
1326 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Netscape Communications Corporation.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Blake Ross <> (Original Author)
# Ben Goodger <> (v2.0)
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Fredrik Holmqvist <>
# Josh Aas <>
# Shawn Wilsher <> (v3.0)
# Edward Lee <>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
//// Globals
const nsLocalFile = Components.Constructor(";1",
"nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
const nsIDM = Ci.nsIDownloadManager;
let gDownloadManager = Cc[";1"].getService(nsIDM);
let gDownloadListener = null;
let gDownloadsView = null;
let gSearchBox = null;
let gSearchTerms = "";
let gBuilder = 0;
// Control the performance of the incremental list building by setting how many
// milliseconds to wait before building more of the list and how many items to
// add between each delay.
const gListBuildDelay = 300;
const gListBuildChunk = 3;
// If the user has interacted with the window in a significant way, we should
// not auto-close the window. Tough UI decisions about what is "significant."
var gUserInteracted = false;
// These strings will be converted to the corresponding ones from the string
// bundle on startup.
let gStr = {
paused: "paused",
cannotPause: "cannotPause",
statusFormat: "statusFormat2",
transferSameUnits: "transferSameUnits",
transferDiffUnits: "transferDiffUnits",
transferNoTotal: "transferNoTotal",
timeMinutesLeft: "timeMinutesLeft",
timeSecondsLeft: "timeSecondsLeft",
timeFewSeconds: "timeFewSeconds",
timeUnknown: "timeUnknown",
doneStatus: "doneStatus",
doneSize: "doneSize",
doneSizeUnknown: "doneSizeUnknown",
doneScheme: "doneScheme",
doneFileScheme: "doneFileScheme",
stateFailed: "stateFailed",
stateCanceled: "stateCanceled",
stateBlocked: "stateBlocked",
stateDirty: "stateDirty",
yesterday: "yesterday",
monthDate: "monthDate",
units: ["bytes", "kilobyte", "megabyte", "gigabyte"],
fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle: "fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle",
fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk: "fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk"
// Create a getDisplayHost function for queries to use
gDownloadManager.DBConnection.createFunction("getDisplayHost", 1, {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.mozIStorageFunction]),
onFunctionCall: function(aArgs) getHost(aArgs.getUTF8String(0))[0]
// The statement to query for downloads that are active or match the search
let gStmt = gDownloadManager.DBConnection.createStatement(
"SELECT id, target, name, source, state, startTime, endTime, referrer, " +
"currBytes, maxBytes, state IN (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5) isActive, " +
"getDisplayHost(IFNULL(referrer, source)) display " +
"FROM moz_downloads " +
"WHERE isActive OR name LIKE ?6 ESCAPE '/' OR display LIKE ?6 ESCAPE '/' " +
"ORDER BY isActive DESC, endTime DESC, startTime DESC");
//// Utility Functions
function getDownload(aID)
return document.getElementById("dl" + aID);
//// Start/Stop Observers
function downloadCompleted(aDownload)
// Wrap this in try...catch since this can be called while shutting down...
// it doesn't really matter if it fails then since well.. we're shutting down
// and there's no UI to update!
try {
let dl = getDownload(;
// Update attributes now that we've finished
dl.setAttribute("startTime", Math.round(aDownload.startTime / 1000));
dl.setAttribute("currBytes", aDownload.amountTransferred);
dl.setAttribute("maxBytes", aDownload.size);
// If we aren't displaying search results, move the download to after the
// active ones
if (gSearchTerms.length == 0) {
// Iterate down until we find a non-active download
let next = dl.nextSibling;
while (next && next.inProgress)
next = next.nextSibling;
// Move the item and color everything after where it moved from
let fixup = dl.nextSibling;
gDownloadsView.insertBefore(dl, next);
} else {
// getTypeFromFile fails if it can't find a type for this file.
try {
// Refresh the icon, so that executable icons are shown.
var mimeService = Cc[";1"].
