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/* -*- Mode: JavaScript; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* This is an implementation of a "Shared Worker" using an iframe in the
* hidden DOM window. A subset of new APIs are introduced to the window
* by cloning methods from the worker's JS origin.
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["getFrameWorkerHandle"];
var workerCache = {}; // keyed by URL.
var _nextPortId = 1;
// Retrieves a reference to a WorkerHandle associated with a FrameWorker and a
// new ClientPort.
function getFrameWorkerHandle(url, clientWindow, name) {
// first create the client port we are going to use. Later we will
// message the worker to create the worker port.
let portid = _nextPortId++;
let clientPort = new ClientPort(portid, clientWindow);
let existingWorker = workerCache[url];
if (!existingWorker) {
// setup the worker and add this connection to the pending queue
let worker = new FrameWorker(url, clientWindow, name);
existingWorker = workerCache[url] = worker;
} else {
// already have a worker - either queue or make the connection.
if (existingWorker.loaded) {
try {
catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Failed to connect a port: " + e + "\n" + e.stack);
} else {
// return the pseudo worker object.
return new WorkerHandle(clientPort, existingWorker);
* FrameWorker
* A FrameWorker is an iframe that is attached to the hiddenWindow,
* which contains a pair of MessagePorts. It is constructed with the
* URL of some JavaScript that will be run in the context of the window;
* the script does not have a full DOM but is instead run in a sandbox
* that has a select set of methods cloned from the URL's domain.
function FrameWorker(url, name) {
this.url = url; = name || url;
this.ports = {};
this.pendingPorts = [];
this.loaded = false;
this.frame = makeHiddenFrame();
var self = this;
Services.obs.addObserver(function injectController(doc, topic, data) {
if (!doc.defaultView || doc.defaultView != self.frame.contentWindow) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(injectController, "document-element-inserted", false);
try {
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: failed to create sandbox for " + url + ". " + e);
}, "document-element-inserted", false);
this.frame.setAttribute("src", url);
FrameWorker.prototype = {
createSandbox: function createSandbox() {
let workerWindow = this.frame.contentWindow;
let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(workerWindow);
// copy the window apis onto the sandbox namespace only functions or
// objects that are naturally a part of an iframe, I'm assuming they are
// safe to import this way
let workerAPI = ['MozWebSocket', 'WebSocket', 'localStorage',
'atob', 'btoa', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'dump',
'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'XMLHttpRequest',
'MozBlobBuilder', 'FileReader', 'Blob',
'navigator', 'location'];
workerAPI.forEach(function(fn) {
try {
// XXX Need to unwrap for this to work - find out why!
sandbox[fn] = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(workerWindow)[fn];
catch(e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: failed to import API "+fn+"\n"+e+"\n");
// and we delegate ononline and onoffline events to the worker.
// See
this.frame.addEventListener('offline', function fw_onoffline(event) {
Cu.evalInSandbox("onoffline();", sandbox);
}, false);
this.frame.addEventListener('online', function fw_ononline(event) {
Cu.evalInSandbox("ononline();", sandbox);
}, false);
sandbox._postMessage = function fw_postMessage(d, o) {
workerWindow.postMessage(d, o)
sandbox._addEventListener = function fw_addEventListener(t, l, c) {
workerWindow.addEventListener(t, l, c)
// And a very hacky work-around for bug 734215
sandbox.bufferToArrayHack = function fw_bufferToArrayHack(a) {
return new workerWindow.Uint8Array(a);
this.sandbox = sandbox;
let worker = this;
workerWindow.addEventListener("load", function loadListener() {
// the iframe has loaded the js file as text - first inject the magic
// port-handling code into the sandbox.
function getProtoSource(ob) {
let raw = ob.prototype.toSource();
return + ".prototype=" + raw + ";"
try {
let scriptText = [importScripts.toSource(),
// *sigh* - toSource() doesn't do __proto__
"__initWorkerMessageHandler();" // and bootstrap it.
