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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("dom.sms.enabled", true);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("sms", true, document);
let sms = window.navigator.mozSms;
let inText;
let remoteNumber = "5559997777";
let outText;
let gotSmsOnsent;
let gotReqOnsuccess;
let inSmsId = 0;
let outSmsId = 0;
let inSmsTime = 0;
let outSmsTime = 0;
let testCount = 10;
function verifyInitialState() {
log("Verifying initial state.");
ok(sms, "mozSms");
function simulateIncomingSms() {
log("Simulating incoming SMS.");
sms.onreceived = function onreceived(event) {
log("Received 'onreceived' smsmanager event.");
let incomingSms = event.message;
ok(incomingSms, "incoming sms");
ok(, "sms id");
inSmsId =;
is(incomingSms.body, inText, "msg body");
is(, "received", "delivery");
is(, false, "read");
is(incomingSms.receiver, null, "receiver");
is(incomingSms.sender, remoteNumber, "sender");
ok(incomingSms.timestamp instanceof Date, "timestamp is instanceof date");
// The max resolution of the SCTS (SMS Centre TimeStamp) is one second
// therefore we want to compare in seconds not milliseconds. No need to
// round received sms timestamp, the value is in milliseconds but at
// seconds resolution already (always ends with 000) so just convert
inSmsTime = Math.floor(incomingSms.timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
log("Received SMS (id: " + inSmsId + ") timestamp: " + inSmsTime + ".");
if(outSmsTime) {
// Test is repeating; compare received SMS timestamp with last sent sms.
// Can be some time drift between the SCTS and host/emulator, but we are
// comparing seconds (not milliseconds) so should be ok. If this test
// goes random orange, then may need to add a 1 second lee-way here.
if(inSmsTime >= outSmsTime) {
log("Timestamp in sms " + inSmsId + " is >= timestamp in sms "
+ outSmsId + ".");
} else {
log("* Timestamp in sms " + inSmsId + " is < timestamp in sms "
+ outSmsId + ".");
ok(false, "sms timestamp is incorrect");
// Simulate incoming sms sent from remoteNumber to our emulator
inText = "Incoming SMS " +;
runEmulatorCmd("sms send " + remoteNumber + " " + inText, function(result) {
is(result[0], "OK", "emulator output");
function sendSms() {
log("Sending an SMS.");
let gotSmsOnsent = false;
let gotReqOnsuccess = false;
sms.onsent = function(event) {
log("Received 'onsent' smsmanager event.");
gotSmsOnsent = true;
let sentSms = event.message;
ok(sentSms, "outgoing sms");
ok(, "sms id");
outSmsId =;
is(sentSms.body, outText, "msg body");
is(, "sent", "delivery");
is(, true, "read");
is(sentSms.receiver, remoteNumber, "receiver");
is(sentSms.sender, null, "sender");
ok(sentSms.timestamp instanceof Date, "timestamp is instanceof date");
// The max resolution of the SCTS (SMS Centre TimeStamp) is one second
// therefore we want to compare in seconds not milliseconds. Round the
// sent sms timestamp to nearest second.
outSmsTime = Math.round(sentSms.timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
log("Sent SMS (id: " + outSmsId + ") timestamp: " + outSmsTime + ".");
if (gotSmsOnsent && gotReqOnsuccess) { verifyTimeStamps(); }
outText = "Outgoing SMS " +;
let requestRet = sms.send(remoteNumber, outText);
ok(requestRet, "smsrequest obj returned");
requestRet.onsuccess = function(event) {
log("Received 'onsuccess' smsrequest event.");
gotReqOnsuccess = true;
if (gotSmsOnsent && gotReqOnsuccess) { verifyTimeStamps(); }
} else {
log("smsrequest returned false for sms.send");
ok(false,"SMS send failed");
requestRet.onerror = function(event) {
log("Received 'onerror' smsrequest event.");
ok(, "domerror obj");
ok(false, "sms.send request returned unexpected error: "
+ );
function verifyTimeStamps() {
// Compare sent sms timestamp with that of the previously received sms.
// Can be some time drift between the SCTS and host/emulator, but we are
// comparing seconds (not milliseconds) so should be ok. If this test
// goes random orange, then may need to add a 1 second lee-way here.
if(outSmsTime >= inSmsTime) {
log("Timestamp in sms " + outSmsId + " is >= timestamp in sms "
+ inSmsId + ".");
} else {
log("* Timestamp in sms " + outSmsId + " is < timestamp in sms "
+ inSmsId + ".");
ok(false, "sms timestamp is incorrect");
function deleteMsgs() {
log("Deleting SMS (id: " + inSmsId + ").");
let requestRet = sms.delete(inSmsId);
ok(requestRet,"smsrequest obj returned");
requestRet.onsuccess = function(event) {
log("Received 'onsuccess' smsrequest event.");
log("Deleting SMS (id: " + outSmsId + ").");
let nextReqRet = sms.delete(outSmsId);
ok(nextReqRet,"smsrequest obj returned");
nextReqRet.onsuccess = function(event) {
log("Received 'onsuccess' smsrequest event.");
if( {
if(--testCount) {
} else {
} else {
log("smsrequest returned false for sms.delete");
ok(false,"SMS delete failed");
} else {
log("smsrequest returned false for sms.delete");
ok(false,"SMS delete failed");
requestRet.onerror = function(event) {
log("Received 'onerror' smsrequest event.");
ok(, "domerror obj");
ok(false, "sms.delete request returned unexpected error: "
+ );
function cleanUp() {
sms.onreceived = null;
SpecialPowers.removePermission("sms", document);
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("dom.sms.enabled", false);
// Start the test