var contentType = mimeService.getTypeFromFile(aDownload.targetFile);
var listItem = getDownload(
var oldImage = listItem.getAttribute("image");
// Tacking on contentType bypasses cache
listItem.setAttribute("image", oldImage + "&contentType=" + contentType);
} catch (e) { }
if (gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount == 0)
document.title = document.documentElement.getAttribute("statictitle");
catch (e) { }
function autoRemoveAndClose(aDownload)
var pref = Cc[";1"].
if (gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount == 0) {
// For the moment, just use the simple heuristic that if this window was
// opened by the download process, rather than by the user, it should
// auto-close if the pref is set that way. If the user opened it themselves,
// it should not close until they explicitly close it.
var autoClose = pref.getBoolPref(PREF_BDM_CLOSEWHENDONE);
var autoOpened =
!window.opener || window.opener.location.href == window.location.href;
if (autoClose && autoOpened && !gUserInteracted) {
return true;
return false;
// This function can be overwritten by extensions that wish to place the
// Download Window in another part of the UI.
function gCloseDownloadManager()
//// Download Event Handlers
function cancelDownload(aDownload)
// XXXben -
// If we got here because we resumed the download, we weren't using a temp file
// because we used saveURL instead. (this is because the proper download mechanism
// employed by the helper app service isn't fully accessible yet... should be fixed...
// talk to bz...)
// the upshot is we have to delete the file if it exists.
var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
if (f.exists())
function pauseDownload(aDownload)
var id = aDownload.getAttribute("dlid");
function resumeDownload(aDownload)
function removeDownload(aDownload)
function retryDownload(aDownload)
function showDownload(aDownload)
var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
try {
// Show the directory containing the file and select the file
} catch (e) {
// If reveal fails for some reason (e.g., it's not implemented on unix or
// the file doesn't exist), try using the parent if we have it.
let parent = f.parent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
if (!parent)
try {
// "Double click" the parent directory to show where the file should be
} catch (e) {
// If launch also fails (probably because it's not implemented), let the
// OS handler try to open the parent
function onDownloadDblClick(aEvent)
// Only do the default action for double primary clicks
if (aEvent.button == 0)
function openDownload(aDownload)
var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
if (f.isExecutable()) {
var dontAsk = false;
var pref = Cc[";1"].
try {
dontAsk = !pref.getBoolPref(PREF_BDM_ALERTONEXEOPEN);
} catch (e) { }
if (!dontAsk) {
var strings = document.getElementById("downloadStrings");
var name = aDownload.getAttribute("target");
var message = strings.getFormattedString("fileExecutableSecurityWarning", [name, name]);
let title = gStr.fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle;
let dontAsk = gStr.fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk;
var promptSvc = Cc[";1"].
var checkbox = { value: false };
var open = promptSvc.confirmCheck(window, title, message, dontAsk, checkbox);
if (!open)
pref.setBoolPref(PREF_BDM_ALERTONEXEOPEN, !checkbox.value);
try {
} catch (ex) {
// if launch fails, try sending it through the system's external
// file: URL handler
function openReferrer(aDownload)
function copySourceLocation(aDownload)
var uri = aDownload.getAttribute("uri");
var clipboard = Cc[";1"].
// This is called by the progress listener.
var gLastComputedMean = -1;
var gLastActiveDownloads = 0;
function onUpdateProgress()
if (gDownloadManager.activeDownloads == 0) {
document.title = document.documentElement.getAttribute("statictitle");
gLastComputedMean = -1;
// Establish the mean transfer speed and amount downloaded.
var mean = 0;
var base = 0;
var numActiveDownloads = 0;
var dls = gDownloadManager.activeDownloads;
while (dls.hasMoreElements()) {
let dl = dls.getNext();
if (dl.percentComplete < 100 && dl.size > 0) {
mean += dl.amountTransferred;
base += dl.size;
// we're not downloading anything at the moment,
// but we already downloaded something.
