2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
/* -*- Mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// This code is appended to the browser content script.
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
(function _HUDServiceContent() {
let Cc = Components.classes;
let Ci = Components.interfaces;
let Cu = Components.utils;
let tempScope = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ConsoleAPIStorage.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource:///modules/WebConsoleUtils.jsm", tempScope);
let XPCOMUtils = tempScope.XPCOMUtils;
let Services = tempScope.Services;
let gConsoleStorage = tempScope.ConsoleAPIStorage;
let WebConsoleUtils = tempScope.WebConsoleUtils;
let l10n = WebConsoleUtils.l10n;
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
let JSPropertyProvider = tempScope.JSPropertyProvider;
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
tempScope = null;
let _alive = true; // Track if this content script should still be alive.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* The Web Console content instance manager.
let Manager = {
get window() content,
sandbox: null,
hudId: null,
_sequence: 0,
_messageListeners: ["WebConsole:Init", "WebConsole:EnableFeature",
"WebConsole:DisableFeature", "WebConsole:Destroy"],
_messageHandlers: null,
_enabledFeatures: null,
* Getter for a unique ID for the current Web Console content instance.
get sequenceId() "HUDContent-" + (++this._sequence),
* Initialize the Web Console manager.
init: function Manager_init()
this._enabledFeatures = [];
this._messageHandlers = {};
this._messageListeners.forEach(function(aName) {
addMessageListener(aName, this);
}, this);
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
// Need to track the owner XUL window to listen to the unload and TabClose
// events, to avoid memory leaks.
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
let xulWindow = this._xulWindow();
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
xulWindow.addEventListener("unload", this._onXULWindowClose, false);
let tabContainer = xulWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer;
tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this._onTabClose, false);
// Need to track private browsing change and quit application notifications,
// again to avoid memory leaks. The Web Console main process cannot notify
// this content script when the XUL window close, tab close, private
// browsing change and quit application events happen, so we must call
// Manager.destroy() on our own.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "private-browsing-change-granted", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false);
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* The message handler. This method forwards all the remote messages to the
* appropriate code.
receiveMessage: function Manager_receiveMessage(aMessage)
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
if (!_alive) {
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
if (!aMessage.json || (aMessage.name != "WebConsole:Init" &&
aMessage.json.hudId != this.hudId)) {
Cu.reportError("Web Console content script: received message " +
aMessage.name + " from wrong hudId!");
switch (aMessage.name) {
case "WebConsole:Init":
case "WebConsole:EnableFeature":
this.enableFeature(aMessage.json.feature, aMessage.json);
case "WebConsole:DisableFeature":
case "WebConsole:Destroy":
default: {
let handler = this._messageHandlers[aMessage.name];
handler && handler(aMessage.json);
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* Observe notifications from the nsIObserverService.
* @param mixed aSubject
* @param string aTopic
* @param mixed aData
observe: function Manager_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
if (_alive && (aTopic == "quit-application-granted" ||
(aTopic == "private-browsing-change-granted" &&
(aData == "enter" || aData == "exit")))) {
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* The manager initialization code. This method is called when the Web Console
* remote process initializes the content process (this code!).
* @param object aMessage
* The object received from the remote process. The WebConsole:Init
* message properties:
* - hudId - (required) the remote Web Console instance ID.
* - features - (optional) array of features you want to enable from
* the start. For each feature you enable you can pass feature-specific
* options in a property on the JSON object you send with the same name
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* as the feature. See this.enableFeature() for the list of available
* features.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* - cachedMessages - (optional) an array of cached messages you want
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* to receive. See this._sendCachedMessages() for the list of available
* message types.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* Example message:
* {
* hudId: "foo1",
* features: ["JSTerm", "ConsoleAPI"],
* ConsoleAPI: { ... }, // ConsoleAPI-specific options
* cachedMessages: ["ConsoleAPI"],
* }
_onInit: function Manager_onInit(aMessage)
this.hudId = aMessage.hudId;
if (aMessage.features) {
aMessage.features.forEach(function(aFeature) {
this.enableFeature(aFeature, aMessage[aFeature]);
}, this);
if (aMessage.cachedMessages) {
* Add a remote message handler. This is used by other components of the Web
* Console content script.
