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Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Class for managing loading of a subframe (creation of the docshell,
* handling of loads in it, recursion-checking).
#ifndef nsFrameLoader_h_
#define nsFrameLoader_h_
#include "nsIDocShell.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsIFrameLoader.h"
#include "nsPoint.h"
#include "nsSize.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsFrameMessageManager.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "FrameMetrics.h"
#include "nsStubMutationObserver.h"
class nsIURI;
class nsSubDocumentFrame;
class nsView;
class nsIInProcessContentFrameMessageManager;
class AutoResetInShow;
class nsITabParent;
class nsIDocShellTreeItem;
class nsIDocShellTreeOwner;
class nsIDocShellTreeNode;
class mozIApplication;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class PBrowserParent;
class TabParent;
struct StructuredCloneData;
namespace layout {
class RenderFrameParent;
typedef struct _GtkWidget GtkWidget;
class QX11EmbedContainer;
* Defines a target configuration for this <browser>'s content
* document's view. If the content document's actual view
* doesn't match this nsIContentView, then on paints its pixels
* are transformed to compensate for the difference.
* Used to support asynchronous re-paints of content pixels; see
* nsIContentView.
class nsContentView MOZ_FINAL : public nsIContentView
typedef mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics::ViewID ViewID;
struct ViewConfig {
: mScrollOffset(0, 0)
, mXScale(1.0)
, mYScale(1.0)
// Default copy ctor and operator= are fine
bool operator==(const ViewConfig& aOther) const
return (mScrollOffset == aOther.mScrollOffset &&
mXScale == aOther.mXScale &&
mYScale == aOther.mYScale);
// This is the scroll offset the <browser> user wishes or expects
// its enclosed content document to have. "Scroll offset" here
// means the document pixel at pixel (0,0) within the CSS
// viewport. If the content document's actual scroll offset
// doesn't match |mScrollOffset|, the difference is used to define
// a translation transform when painting the content document.
nsPoint mScrollOffset;
// The scale at which the <browser> user wishes to paint its
// enclosed content document. If content-document layers have a
// lower or higher resolution than the desired scale, then the
// ratio is used to define a scale transform when painting the
// content document.
float mXScale;
float mYScale;
nsContentView(nsFrameLoader* aFrameLoader, ViewID aScrollId,
ViewConfig aConfig = ViewConfig())
: mViewportSize(0, 0)
, mContentSize(0, 0)
, mParentScaleX(1.0)
, mParentScaleY(1.0)
, mFrameLoader(aFrameLoader)
, mScrollId(aScrollId)
, mConfig(aConfig)
bool IsRoot() const;
ViewID GetId() const
return mScrollId;
ViewConfig GetViewConfig() const
return mConfig;
nsSize mViewportSize;
nsSize mContentSize;
float mParentScaleX;
float mParentScaleY;
nsFrameLoader* mFrameLoader; // WEAK
nsresult Update(const ViewConfig& aConfig);
ViewID mScrollId;
ViewConfig mConfig;
class nsFrameLoader MOZ_FINAL : public nsIFrameLoader,
public nsIContentViewManager,
public nsStubMutationObserver,
public mozilla::dom::ipc::MessageManagerCallback
friend class AutoResetInShow;
typedef mozilla::dom::PBrowserParent PBrowserParent;
typedef mozilla::dom::TabParent TabParent;
typedef mozilla::layout::RenderFrameParent RenderFrameParent;
nsFrameLoader(mozilla::dom::Element* aOwner, bool aNetworkCreated);
2008-02-26 07:10:01 -08:00
~nsFrameLoader() {
mNeedsAsyncDestroy = true;
if (mMessageManager) {
2008-02-26 07:10:01 -08:00
bool AsyncScrollEnabled() const
return !!(mRenderMode & RENDER_MODE_ASYNC_SCROLL);
static nsFrameLoader* Create(mozilla::dom::Element* aOwner,
bool aNetworkCreated);
NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) CheckForRecursiveLoad(nsIURI* aURI);
nsresult ReallyStartLoading();
2008-02-26 06:47:51 -08:00
void Finalize();
nsIDocShell* GetExistingDocShell() { return mDocShell; }
nsIDOMEventTarget* GetTabChildGlobalAsEventTarget();
nsresult CreateStaticClone(nsIFrameLoader* aDest);
* MessageManagerCallback methods that we override.
virtual bool DoLoadFrameScript(const nsAString& aURL);
virtual bool DoSendAsyncMessage(const nsAString& aMessage,
const mozilla::dom::StructuredCloneData& aData);
virtual bool CheckPermission(const nsAString& aPermission);
virtual bool CheckManifestURL(const nsAString& aManifestURL);
virtual bool CheckAppHasPermission(const nsAString& aPermission);
* Called from the layout frame associated with this frame loader;
* this notifies us to hook up with the widget and view.