if (base == 0) {
mean = 100;
} else {
mean = Math.floor((mean / base) * 100);
// Update title of window
if (mean != gLastComputedMean || gLastActiveDownloads != numActiveDownloads) {
gLastComputedMean = mean;
gLastActiveDownloads = numActiveDownloads;
let strings = document.getElementById("downloadStrings");
if (numActiveDownloads > 1) {
document.title = strings.getFormattedString("downloadsTitleMultiple",
[mean, numActiveDownloads]);
} else {
document.title = strings.getFormattedString("downloadsTitle", [mean]);
//// Startup, Shutdown
function Startup()
gDownloadsView = document.getElementById("downloadView");
gSearchBox = document.getElementById("searchbox");
// convert strings to those in the string bundle
let (sb = document.getElementById("downloadStrings")) {
let getStr = function(string) sb.getString(string);
for (let [name, value] in Iterator(gStr))
gStr[name] = typeof value == "string" ? getStr(value) :;
// The DownloadProgressListener (DownloadProgressListener.js) handles progress
// notifications.
gDownloadListener = new DownloadProgressListener();
// downloads can finish before Startup() does, so check if the window should
// close and act accordingly
if (!autoRemoveAndClose())
let obs = Cc[";1"].
obs.addObserver(gDownloadObserver, "download-manager-remove-download", false);
function Shutdown()
let obs = Cc[";1"].
obs.removeObserver(gDownloadObserver, "download-manager-remove-download");
let gDownloadObserver = {
observe: function gdo_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
case "download-manager-remove-download":
// A null subject here indicates "remove all"
if (!aSubject) {
// Rebuild the default view
// Otherwise, remove a single download
let id = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint32);
let dl = getDownload(;
//// View Context Menus
var gContextMenus = [
, "menuitem_cancel"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_show"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuitem_show"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_removeFromList"
, "menuitem_clearList"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_removeFromList"
, "menuitem_clearList"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_removeFromList"
, "menuitem_clearList"
, "menuitem_cancel"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_show"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_show"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_removeFromList"
, "menuitem_clearList"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_openReferrer"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuitem_copyLocation"
, "menuseparator"
, "menuitem_removeFromList"
, "menuitem_clearList"
function buildContextMenu(aEvent)
if ( != "downloadContextMenu")
return false;
var popup = document.getElementById("downloadContextMenu");
while (popup.hasChildNodes())
if (gDownloadsView.selectedItem) {
let dl = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
let idx = parseInt(dl.getAttribute("state"));
if (idx < 0)
idx = 0;
var menus = gContextMenus[idx];
for (let i = 0; i < menus.length; ++i) {
let menuitem = document.getElementById(menus[i]).cloneNode(true);
let cmd = menuitem.getAttribute("cmd");
if (cmd)
menuitem.disabled = !gDownloadViewController.isCommandEnabled(cmd, dl);
return true;
return false;
//// Drag and Drop
var gDownloadDNDObserver =
onDragOver: function (aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession)
aDragSession.canDrop = true;
onDrop: function(aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession)
var split ="\n");
var url = split[0];
if (url != { //do nothing, not a valid URL
var name = split[1];
saveURL(url, name, null, true, true);
_flavourSet: null,
getSupportedFlavours: function ()
if (!this._flavourSet) {
this._flavourSet = new FlavourSet();
return this._flavourSet;
//// Command Updating and Command Handlers
var gDownloadViewController = {
isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, aItem)
// This switch statement is for commands that do not need a download object
switch (aCommand) {
case "cmd_clearList":
return gDownloadManager.canCleanUp;
let dl = aItem;
let download = null; // used for getting an nsIDownload object
switch (aCommand) {
case "cmd_cancel":
return dl.inProgress;
case "cmd_open":
let file = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(dl.getAttribute("file"));
return dl.openable && file.exists();
case "cmd_pause":
download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
return dl.inProgress && !dl.paused && download.resumable;
case "cmd_pauseResume":
download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
return (dl.inProgress || dl.paused) && download.resumable;
case "cmd_resume":
download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
return dl.paused && download.resumable;
case "cmd_openReferrer":
return dl.hasAttribute("referrer");
case "cmd_removeFromList":
case "cmd_retry":
return dl.removable;
case "cmd_show":
case "cmd_copyLocation":
return true;
return false;
doCommand: function(aCommand, aItem)
if (this.isCommandEnabled(aCommand, aItem))
commands: {
cmd_cancel: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_open: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_openReferrer: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_pause: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_pauseResume: function(aSelectedItem) {
if (aSelectedItem.inProgress)
cmd_removeFromList: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_resume: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_retry: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_show: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_copyLocation: function(aSelectedItem) {
cmd_clearList: function() {
* Helper function to do commands.
