
442 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef nsChildView_h_
#define nsChildView_h_
// formal protocols
#include "mozView.h"
#include "nsIAccessible.h"
#include "mozAccessibleProtocol.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsBaseWidget.h"
#include "nsIPluginInstanceOwner.h"
#include "nsIPluginWidget.h"
#include "nsIScrollableView.h"
#include "nsWeakPtr.h"
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsIAppShell.h"
#include "nsIEventListener.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIDragService.h"
#include "nsplugindefs.h"
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
class gfxASurface;
class nsChildView;
union nsPluginPort;
enum {
// Currently focused ChildView (while this TSM document is active).
// Transient (only set while TSMProcessRawKeyEvent() is processing a key
// event), and the ChildView will be retained and released around the call
// to TSMProcessRawKeyEvent() -- so it can be weak.
kFocusedChildViewTSMDocPropertyTag = 'GKFV', // type ChildView* [WEAK]
// Undocumented HIToolbox function used by WebKit to allow Carbon-based IME
// to work in a Cocoa-based browser (like Safari or Cocoa-widgets Firefox).
// (Recent WebKit versions actually use a thin wrapper around this function
// called WKSendKeyEventToTSM().)
// Calling TSMProcessRawKeyEvent() from ChildView's keyDown: and keyUp:
// methods (when the ChildView is a plugin view) bypasses Cocoa's IME
// infrastructure and (instead) causes Carbon TSM events to be sent on each
// NSKeyDown event. We install a Carbon event handler
// (PluginKeyEventsHandler()) to catch these events and pass them to Gecko
// (which in turn passes them to the plugin).
extern "C" long TSMProcessRawKeyEvent(EventRef carbonEvent);
@interface NSEvent (Undocumented)
// Return Cocoa event's corresponding Carbon event. Not initialized (on
// synthetic events) until the OS actually "sends" the event. This method
// has been present in the same form since at least OS X 10.2.8.
- (EventRef)_eventRef;
// Needed to support pixel scrolling.
// See
// kEventMouseScroll is only defined on 10.5+. Using the moz prefix avoids
// potential symbol conflicts.
// This should be changed when 10.4 support is dropped.
enum {
mozkEventMouseScroll = 11
// Support for pixel scroll deltas, not part of NSEvent.h
// See
@interface NSEvent (DeviceDelta)
- (float)deviceDeltaX;
- (float)deviceDeltaY;
@interface ChildView : NSView<
mozView, NSTextInput>
NSWindow* mWindow; // shortcut to the top window, [WEAK]
// the nsChildView that created the view. It retains this NSView, so
// the link back to it must be weak.
nsChildView* mGeckoChild;
// tag for our mouse enter/exit tracking rect
NSTrackingRectTag mMouseEnterExitTag;
// Whether we're a plugin view.
BOOL mIsPluginView;
// The following variables are only valid during key down event processing.
// Their current usage needs to be fixed to avoid problems with nested event
// loops that can confuse them. Once a variable is set during key down event
// processing, if an event spawns a nested event loop the previously set value
// will be wiped out.
NSEvent* mCurKeyEvent;
PRBool mKeyDownHandled;
// While we process key down events we need to keep track of whether or not
// we sent a key press event. This helps us make sure we do send one
// eventually.
BOOL mKeyPressSent;
// Valid when mKeyPressSent is true.
PRBool mKeyPressHandled;
// needed for NSTextInput implementation
NSRange mMarkedRange;
BOOL mInHandScroll; // true for as long as we are hand scrolling
// hand scroll locations
NSPoint mHandScrollStartMouseLoc;
nscoord mHandScrollStartScrollX, mHandScrollStartScrollY;
// when mouseDown: is called, we store its event here (strong)
NSEvent* mLastMouseDownEvent;
// rects that were invalidated during a draw, so have pending drawing
NSMutableArray* mPendingDirtyRects;
BOOL mPendingFullDisplay;
// All views are always opaque (non-transparent). The only exception is when we're
// the content view in a transparent XUL window.
BOOL mIsTransparent;
// Holds our drag service across multiple drag calls. The reference to the
// service is obtained when the mouse enters the view and is released when
// the mouse exits or there is a drop. This prevents us from having to
// re-establish the connection to the service manager many times per second
// when handling |draggingUpdated:| messages.
nsIDragService* mDragService;
PRUint32 mLastModifierState;
// For use with plugins, so that we can support IME in them. We can't use
// Cocoa TSM documents (those created and managed by the NSTSMInputContext
// class) -- for some reason TSMProcessRawKeyEvent() doesn't work with them.