* @param string aName
* Message name to listen for.
* @param function aCallback
* Function to execute when the message is received. This function is
* given the JSON object that came from the remote Web Console
* instance.
* Only one callback per message name is allowed!
addMessageHandler: function Manager_addMessageHandler(aName, aCallback)
if (aName in this._messageHandlers) {
Cu.reportError("Web Console content script: addMessageHandler() called for an existing message handler: " + aName);
this._messageHandlers[aName] = aCallback;
addMessageListener(aName, this);
* Remove the message handler for the given name.
* @param string aName
* Message name for the handler you want removed.
removeMessageHandler: function Manager_removeMessageHandler(aName)
if (!(aName in this._messageHandlers)) {
delete this._messageHandlers[aName];
removeMessageListener(aName, this);
* Send a message to the remote Web Console instance.
* @param string aName
* The name of the message you want to send.
* @param object aMessage
* The message object you want to send.
sendMessage: function Manager_sendMessage(aName, aMessage)
aMessage.hudId = this.hudId;
if (!("id" in aMessage)) {
aMessage.id = this.sequenceId;
sendAsyncMessage(aName, aMessage);
* Enable a feature in the Web Console content script. A feature is generally
* a set of observers/listeners that are added in the content process. This
* content script exposes the data via the message manager for the features
* you enable.
* Supported features:
* - JSTerm - a JavaScript "terminal" which allows code execution.
* - ConsoleAPI - support for routing the window.console API to the remote
* process.
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* - PageError - route all the nsIScriptErrors from the nsIConsoleService
* to the remote process.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* @param string aFeature
* One of the supported features: JSTerm, ConsoleAPI.
* @param object [aMessage]
* Optional JSON message object coming from the remote Web Console
* instance. This can be used for feature-specific options.
enableFeature: function Manager_enableFeature(aFeature, aMessage)
if (this._enabledFeatures.indexOf(aFeature) != -1) {
switch (aFeature) {
case "JSTerm":
case "ConsoleAPI":
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
case "PageError":
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
Cu.reportError("Web Console content: unknown feature " + aFeature);
* Disable a Web Console content script feature.
* @see this.enableFeature
* @param string aFeature
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* One of the supported features - see this.enableFeature() for the
* list of supported features.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
disableFeature: function Manager_disableFeature(aFeature)
let index = this._enabledFeatures.indexOf(aFeature);
if (index == -1) {
this._enabledFeatures.splice(index, 1);
switch (aFeature) {
case "JSTerm":
case "ConsoleAPI":
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
case "PageError":
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
Cu.reportError("Web Console content: unknown feature " + aFeature);
* Send the cached messages to the remote Web Console instance.
* @private
* @param array aMessageTypes
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* An array that lists which kinds of messages you want. Supported
* message types: "ConsoleAPI" and "PageError".
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
_sendCachedMessages: function Manager__sendCachedMessages(aMessageTypes)
let messages = [];
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
while (aMessageTypes.length > 0) {
switch (aMessageTypes.shift()) {
case "ConsoleAPI":
messages.push.apply(messages, ConsoleAPIObserver.getCachedMessages());
case "PageError":
messages.push.apply(messages, ConsoleListener.getCachedMessages());
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
messages.sort(function(a, b) { return a.timeStamp - b.timeStamp; });
this.sendMessage("WebConsole:CachedMessages", {messages: messages});
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* The XUL window "unload" event handler which destroys this content script
* instance.
* @private
_onXULWindowClose: function Manager__onXULWindowClose()
if (_alive) {
* The "TabClose" event handler which destroys this content script
* instance, if needed.
* @private
_onTabClose: function Manager__onTabClose(aEvent)
let tab = aEvent.target;
if (_alive && tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow === Manager.window) {
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
* Find the XUL window that owns the content script.
* @private
* @return Window
* The XUL window that owns the content script.
