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Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gecko.gfx;
import org.mozilla.gecko.FloatUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell;
final class DisplayPortCalculator {
private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoDisplayPortCalculator";
private static DisplayPortStrategy sStrategy = new FixedMarginStrategy();
static DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity) {
return sStrategy.calculate(metrics, velocity);
static boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
return sStrategy.aboutToCheckerboard(metrics, velocity, displayPort);
private interface DisplayPortStrategy {
/** Calculates a displayport given a viewport and panning velocity. */
public DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity);
/** Returns true if a checkerboard is about to be visible and we should not throttle drawing. */
public boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort);
* This class implements the variation where we basically don't bother with a a display port.
private static class NoMarginStrategy implements DisplayPortStrategy {
public DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity) {
return new DisplayPortMetrics(metrics.viewportRectLeft,
public boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
return true;
* This class implements the variation where we use a fixed-size margin on the display port.
* The margin is always 300 pixels in all directions, except when we are (a) approaching a page
* boundary, and/or (b) if we are limited by the page size. In these cases we try to maintain
* the area of the display port by (a) shifting the buffer to the other side on the same axis,
* and/or (b) increasing the buffer on the other axis to compensate for the reduced buffer on
* one axis.
private static class FixedMarginStrategy implements DisplayPortStrategy {
private static final int DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN = 300;
/* If the visible rect is within the danger zone (measured in pixels from each edge of a tile),
* we start aggressively redrawing to minimize checkerboarding. */
private static final int DANGER_ZONE_X = 75;
private static final int DANGER_ZONE_Y = 150;
public DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity) {
float desiredXMargins = 2 * DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN;
float desiredYMargins = 2 * DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN;
// we need to avoid having a display port that is larger than the page, or we will end up
// painting things outside the page bounds (bug 729169). we simultaneously need to make
// the display port as large as possible so that we redraw less.
// figure out how much of the desired buffer amount we can actually use on the horizontal axis
float xBufferAmount = Math.min(desiredXMargins, metrics.pageSizeWidth - metrics.getWidth());
// if we reduced the buffer amount on the horizontal axis, we should take that saved memory and
// use it on the vertical axis
float savedPixels = (desiredXMargins - xBufferAmount) * (metrics.getHeight() + desiredYMargins);
float extraYAmount = (float)Math.floor(savedPixels / (metrics.getWidth() + xBufferAmount));
float yBufferAmount = Math.min(desiredYMargins + extraYAmount, metrics.pageSizeHeight - metrics.getHeight());
// and the reverse - if we shrunk the buffer on the vertical axis we can add it to the horizontal
if (xBufferAmount == desiredXMargins && yBufferAmount < desiredYMargins) {
savedPixels = (desiredYMargins - yBufferAmount) * (metrics.getWidth() + xBufferAmount);
float extraXAmount = (float)Math.floor(savedPixels / (metrics.getHeight() + yBufferAmount));
xBufferAmount = Math.min(xBufferAmount + extraXAmount, metrics.pageSizeWidth - metrics.getWidth());
// and now calculate the display port margins based on how much buffer we've decided to use and
// the page bounds, ensuring we use all of the available buffer amounts on one side or the other
// on any given axis. (i.e. if we're scrolled to the top of the page, the vertical buffer is
// entirely below the visible viewport, but if we're halfway down the page, the vertical buffer
// is split).
