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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla SVG Project code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Mozilla Foundation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "SVGPathSegUtils.h"
#include "nsSVGElement.h"
#include "nsSVGSVGElement.h"
#include "nsSVGPathDataParser.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsSVGUtils.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsTextFormatter.h"
#include "prdtoa.h"
#include <limits>
#include "nsMathUtils.h"
#include "prtypes.h"
using namespace mozilla;
static const float PATH_SEG_LENGTH_TOLERANCE = 0.0000001f;
static const PRUint32 MAX_RECURSION = 10;
/* static */ void
SVGPathSegUtils::GetValueAsString(const float *aSeg, nsAString& aValue)
// Adding new seg type? Is the formatting below acceptable for the new types?
PRUint32 type = DecodeType(aSeg[0]);
PRUnichar typeAsChar = GetPathSegTypeAsLetter(type);
// Special case arcs:
if (type == nsIDOMSVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_ARC_ABS ||
type == nsIDOMSVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_ARC_REL) {
PRBool largeArcFlag = aSeg[4] != 0.0f;
PRBool sweepFlag = aSeg[5] != 0.0f;
NS_LITERAL_STRING("%c%g,%g %g %d,%d %g,%g").get(),
typeAsChar, aSeg[1], aSeg[2], aSeg[3],
largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, aSeg[6], aSeg[7]);
} else {
switch (ArgCountForType(type)) {
case 0:
aValue = typeAsChar;
case 1:
nsTextFormatter::ssprintf(aValue, NS_LITERAL_STRING("%c%g").get(),
typeAsChar, aSeg[1]);
case 2:
nsTextFormatter::ssprintf(aValue, NS_LITERAL_STRING("%c%g,%g").get(),
typeAsChar, aSeg[1], aSeg[2]);
case 4:
nsTextFormatter::ssprintf(aValue, NS_LITERAL_STRING("%c%g,%g %g,%g").get(),
typeAsChar, aSeg[1], aSeg[2], aSeg[3], aSeg[4]);
case 6:
NS_LITERAL_STRING("%c%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g").get(),
typeAsChar, aSeg[1], aSeg[2], aSeg[3], aSeg[4],
aSeg[5], aSeg[6]);
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(PR_FALSE, "Unknown segment type");
aValue = NS_LITERAL_STRING("<unknown-segment-type>").get();
// nsTextFormatter::ssprintf is one of the nsTextFormatter methods that
// randomly appends '\0' to its output string, which means that the length
// of the output string is one too long. We need to manually remove that '\0'
// until nsTextFormatter is fixed.
if (aValue[aValue.Length() - 1] == PRUnichar('\0')) {
aValue.SetLength(aValue.Length() - 1);
static float
CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(const gfxPoint &p1, const gfxPoint &p2)
return NS_hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y);
static void SplitQuadraticBezier(const gfxPoint *curve,
gfxPoint *left,
gfxPoint *right)
left[0].x = curve[0].x;
left[0].y = curve[0].y;
right[2].x = curve[2].x;
right[2].y = curve[2].y;
left[1].x = (curve[0].x + curve[1].x) / 2;
left[1].y = (curve[0].y + curve[1].y) / 2;
right[1].x = (curve[1].x + curve[2].x) / 2;
right[1].y = (curve[1].y + curve[2].y) / 2;
left[2].x = right[0].x = (left[1].x + right[1].x) / 2;
left[2].y = right[0].y = (left[1].y + right[1].y) / 2;
static void SplitCubicBezier(const gfxPoint *curve,
gfxPoint *left,
gfxPoint *right)
gfxPoint tmp;
tmp.x = (curve[1].x + curve[2].x) / 4;
tmp.y = (curve[1].y + curve[2].y) / 4;
left[0].x = curve[0].x;
left[0].y = curve[0].y;
right[3].x = curve[3].x;
right[3].y = curve[3].y;
left[1].x = (curve[0].x + curve[1].x) / 2;
left[1].y = (curve[0].y + curve[1].y) / 2;
right[2].x = (curve[2].x + curve[3].x) / 2;
right[2].y = (curve[2].y + curve[3].y) / 2;
left[2].x = left[1].x / 2 + tmp.x;
left[2].y = left[1].y / 2 + tmp.y;
right[1].x = right[2].x / 2 + tmp.x;
right[1].y = right[2].y / 2 + tmp.y;
left[3].x = right[0].x = (left[2].x + right[1].x) / 2;
left[3].y = right[0].y = (left[2].y + right[1].y) / 2;
static gfxFloat CalcBezLengthHelper(gfxPoint *curve, PRUint32 numPts,
PRUint32 recursion_count,
void (*split)(const gfxPoint*, gfxPoint*, gfxPoint*))
gfxPoint left[4];
gfxPoint right[4];
gfxFloat length = 0, dist;
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < numPts - 1; i++) {
length += CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(curve[i], curve[i+1]);
dist = CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(curve[0], curve[numPts - 1]);
if (length - dist > PATH_SEG_LENGTH_TOLERANCE && recursion_count < MAX_RECURSION) {
split(curve, left, right);
return CalcBezLengthHelper(left, numPts, recursion_count, split) +
CalcBezLengthHelper(right, numPts, recursion_count, split);
return length;
static inline gfxFloat
CalcLengthOfCubicBezier(const gfxPoint &pos, const gfxPoint &cp1,
const gfxPoint &cp2, const gfxPoint &to)
gfxPoint curve[4] = { pos, cp1, cp2, to };
return CalcBezLengthHelper(curve, 4, 0, SplitCubicBezier);
static inline gfxFloat
CalcLengthOfQuadraticBezier(const gfxPoint &pos, const gfxPoint &cp,
const gfxPoint &to)
gfxPoint curve[3] = { pos, cp, to };
return CalcBezLengthHelper(curve, 3, 0, SplitQuadraticBezier);
static float GetLengthOfClosePath(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
float dist = CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(aState.pos, aState.start);
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = aState.start;
return dist;
static float GetLengthOfMovetoAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