TSMDocumentID mPluginTSMDoc;
// these are sent to the first responder when the window key status changes
- (void)viewsWindowDidBecomeKey;
- (void)viewsWindowDidResignKey;
// Stop NSView hierarchy being changed during [ChildView drawRect:]
- (void)delayedTearDown;
- (void)setTransparent:(BOOL)transparent;
- (void)sendFocusEvent:(PRUint32)eventType;
- (void) processPluginKeyEvent:(EventRef)aKeyEvent;
// nsTSMManager
class nsTSMManager {
static PRBool IsComposing() { return sComposingView ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE; }
static PRBool IsIMEEnabled() { return sIsIMEEnabled; }
static PRBool IgnoreCommit() { return sIgnoreCommit; }
static void OnDestroyView(NSView<mozView>* aDestroyingView);
// Note that we cannot get the actual state in TSM. But we can trust this
// value. Because nsIMEStateManager reset this at every focus changing.
static PRBool IsRomanKeyboardsOnly() { return sIsRomanKeyboardsOnly; }
static PRBool GetIMEOpenState();
static void InitTSMDocument(NSView<mozView>* aViewForCaret);
static void StartComposing(NSView<mozView>* aComposingView);
static void UpdateComposing(NSString* aComposingString);
static void EndComposing();
static void EnableIME(PRBool aEnable);
static void SetIMEOpenState(PRBool aOpen);
static void SetRomanKeyboardsOnly(PRBool aRomanOnly);
static void CommitIME();
static void CancelIME();
static PRBool sIsIMEEnabled;
static PRBool sIsRomanKeyboardsOnly;
static PRBool sIgnoreCommit;
static NSView<mozView>* sComposingView;
static TSMDocumentID sDocumentID;
static NSString* sComposingString;
static void KillComposing();
// nsChildView
class nsChildView : public nsBaseWidget,
public nsIPluginWidget
typedef nsBaseWidget Inherited;
virtual ~nsChildView();
// nsIWidget interface
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsIWidget *aParent,
const nsRect &aRect,
EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction,
nsIDeviceContext *aContext,
nsIAppShell *aAppShell = nsnull,
nsIToolkit *aToolkit = nsnull,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData = nsnull);
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const nsRect &aRect,
EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction,
nsIDeviceContext *aContext,
nsIAppShell *aAppShell = nsnull,
nsIToolkit *aToolkit = nsnull,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData = nsnull);
// Utility method for implementing both Create(nsIWidget ...) and
// Create(nsNativeWidget...)
virtual nsresult StandardCreate(nsIWidget *aParent,
const nsRect &aRect,
EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction,
nsIDeviceContext *aContext,
nsIAppShell *aAppShell,
nsIToolkit *aToolkit,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData,
nsNativeWidget aNativeParent = nsnull);
NS_IMETHOD Destroy();
NS_IMETHOD Show(PRBool aState);
NS_IMETHOD IsVisible(PRBool& outState);
virtual nsIWidget* GetParent(void);
NS_IMETHOD ModalEventFilter(PRBool aRealEvent, void *aEvent,
PRBool *aForWindow);
NS_IMETHOD ConstrainPosition(PRBool aAllowSlop,
PRInt32 *aX, PRInt32 *aY);
NS_IMETHOD Move(PRInt32 aX, PRInt32 aY);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(PRInt32 aWidth,PRInt32 aHeight, PRBool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(PRInt32 aX, PRInt32 aY,PRInt32 aWidth,PRInt32 aHeight, PRBool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Enable(PRBool aState);
NS_IMETHOD IsEnabled(PRBool *aState);
NS_IMETHOD SetFocus(PRBool aRaise);
NS_IMETHOD SetBounds(const nsRect &aRect);
NS_IMETHOD GetBounds(nsRect &aRect);
NS_IMETHOD Invalidate(PRBool aIsSynchronous);
NS_IMETHOD Invalidate(const nsRect &aRect,PRBool aIsSynchronous);
NS_IMETHOD InvalidateRegion(const nsIRegion *aRegion, PRBool aIsSynchronous);
NS_IMETHOD Validate();
virtual void* GetNativeData(PRUint32 aDataType);
NS_IMETHOD SetColorMap(nsColorMap *aColorMap);
NS_IMETHOD Scroll(PRInt32 aDx, PRInt32 aDy, nsRect *aClipRect);
NS_IMETHOD WidgetToScreen(const nsRect& aOldRect, nsRect& aNewRect);
