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# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Patcher 2, a patch generator for the AUS2 system.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Mozilla Corporation
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Chase Phillips (
# J. Paul Reed (
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
package MozAUSConfig;
use Cwd;
use Config::General;
use Data::Dumper;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use MozAUSLib qw(SubstitutePath);
use strict;
use vars qw( @RUN_MODES
@RUN_MODES = qw( build-tools
create-patches create-patchinfo );
$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = 'patcher2.cfg';
$DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR = 'downloads';
$DEFAULT_MAR_NAME = '%app%-%version%.%locale%.%platform%.complete.mar';
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $this = {};
bless($this, $class);
return $this->Initialize() ? $this : undef;
sub Initialize
my $this = shift;
$this->{'mStartingDir'} = getcwd();
return ($this->ProcessCommandLineArgs() and
$this->ReadConfig() and
$this->ExpandConfig() and
$this->ReadPastUpdates() and
$this->CreateUpdateGraph() and
sub GetStartingDir
my $this = shift;
die "ASSERT: mStartingDir must be a full path: $this->{'mStartingDir'}\n"
if ($this->{'mStartingDir'} !~ m:^/:);
return $this->{'mStartingDir'};
sub ProcessCommandLineArgs
my $this = shift;
my (%args);
Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling_override', 'ignore_case_always',
'help|h|?', 'man', 'version', 'app=s', 'config=s', 'verbose',
'dry-run', 'tools-dir=s', 'download-dir=s', 'deliverable-dir=s',
'tools-revision=s', @RUN_MODES)
or return 0;
$this->{'mConfigFilename'} = defined($args{'config'}) ? $args{'config'} :
$this->{'mApp'} = defined($args{'app'}) ? $args{'app'} : $DEFAULT_APP;
$this->{'mVerbose'} = defined($args{'verbose'}) ? $args{'verbose'} : 0;
$this->{'mDownloadDir'} = defined($args{'mDownloadDir'}) ?
$args{'mDownloadDir'} : $DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR;
$this->{'mDeliverableDir'} = defined($args{'mDeliverableDir'}) ?
$args{'mDeliverableDir'} : $DEFAULT_DELIVERABLE_DIR;
# Is this a dry run, and we'll just print what we *would* do?
$this->{'dryRun'} = defined($args{'dryRun'}) ? 1 : 0;
## Expects to be the dir that $mToolsDir/mozilla/[all the tools] will be in.
$this->{'mToolsDir'} = defined($args{'mToolsDir'}) ? $args{'mToolsDir'} : getcwd();
# A bunch of paths need to be full pathed; they're all part of $this, so all
# we really need is the key values; check them all here.
foreach my $pathKey (qw(mDownloadDir mDeliverableDir mToolsDir)) {
if ($this->{$pathKey} !~ m:^/:) {
$this->{$pathKey} = $this->GetStartingDir() . '/' .
# the tag we would use for pulling the mozilla tree in BuildTools()
$this->{'mToolsRevision'} = defined($args{'tools-revision'}) ?
$args{'tools-revision'} : 'HEAD';
$this->{'run'} = [];
foreach my $mode (@RUN_MODES) {
push(@{$this->{'run'}}, $mode) if defined $args{$mode};
return 0 if (not scalar(@{$this->{'run'}}));
return 1;
sub ReadConfig
my $this = shift;
my $configFile = $this->{'mConfigFilename'};
if (not -r $configFile) {
die "Config file '$configFile' isn't readable";
my $configObj = new Config::General(-ConfigFile => $configFile);
my %rawConfig = $configObj->getall();
$this->{'mRawConfig'} = \%rawConfig;
return $this->CookConfig();
sub CookConfig
my $this = shift;
$this->{'mAppConfig'} = $this->{'mRawConfig'}->{'app'}->{$this->GetApp()};
return 1;
sub GetAppConfig
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'mAppConfig'};
sub GetAllAppReleases
my $this = shift;
return $this->GetAppConfig()->{'release'};
sub GetAppRelease
my $this = shift;
my $release = shift;
return $this->GetAppConfig()->{'release'}->{$release};
sub GetPastUpdates
my $this = shift;
return $this->GetAppConfig()->{'mPastUpdates'};
sub GetCurrentUpdate
my $this = shift;
my $updateData = $this->GetAppConfig()->{'update_data'};
my @updateKeys = keys(%{$updateData});
die "ASSERT: MozAUSConfig::GetCurrentUpdate() must return 1 update\n"
if (scalar(@updateKeys) != 1);