_xulWindow: function Manager__xulWindow()
return this.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* Destroy the Web Console content script instance.
destroy: function Manager_destroy()
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "private-browsing-change-granted");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted");
_alive = false;
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
let xulWindow = this._xulWindow();
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
xulWindow.removeEventListener("unload", this._onXULWindowClose, false);
let tabContainer = xulWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer;
tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this._onTabClose, false);
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
this._messageListeners.forEach(function(aName) {
removeMessageListener(aName, this);
}, this);
this._enabledFeatures.slice().forEach(this.disableFeature, this);
this.hudId = null;
this._messageHandlers = null;
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
Manager = ConsoleAPIObserver = JSTerm = ConsoleListener = null;
Cc = Ci = Cu = XPCOMUtils = Services = gConsoleStorage =
WebConsoleUtils = l10n = null;
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
* JSTerm helper functions.
* Defines a set of functions ("helper functions") that are available from the
* Web Console but not from the web page.
* A list of helper functions used by Firebug can be found here:
* http://getfirebug.com/wiki/index.php/Command_Line_API
function JSTermHelper(aJSTerm)
* Find a node by ID.
* @param string aId
* The ID of the element you want.
* @return nsIDOMNode or null
* The result of calling document.getElementById(aId).
aJSTerm.sandbox.$ = function JSTH_$(aId)
return aJSTerm.window.document.getElementById(aId);
* Find the nodes matching a CSS selector.
* @param string aSelector
* A string that is passed to window.document.querySelectorAll.
* @return nsIDOMNodeList
* Returns the result of document.querySelectorAll(aSelector).
aJSTerm.sandbox.$$ = function JSTH_$$(aSelector)
return aJSTerm.window.document.querySelectorAll(aSelector);
* Runs an xPath query and returns all matched nodes.
* @param string aXPath
* xPath search query to execute.
* @param [optional] nsIDOMNode aContext
* Context to run the xPath query on. Uses window.document if not set.
* @returns array of nsIDOMNode
aJSTerm.sandbox.$x = function JSTH_$x(aXPath, aContext)
let nodes = [];
let doc = aJSTerm.window.document;
let aContext = aContext || doc;
try {
let results = doc.evaluate(aXPath, aContext, null,
Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
let node;
while (node = results.iterateNext()) {
catch (ex) {
return nodes;
* Returns the currently selected object in the highlighter.
* Warning: this implementation crosses the process boundaries! This is not
* usable within a remote browser. To implement this feature correctly we need
* support for remote inspection capabilities within the Inspector as well.
* @return nsIDOMElement|null
* The DOM element currently selected in the highlighter.
Object.defineProperty(aJSTerm.sandbox, "$0", {
get: function() {
try {
return Manager._xulWindow().InspectorUI.selection;
catch (ex) {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
* Clears the output of the JSTerm.
aJSTerm.sandbox.clear = function JSTH_clear()
aJSTerm.helperEvaluated = true;
Manager.sendMessage("JSTerm:ClearOutput", {});
* Returns the result of Object.keys(aObject).
* @param object aObject
* Object to return the property names from.
* @returns array of string
aJSTerm.sandbox.keys = function JSTH_keys(aObject)
return Object.keys(WebConsoleUtils.unwrap(aObject));
* Returns the values of all properties on aObject.
* @param object aObject
* Object to display the values from.
* @returns array of string
aJSTerm.sandbox.values = function JSTH_values(aObject)
let arrValues = [];
let obj = WebConsoleUtils.unwrap(aObject);
try {
for (let prop in obj) {
catch (ex) {
return arrValues;
* Opens a help window in MDN.
aJSTerm.sandbox.help = function JSTH_help()
aJSTerm.helperEvaluated = true;
"https://developer.mozilla.org/AppLinks/WebConsoleHelp?locale=" +
aJSTerm.window.navigator.language, "help", "");
* Inspects the passed aObject. This is done by opening the PropertyPanel.
* @param object aObject
* Object to inspect.
aJSTerm.sandbox.inspect = function JSTH_inspect(aObject)
if (!WebConsoleUtils.isObjectInspectable(aObject)) {
return aObject;
aJSTerm.helperEvaluated = true;
let message = {
input: aJSTerm._evalInput,
objectCacheId: Manager.sequenceId,
message.resultObject =
Manager.sendMessage("JSTerm:InspectObject", message);
* Prints aObject to the output.
