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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=78:
2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jsgc_root_h__
#define jsgc_root_h__
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include "mozilla/GuardObjects.h"
#include "js/TemplateLib.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
* Moving GC Stack Rooting
* A moving GC may change the physical location of GC allocated things, even
* when they are rooted, updating all pointers to the thing to refer to its new
* location. The GC must therefore know about all live pointers to a thing,
* not just one of them, in order to behave correctly.
* The classes below are used to root stack locations whose value may be held
* live across a call that can trigger GC (i.e. a call which might allocate any
* GC things). For a code fragment such as:
* Foo();
* ... = obj->lastProperty();
* If Foo() can trigger a GC, the stack location of obj must be rooted to
* ensure that the GC does not move the JSObject referred to by obj without
* updating obj's location itself. This rooting must happen regardless of
* whether there are other roots which ensure that the object itself will not
* be collected.
* If Foo() cannot trigger a GC, and the same holds for all other calls made
* between obj's definitions and its last uses, then no rooting is required.
* Several classes are available for rooting stack locations. All are templated
* on the type T of the value being rooted, for which RootMethods<T> must
* have an instantiation.
* - Rooted<T> declares a variable of type T, whose value is always rooted.
* Rooted<T> may be automatically coerced to a Handle<T>, below. Rooted<T>
* should be used whenever a local variable's value may be held live across a
* call which can allocate GC things or otherwise trigger a GC.
* - Handle<T> is a const reference to a Rooted<T>. Functions which take GC
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* things or values as arguments and need to root those arguments should
* generally use handles for those arguments and avoid any explicit rooting.
* This has two benefits. First, when several such functions call each other
* then redundant rooting of multiple copies of the GC thing can be avoided.
* Second, if the caller does not pass a rooted value a compile error will be
* generated, which is quicker and easier to fix than when relying on a
* separate rooting analysis.
namespace js {
template <typename T> class Rooted;
template <typename T>
struct RootMethods {};
template <typename T>
class HandleBase {};
template <typename T>
class MutableHandleBase {};
} /* namespace js */
namespace JS {
template <typename T> class MutableHandle;
* Handle provides an implicit constructor for NullPtr so that, given:
* foo(Handle<JSObject*> h);
* callers can simply write:
* foo(NullPtr());
* which avoids creating a Rooted<JSObject*> just to pass NULL.
struct NullPtr
static void * const constNullValue;
template <typename T>
class MutableHandle;
* Reference to a T that has been rooted elsewhere. This is most useful
* as a parameter type, which guarantees that the T lvalue is properly
* rooted. See "Move GC Stack Rooting" above.
* If you want to add additional methods to Handle for a specific
* specialization, define a HandleBase<T> specialization containing them.
template <typename T>
class Handle : public js::HandleBase<T>
/* Creates a handle from a handle of a type convertible to T. */
template <typename S>
Handle(Handle<S> handle,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy = 0)
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(handle.address());
/* Create a handle for a NULL pointer. */
Handle(NullPtr) {
typedef typename js::tl::StaticAssert<js::tl::IsPointerType<T>::result>::result _;
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&NullPtr::constNullValue);
friend class MutableHandle<T>;
Handle(MutableHandle<T> handle) {
ptr = handle.address();
* This may be called only if the location of the T is guaranteed
* to be marked (for some reason other than being a Rooted),
* e.g., if it is guaranteed to be reachable from an implicit root.
* Create a Handle from a raw location of a T.
static Handle fromMarkedLocation(const T *p) {
Handle h;
h.ptr = p;
return h;
* Construct a handle from an explicitly rooted location. This is the
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* normal way to create a handle, and normally happens implicitly.
template <typename S>
Handle(js::Rooted<S> &root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy = 0);
/* Construct a read only handle from a mutable handle. */
template <typename S>
Handle(MutableHandle<S> &root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy = 0);
const T *address() const { return ptr; }
T get() const { return *ptr; }
operator T () const { return get(); }
T operator ->() const { return get(); }
Handle() {}
const T *ptr;
2012-07-10 18:17:29 -07:00
template <typename S>
void operator =(S v) MOZ_DELETE;
typedef Handle<JSObject*> HandleObject;
typedef Handle<JSFunction*> HandleFunction;
typedef Handle<JSScript*> HandleScript;
typedef Handle<JSString*> HandleString;
typedef Handle<jsid> HandleId;
typedef Handle<Value> HandleValue;
* Similar to a handle, but the underlying storage can be changed. This is
* useful for outparams.