## Stupid...
return $this->GetAppConfig()->{'update_data'}->{$updateKeys[0]};
## Creates a platform entry in each release hash that maps platform
## -> buildid/the locales the platform needs updates for; takes into account
## the exceptions list, and prunes those.
sub ExpandConfig
my $this = shift;
my $prefix_dir = $this->{'prefix'};
my $buildinfo_dir = "$prefix_dir/build";
# Expand basic release config into information about locales, pruning as needed.
my $r_config = $this->GetAppConfig()->{'release'};
for my $r (keys(%{$this->GetAllAppReleases()})) {
my $rl_config = $r_config->{$r};
my $locale_list = $rl_config->{'locales'};
my @locales = split(/\s+/, $locale_list);
my $rlp_config = $rl_config->{'platforms'};
my @platforms = keys(%{$rlp_config});
for my $p (@platforms) {
my $build_id = $rlp_config->{$p};
if (!exists($rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'})
or !defined($rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'})) {
$rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'} = [];
$rlp_config->{$p}->{'build_id'} = $build_id;
my $platform_locales = $rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'};
for my $l (@locales) {
if (exists($rl_config->{'exceptions'}->{$l})
and defined($rl_config->{'exceptions'}->{$l})) {
my @e = split(/\s*,\s*/, $rl_config->{'exceptions'}->{$l});
push(@$platform_locales, $l) if grep(/^$p$/, @e);
push(@$platform_locales, $l);
my @sorted_locales = sort(@{$platform_locales});
$rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'} = \@sorted_locales;
return 1;
# Parses all the past-update lines, and adds the past update channels to the
# update-TO release. Not that useful?
sub ReadPastUpdates
my $this = shift;
my(@update_config, @updates);
my $update = $this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'past-update'};
# An artifact of Config::General; if multiple |past-update|s are
# defined, you get them in an array ref; otherwise, it's just a string.
if (ref($update) eq 'ARRAY') {
@update_config = @{$update};
} else {
push(@update_config, $update);
for my $u (@update_config) {
# Parse apart the update definition into from/to/update channels and
# stuff the info into @updates.
if ( $u =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([\w\s\-]+)$/ ) {
my $update_node = {};
$update_node->{'from'} = $1;
$update_node->{'to'} = $2;
my @update_channels = split(/\s+/, $3);
$update_node->{'channels'} = \@update_channels;
push(@updates, $update_node);
else {
print STDERR "read_past_updates(): Invalid past-update specification: $u\n";
my $appConfig = $this->GetAppConfig();
$appConfig->{'mPastUpdates'} = [];
for my $u (@updates) {
my $u_from = $u->{'from'};
my $u_to = $u->{'to'};
my @u_channels = @{$u->{'channels'}};
# If the release that this update points to isn't defined, ...
if (!exists($this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'release'}->{$u_to}) or
!defined($this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'release'}->{$u_to})) {