Cu.evalInSandbox(scriptText, sandbox, "1.8", "<injected port handling code>", 1);
catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Error injecting port code into content side of the worker: " + e + "\n" + e.stack);
// and wire up the client message handling.
try {
initClientMessageHandler(worker, workerWindow);
catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Error setting up event listener for chrome side of the worker: " + e + "\n" + e.stack);
// Now get the worker js code and eval it into the sandbox
try {
let scriptText = workerWindow.document.body.textContent;
Cu.evalInSandbox(scriptText, sandbox, "1.8", workerWindow.location.href, 1);
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Error evaluating worker script for " + + ": " + e + "; " +
(e.lineNumber ? ("Line #" + e.lineNumber) : "") +
(e.stack ? ("\n" + e.stack) : ""));
// so finally we are ready to roll - dequeue all the pending connects
worker.loaded = true;
let pending = worker.pendingPorts;
while (pending.length) {
let port = pending.shift();
if (port._portid) { // may have already been closed!
try {
catch(e) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Failed to create worker port: " + e + "\n" + e.stack);
terminate: function terminate() {
// closing the port also removes it from this.ports via port-close
for (let [portid, port] in Iterator(this.ports)) {
// port may have been closed as a side-effect from closing another port
if (!port)
try {
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: failed to close port. " + ex);
// let pending events get delivered before actually removing the frame deleteWorkerFrame() {
// now nuke the iframe itself and forget everything about this worker.
2012-07-12 01:23:56 -07:00
let doc = Cc[";1"]
delete workerCache[this.url];
}.bind(this), Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
function makeHiddenFrame() {
let hiddenDoc = Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.document;
let iframe = hiddenDoc.createElementNS("", "iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("mozframetype", "content");
// Disable some types of content
let docShell = iframe.contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell);
docShell.allowAuth = false;
docShell.allowPlugins = false;
docShell.allowImages = false;
docShell.allowWindowControl = false;
// TODO: disable media (bug 759964)
// Mark this docShell as a "browserFrame", to break script access to e.g.
docShell.isBrowserFrame = true;
return iframe;
function WorkerHandle(port, worker) {
this.port = port;
this._worker = worker;
WorkerHandle.prototype = {
__exposedProps__: {
port: "r",
terminate: "r"
// XXX - workers have no .close() method, but *do* have a .terminate()
// method which we should implement. However, the worker spec doesn't define
// a callback to be made in the worker when this happens - it all just dies.
// TODO: work out a sane impl for 'terminate'.
terminate: function terminate() {
// This function is magically injected into the sandbox and used there.
// Thus, it is only ever dealing with "worker" ports.
function __initWorkerMessageHandler() {
let ports = {}; // all "worker" ports currently alive, keyed by ID.
function messageHandler(event) {
// We will ignore all messages destined for otherType.
let data =;
let portid = data.portId;
let port;
if (!data.portFromType || data.portFromType === "worker") {
// this is a message posted by ourself so ignore it.
switch (data.portTopic) {
case "port-create":
// a new port was created on the "client" side - create a new worker
// port and store it in the map
port = new WorkerPort(portid);
ports[portid] = port;
// and call the "onconnect" handler.
onconnect({ports: [port]});
case "port-close":
// the client side of the port was closed, so close this side too.
port = ports[portid];
if (!port) {
// port already closed (which will happen when we call port.close()
// below - the client side will send us this message but we've
// already closed it.)
delete ports[portid];
case "port-message":
// the client posted a message to this worker port.
port = ports[portid];
if (!port) {
// port must be closed - this shouldn't happen!
// addEventListener is injected into the sandbox.
_addEventListener('message', messageHandler);
// And this is the message listener for the *client* (ie, chrome) side of the world.
function initClientMessageHandler(worker, workerWindow) {
function _messageHandler(event) {
// We will ignore all messages destined for otherType.
let data =;
let portid = data.portId;
let port;
if (!data.portFromType || data.portFromType === "client") {
// this is a message posted by ourself so ignore it.
switch (data.portTopic) {
// No "port-create" here - client ports are created explicitly.
case "port-close":
// the worker side of the port was closed, so close this side too.
port = worker.ports[portid];
if (!port) {
// port already closed (which will happen when we call port.close()
// below - the worker side will send us this message but we've
// already closed it.)
delete worker.ports[portid];
case "port-message":
// the client posted a message to this worker port.
port = worker.ports[portid];
if (!port) {
// this can probably go once debugged and working correctly!
function messageHandler(event) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Error handling client port control message: " + ex + "\n" + ex.stack);
workerWindow.addEventListener('message', messageHandler);
// The port implementation which is shared between clients and workers.
function AbstractPort(portid) {
this._portid = portid;
this._handler = undefined;
// pending messages sent to this port before it has a message handler.
this._pendingMessagesIncoming = [];
AbstractPort.prototype = {
_portType: null, // set by a subclass.
// abstract methods to be overridden.