* If you want to add additional methods to MutableHandle for a specific
* specialization, define a MutableHandleBase<T> specialization containing
* them.
template <typename T>
class MutableHandle : public js::MutableHandleBase<T>
template <typename S>
MutableHandle(MutableHandle<S> handle,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy = 0)
this->ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(handle.address());
template <typename S>
MutableHandle(js::Rooted<S> *root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy = 0);
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void set(T v)
2012-07-10 18:17:29 -07:00
*ptr = v;
* This may be called only if the location of the T is guaranteed
* to be marked (for some reason other than being a Rooted),
* e.g., if it is guaranteed to be reachable from an implicit root.
* Create a MutableHandle from a raw location of a T.
static MutableHandle fromMarkedLocation(T *p) {
MutableHandle h;
h.ptr = p;
return h;
T *address() const { return ptr; }
T get() const { return *ptr; }
operator T () const { return get(); }
T operator ->() const { return get(); }
MutableHandle() {}
T *ptr;
template <typename S>
void operator =(S v) MOZ_DELETE;
typedef MutableHandle<JSObject*> MutableHandleObject;
typedef MutableHandle<JSFunction*> MutableHandleFunction;
typedef MutableHandle<JSScript*> MutableHandleScript;
typedef MutableHandle<JSString*> MutableHandleString;
typedef MutableHandle<jsid> MutableHandleId;
typedef MutableHandle<Value> MutableHandleValue;
* Raw pointer used as documentation that a parameter does not need to be
* rooted.
typedef JSObject * RawObject;
typedef JSFunction * RawFunction;
typedef JSScript * RawScript;
typedef JSString * RawString;
typedef jsid RawId;
typedef Value RawValue;
} /* namespace JS */
namespace js {
* InternalHandle is a handle to an internal pointer into a gcthing. Use
* InternalHandle when you have a pointer to a direct field of a gcthing, or
* when you need a parameter type for something that *may* be a pointer to a
* direct field of a gcthing.
class InternalHandleBase
static void * const zeroPointer;
template <typename T>
class InternalHandle { };
template <typename T>
class InternalHandle<T*> : public InternalHandleBase
void * const *holder;
size_t offset;
* Create an InternalHandle using a Handle to the gcthing containing the
* field in question, and a pointer to the field.
template<typename H>
InternalHandle(const JS::Handle<H> &handle, T *field)
: holder((void**)handle.address()), offset(uintptr_t(field) - uintptr_t(handle.get()))
* Create an InternalHandle to a field within a Rooted<>.
template<typename R>
InternalHandle(const Rooted<R> &root, T *field)
: holder((void**)root.address()), offset(uintptr_t(field) - uintptr_t(root.get()))
T *get() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(uintptr_t(*holder) + offset); }
const T& operator *() const { return *get(); }
T* operator ->() const { return get(); }
static InternalHandle<T*> fromMarkedLocation(T *fieldPtr) {
return InternalHandle(fieldPtr);
* Create an InternalHandle to something that is not a pointer to a
* gcthing, and so does not need to be rooted in the first place. Use these
* InternalHandles to pass pointers into functions that also need to accept
* regular InternalHandles to gcthing fields.
* Make this private to prevent accidental misuse; this is only for
* fromMarkedLocation().
InternalHandle(T *field)
: holder(reinterpret_cast<void * const *>(&zeroPointer)),
* By default, pointers should use the inheritance hierarchy to find their
* ThingRootKind. Some pointer types are explicitly set in jspubtd.h so that
* Rooted<T> may be used without the class definition being available.
template <typename T>
struct RootKind<T *> { static ThingRootKind rootKind() { return T::rootKind(); } };
template <typename T>
struct RootMethods<T *>
static T *initial() { return NULL; }
static ThingRootKind kind() { return RootKind<T *>::rootKind(); }
static bool poisoned(T *v) { return IsPoisonedPtr(v); }
template <typename T>
class RootedBase {};
2012-05-24 08:52:21 -07:00
* Local variable of type T whose value is always rooted. This is typically
* used for local variables, or for non-rooted values being passed to a
* function that requires a handle, e.g. Foo(Root<T>(cx, x)).
* If you want to add additional methods to Rooted for a specific
* specialization, define a RootedBase<T> specialization containing them.
