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Raw Normal View History

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.Logger;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionBeginDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionFetchRecordsDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionFinishDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionGuidsSinceDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionStoreDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.delegates.RepositorySessionWipeDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.domain.Record;
* A <code>RepositorySession</code> is created and used thusly:
* <li>Construct, with a reference to its parent {@link Repository}, by calling
* {@link Repository#createSession(RepositorySessionCreationDelegate, android.content.Context)}.</li>
* <li>Populate with saved information by calling {@link #unbundle(RepositorySessionBundle)}.</li>
* <li>Begin a sync by calling {@link #begin(RepositorySessionBeginDelegate)}. <code>begin()</code>
* is an appropriate place to initialize expensive resources.</li>
* <li>Perform operations such as {@link #fetchSince(long, RepositorySessionFetchRecordsDelegate)} and
* {@link #store(Record)}.</li>
* <li>Finish by calling {@link #finish(RepositorySessionFinishDelegate)}, retrieving and storing
* the current bundle.</li>
* If <code>finish()</code> is not called, {@link #abort()} must be called. These calls must
* <em>always</em> be paired with <code>begin()</code>.
public abstract class RepositorySession {
public enum SessionStatus {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "RepositorySession";
protected static void trace(String message) {
Logger.trace(LOG_TAG, message);
private SessionStatus status = SessionStatus.UNSTARTED;
protected Repository repository;
protected RepositorySessionStoreDelegate delegate;
* A queue of Runnables which call out into delegates.
protected ExecutorService delegateQueue = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
* A queue of Runnables which effect storing.
* This includes actual store work, and also the consequences of storeDone.
* This provides strict ordering.
protected ExecutorService storeWorkQueue = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
// The time that the last sync on this collection completed, in milliseconds since epoch.
public long lastSyncTimestamp;
public static long now() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public RepositorySession(Repository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
public abstract void guidsSince(long timestamp, RepositorySessionGuidsSinceDelegate delegate);
public abstract void fetchSince(long timestamp, RepositorySessionFetchRecordsDelegate delegate);
public abstract void fetch(String[] guids, RepositorySessionFetchRecordsDelegate delegate) throws InactiveSessionException;
public abstract void fetchAll(RepositorySessionFetchRecordsDelegate delegate);
* Override this if you wish to short-circuit a sync when you know --
* e.g., by inspecting the database or info/collections -- that no new
* data are available.
* @return true if a sync should proceed.
public boolean dataAvailable() {
return true;
* @return true if we cannot safely sync from this <code>RepositorySession</code>.
public boolean shouldSkip() {
return false;
* Store operations proceed thusly:
* * Set a delegate
* * Store an arbitrary number of records. At any time the delegate can be
* notified of an error.
* * Call storeDone to notify the session that no more items are forthcoming.
* * The store delegate will be notified of error or completion.
* This arrangement of calls allows for batching at the session level.
* Store success calls are not guaranteed.
public void setStoreDelegate(RepositorySessionStoreDelegate delegate) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Setting store delegate to " + delegate);
this.delegate = delegate;
public abstract void store(Record record) throws NoStoreDelegateException;
public void storeDone() {
// Our default behavior will be to assume that the Runnable is
// executed as soon as all the stores synchronously finish, so
// our end timestamp can just be… now.
public void storeDone(final long end) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Scheduling onStoreCompleted for after storing is done: " + end);
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public abstract void wipe(RepositorySessionWipeDelegate delegate);
public void unbundle(RepositorySessionBundle bundle) {
this.lastSyncTimestamp = bundle == null ? 0 : bundle.getTimestamp();
* Synchronously perform the shared work of beginning. Throws on failure.
* @throws InvalidSessionTransitionException
protected void sharedBegin() throws InvalidSessionTransitionException {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Shared begin.");
if (delegateQueue.isShutdown()) {
throw new InvalidSessionTransitionException(null);
if (storeWorkQueue.isShutdown()) {
throw new InvalidSessionTransitionException(null);
this.transitionFrom(SessionStatus.UNSTARTED, SessionStatus.ACTIVE);
* Start the session. This is an appropriate place to initialize
* data access components such as database handles.
* @param delegate
* @throws InvalidSessionTransitionException
public void begin(RepositorySessionBeginDelegate delegate) throws InvalidSessionTransitionException {
protected RepositorySessionBundle getBundle() {
return this.getBundle(null);
* Override this in your subclasses to return values to save between sessions.
* Note that RepositorySession automatically bumps the timestamp to the time
* the last sync began. If unbundled but not begun, this will be the same as the
* value in the input bundle.
* The Synchronizer most likely wants to bump the bundle timestamp to be a value
* return from a fetch call.
protected RepositorySessionBundle getBundle(RepositorySessionBundle optional) {
// Why don't we just persist the old bundle?