* @param object aObject
* Object to print to the output.
* @return string
aJSTerm.sandbox.pprint = function JSTH_pprint(aObject)
aJSTerm.helperEvaluated = true;
if (aObject === null || aObject === undefined || aObject === true ||
aObject === false) {
else if (typeof aObject == "function") {
aJSTerm.helperRawOutput = true;
return aObject + "\n";
aJSTerm.helperRawOutput = true;
let output = [];
let pairs = WebConsoleUtils.namesAndValuesOf(WebConsoleUtils.unwrap(aObject));
pairs.forEach(function(aPair) {
output.push(aPair.name + ": " + aPair.value);
return " " + output.join("\n ");
* Print a string to the output, as-is.
* @param string aString
* A string you want to output.
* @returns void
aJSTerm.sandbox.print = function JSTH_print(aString)
aJSTerm.helperEvaluated = true;
aJSTerm.helperRawOutput = true;
return String(aString);
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* The JavaScript terminal is meant to allow remote code execution for the Web
* Console.
let JSTerm = {
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
get window() Manager.window,
get console() this.window.console,
* The Cu.Sandbox() object where code is evaluated.
sandbox: null,
_messageHandlers: {},
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* Evaluation result objects are cached in this object. The chrome process can
* request any object based on its ID.
_objectCache: null,
* Initialize the JavaScript terminal feature.
init: function JST_init()
this._objectCache = {};
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
this._messageHandlers = {
"JSTerm:EvalRequest": this.handleEvalRequest,
"JSTerm:GetEvalObject": this.handleGetEvalObject,
"JSTerm:Autocomplete": this.handleAutocomplete,
"JSTerm:ClearObjectCache": this.handleClearObjectCache,
for (let name in this._messageHandlers) {
let handler = this._messageHandlers[name].bind(this);
Manager.addMessageHandler(name, handler);
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
* Handler for the "JSTerm:EvalRequest" remote message. This method evaluates
* user input in the JavaScript sandbox and sends the result back to the
* remote process. The "JSTerm:EvalResult" message includes the following
* data:
* - id - the same ID as the EvalRequest (for tracking purposes).
* - input - the JS string that was evaluated.
* - resultString - the evaluation result converted to a string formatted
* for display.
* - timestamp - timestamp when evaluation occurred (Date.now(),
* milliseconds since the UNIX epoch).
* - inspectable - boolean that tells if the evaluation result object can be
* inspected or not.
* - error - the evaluation exception object (if any).
* - errorMessage - the exception object converted to a string (if any error
* occurred).
* - helperResult - boolean that tells if a JSTerm helper was evaluated.
* - helperRawOutput - boolean that tells if the helper evaluation result
* should be displayed as raw output.
* If the result object is inspectable then two additional properties are
* included:
* - childrenCacheId - tells where child objects are cached. This is the
* same as aRequest.resultCacheId.
* - resultObject - the result object prepared for the remote process. See
* this.prepareObjectForRemote().
* @param object aRequest
* The code evaluation request object:
* - id - request ID.
* - str - string to evaluate.
* - resultCacheId - where to cache the evaluation child objects.
handleEvalRequest: function JST_handleEvalRequest(aRequest)
let id = aRequest.id;
let input = aRequest.str;
let result, error = null;
let timestamp;
this.helperEvaluated = false;
this.helperRawOutput = false;
this._evalInput = input;
try {
timestamp = Date.now();
result = this.evalInSandbox(input);
catch (ex) {
error = ex;
delete this._evalInput;
let inspectable = !error && WebConsoleUtils.isObjectInspectable(result);
let resultString = undefined;
if (!error) {
resultString = this.helperRawOutput ? result :
let message = {
id: id,
input: input,
resultString: resultString,
timestamp: timestamp,
error: error,
errorMessage: error ? String(error) : null,
inspectable: inspectable,
helperResult: this.helperEvaluated,
helperRawOutput: this.helperRawOutput,
if (inspectable) {
message.childrenCacheId = aRequest.resultCacheId;
message.resultObject =
this.prepareObjectForRemote(result, message.childrenCacheId);
Manager.sendMessage("JSTerm:EvalResult", message);
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* Handler for the remote "JSTerm:GetEvalObject" message. This allows the
* remote Web Console instance to retrieve an object from the content process.