* @param aCmd
* The command to be performed.
* @param aItem
* The richlistitem that represents the download that will have the
* command performed on it. If this is null, it assumes the currently
* selected item. If the item passed in is not a richlistitem that
* represents a download, it will walk up the parent nodes until it finds
* a DOM node that is.
function performCommand(aCmd, aItem)
let elm = aItem;
if (!elm) {
elm = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
} else {
while (elm.nodeName != "richlistitem" ||
elm.getAttribute("type") != "download")
elm = elm.parentNode;
gDownloadViewController.doCommand(aCmd, elm);
function setSearchboxFocus()
function openExternal(aFile)
var uri = Cc[";1"].
var protocolSvc = Cc[";1"].
//// Utility Functions
* Create a download richlistitem with the provided attributes. Some attributes
* are *required* while optional ones will only be set on the item if provided.
* @param aAttrs
* An object that must have the following properties: dlid, file,
* target, uri, state, progress, startTime, endTime, currBytes,
* maxBytes; optional properties: referrer
* @return An initialized download richlistitem
function createDownloadItem(aAttrs)
let dl = document.createElement("richlistitem");
// Copy the attributes from the argument into the item
for (let attr in aAttrs)
dl.setAttribute(attr, aAttrs[attr]);
// Initialize other attributes
dl.setAttribute("type", "download");
dl.setAttribute("id", "dl" + aAttrs.dlid);
dl.setAttribute("image", "moz-icon://" + aAttrs.file + "?size=32");
dl.setAttribute("lastSeconds", Infinity);
// Initialize more complex attributes
try {
let file = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aAttrs.file);
dl.setAttribute("path", file.nativePath || file.path);
return dl;
} catch (e) {
// aFile might not be a file: url or a valid native path
// see bug #392386 for details
return null;
* Updates the disabled state of the buttons of a downlaod.
* @param aItem
* The richlistitem representing the download.
function updateButtons(aItem)
let buttons = aItem.buttons;
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) {
let cmd = buttons[i].getAttribute("cmd");
let enabled = gDownloadViewController.isCommandEnabled(cmd, aItem);
buttons[i].disabled = !enabled;
if ("cmd_pause" == cmd && !enabled) {
// We need to add the tooltip indicating that the download cannot be
// paused now.
buttons[i].setAttribute("tooltiptext", gStr.cannotPause);
* Updates the status for a download item depending on its state
* @param aItem
* The richlistitem that has various download attributes.
* @param aDownload
* The nsDownload from the backend. This is an optional parameter, but
* is useful for certain states such as DOWNLOADING.
function updateStatus(aItem, aDownload) {
let status = "";
let statusTip = "";
let state = Number(aItem.getAttribute("state"));
switch (state) {
let currBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("currBytes"));
let maxBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("maxBytes"));
// Update the bytes transferred and bytes total
let ([progress, progressUnits] = convertByteUnits(currBytes),
[total, totalUnits] = convertByteUnits(maxBytes),
transfer) {
if (total < 0)
transfer = gStr.transferNoTotal;
else if (progressUnits == totalUnits)
transfer = gStr.transferSameUnits;
transfer = gStr.transferDiffUnits;
transfer = replaceInsert(transfer, 1, progress);
transfer = replaceInsert(transfer, 2, progressUnits);
transfer = replaceInsert(transfer, 3, total);
transfer = replaceInsert(transfer, 4, totalUnits);
if (state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED) {
status = replaceInsert(gStr.paused, 1, transfer);
// don't need to process any more for PAUSED
// Insert 1 is the download progress
status = replaceInsert(gStr.statusFormat, 1, transfer);
// if we don't have an active download, assume 0 bytes/sec
let speed = aDownload ? aDownload.speed : 0;
// Update the download rate
let ([rate, unit] = convertByteUnits(speed)) {
// Insert 2 is the download rate
status = replaceInsert(status, 2, rate);
// Insert 3 is the |unit|/sec
status = replaceInsert(status, 3, unit);
// Update time remaining.