# Skip to the next update.
print STDERR "Warning: a past-update mentions release $u_to which doesn't exist.\n";
my $pastUpdateNode = { 'from' => $u_from,
'to' => $u_to,
'channels' => \@u_channels };
push(@{$appConfig->{'mPastUpdates'}}, $pastUpdateNode);
my $ur_config = $this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'release'}->{$u_to};
foreach my $channel (@u_channels) {
$this->AddChannelToRelease(release => $ur_config,
channel => $channel);
return 1;
sub CreateUpdateGraph
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $appConfig = $this->GetAppConfig();
my $temp_prefix = lc($this->GetApp());
my @updates;
my $update = $appConfig->{'current-update'};
if (ref($update) eq 'ARRAY') {
@updates = @$update;
} else {
push(@updates, $update);
if (!defined($appConfig->{'update_data'})) {
$appConfig->{'update_data'} = {};
my $u_config = $appConfig->{'update_data'};
for my $u (@updates) {
my $u_from = $u->{'from'};
my $u_to = $u->{'to'};
my $u_channel = $u->{'channel'};
my $u_testchannel = $u->{'testchannel'};
my $u_partial = $u->{'partial'};
my $u_complete = $u->{'complete'};
my $u_details = $u->{'details'};
my $u_license = $u->{'license'};
my $u_updateType = $u->{'updateType'};
my $u_rcInfo = exists($u->{'rc'}) ? $u->{'rc'} : undef;
my $u_force = [];
if (defined($u->{'force'})) {
if (ref($u->{'force'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
$u_force = $u->{'force'};
} else {
push(@{$u_force}, $u->{'force'});
my $u_key = "$u_from-$u_to";
# If the release that this update points to isn't defined, ...
# TODO - check the from release
if (not defined($this->GetAppRelease($u_to))) {
# Skip to the next update.
print STDERR "Update $u_key refers to a non-existant release endpoint: $u_to\n";
# Add the channel(s) to the update information.
my $ur_config = $appConfig->{'release'}->{$u_from};
my @channels = split(/\s+/, $u_channel);
for my $c (@channels) {
$this->AddChannelToRelease(release => $ur_config, channel => $c);
if (!defined($u_config->{$u_key})) {
$u_config->{$u_key} = {};
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'from'} = $u_from;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'to'} = $u_to;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'channel'} = $u_channel;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'testchannel'} = $u_testchannel;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'partial'} = $u_partial;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'complete'} = $u_complete;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'details'} = $u_details;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'license'} = $u_license;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'updateType'} = $u_updateType;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'force'} = $u_force;
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'platforms'} = {};
# Add the keys that specify channel-specific snippet directories
foreach my $c (@channels) {
my $testKey = $c . '-dir';
if (exists($u->{$testKey})) {
$u_config->{$u_key}->{$testKey} = $u->{$testKey};
# Creates a hash of channel -> rc number the channel thinks its on
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'rc'} = {};
if (defined($u_rcInfo)) {
foreach my $channel (keys(%{$u_rcInfo})) {
# Such a hack... this isn't a channel name at all; it's a config
# variable, to control the behavior of sending the complete
# "jump" updates to the RC channels...
if ($channel eq 'DisableCompleteJump') {
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'DisableCompleteJump'} = $u_rcInfo->{$channel};
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'rc'}->{$channel} = $u_rcInfo->{$channel};
my $r_config = $this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'release'};
my @releases = keys %$r_config;
# Find the set of locales that intersect for each platform by calculating how many times they appear.
my $locale_intersection = {};
for my $side ('from', 'to') {
my $subu = $side eq 'from' ? $u_from : $u_to;
if (!defined($r_config->{$subu})) {
die "ERROR: trying to update from/to a build that we have no release info about!";
my $rl_config = $r_config->{$subu};
my $rlp_config = $rl_config->{'platforms'};
my @platforms = keys %$rlp_config;
for my $p (@platforms) {
my $platform_locales = $rlp_config->{$p}->{'locales'};
for my $l (@$platform_locales) {
if (!defined($locale_intersection->{$p})) {
$locale_intersection->{$p} = {};
if (!defined($locale_intersection->{$p}->{$l})) {
$locale_intersection->{$p}->{$l} = 0;
} # for my $side ("from", "to")
# Store the set of locales that intersect in the $update_locales hash.
my $update_locales = {};
for my $platform (keys %$locale_intersection) {
for my $locale (keys %{$locale_intersection->{$platform}}) {
if ($locale_intersection->{$platform}->{$locale} > 1) {
if (!defined($update_locales->{$platform})) {
$update_locales->{$platform} = [];
push(@{$update_locales->{$platform}}, $locale);