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
* The "JSTerm:EvalObject" message is sent back to the remote process:
* - id - the request ID, used to trace back to the initial request.
* - cacheId - the cache ID where the requested object is stored.
* - objectId - the ID of the object being sent.
* - object - the object representation prepared for remote inspection. See
* this.prepareObjectForRemote().
* - childrenCacheId - the cache ID where any child object of |object| are
* stored.
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* @param object aRequest
* The message that requests the content object. Properties: cacheId,
* objectId and resultCacheId.
* Evaluated objects are stored in "buckets" (cache IDs). Each object
* is assigned an ID (object ID). You can request a specific object
* (objectId) from a specific cache (cacheId) and tell where the result
* should be cached (resultCacheId). The requested object can have
* further references to other objects - those references will be
* cached in the "bucket" of your choice (based on resultCacheId). If
* you do not provide any resultCacheId in the request message, then
* cacheId will be used.
handleGetEvalObject: function JST_handleGetEvalObject(aRequest)
if (aRequest.cacheId in this._objectCache &&
aRequest.objectId in this._objectCache[aRequest.cacheId]) {
let object = this._objectCache[aRequest.cacheId][aRequest.objectId];
let resultCacheId = aRequest.resultCacheId || aRequest.cacheId;
let message = {
id: aRequest.id,
cacheId: aRequest.cacheId,
objectId: aRequest.objectId,
object: this.prepareObjectForRemote(object, resultCacheId),
childrenCacheId: resultCacheId,
Manager.sendMessage("JSTerm:EvalObject", message);
else {
Cu.reportError("JSTerm:GetEvalObject request " + aRequest.id +
": stale object.");
* Handler for the remote "JSTerm:ClearObjectCache" message. This allows the
* remote Web Console instance to clear the cache of objects that it no longer
* uses.
* @param object aRequest
* An object that holds one property: the cacheId you want cleared.
handleClearObjectCache: function JST_handleClearObjectCache(aRequest)
if (aRequest.cacheId in this._objectCache) {
delete this._objectCache[aRequest.cacheId];
* Prepare an object to be sent to the remote Web Console instance.
* @param object aObject
* The object you want to send to the remote Web Console instance.
* @param number aCacheId
* Cache ID where you want object references to be stored into. The
* given object may include references to other objects - those
* references will be stored in the given cache ID so the remote
* process can later retrieve them as well.
* @return array
* An array that holds one element for each enumerable property and
* method in aObject. Each element describes the property. For details
* see WebConsoleUtils.namesAndValuesOf().
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
prepareObjectForRemote: function JST_prepareObjectForRemote(aObject, aCacheId)
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
// Cache the properties that have inspectable values.
let propCache = this._objectCache[aCacheId] || {};
let result = WebConsoleUtils.namesAndValuesOf(aObject, propCache);
if (!(aCacheId in this._objectCache) && Object.keys(propCache).length > 0) {
this._objectCache[aCacheId] = propCache;
return result;
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
* Handler for the "JSTerm:Autocomplete" remote message. This handler provides
* completion results for user input. The "JSterm:AutocompleteProperties"
* message is sent to the remote process:
* - id - the same as request ID.
* - input - the user input (same as in the request message).
* - matches - an array of matched properties (strings).
* - matchProp - the part that was used from the user input for finding the
* matches. For details see the JSPropertyProvider description and
* implementation.
* @param object aRequest
* The remote request object which holds two properties: an |id| and
* the user |input|.
handleAutocomplete: function JST_handleAutocomplete(aRequest)
let result = JSPropertyProvider(this.window, aRequest.input) || {};
let message = {
id: aRequest.id,
input: aRequest.input,
matches: result.matches || [],
matchProp: result.matchProp,
Manager.sendMessage("JSTerm:AutocompleteProperties", message);
* Create the JavaScript sandbox where user input is evaluated.