float leftMargin = Math.min(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN, metrics.viewportRectLeft);
float rightMargin = Math.min(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN, metrics.pageSizeWidth - (metrics.viewportRectLeft + metrics.getWidth()));
rightMargin = xBufferAmount - leftMargin;
} else if (rightMargin < DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN) {
leftMargin = xBufferAmount - rightMargin;
} else if (!FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(leftMargin + rightMargin, xBufferAmount)) {
float delta = xBufferAmount - leftMargin - rightMargin;
leftMargin += delta / 2;
rightMargin += delta / 2;
float topMargin = Math.min(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN, metrics.viewportRectTop);
float bottomMargin = Math.min(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN, metrics.pageSizeHeight - (metrics.viewportRectTop + metrics.getHeight()));
bottomMargin = yBufferAmount - topMargin;
} else if (bottomMargin < DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PORT_MARGIN) {
topMargin = yBufferAmount - bottomMargin;
} else if (!FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(topMargin + bottomMargin, yBufferAmount)) {
float delta = yBufferAmount - topMargin - bottomMargin;
topMargin += delta / 2;
bottomMargin += delta / 2;
// note that unless the viewport size changes, or the page dimensions change (either because of
// content changes or zooming), the size of the display port should remain constant. this
// is intentional to avoid re-creating textures and all sorts of other reallocations in the
// draw and composition code.
return new DisplayPortMetrics(metrics.viewportRectLeft - leftMargin,
metrics.viewportRectTop - topMargin,
metrics.viewportRectRight + rightMargin,
metrics.viewportRectBottom + bottomMargin,
public boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
if (displayPort == null) {
return true;
// Increase the size of the viewport (and clamp to page boundaries), and
// intersect it with the tile's displayport to determine whether we're
// close to checkerboarding.
FloatSize pageSize = metrics.getPageSize();
RectF adjustedViewport = RectUtils.expand(metrics.getViewport(), DANGER_ZONE_X, DANGER_ZONE_Y);
if ( < 0) = 0;
if (adjustedViewport.left < 0) adjustedViewport.left = 0;
if (adjustedViewport.right > pageSize.width) adjustedViewport.right = pageSize.width;
if (adjustedViewport.bottom > pageSize.height) adjustedViewport.bottom = pageSize.height;
return !displayPort.contains(adjustedViewport);
* This class implements the variation with a small fixed-size margin with velocity bias.
* In this variation, the default margins are pretty small relative to the view size, but
* they are affected by the panning velocity. Specifically, if we are panning on one axis,
* we remove the margins on the other axis because we are likely axis-locked. Also once
* we are panning in one direction above a certain threshold velocity, we shift the buffer
* so that it is entirely in the direction of the pan.
private static class VelocityBiasStrategy implements DisplayPortStrategy {
/* The size of the margin as a fraction of view size */
private static final float SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 0.2f;
/* The velocity above which we apply the velocity bias */
private static final float VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = GeckoAppShell.getDpi() / 32f;
public DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity) {
// by default we apply margins that are a fraction of the view size
float desiredXMargins = metrics.getWidth() * SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
float desiredYMargins = metrics.getHeight() * SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
// but if we're panning on one axis, set the margins for the other axis to zero since we are likely
// axis locked and won't be displaying that extra area.
if (Math.abs(velocity.x) > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD && FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(velocity.y, 0)) {
desiredYMargins = 0;
} else if (Math.abs(velocity.y) > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD && FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(velocity.x, 0)) {
desiredXMargins = 0;
// we need to avoid having a display port that is larger than the page, or we will end up
// painting things outside the page bounds (bug 729169).
// figure out how much of the desired buffer amount we can actually use on the two axes
float xBufferAmount = Math.min(desiredXMargins, metrics.pageSizeWidth - metrics.getWidth());
float yBufferAmount = Math.min(desiredYMargins, metrics.pageSizeHeight - metrics.getHeight());
// if we're panning above the VELOCITY_THRESHOLD on an axis, shift the margin so that it
// is entirely in the direction of panning. Otherwise, split the margin evenly on both sides of
// the display port.