# Now build an update based on each side of the update graph that
# only creates an update between the locale intersection.
for my $side ('from', 'to') {
my $subu = $side eq 'from' ? $u_from : $u_to;
if (!defined($r_config->{$subu})) {
die "ERROR: trying to update from/to a build that we have no release info about!";
my $rl_config = $r_config->{$subu};
my $rlp_config = $rl_config->{'platforms'};
my @platforms = keys %$rlp_config;
for my $p (@platforms) {
if (!defined($u_config->{$u_key}->{'platforms'}->{$p})) {
$u_config->{$u_key}->{'platforms'}->{$p} = {};
my $up_config = $u_config->{$u_key}->{'platforms'}->{$p};
$up_config->{'build_id'} = $rlp_config->{$p}->{'build_id'};
if (!defined($up_config->{'locales'})) {
$up_config->{'locales'} = {};
my $ul_config = $up_config->{'locales'};
my $platform_locales = $update_locales->{$p};
for my $l (@$platform_locales) {
if (!defined($ul_config->{$l})) {
$ul_config->{$l} = {};
$ul_config->{$l}->{$side} = $this->GatherCompleteData(
release => $subu,
completemarurl => $rl_config->{'completemarurl'},
platform => $p,
locale => $l,
build_id => $rlp_config->{$p}->{'build_id'},
version => $rl_config->{'version'},
extensionVersion => $rl_config->{'extension-version'},
schemaVersion => $rl_config->{'schema'} );
} # for my $side ("from", "to")
return 1;
sub GatherCompleteData
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $completemarurl = $args{'completemarurl'};
my $platform = $args{'platform'};
my $locale = $args{'locale'};
my $release = $args{'release'};
my $build_id = $args{'build_id'};
my $version = $args{'version'};
my $extensionVersion = $args{'extensionVersion'};
my $schemaVersion = $args{'schemaVersion'};
my $config = $args{'config'};
#my $startdir = getcwd();
$completemarurl = SubstitutePath(path => $completemarurl,
platform => $platform,
locale => $locale,
version => $version );
my $filename = SubstitutePath(path => $DEFAULT_MAR_NAME,
platform => $platform,
locale => $locale,
version => $release,
app => lc($this->GetApp()));
my $local_filename = "$release/ftp/$filename";
my $node = {};
$node->{'path'} = $local_filename;
if ( -e $local_filename ) {
#printf("found $local_filename\n");
#my $md5 = `md5sum $local_filename`;
#$md5 =~ s/^([^\s]*)\s+.*$/$1/g;
#$node->{'md5'} = $md5;
#$node->{'size'} = (stat($local_filename))[7];
} else {
#printf("did not find $local_filename\n");
$node->{'url'} = $completemarurl;
$node->{'build_id'} = $build_id;
# XXX - This is a huge hack and needs to be fixed. It's to support
# Y!/Google builds, wherein we specify the version as
# Firefox_version-google/yahoo. However, since this is used for appv
# and extv, the version needs to NOT have these -google/-yahoo identifiers.
my $numericVersion = $version;
$numericVersion =~ s/\-.*$//;
$node->{'appv'} = $numericVersion;
# Most of the time, the extv should be the same as the appv; sometimes,
# however, this won't be the case. This adds support to allow you to specify
# an extv that is different from the appv.
$node->{'extv'} = defined($extensionVersion) ?
