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// CFGrowlAdditions.h
// Growl
// Created by Mac-arena the Bored Zo on Wed Jun 18 2004.
// Copyright 2005 The Growl Project.
#ifdef __OBJC__
# define DATA_TYPE NSData *
# define DICTIONARY_TYPE NSDictionary *
# define STRING_TYPE NSString *
# define ARRAY_TYPE NSArray *
# define URL_TYPE NSURL *
# define PLIST_TYPE NSObject *
# define DATA_TYPE CFDataRef
# define DICTIONARY_TYPE CFDictionaryRef
# define STRING_TYPE CFStringRef
# define ARRAY_TYPE CFArrayRef
# define URL_TYPE CFURLRef
# define PLIST_TYPE CFPropertyListRef
STRING_TYPE copyCurrentProcessName(void);
URL_TYPE copyCurrentProcessURL(void);
STRING_TYPE copyCurrentProcessPath(void);
URL_TYPE copyTemporaryFolderURL(void);
STRING_TYPE copyTemporaryFolderPath(void);
STRING_TYPE createStringWithAddressData(DATA_TYPE aAddressData);
STRING_TYPE createHostNameForAddressData(DATA_TYPE aAddressData);
DICTIONARY_TYPE createDockDescriptionForURL(URL_TYPE url);
/* @function copyIconDataForPath
* @param path The POSIX path to the file or folder whose icon you want.
* @result The icon data, in IconFamily format (same as used in the 'icns' resource and in .icns files). You are responsible for releasing this object.
DATA_TYPE copyIconDataForPath(STRING_TYPE path);
/* @function copyIconDataForURL
* @param URL The URL to the file or folder whose icon you want.
* @result The icon data, in IconFamily format (same as used in the 'icns' resource and in .icns files). You are responsible for releasing this object.
/* @function createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName
* @abstract Create a directory.
* @discussion This function has a useful side effect: if you pass
* <code>NULL</code> for both parameters, this function will act basically as
* CFURL version of <code>getcwd</code>(3).
* Also, for CF clients: the allocator used to create the returned URL will
* be the allocator for the parent URL, the allocator for the name string, or
* the default allocator, in that order of preference.
* @param parent The directory in which to create the new directory. If this is <code>NULL</code>, the current working directory (as returned by <code>getcwd</code>(3)) will be used.
* @param name The name of the directory you want to create. If this is <code>NULL</code>, the directory specified by the URL will be created.
* @result The URL for the directory if it was successfully created (in which case, you are responsible for releasing this object); else, <code>NULL</code>.
URL_TYPE createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName(URL_TYPE parent, STRING_TYPE name);
/* @function createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL
* @param file The file to copy.
* @param dest The folder to copy it to.
* @result The copy. You are responsible for releasing this object.
URL_TYPE createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL(URL_TYPE file, URL_TYPE dest);
/* @function createPropertyListFromURL
* @abstract Reads a property list from the contents of an URL.
* @discussion Creates a property list from the data at an URL (for example, a
* file URL), and returns it.
* @param file The file to read.
* @param mutability A mutability-option constant indicating whether the property list (and possibly its contents) should be mutable.
* @param outFormat If the property list is read successfully, this will point to the format of the property list. You may pass NULL if you are not interested in this information. If the property list is not read successfully, the value at this pointer will be left unchanged.
* @param outErrorString If an error occurs, this will point to a string (which you are responsible for releasing) describing the error. You may pass NULL if you are not interested in this information. If no error occurs, the value at this pointer will be left unchanged.
* @result The property list. You are responsible for releasing this object.
PLIST_TYPE createPropertyListFromURL(URL_TYPE file, u_int32_t mutability, CFPropertyListFormat *outFormat, STRING_TYPE *outErrorString);