let (remain) {
if ((speed > 0) && (maxBytes > 0)) {
let seconds = Math.ceil((maxBytes - currBytes) / speed);
let lastSec = Number(aItem.getAttribute("lastSeconds"));
// Reuse the last seconds if the new one is only slighty longer
// This avoids jittering seconds, e.g., 41 40 38 40 -> 41 40 38 38
// However, large changes are shown, e.g., 41 38 49 -> 41 38 49
let (diff = seconds - lastSec) {
if (diff > 0 && diff <= 10)
seconds = lastSec;
aItem.setAttribute("lastSeconds", seconds);
// Be friendly in the last few seconds
if (seconds <= 3)
remain = gStr.timeFewSeconds;
// Show 2 digit seconds starting at 60; otherwise use minutes
else if (seconds <= 60)
remain = replaceInsert(gStr.timeSecondsLeft, 1, seconds);
remain = replaceInsert(gStr.timeMinutesLeft, 1,
Math.ceil(seconds / 60));
} else {
remain = gStr.timeUnknown;
// Insert 4 is the time remaining
status = replaceInsert(status, 4, remain);
let (stateSize = {}) {
stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED] = function() {
// Display the file size, but show "Unknown" for negative sizes
let fileSize = Number(aItem.getAttribute("maxBytes"));
let sizeText = gStr.doneSizeUnknown;
if (fileSize >= 0) {
let [size, unit] = convertByteUnits(fileSize);
sizeText = replaceInsert(gStr.doneSize, 1, size);
sizeText = replaceInsert(sizeText, 2, unit);
return sizeText;
stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED] = function() gStr.stateFailed;
stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED] = function() gStr.stateCanceled;
stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED] = function() gStr.stateBlocked;
stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY] = function() gStr.stateDirty;
// Insert 1 is the download size or download state
status = replaceInsert(gStr.doneStatus, 1, stateSize[state]());
let [displayHost, fullHost] = getHost(getReferrerOrSource(aItem));
// Insert 2 is the eTLD + 1 or other variations of the host
status = replaceInsert(status, 2, displayHost);
// Set the tooltip to be the full host
statusTip = fullHost;
aItem.setAttribute("status", status);
aItem.setAttribute("statusTip", statusTip != "" ? statusTip : status);
* Updates the time that gets shown for completed download items
* @param aItem
* The richlistitem representing a download in the UI
function updateTime(aItem)
// Don't bother updating for things that aren't finished
if (aItem.inProgress)
let dts = Cc[";1"].
// Figure out when today begins
let now = new Date();
let today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
// Get the end time to display
let end = new Date(parseInt(aItem.getAttribute("endTime")));
// Figure out if the end time is from today, yesterday, this week, etc.
let dateTime;
if (end >= today) {
// Download finished after today started, show the time
dateTime = dts.FormatTime("", dts.timeFormatNoSeconds,
end.getHours(), end.getMinutes(), 0);
} else if (today - end < (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
// Download finished after yesterday started, show yesterday
dateTime = gStr.yesterday;
} else if (today - end < (6 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
// Download finished after last week started, show day of week
dateTime = end.toLocaleFormat("%A");
} else {
// Download must have been from some time ago.. show month/day
let month = end.toLocaleFormat("%B");
// Remove leading 0 by converting the date string to a number
let date = Number(end.toLocaleFormat("%d"));
dateTime = replaceInsert(gStr.monthDate, 1, month);
dateTime = replaceInsert(dateTime, 2, date);
aItem.setAttribute("dateTime", dateTime);
// Set the tooltip to be the full date and time
let dateTimeTip = dts.FormatDateTime("",
end.getMonth() + 1,
aItem.setAttribute("dateTimeTip", dateTimeTip);
* Converts a number of bytes to the appropriate unit that results in a
* number that needs fewer than 4 digits
* @return a pair: [new value with 3 sig. figs., its unit]
function convertByteUnits(aBytes)
let unitIndex = 0;
// convert to next unit if it needs 4 digits (after rounding), but only if
// we know the name of the next unit
while ((aBytes >= 999.5) && (unitIndex < gStr.units.length - 1)) {
aBytes /= 1024;
// Get rid of insignificant bits by truncating to 1 or 0 decimal points
// 0 -> 0; 1.2 -> 1.2; 12.3 -> 12.3; 123.4 -> 123; 234.5 -> 235
aBytes = aBytes.toFixed((aBytes > 0) && (aBytes < 100) ? 1 : 0);
return [aBytes, gStr.units[unitIndex]];
* Get the appropriate display host string for a URI string depending on if the
* URI has an eTLD + 1, is an IP address, a local file, or other protocol
* @param aURIString
* The URI string to try getting an eTLD + 1, etc.