float leftMargin, rightMargin;
if (velocity.x > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
rightMargin = Math.min(xBufferAmount, metrics.pageSizeWidth - (metrics.viewportRectLeft + metrics.getWidth()));
leftMargin = xBufferAmount - rightMargin;
} else if (velocity.x < -VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
leftMargin = Math.min(xBufferAmount, metrics.viewportRectLeft);
rightMargin = xBufferAmount - leftMargin;
} else {
leftMargin = Math.min(xBufferAmount / 2.0f, metrics.viewportRectLeft);
rightMargin = xBufferAmount - leftMargin;
float topMargin, bottomMargin;
if (velocity.y > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
bottomMargin = Math.min(yBufferAmount, metrics.pageSizeHeight - (metrics.viewportRectTop + metrics.getHeight()));
topMargin = yBufferAmount - bottomMargin;
} else if (velocity.y < -VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
topMargin = Math.min(yBufferAmount, metrics.viewportRectTop);
bottomMargin = yBufferAmount - topMargin;
} else {
topMargin = Math.min(yBufferAmount / 2.0f, metrics.viewportRectTop);
bottomMargin = yBufferAmount - topMargin;
return new DisplayPortMetrics(metrics.viewportRectLeft - leftMargin,
metrics.viewportRectTop - topMargin,
metrics.viewportRectRight + rightMargin,
metrics.viewportRectBottom + bottomMargin,
public boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
// Since we have such a small margin, we want to be drawing more aggressively. At the start of a
// pan the velocity is going to be large so we're almost certainly going to go into checkerboard
// on every frame, so drawing all the time seems like the right thing. At the end of the pan we
// want to re-center the displayport and draw stuff on all sides, so again we don't want to throttle
// there. When we're not panning we're not drawing anyway so it doesn't make a difference there.
return true;
* This class implements the variation where we draw more of the page at low resolution while panning.
* In this variation, as we pan faster, we increase the page area we are drawing, but reduce the draw
* resolution to compensate. This results in the same device-pixel area drawn; the compositor then
* scales this up to the viewport zoom level. This results in a large area of the page drawn but it
* looks blurry. The assumption is that drawing extra that we never display is better than checkerboarding,
* where we draw less but never even show it on the screen.
private static class DynamicResolutionStrategy implements DisplayPortStrategy {
// The length of each axis of the display port will be the corresponding view length
// multiplied by this factor.
private static final float SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 1.5f;
// The velocity above which we start zooming out the display port to keep up
// with the panning.
private static final float VELOCITY_EXPANSION_THRESHOLD = GeckoAppShell.getDpi() / 16f;
// How much we increase the display port based on velocity. Assuming no friction and
// splitting (see below), this should be be the number of frames (@60fps) between us
// calculating the display port and the draw of the *next* display port getting composited
// and displayed on the screen. This is because the timeline looks like this:
// Java: pan pan pan pan pan pan ! pan pan pan pan pan pan !
// Gecko: \-> draw -> composite / \-> draw -> composite /
// The display port calculated on the first "pan" gets composited to the screen at the
// first exclamation mark, and remains on the screen until the second exclamation mark.
// In order to avoid checkerboarding, that display port must be able to contain all of
// the panning until the second exclamation mark, which encompasses two entire draw/composite
// cycles.
// If we take into account friction, our velocity multiplier should be reduced as the
// amount of pan will decrease each time. If we take into account display port splitting,
// it should be increased as the splitting means some of the display port will be used to
// draw in the opposite direction of the velocity. For now I'm assuming these two cancel
// each other out.
private static final float VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 60.0f;
// The following constants adjust how biased the display port is in the direction of panning.
// When panning fast (above the FAST_THRESHOLD) we use the fast split factor to split the
// display port "buffer" area, otherwise we use the slow split factor. This is based on the
// assumption that if the user is panning fast, they are less likely to reverse directions
// and go backwards, so we should spend more of our display port buffer in the direction of
// panning.
