family list.
bool ParseFontFamilyListString(const nsSubstring& aBuffer,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
nsCSSValue& aValue);
* Parse aBuffer into a nsCSSValue |aValue|. Will return false
* if aBuffer is not a valid CSS color specification.
* One can use nsRuleNode::ComputeColor to compute an nscolor from
* the returned nsCSSValue.
bool ParseColorString(const nsSubstring& aBuffer,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
nsCSSValue& aValue,
bool aSuppressErrors = false);
* Parse aBuffer into a selector list. On success, caller must
* delete *aSelectorList when done with it.
nsresult ParseSelectorString(const nsSubstring& aSelectorString,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
nsCSSSelectorList** aSelectorList);
* Parse a keyframe rule (which goes inside an @keyframes rule).
* Return it if the parse was successful.
ParseKeyframeRule(const nsSubstring& aBuffer,
uint32_t aLineNumber);
* Parse a selector list for a keyframe rule. Return whether
* the parse succeeded.
bool ParseKeyframeSelectorString(const nsSubstring& aSelectorString,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
InfallibleTArray<float>& aSelectorList);
* Parse a property and value and return whether the property/value pair
* is supported.
bool EvaluateSupportsDeclaration(const nsAString& aProperty,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsIURI* aDocURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aDocPrincipal);
* Parse an @supports condition and returns the result of evaluating the
* condition.
bool EvaluateSupportsCondition(const nsAString& aCondition,
nsIURI* aDocURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aDocPrincipal);
Bug 773296 - Part 8: Resolve and compute CSS variables. r=dbaron We add a new class CSSVariableResolver whose job is to take the inherited computed variables and the specified variable declarations and to perform cycle removal and resolution of the variables, storing the result in the CSSVariableValues object on an nsStyleVariables. We use CSSVariableResolver in nsRuleNode::ComputeVariablesData. The variable resolver does this: 1. Asks the CSSVariableValues and CSSVariableDeclarations objects to add their variables to it. 2. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function EnumerateVariableReferences that informs the resolver which other variables a given variable references, and by doing so, builds a graph of variable dependencies. 3. Removes variables involved in cyclic references using Tarjan's strongly connected component algorithm, setting those variables to have an invalid value. 4. Calls in to a new nsCSSParser function ResolveVariableValue to resolve the remaining valid variables by substituting variable references. We extend nsCSSParser::ParseValueWithVariables to take a callback function to be invoked when encountering a variable reference. This lets EnumerateVariableReferences re-use ParseValueWithVariables. CSSParserImpl::ResolveValueWithVariableReferences needs different error handling behaviour from ParseValueWithVariables, so we don't re-use it. CSSParserImpl::AppendImpliedEOFCharacters is used to take the value returned from nsCSSScanner::GetImpliedEOFCharacters while resolving variable references that were declared using custom properties that encountered EOF before being closed properly. The SeparatorRequiredBetweenTokens helper function in nsCSSParser.cpp implements the serialization rules in CSS Syntax Module Level 3:
2013-12-11 18:09:41 -08:00
typedef void (*VariableEnumFunc)(const nsAString&, void*);
* Parses aPropertyValue as a property value and calls aFunc for each
* variable reference that is found. Returns false if there was
* a syntax error in the use of variable references.
bool EnumerateVariableReferences(const nsAString& aPropertyValue,
VariableEnumFunc aFunc,
void* aData);
* Parses aPropertyValue as a property value and resolves variable references
* using the values in aVariables.
bool ResolveVariableValue(const nsAString& aPropertyValue,
const mozilla::CSSVariableValues* aVariables,
nsString& aResult,
nsCSSTokenSerializationType& aFirstToken,
nsCSSTokenSerializationType& aLastToken);
* Parses a string as a CSS token stream value for particular property,
* resolving any variable references. The parsed property value is stored
* in the specified nsRuleData object. If aShorthandPropertyID has a value
* other than eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, this is the property that will be parsed;
* otherwise, aPropertyID will be parsed. Either way, only aPropertyID,
* a longhand property, will be copied over to the rule data.
* If the property cannot be parsed, it will be treated as if 'initial' or
* 'inherit' were specified, for non-inherited and inherited properties
* respectively.
void ParsePropertyWithVariableReferences(
nsCSSProperty aPropertyID,
nsCSSProperty aShorthandPropertyID,
const nsAString& aValue,
const mozilla::CSSVariableValues* aVariables,
nsRuleData* aRuleData,
nsIURI* aDocURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aDocPrincipal,
mozilla::CSSStyleSheet* aSheet,
uint32_t aLineNumber,
uint32_t aLineOffset);
bool ParseCounterStyleName(const nsAString& aBuffer,
nsAString& aName);
bool ParseCounterDescriptor(nsCSSCounterDesc aDescID,
const nsAString& aBuffer,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
nsCSSValue& aValue);
bool ParseFontFaceDescriptor(nsCSSFontDesc aDescID,
const nsAString& aBuffer,
nsIURI* aSheetURL,
nsIURI* aBaseURL,
nsIPrincipal* aSheetPrincipal,
nsCSSValue& aValue);
// Check whether a given value can be applied to a property.
bool IsValueValidForProperty(const nsCSSProperty aPropID,
const nsAString& aPropValue);
// This is a CSSParserImpl*, but if we expose that type name in this
// header, we can't put the type definition (in nsCSSParser.cpp) in
// the anonymous namespace.
void* mImpl;
#endif /* nsCSSParser_h___ */