template <typename T>
class Rooted : public RootedBase<T>
void init(JSContext *cxArg)
ContextFriendFields *cx = ContextFriendFields::get(cxArg);
ThingRootKind kind = RootMethods<T>::kind();
this->stack = reinterpret_cast<Rooted<T>**>(&cx->thingGCRooters[kind]);
this->prev = *stack;
*stack = this;
void init(JSRuntime *rtArg)
RuntimeFriendFields *rt = const_cast<RuntimeFriendFields *>(RuntimeFriendFields::get(rtArg));
ThingRootKind kind = RootMethods<T>::kind();
this->stack = reinterpret_cast<Rooted<T>**>(&rt->thingGCRooters[kind]);
this->prev = *stack;
*stack = this;
2012-05-24 08:52:21 -07:00
Rooted(JSRuntime *rt
: ptr(RootMethods<T>::initial())
Rooted(JSRuntime *rt, T initial
: ptr(initial)
Rooted(JSContext *cx
: ptr(RootMethods<T>::initial())
Rooted(JSContext *cx, T initial
: ptr(initial)
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JS_ASSERT(*stack == this);
*stack = prev;
Rooted<T> *previous() { return prev; }
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operator T () const { return ptr; }
T operator ->() const { return ptr; }
T * address() { return &ptr; }
const T * address() const { return &ptr; }
T & get() { return ptr; }
const T & get() const { return ptr; }
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T & operator =(T value)
ptr = value;
return ptr;
T & operator =(const Rooted &value)
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ptr = value;
return ptr;
Rooted<T> **stack, *prev;
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T ptr;
Rooted(const Rooted &) MOZ_DELETE;
typedef Rooted<JSObject*> RootedObject;
typedef Rooted<JSFunction*> RootedFunction;
typedef Rooted<JSScript*> RootedScript;
typedef Rooted<JSString*> RootedString;
typedef Rooted<jsid> RootedId;
typedef Rooted<Value> RootedValue;
* Mark a stack location as a root for the rooting analysis, without actually
* rooting it in release builds. This should only be used for stack locations
* of GC things that cannot be relocated by a garbage collection, and that
* are definitely reachable via another path.
class SkipRoot
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(JS_GC_ZEAL) && defined(JSGC_ROOT_ANALYSIS) && !defined(JS_THREADSAFE)
SkipRoot **stack, *prev;
const uint8_t *start;
const uint8_t *end;
template <typename T>
void init(ContextFriendFields *cx, const T *ptr, size_t count)
this->stack = &cx->skipGCRooters;
this->prev = *stack;
*stack = this;
this->start = (const uint8_t *) ptr;
this->end = this->start + (sizeof(T) * count);
template <typename T>
SkipRoot(JSContext *cx, const T *ptr, size_t count = 1
2012-05-24 08:52:21 -07:00
init(ContextFriendFields::get(cx), ptr, count);
JS_ASSERT(*stack == this);
*stack = prev;
SkipRoot *previous() { return prev; }
bool contains(const uint8_t *v, size_t len) {
return v >= start && v + len <= end;
template <typename T>
SkipRoot(JSContext *cx, const T *ptr, size_t count = 1
} /* namespace js */
namespace JS {
template<typename T> template <typename S>
Handle<T>::Handle(js::Rooted<S> &root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy)
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(root.address());
template<typename T> template <typename S>
Handle<T>::Handle(MutableHandle<S> &root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy)
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(root.address());
template<typename T> template <typename S>
MutableHandle<T>::MutableHandle(js::Rooted<S> *root,
typename mozilla::EnableIf<mozilla::IsConvertible<S, T>::value, int>::Type dummy)
ptr = root->address();
JS_FRIEND_API(void) EnterAssertNoGCScope();
JS_FRIEND_API(void) LeaveAssertNoGCScope();
JS_FRIEND_API(bool) InNoGCScope();
* The scoped guard object AutoAssertNoGC forces the GC to assert if a GC is
* attempted while the guard object is live. If you have a GC-unsafe operation
* to perform, use this guard object to protect your operation.
class AutoAssertNoGC
#ifdef DEBUG
~AutoAssertNoGC() {
#ifdef DEBUG
* AssertCanGC will assert if it is called inside of an AutoAssertNoGC region.
#ifdef DEBUG
# define AssertCanGC()
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(JS_GC_ZEAL) && defined(JSGC_ROOT_ANALYSIS) && !defined(JS_THREADSAFE)
extern void
CheckStackRoots(JSContext *cx);
JS_FRIEND_API(bool) NeedRelaxedRootChecks();
} /* namespace JS */
namespace js {
* Hook for dynamic root analysis. Checks the native stack and poisons
* references to GC things which have not been rooted.
inline void MaybeCheckStackRoots(JSContext *cx, bool relax = true)
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(JS_GC_ZEAL) && defined(JSGC_ROOT_ANALYSIS) && !defined(JS_THREADSAFE)
if (relax && NeedRelaxedRootChecks())
namespace gc {
struct Cell;
} /* namespace gc */
/* Base class for automatic read-only object rooting during compilation. */
class CompilerRootNode
CompilerRootNode(js::gc::Cell *ptr)
: next(NULL), ptr(ptr)
{ }
void **address() { return (void **)&ptr; }
CompilerRootNode *next;
js::gc::Cell *ptr;
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* jsgc_root_h___ */