private static final float FAST_SPLIT_FACTOR = 0.95f;
private static final float SLOW_SPLIT_FACTOR = 0.8f;
// The following constants are used for viewport prediction; we use them to estimate where
// the viewport will be soon and whether or not we should trigger a draw right now. "soon"
// in the previous sentence really refers to the amount of time it would take to draw and
// composite from the point at which we do the calculation, and that is not really a known
// quantity. The velocity multiplier is how much we multiply the velocity by; it has the
// same caveats as the VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER above except that it only needs to take into account
// one draw/composite cycle instead of two. The danger zone multiplier is a multiplier of the
// viewport size that we use as an extra "danger zone" around the viewport; if this danger
// zone falls outside the display port then we are approaching the point at which we will
// checkerboard, and hence should start drawing. Note that if DANGER_ZONE_MULTIPLIER is
// greater than (SIZE_MULTIPLIER - 1.0f) / 2, then at zero velocity we will always be in the
// danger zone, and thus will be constantly drawing.
private static final float PREDICTION_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 30.0f;
private static final float DANGER_ZONE_MULTIPLIER = 0.10f; // must be less than (SIZE_MULTIPLIER - 1.0f) / 2
public DisplayPortMetrics calculate(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity) {
float baseWidth = metrics.getWidth() * SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
float baseHeight = metrics.getHeight() * SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
float width = baseWidth;
float height = baseHeight;
if (velocity != null && velocity.length() > VELOCITY_EXPANSION_THRESHOLD) {
// increase width and height based on the velocity, but maintaining aspect ratio.
float velocityFactor = Math.max(Math.abs(velocity.x) / width,
Math.abs(velocity.y) / height);
velocityFactor *= VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER;
width += (width * velocityFactor);
height += (height * velocityFactor);
// at this point, width and height are how much of the page (in device pixels) we want to
// be rendered by Gecko. Note here "device pixels" is equivalent to CSS pixels multiplied
// by metrics.zoomFactor
// we need to avoid having a display port that is larger than the page, or we will end up
// painting things outside the page bounds (bug 729169). we simultaneously need to make
// the display port as large as possible so that we redraw less.
// so, first we figure out how much of the desired amount we can actually use on the horizontal axis,
// and transfer any unused amount to the vertical axis. Then we see if we have unused amounts on
// the vertical axis and transfer them back (if possible) to the horizontal axis.
// Note that this process may throw the aspect ratio out of whack, possibly requiring various buffers
// in Gecko and/or the compositor to be reallocated. Therefore it is not strictly desirable, but for
// now we assume that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.
float usableWidth = Math.min(width, metrics.pageSizeWidth);
float extraUsableHeight = ((width - usableWidth) * height) / usableWidth;
float usableHeight = Math.min(height + extraUsableHeight, metrics.pageSizeHeight);
if (usableHeight < height && usableWidth == width) {
float extraUsableWidth = ((height - usableHeight) * width) / usableHeight;
usableWidth = Math.min(width + extraUsableWidth, metrics.pageSizeWidth);
// now that we know how large the display port is, we allocate the area to the four sides as margins.
// this ensures we use all of the available display port area on one side or the other of any given axis
// in a desirable manner.
float horizontalBuffer = usableWidth - metrics.getWidth();
float verticalBuffer = usableHeight - metrics.getHeight();
// first we split the buffer amount based on the direction we're moving, so that we have a larger buffer
// in the direction of travel.
float leftMargin = splitBufferByVelocity(horizontalBuffer, velocity.x);
float rightMargin = horizontalBuffer - leftMargin;
float topMargin = splitBufferByVelocity(verticalBuffer, velocity.y);
float bottomMargin = verticalBuffer - topMargin;
// then, we account for running into the page bounds - so that if we hit the top of the page, we need
// to drop the top margin and move that amount to the bottom margin.