* @return a pair: [display host for the provided URI string, full host name]
function getHost(aURIString)
let ioService = Cc[";1"].
let eTLDService = Cc[";1"].
let idnService = Cc[";1"].
// Get a URI that knows about its components
let uri = ioService.newURI(aURIString, null, null);
// Get the inner-most uri for schemes like jar:
if (uri instanceof Ci.nsINestedURI)
uri = uri.innermostURI;
let fullHost;
try {
// Get the full host name; some special URIs fail (data: jar:)
fullHost =;
} catch (e) {
fullHost = "";
let displayHost;
try {
// This might fail if it's an IP address or doesn't have more than 1 part
let baseDomain = eTLDService.getBaseDomain(uri);
// Convert base domain for display; ignore the isAscii out param
displayHost = idnService.convertToDisplayIDN(baseDomain, {});
} catch (e) {
// Default to the host name
displayHost = fullHost;
// Check if we need to show something else for the host
if (uri.scheme == "file") {
// Display special text for file protocol
displayHost = gStr.doneFileScheme;
fullHost = displayHost;
} else if (displayHost.length == 0) {
// Got nothing; show the scheme (data: about: moz-icon:)
displayHost = replaceInsert(gStr.doneScheme, 1, uri.scheme);
fullHost = displayHost;
} else if (uri.port != -1) {
// Tack on the port if it's not the default port
let port = ":" + uri.port;
displayHost += port;
fullHost += port;
return [displayHost, fullHost];
function replaceInsert(aText, aIndex, aValue)
return aText.replace("#" + aIndex, aValue);
* Perform the default action for the currently selected download item
function doDefaultForSelected()
// Make sure we have something selected
let item = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
if (!item)
// Get the default action (first item in the menu)
let state = Number(item.getAttribute("state"));
let menuitem = document.getElementById(gContextMenus[state][0]);
// Try to do the action if the command is enabled
gDownloadViewController.doCommand(menuitem.getAttribute("cmd"), item);
function removeFromView(aDownload)
// Make sure we have an item to remove
if (!aDownload) return;
let index = gDownloadsView.selectedIndex;
gDownloadsView.selectedIndex = Math.min(index, gDownloadsView.itemCount - 1);
// Color everything after from the newly selected item
function getReferrerOrSource(aDownload)
// Give the referrer if we have it set
if (aDownload.hasAttribute("referrer"))
return aDownload.getAttribute("referrer");
// Otherwise, provide the source
return aDownload.getAttribute("uri");
* Initiate building the download list to have the active downloads followed by
* completed ones filtered by the search term if necessary.
function buildDownloadList()
// Clear out values before using them
gSearchTerms = "";
// Clear the list before adding items by replacing with a shallow copy
let (empty = gDownloadsView.cloneNode(false)) {
gDownloadsView.parentNode.replaceChild(empty, gDownloadsView);
gDownloadsView = empty;
// If the search box isn't empty, trim the search terms
if (!gSearchBox.hasAttribute("empty"))
gSearchTerms = gSearchBox.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "");
let like = "%" + gStmt.escapeStringForLIKE(gSearchTerms, "/") + "%";
try {
gStmt.bindInt32Parameter(0, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED);
gStmt.bindInt32Parameter(1, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING);
gStmt.bindInt32Parameter(2, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED);
gStmt.bindInt32Parameter(3, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED);
gStmt.bindInt32Parameter(4, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING);
gStmt.bindStringParameter(5, like);
} catch (e) {
// Something must have gone wrong when binding, so clear and quit
// Take a quick break before we actually start building the list
gBuilder = setTimeout(function() {
// Start building the list and select the first item
gDownloadsView.selectedIndex = 0;
}, 0);
* Incrementally build the download list by adding at most the requested number
* of items if there are items to add. After doing that, it will schedule
* another chunk of items specified by gListBuildDelay and gListBuildChunk.