NS_IMETHOD ScreenToWidget(const nsRect& aOldRect, nsRect& aNewRect);
NS_IMETHOD BeginResizingChildren(void);
NS_IMETHOD EndResizingChildren(void);
virtual PRBool ShowsResizeIndicator(nsIntRect* aResizerRect);
static PRBool ConvertStatus(nsEventStatus aStatus)
{ return aStatus == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; }
NS_IMETHOD DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent* event, nsEventStatus & aStatus);
NS_IMETHOD Update();
virtual void ConvertToDeviceCoordinates(nscoord &aX, nscoord &aY);
void LocalToWindowCoordinate(nsPoint& aPoint) { ConvertToDeviceCoordinates(aPoint.x, aPoint.y); }
void LocalToWindowCoordinate(nscoord& aX, nscoord& aY) { ConvertToDeviceCoordinates(aX, aY); }
void LocalToWindowCoordinate(nsRect& aRect) { ConvertToDeviceCoordinates(aRect.x, aRect.y); }
NS_IMETHOD SetMenuBar(void* aMenuBar);
NS_IMETHOD ShowMenuBar(PRBool aShow);
NS_IMETHOD GetPreferredSize(PRInt32& aWidth, PRInt32& aHeight);
NS_IMETHOD SetPreferredSize(PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight);
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(nsCursor aCursor);
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(imgIContainer* aCursor, PRUint32 aHotspotX, PRUint32 aHotspotY);
NS_IMETHOD CaptureRollupEvents(nsIRollupListener * aListener, PRBool aDoCapture, PRBool aConsumeRollupEvent);
NS_IMETHOD SetTitle(const nsAString& title);
NS_IMETHOD GetAttention(PRInt32 aCycleCount);
NS_IMETHOD ActivateNativeMenuItemAt(const nsAString& indexString);
NS_IMETHOD ForceNativeMenuReload();
NS_IMETHOD ResetInputState();
NS_IMETHOD SetIMEOpenState(PRBool aState);
NS_IMETHOD GetIMEOpenState(PRBool* aState);
NS_IMETHOD SetIMEEnabled(PRUint32 aState);
NS_IMETHOD GetIMEEnabled(PRUint32* aState);
NS_IMETHOD CancelIMEComposition();
NS_IMETHOD GetToggledKeyState(PRUint32 aKeyCode,
PRBool* aLEDState);
// nsIPluginWidget
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginClipRect(nsRect& outClipRect, nsPoint& outOrigin, PRBool& outWidgetVisible);
NS_IMETHOD StartDrawPlugin();
NS_IMETHOD EndDrawPlugin();
NS_IMETHOD SetPluginInstanceOwner(nsIPluginInstanceOwner* aInstanceOwner);
virtual nsTransparencyMode GetTransparencyMode();
virtual void SetTransparencyMode(nsTransparencyMode aMode);
// Mac specific methods
virtual PRBool PointInWidget(Point aThePoint);
virtual PRBool DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent& event);
void LiveResizeStarted();
void LiveResizeEnded();
void GetDocumentAccessible(nsIAccessible** aAccessible);
virtual gfxASurface* GetThebesSurface();
NS_IMETHOD BeginSecureKeyboardInput();
NS_IMETHOD EndSecureKeyboardInput();
void HidePlugin();
PRBool ReportDestroyEvent();
PRBool ReportMoveEvent();
PRBool ReportSizeEvent();
NS_IMETHOD CalcOffset(PRInt32 &aX,PRInt32 &aY);
virtual PRBool OnPaint(nsPaintEvent & aEvent);
// override to create different kinds of child views. Autoreleases, so
// caller must retain.
virtual NSView* CreateCocoaView(NSRect inFrame);
void TearDownView();
2008-05-06 22:17:40 -07:00
virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeKeyEvent(PRInt32 aNativeKeyboardLayout,
PRInt32 aNativeKeyCode,
PRUint32 aModifierFlags,
const nsAString& aCharacters,
const nsAString& aUnmodifiedCharacters);
NSView<mozView>* mView; // my parallel cocoa view (ChildView or NativeScrollbarView), [STRONG]
NSView<mozView>* mParentView;
nsIWidget* mParentWidget;
// weak ref to this childview's associated mozAccessible for speed reasons
// (we get queried for it *a lot* but don't want to own it)
nsWeakPtr mAccessible;
nsRefPtr<gfxASurface> mTempThebesSurface;
PRPackedBool mVisible;
PRPackedBool mDrawing;
PRPackedBool mLiveResizeInProgress;
PRPackedBool mIsPluginView; // true if this is a plugin view
PRPackedBool mPluginDrawing;
PRPackedBool mPluginIsCG; // true if this is a CoreGraphics plugin
PRPackedBool mInSetFocus;
nsPluginPort mPluginPort;
nsIPluginInstanceOwner* mPluginInstanceOwner; // [WEAK]
void NS_InstallPluginKeyEventsHandler();
void NS_RemovePluginKeyEventsHandler();
#endif // nsChildView_h_