_dopost: function fw_AbstractPort_dopost(data) {
throw new Error("not implemented");
_onerror: function fw_AbstractPort_onerror(err) {
throw new Error("not implemented");
// and concrete methods shared by client and workers.
toString: function fw_AbstractPort_toString() {
return "MessagePort(portType='" + this._portType + "', portId=" + this._portid + ")";
_JSONParse: function fw_AbstractPort_JSONParse(data) JSON.parse(data),
_postControlMessage: function fw_AbstractPort_postControlMessage(topic, data) {
let postData = {portTopic: topic,
portId: this._portid,
portFromType: this._portType,
data: data,
__exposedProps__: {
portTopic: 'r',
portId: 'r',
portFromType: 'r',
data: 'r'
_onmessage: function fw_AbstractPort_onmessage(data) {
// See comments in postMessage below - we work around a cloning
// issue by using JSON for these messages.
// Further, we allow the workers to override exactly how the JSON parsing
// is done - we try and do such parsing in the client window so things
// like prototype overrides on Array work as expected.
data = this._JSONParse(data);
if (!this._handler) {
else {
try {
this._handler({data: data,
__exposedProps__: {data: 'r'}
catch (ex) {
set onmessage(handler) { // property setter for onmessage
this._handler = handler;
while (this._pendingMessagesIncoming.length) {
* postMessage
* Send data to the onmessage handler on the other end of the port. The
* data object should have a topic property.
* @param {jsobj} data
postMessage: function fw_AbstractPort_postMessage(data) {
if (this._portid === null) {
throw new Error("port is closed");
// There seems to be an issue with passing objects directly and letting
// the structured clone thing work - we sometimes get:
// [Exception... "The object could not be cloned." code: "25" nsresult: "0x80530019 (DataCloneError)"]
// The best guess is that this happens when funky things have been added to the prototypes.
// It doesn't happen for our "control" messages, only in messages from
// content - so we explicitly use JSON on these messages as that avoids
// the problem.
this._postControlMessage("port-message", JSON.stringify(data));
close: function fw_AbstractPort_close() {
if (!this._portid) {
return; // already closed.
// and clean myself up.
this._handler = null;
this._pendingMessagesIncoming = [];
this._portid = null;
// Note: this is never instantiated in chrome - the source is sent across
// to the worker and it is evaluated there and created in response to a
// port-create message we send.
function WorkerPort(portid) {, portid);
WorkerPort.prototype = {
__proto__: AbstractPort.prototype,
_portType: "worker",
_dopost: function fw_WorkerPort_dopost(data) {
// postMessage is injected into the sandbox.
_postMessage(data, "*");
_onerror: function fw_WorkerPort_onerror(err) {
throw new Error("Port " + this + " handler failed: " + err);
* ClientPort
* Client side of the entangled ports. The ClientPort is used by both XUL
* windows and Content windows to communicate with the worker
* constructor:
* @param {integer} portid
* @param {nsiDOMWindow} clientWindow, optional
function ClientPort(portid, clientWindow) {
this._clientWindow = clientWindow
this._window = null;
// messages posted to the worker before the worker has loaded.
this._pendingMessagesOutgoing = [];, portid);
ClientPort.prototype = {
__exposedProps__: {
'port': 'r',
'onmessage': 'rw',
'postMessage': 'r',
'close': 'r'
__proto__: AbstractPort.prototype,
_portType: "client",
_JSONParse: function fw_ClientPort_JSONParse(data) {
if (this._clientWindow) {
return this._clientWindow.JSON.parse(data);
return JSON.parse(data);
_createWorkerAndEntangle: function fw_ClientPort_createWorkerAndEntangle(worker) {
this._window = worker.frame.contentWindow;
worker.ports[this._portid] = this;
while (this._pendingMessagesOutgoing.length) {
_dopost: function fw_ClientPort_dopost(data) {
if (!this._window) {
} else {
this._window.postMessage(data, "*");
_onerror: function fw_ClientPort_onerror(err) {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: Port " + this + " handler failed: " + err + "\n" + err.stack);
close: function fw_ClientPort_close() {
if (!this._portid) {
return; // already closed.
// a leaky abstraction due to the worker spec not specifying how the
// other end of a port knows it is closing.
this.postMessage({topic: "social.port-closing"});;
this._window = null;
this._pendingMessagesOutgoing = null;
function importScripts() {
for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// load the url *synchronously*
var scriptURL = arguments[i];
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', scriptURL, false);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(aEvt) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0) {
else {
throw new Error("Unable to importScripts ["+scriptURL+"], status " + xhr.status)