$extensionVersion : $numericVersion;
if (defined($schemaVersion)) {
$node->{'schema'} = $schemaVersion;
return $node;
sub AddChannelToRelease
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $rconfig = $args{'release'};
my $newChannel = $args{'channel'};
# Validate arguments...
die "ASSERT: AddChannelToRelease(): Invalid release config" if (not defined($rconfig));
die "ASSERT: AddChannelToRelease(): Invalid new channel" if (not defined($newChannel));
if (!defined($rconfig->{'all_channels'})) {
# Create the release's all_channels.
$rconfig->{'all_channels'} = [];
# return if the release already has this channel in all_channels, ...
return if (grep(/^$newChannel$/, @{$rconfig->{'all_channels'}}));
# Add the new channel to all_channels.
push(@{$rconfig->{'all_channels'}}, $newChannel);
return 1;
## Copies the channels defined in a from-release to the to-releae in an update,
## presumably so users of the from-release will get the update in the
## to-release.
sub TransferChannels
my $this = shift;
my $u_config = $this->GetAppConfig()->{'update_data'};
my @updates = keys %$u_config;
for my $u (@updates) {
# If the update config doesn't have all_channels defined, define it as a list.
if (!defined($u_config->{$u}->{'all_channels'})) {
$u_config->{$u}->{'all_channels'} = [];
# Select the lhs of the update config.
my $u_from = $u_config->{$u}->{'from'};
# Correlate the lhs of the update config with its release config.
my $rconfig = $this->{'mAppConfig'}->{'release'}->{$u_from};
# If the lhs side of the update's release configuration has all_channels defined, push
# those entries onto the update's all_channels.
if (defined($rconfig->{'all_channels'})) {
my @all_channels = @{$rconfig->{'all_channels'}};
push(@{$u_config->{$u}->{'all_channels'}}, @all_channels);
return 1;
sub RemoveBrokenUpdates
my $this = shift;
my $temp_prefix = lc($this->GetApp());
my $startdir = getcwd();
chdir("temp/$temp_prefix") or die "ASSERT: chdir(temp/$temp_prefix) FAILED; cwd: " . getcwd();
my $u_config = $this->GetAppConfig()->{'update_data'};
my @updates = keys %$u_config;
my $i = 0;
for my $u (@updates) {
my $partial = $u_config->{$u}->{'partial'};
my $partial_path = $partial->{'path'};
my $partial_url = $partial->{'url'};
my @platforms = sort keys %{$u_config->{$u}->{'platforms'}};
for my $p (@platforms) {
my $ul_config = $u_config->{$u}->{'platforms'}->{$p}->{'locales'};
my @locales = sort keys %$ul_config;
for my $l (@locales) {
my $from = $ul_config->{$l}->{'from'};
my $to = $ul_config->{$l}->{'to'};
my $from_path = $from->{'path'};
my $to_path = $to->{'path'};
my $to_name = $u_config->{$u}->{'to'};
my $gen_partial_path = $partial_path;
$gen_partial_path = SubstitutePath(path => $partial_path,
platform => $p,
version => $to->{'appv'},
locale => $l);
my $gen_partial_url = $partial_url;
$gen_partial_url = SubstitutePath(path => $partial_url,
platform => $p,
version => $to->{'appv'},
locale => $l);
my $partial_pathname = "$u/ftp/$gen_partial_path";
# Go to next iteration if this partial patch already exists.
next if -e $partial_pathname;
if ( ! -f $from_path or
! -f $to_path ) {
# remove this update
#printf("%s", Data::Dumper::Dumper($u_config));
} # remove_broken_updates
sub RequestedStep
my $this = shift;
my $checkStep = shift;
return grep(/^$checkStep$/, @{$this->{'run'}});
sub GetDeliverableDir
my $this = shift;
die "ASSERT: GetDownloadDir() must return a full path" if
($this->{'mDeliverableDir'} !~ m:^/:);
return $this->{'mDeliverableDir'};
sub GetApp
my $this = shift;
return ucfirst($this->{'mApp'});
sub GetDownloadDir
my $this = shift;
die "ASSERT: GetDownloadDir() must return a full path" if
($this->{'mDownloadDir'} !~ m:^/:);
return $this->{'mDownloadDir'};
sub GetToolsDir
my $this = shift;
die "ASSERT: GetToolsDir() must return a full path" if
($this->{'mToolsDir'} !~ m:^/:);
return $this->{'mToolsDir'};
sub IsDryRun
my $this = shift;
return 1 == $this->{'dryRun'};
sub GetToolsRevision
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'mToolsRevision'};