RepositorySessionBundle bundle = (optional == null) ? new RepositorySessionBundle(this.lastSyncTimestamp) : optional;
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Setting bundle timestamp to " + this.lastSyncTimestamp + ".");
return bundle;
* Just like finish(), but doesn't do any work that should only be performed
* at the end of a successful sync, and can be called any time.
public void abort(RepositorySessionFinishDelegate delegate) {
delegate.deferredFinishDelegate(delegateQueue).onFinishSucceeded(this, this.getBundle(null));
* Abnormally terminate the repository session, freeing or closing
* any resources that were opened during the lifetime of the session.
public void abort() {
// TODO: do something here.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Caught exception shutting down store work queue.", e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Caught exception shutting down delegate queue.", e);
* End the repository session, freeing or closing any resources
* that were opened during the lifetime of the session.
* @param delegate notified of success or failure.
* @throws InactiveSessionException
public void finish(final RepositorySessionFinishDelegate delegate) throws InactiveSessionException {
try {
this.transitionFrom(SessionStatus.ACTIVE, SessionStatus.DONE);
delegate.deferredFinishDelegate(delegateQueue).onFinishSucceeded(this, this.getBundle(null));
} catch (InvalidSessionTransitionException e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Tried to finish() an unstarted or already finished session");
throw new InactiveSessionException(e);
Logger.trace(LOG_TAG, "Shutting down work queues.");
* Run the provided command if we're active and our delegate queue
* is not shut down.
protected synchronized void executeDelegateCommand(Runnable command)
throws InactiveSessionException {
if (!isActive() || delegateQueue.isShutdown()) {
throw new InactiveSessionException(null);
public synchronized void ensureActive() throws InactiveSessionException {
if (!isActive()) {
throw new InactiveSessionException(null);
public synchronized boolean isActive() {
return status == SessionStatus.ACTIVE;
public synchronized SessionStatus getStatus() {
return status;
public synchronized void setStatus(SessionStatus status) {
this.status = status;
public synchronized void transitionFrom(SessionStatus from, SessionStatus to) throws InvalidSessionTransitionException {
if (from == null || this.status == from) {
Logger.trace(LOG_TAG, "Successfully transitioning from " + this.status + " to " + to);
this.status = to;
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Wanted to transition from " + from + " but in state " + this.status);
throw new InvalidSessionTransitionException(null);
* Produce a record that is some combination of the remote and local records
* provided.
* The returned record must be produced without mutating either remoteRecord
* or localRecord. It is acceptable to return either remoteRecord or localRecord
* if no modifications are to be propagated.
* The returned record *should* have the local androidID and the remote GUID,
* and some optional merge of data from the two records.
* This method can be called with records that are identical, or differ in
* any regard.
* This method will not be called if:
* * either record is marked as deleted, or
* * there is no local mapping for a new remote record.
* Otherwise, it will be called precisely once.
* Side-effects (e.g., for transactional storage) can be hooked in here.
* @param remoteRecord
* The record retrieved from upstream, already adjusted for clock skew.
* @param localRecord
* The record retrieved from local storage.
* @param lastRemoteRetrieval
* The timestamp of the last retrieved set of remote records, adjusted for
* clock skew.
* @param lastLocalRetrieval
* The timestamp of the last retrieved set of local records.
* @return
* A Record instance to apply, or null to apply nothing.
protected Record reconcileRecords(final Record remoteRecord,
final Record localRecord,
final long lastRemoteRetrieval,
final long lastLocalRetrieval) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Reconciling remote " + remoteRecord.guid + " against local " + localRecord.guid);
if (localRecord.equalPayloads(remoteRecord)) {
if (remoteRecord.lastModified > localRecord.lastModified) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Records are equal. No record application needed.");
return null;
// Local wins.
return null;
// TODO: Decide what to do based on:
// * Which of the two records is modified;
// * Whether they are equal or congruent;
// * The modified times of each record (interpreted through the lens of clock skew);
// * ...
boolean localIsMoreRecent = localRecord.lastModified > remoteRecord.lastModified;
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Local record is more recent? " + localIsMoreRecent);
Record donor = localIsMoreRecent ? localRecord : remoteRecord;
// Modify the local record to match the remote record's GUID and values.
// Preserve the local Android ID, and merge data where possible.
// It sure would be nice if copyWithIDs didn't give a shit about androidID, mm?
Record out = donor.copyWithIDs(remoteRecord.guid, localRecord.androidID);
// We don't want to upload the record if the remote record was
// applied without changes.
// This logic will become more complicated as reconciling becomes smarter.
if (!localIsMoreRecent) {
return out;
* Depending on the RepositorySession implementation, track
* that a record most likely a brand-new record that has been
* applied unmodified should be tracked so as to not be uploaded
* redundantly.
* The default implementations do nothing.
protected void trackGUID(String guid) {
protected synchronized void untrackGUIDs(Collection<String> guids) {
protected void untrackGUID(String guid) {
// Ah, Java. You wretched creature.
public Iterator<String> getTrackedRecordIDs() {
return new ArrayList<String>().iterator();