bool Show(int32_t marginWidth, int32_t marginHeight,
int32_t scrollbarPrefX, int32_t scrollbarPrefY,
nsSubDocumentFrame* frame);
* Called when the margin properties of the containing frame are changed.
void MarginsChanged(uint32_t aMarginWidth, uint32_t aMarginHeight);
* Called from the layout frame associated with this frame loader, when
* the frame is being torn down; this notifies us that out widget and view
* are going away and we should unhook from them.
void Hide();
nsresult CloneForStatic(nsIFrameLoader* aOriginal);
// The guts of an nsIFrameLoaderOwner::SwapFrameLoader implementation. A
// frame loader owner needs to call this, and pass in the two references to
// nsRefPtrs for frame loaders that need to be swapped.
nsresult SwapWithOtherLoader(nsFrameLoader* aOther,
nsRefPtr<nsFrameLoader>& aFirstToSwap,
nsRefPtr<nsFrameLoader>& aSecondToSwap);
// When IPC is enabled, destroy any associated child process.
void DestroyChild();
* Return the primary frame for our owning content, or null if it
* can't be found.
nsIFrame* GetPrimaryFrameOfOwningContent() const
return mOwnerContent ? mOwnerContent->GetPrimaryFrame() : nullptr;
* Return the document that owns this, or null if we don't have
* an owner.
nsIDocument* GetOwnerDoc() const
{ return mOwnerContent ? mOwnerContent->OwnerDoc() : nullptr; }
PBrowserParent* GetRemoteBrowser();
* The "current" render frame is the one on which the most recent
* remote layer-tree transaction was executed. If no content has
* been drawn yet, or the remote browser doesn't have any drawn
* content for whatever reason, return nullptr. The returned render
* frame has an associated shadow layer tree.
* Note that the returned render frame might not be a frame
* constructed for this->GetURL(). This can happen, e.g., if the
* <browser> was just navigated to a new URL, but hasn't painted the
* new page yet. A render frame for the previous page may be
* returned. (In-process <browser> behaves similarly, and this
* behavior seems desirable.)
RenderFrameParent* GetCurrentRemoteFrame() const
return mCurrentRemoteFrame;
* |aFrame| can be null. If non-null, it must be the remote frame
* on which the most recent layer transaction completed for this's
* <browser>.
void SetCurrentRemoteFrame(RenderFrameParent* aFrame)
mCurrentRemoteFrame = aFrame;
nsFrameMessageManager* GetFrameMessageManager() { return mMessageManager; }
mozilla::dom::Element* GetOwnerContent() { return mOwnerContent; }
bool ShouldClipSubdocument() { return mClipSubdocument; }
bool ShouldClampScrollPosition() { return mClampScrollPosition; }
* Tell this FrameLoader to use a particular remote browser.
* This will assert if mRemoteBrowser or mCurrentRemoteFrame is non-null. In
* practice, this means you can't have successfully run TryRemoteBrowser() on
* this object, which means you can't have called ShowRemoteFrame() or
* ReallyStartLoading().
void SetRemoteBrowser(nsITabParent* aTabParent);
* Stashes a detached view on the frame loader. We do this when we're
* destroying the nsSubDocumentFrame. If the nsSubdocumentFrame is
* being reframed we'll restore the detached view when it's recreated,
* otherwise we'll discard the old presentation and set the detached
* subdoc view to null. aContainerDoc is the document containing the
* the subdoc frame. This enables us to detect when the containing
* document has changed during reframe, so we can discard the presentation
* in that case.
void SetDetachedSubdocView(nsView* aDetachedView,
nsIDocument* aContainerDoc);
* Retrieves the detached view and the document containing the view,
* as set by SetDetachedSubdocView().
nsView* GetDetachedSubdocView(nsIDocument** aContainerDoc) const;
void SetOwnerContent(mozilla::dom::Element* aContent);
bool ShouldUseRemoteProcess();
* Is this a frameloader for a bona fide <iframe mozbrowser> or
* <iframe mozapp>? (I.e., does the frame return true for
* nsIMozBrowserFrame::GetReallyIsBrowserOrApp()?)
bool OwnerIsBrowserOrAppFrame();
* Is this a frameloader for a bona fide <iframe mozapp>? (I.e., does the
* frame return true for nsIMozBrowserFrame::GetReallyIsApp()?)
bool OwnerIsAppFrame();
* Is this a frame loader for a bona fide <iframe mozbrowser>?
bool OwnerIsBrowserFrame();
2013-02-06 15:49:27 -08:00
* Get our owning element's app manifest URL, or return the empty string if
* our owning element doesn't have an app manifest URL.
void GetOwnerAppManifestURL(nsAString& aOut);
* Get the app for our frame. This is the app whose manifest is returned by
* GetOwnerAppManifestURL.
already_AddRefed<mozIApplication> GetOwnApp();
* Get the app which contains this frame. This is the app associated with
* the frame element's principal.
already_AddRefed<mozIApplication> GetContainingApp();
* If we are an IPC frame, set mRemoteFrame. Otherwise, create and
* initialize mDocShell.
nsresult MaybeCreateDocShell();
nsresult EnsureMessageManager();
NS_HIDDEN_(void) GetURL(nsString& aURL);
// Properly retrieves documentSize of any subdocument type.
nsresult GetWindowDimensions(nsRect& aRect);
// Updates the subdocument position and size. This gets called only
// when we have our own in-process DocShell.
NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) UpdateBaseWindowPositionAndSize(nsSubDocumentFrame *aIFrame);
nsresult CheckURILoad(nsIURI* aURI);
void FireErrorEvent();
nsresult ReallyStartLoadingInternal();
// Return true if remote browser created; nothing else to do
bool TryRemoteBrowser();
// Tell the remote browser that it's now "virtually visible"
bool ShowRemoteFrame(const nsIntSize& size,
nsSubDocumentFrame *aFrame = nullptr);
bool AddTreeItemToTreeOwner(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aItem,
nsIDocShellTreeOwner* aOwner,
int32_t aParentType,
nsIDocShellTreeNode* aParentNode);
nsIAtom* TypeAttrName() const {
return mOwnerContent->IsXUL() ? nsGkAtoms::type : nsGkAtoms::mozframetype;
// Update the permission manager's app-id refcount based on mOwnerContent's
// own-or-containing-app.
void ResetPermissionManagerStatus();
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> mDocShell;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mURIToLoad;
mozilla::dom::Element* mOwnerContent; // WEAK
// Note: this variable must be modified only by ResetPermissionManagerStatus()
uint32_t mAppIdSentToPermissionManager;
// public because a callback needs these.
nsRefPtr<nsFrameMessageManager> mMessageManager;
nsCOMPtr<nsIInProcessContentFrameMessageManager> mChildMessageManager;
// Stores the root view of the subdocument while the subdocument is being
// reframed. Used to restore the presentation after reframing.
nsView* mDetachedSubdocViews;
// Stores the containing document of the frame corresponding to this
// frame loader. This is reference is kept valid while the subframe's
// presentation is detached and stored in mDetachedSubdocViews. This
// enables us to detect whether the frame has moved documents during
// a reframe, so that we know not to restore the presentation.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> mContainerDocWhileDetached;
bool mDepthTooGreat : 1;
bool mIsTopLevelContent : 1;
bool mDestroyCalled : 1;
bool mNeedsAsyncDestroy : 1;
bool mInSwap : 1;
bool mInShow : 1;
bool mHideCalled : 1;
// True when the object is created for an element which the parser has
// created using NS_FROM_PARSER_NETWORK flag. If the element is modified,
// it may lose the flag.
bool mNetworkCreated : 1;
bool mDelayRemoteDialogs : 1;
bool mRemoteBrowserShown : 1;
bool mRemoteFrame : 1;
bool mClipSubdocument : 1;
bool mClampScrollPosition : 1;
bool mRemoteBrowserInitialized : 1;
bool mObservingOwnerContent : 1;
// XXX leaking
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver> mChildHost;
RenderFrameParent* mCurrentRemoteFrame;
TabParent* mRemoteBrowser;
Merging with M-C. Hand merged the following files: U chrome/src/nsChromeRegistry.cpp U chrome/src/nsChromeRegistry.h U content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp U content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.h U dom/src/geolocation/nsGeolocation.cpp U dom/src/geolocation/nsGeolocation.h U netwerk/build/ U netwerk/cookie/nsCookieService.cpp U netwerk/cookie/nsCookieService.h --HG-- rename : extensions/cookie/test/unit/test_cookies.js => extensions/cookie/test/unit/test_cookies_thirdparty.js rename : netwerk/cookie/src/nsCookieService.cpp => netwerk/cookie/nsCookieService.cpp rename : netwerk/cookie/src/nsCookieService.h => netwerk/cookie/nsCookieService.h rename : netwerk/dns/src/nsIDNKitInterface.h => netwerk/dns/nsIDNKitInterface.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttp.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttp.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChunkedDecoder.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChunkedDecoder.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpHandler.cpp => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHandler.cpp rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpHeaderArray.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHeaderArray.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpRequestHead.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpRequestHead.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpResponseHead.h => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.h rename : netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpTransaction.cpp => netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpTransaction.cpp rename : netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp => netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp rename : netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.h => netwerk/protocol/res/nsResProtocolHandler.h
2010-06-07 13:38:02 -07:00
// See nsIFrameLoader.idl. Short story, if !(mRenderMode &
// RENDER_MODE_ASYNC_SCROLL), all the fields below are ignored in
// favor of what content tells.
uint32_t mRenderMode;
// See nsIFrameLoader.idl. EVENT_MODE_NORMAL_DISPATCH automatically
// forwards some input events to out-of-process content.
uint32_t mEventMode;