aState.start = aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
return 0.0;
static float GetLengthOfMovetoRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
// aState.pos must be second from right due to +=
aState.start = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = aState.pos += gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
return 0.0;
static float GetLengthOfLinetoAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint to(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
float dist = CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(aState.pos, to);
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float GetLengthOfLinetoRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
float dist = CalcDistanceBetweenPoints(aState.pos, to);
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfLinetoHorizontalAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint to(aArgs[0], aState.pos.y);
float dist = fabs(to.x - aState.pos.x);
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfLinetoHorizontalRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = aState.pos += gfxPoint(aArgs[0], 0.0);
return fabs(aArgs[0]);
static float
GetLengthOfLinetoVerticalAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint to(aState.pos.x, aArgs[0]);
float dist = fabs(to.y - aState.pos.y);
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfLinetoVerticalRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = aState.pos += gfxPoint(0.0, aArgs[0]);
return fabs(aArgs[0]);
static float GetLengthOfCurvetoCubicAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp1(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint cp2(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
gfxPoint to(aArgs[4], aArgs[5]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfCubicBezier(aState.pos, cp1, cp2, to);
aState.cp2 = cp2;
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp1 = aState.pos - (aState.cp2 - aState.pos);
gfxPoint cp2(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfCubicBezier(aState.pos, cp1, cp2, to);
aState.cp2 = cp2;
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoCubicRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp1 = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint cp2 = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[4], aArgs[5]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfCubicBezier(aState.pos, cp1, cp2, to);
aState.cp2 = cp2;
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp1 = aState.pos - (aState.cp2 - aState.pos);
gfxPoint cp2 = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfCubicBezier(aState.pos, cp1, cp2, to);
aState.cp2 = cp2;
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoQuadraticAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfQuadraticBezier(aState.pos, cp, to);
aState.cp1 = cp;
aState.pos = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp = aState.pos - (aState.cp1 - aState.pos);
gfxPoint to(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfQuadraticBezier(aState.pos, cp, to);
aState.cp1 = cp;
aState.pos = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoQuadraticRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[2], aArgs[3]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfQuadraticBezier(aState.pos, cp, to);
aState.cp1 = cp;
aState.pos = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint cp = aState.pos - (aState.cp1 - aState.pos);
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
float dist = (float)CalcLengthOfQuadraticBezier(aState.pos, cp, to);
aState.cp1 = cp;
aState.pos = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfArcAbs(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint radii(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to(aArgs[5], aArgs[6]);
gfxPoint bez[4] = { aState.pos, gfxPoint(0,0), gfxPoint(0,0), gfxPoint(0,0) };
nsSVGArcConverter converter(aState.pos, to, radii, aArgs[2],
aArgs[3] != 0, aArgs[4] != 0);
float dist = 0;
while (converter.GetNextSegment(&bez[1], &bez[2], &bez[3]))
dist += CalcBezLengthHelper(bez, 4, 0, SplitCubicBezier);
bez[0] = bez[3];
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
static float
GetLengthOfArcRel(const float *aArgs, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
gfxPoint radii(aArgs[0], aArgs[1]);
gfxPoint to = aState.pos + gfxPoint(aArgs[5], aArgs[6]);
gfxPoint bez[4] = { aState.pos, gfxPoint(0,0), gfxPoint(0,0), gfxPoint(0,0) };
nsSVGArcConverter converter(aState.pos, to, radii, aArgs[2],
aArgs[3] != 0, aArgs[4] != 0);
float dist = 0;
while (converter.GetNextSegment(&bez[1], &bez[2], &bez[3]))
dist += CalcBezLengthHelper(bez, 4, 0, SplitCubicBezier);
bez[0] = bez[3];
aState.pos = aState.cp1 = aState.cp2 = to;
return dist;
typedef float (*getLengthFunc)(const float*, SVGPathTraversalState&);
/* static */ float
SVGPathSegUtils::GetLength(const float *seg, SVGPathTraversalState &aState)
PRUint32 type = DecodeType(seg[0]);
static getLengthFunc lengthFuncTable[20] = {
nsnull, // 0 == PATHSEG_UNKNOWN
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(IsValidType(type), "Seg type not recognized");
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(type > 0 && type < NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(lengthFuncTable),
"Seg type not recognized");
return lengthFuncTable[type](seg + 1, aState);