if (metrics.viewportRectLeft - leftMargin < 0) {
leftMargin = metrics.viewportRectLeft;
rightMargin = horizontalBuffer - leftMargin;
} else if (metrics.viewportRectRight + rightMargin > metrics.pageSizeWidth) {
rightMargin = metrics.pageSizeWidth - metrics.viewportRectRight;
leftMargin = horizontalBuffer - rightMargin;
if (metrics.viewportRectTop - topMargin < 0) {
topMargin = metrics.viewportRectTop;
bottomMargin = verticalBuffer - topMargin;
} else if (metrics.viewportRectBottom + bottomMargin > metrics.pageSizeHeight) {
bottomMargin = metrics.pageSizeHeight - metrics.viewportRectBottom;
topMargin = verticalBuffer - bottomMargin;
// finally, we calculate the resolution we want to render the display port area at. We do this
// so that as we expand the display port area (because of velocity), we reduce the resolution of
// the painted area so as to maintain the size of the buffer Gecko is painting into (assuming no
// aspect ratio changes as described above). if the velocity is zero, then the displayResolution
// must be equal to metrics.zoomFactor.
// this effectively means that as we pan faster and faster, the display port grows, but we paint
// at lower resolutions. this paints more area to reduce checkerboard at the cost of increasing
// compositor-scaling and blurriness. Once we stop panning, the blurriness must be entirely gone.
// Note that usable* could be less than base* if we are pinch-zoomed out into overscroll, so we
// clamp it to make sure this doesn't increase our display resolution past metrics.zoomFactor.
float scaleFactor = Math.min(baseWidth / usableWidth, baseHeight / usableHeight);
float displayResolution = metrics.zoomFactor * Math.min(1.0f, scaleFactor);
DisplayPortMetrics dpMetrics = new DisplayPortMetrics(
metrics.viewportRectLeft - leftMargin,
metrics.viewportRectTop - topMargin,
metrics.viewportRectRight + rightMargin,
metrics.viewportRectBottom + bottomMargin,
return dpMetrics;
* Split the given buffer amount into two based on the velocity.
* Given an amount of total usable buffer on an axis, this will
* return the amount that should be used on the left/top side of
* the axis (the side which a negative velocity vector corresponds
* to).
private float splitBufferByVelocity(float amount, float velocity) {
// if no velocity, so split evenly
if (FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(velocity, 0)) {
return amount / 2.0f;
// if we're moving quickly, assign more of the amount in that direction
// since is is less likely that we will reverse direction immediately
if (velocity < -VELOCITY_FAST_THRESHOLD) {
return amount * FAST_SPLIT_FACTOR;
return amount * (1.0f - FAST_SPLIT_FACTOR);
// if we're moving slowly, then assign less of the amount in that direction
if (velocity < 0) {
return amount * SLOW_SPLIT_FACTOR;
} else {
return amount * (1.0f - SLOW_SPLIT_FACTOR);
public boolean aboutToCheckerboard(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics, PointF velocity, DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
if (displayPort == null) {
return true;
// Expand the viewport based on our velocity (and clamp it to page boundaries).
// Then intersect it with the last-requested displayport to determine whether we're
// close to checkerboarding.
float left = metrics.viewportRectLeft;
float right = metrics.viewportRectRight;
float top = metrics.viewportRectTop;
float bottom = metrics.viewportRectBottom;
// first we expand the viewport in the direction we're moving based on some
// multiple of the current velocity.
if (velocity != null && velocity.length() > 0) {
if (velocity.x < 0) {
} else if (velocity.x > 0) {
if (velocity.y < 0) {
} else if (velocity.y > 0) {
// then we expand the viewport evenly in all directions just to have an extra
// safety zone.
float dangerZoneX = metrics.getWidth() * DANGER_ZONE_MULTIPLIER;
float dangerZoneY = metrics.getHeight() * DANGER_ZONE_MULTIPLIER;
left -= dangerZoneX;
top -= dangerZoneY;
right += dangerZoneX;
bottom += dangerZoneY;
// finally, we clamp the calculated viewport to the page bounds, since we will
// never checkerboard outside of the page bounds.
if (left < 0) left = 0;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
if (right > metrics.pageSizeWidth) right = metrics.pageSizeWidth;
if (bottom > metrics.pageSizeHeight) bottom = metrics.pageSizeHeight;
RectF predictedViewport = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
return !displayPort.contains(predictedViewport);