* @param aNumItems
* Number of items to add to the list before taking a break
function stepListBuilder(aNumItems) {
try {
// If we're done adding all items, we can quit
if (!gStmt.executeStep())
// Try to get the attribute values from the statement
let attrs = {
dlid: gStmt.getInt64(0),
file: gStmt.getString(1),
target: gStmt.getString(2),
uri: gStmt.getString(3),
state: gStmt.getInt32(4),
startTime: Math.round(gStmt.getInt64(5) / 1000),
endTime: Math.round(gStmt.getInt64(6) / 1000),
currBytes: gStmt.getInt64(8),
maxBytes: gStmt.getInt64(9)
// Only add the referrer if it's not null
let (referrer = gStmt.getString(7)) {
if (referrer)
attrs.referrer = referrer;
// If the download is active, grab the real progress, otherwise default 100
attrs.progress = gStmt.getInt32(10) ?
gDownloadManager.getDownload(attrs.dlid).percentComplete : 100;
// Make the item and add it to the end
let item = createDownloadItem(attrs);
if (item) {
// Add item to the end and color just that one item
// Because of the joys of XBL, we can't update the buttons until the
// download object is in the document.
} catch (e) {
// Something went wrong when stepping or getting values, so clear and quit
// Add another item to the list if we should; otherwise, let the UI update
// and continue later
if (aNumItems > 1) {
stepListBuilder(aNumItems - 1);
} else {
// Use a shorter delay for earlier downloads to display them faster
let delay = Math.min(gDownloadsView.itemCount * 10, gListBuildDelay);
gBuilder = setTimeout(stepListBuilder, delay, gListBuildChunk);
* Add a download to the front of the download list
* @param aDownload
* The nsIDownload to make into a richlistitem
function prependList(aDownload)
let attrs = {
target: aDownload.displayName,
uri: aDownload.source.spec,
state: aDownload.state,
progress: aDownload.percentComplete,
startTime: Math.round(aDownload.startTime / 1000),
currBytes: aDownload.amountTransferred,
maxBytes: aDownload.size
// Make the item and add it to the beginning
let item = createDownloadItem(attrs);
if (item) {
// Add item to the beginning and color the whole list
gDownloadsView.insertBefore(item, gDownloadsView.firstChild);
// Because of the joys of XBL, we can't update the buttons until the
// download object is in the document.
* Stripeify the download list by setting or clearing the "alternate" attribute
* on items starting from a particular item and continuing to the end.
* @param aItem
* Download rishlist item to start stripeifying
function stripeifyList(aItem)
let alt = "alternate";
// Set the item to be opposite of the other
let flipFrom = function(aOther) aOther && aOther.hasAttribute(alt) ?
aItem.removeAttribute(alt) : aItem.setAttribute(alt, "true");
// Keep coloring items as the opposite of its previous until no more
while (aItem) {
aItem = aItem.nextSibling;
function onSearchboxBlur() {
if (gSearchBox.value == "") {
gSearchBox.setAttribute("empty", "true");
gSearchBox.value = gSearchBox.getAttribute("defaultValue");
function onSearchboxFocus() {
if (gSearchBox.hasAttribute("empty")) {
gSearchBox.value = "";
// we should be using real URLs all the time, but until
// bug 239948 is fully fixed, this will do...
// note, this will thrown an exception if the native path
// is not valid (for example a native Windows path on a Mac)
// see bug #392386 for details
function getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aPathOrUrl)
if (aPathOrUrl.substring(0,7) == "file://") {
// if this is a URL, get the file from that
let ioSvc = Cc[";1"].
// XXX it's possible that using a null char-set here is bad
const fileUrl = ioSvc.newURI(aPathOrUrl, null, null).
return fileUrl.file.clone().QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
} else {
// if it's a pathname, create the nsILocalFile directly
var f = new nsLocalFile(aPathOrUrl);
return f;