* @private
_createSandbox: function JST__createSandbox()
this.sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this.window, {
sandboxPrototype: this.window,
wantXrays: false,
this.sandbox.console = this.console;
* Evaluates a string in the sandbox.
* @param string aString
* String to evaluate in the sandbox.
* @returns something
* The result of the evaluation.
evalInSandbox: function JST_evalInSandbox(aString)
// The help function needs to be easy to guess, so we make the () optional
if (aString.trim() == "help" || aString.trim() == "?") {
aString = "help()";
let window = WebConsoleUtils.unwrap(this.sandbox.window);
let $ = null, $$ = null;
// We prefer to execute the page-provided implementations for the $() and
// $$() functions.
if (typeof window.$ == "function") {
$ = this.sandbox.$;
delete this.sandbox.$;
if (typeof window.$$ == "function") {
$$ = this.sandbox.$$;
delete this.sandbox.$$;
let result = Cu.evalInSandbox(aString, this.sandbox, "1.8",
"Web Console", 1);
if ($) {
this.sandbox.$ = $;
if ($$) {
this.sandbox.$$ = $$;
return result;
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
* Destroy the JSTerm instance.
destroy: function JST_destroy()
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
for (let name in this._messageHandlers) {
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
2012-05-25 03:28:47 -07:00
delete this.sandbox;
delete this._messageHandlers;
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
delete this._objectCache;
* The window.console API observer. This allows the window.console API messages
* to be sent to the remote Web Console instance.
let ConsoleAPIObserver = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
* Initialize the window.console API observer.
init: function CAO_init()
// Note that the observer is process-wide. We will filter the messages as
// needed, see CAO_observe().
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "console-api-log-event", false);
* The console API message observer. When messages are received from the
* observer service we forward them to the remote Web Console instance.
* @param object aMessage
* The message object receives from the observer service.
* @param string aTopic
* The message topic received from the observer service.
observe: function CAO_observe(aMessage, aTopic)
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
if (!_alive || !aMessage || aTopic != "console-api-log-event") {
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
let apiMessage = aMessage.wrappedJSObject;
let msgWindow =
WebConsoleUtils.getWindowByOuterId(apiMessage.ID, Manager.window);
if (!msgWindow || msgWindow.top != Manager.window) {
// Not the same window!
let messageToChrome = {};
this._prepareApiMessageForRemote(apiMessage, messageToChrome);
Manager.sendMessage("WebConsole:ConsoleAPI", messageToChrome);
* Prepare a message from the console APi to be sent to the remote Web Console
* instance.
* @param object aOriginalMessage
* The original message received from console-api-log-event.
* @param object aRemoteMessage
* The object you want to send to the remote Web Console. This object
* is updated to hold information from the original message. New
* properties added:
* - timeStamp
* Message timestamp (same as the aOriginalMessage.timeStamp property).
* - apiMessage
* An object that copies almost all the properties from
* aOriginalMessage. Arguments might be skipped if it holds references
* to objects that cannot be sent as they are to the remote Web Console
* instance.
* - argumentsToString
* Optional: the aOriginalMessage.arguments object stringified.
* The apiMessage.arguments property is set to hold data appropriate
* to the message level. A similar approach is used for
* argumentsToString.
function CAO__prepareApiMessageForRemote(aOriginalMessage, aRemoteMessage)
aRemoteMessage.apiMessage =
WebConsoleUtils.cloneObject(aOriginalMessage, true,
function(aKey, aValue, aObject) {
// We need to skip the arguments property from the original object.
if (aKey == "wrappedJSObject" || aObject === aOriginalMessage &&
aKey == "arguments") {
return false;
return true;
aRemoteMessage.timeStamp = aOriginalMessage.timeStamp;
switch (aOriginalMessage.level) {
case "trace":
case "time":
case "timeEnd":
case "group":
case "groupCollapsed":
aRemoteMessage.apiMessage.arguments =
WebConsoleUtils.cloneObject(aOriginalMessage.arguments, true);
case "log":
case "info":
case "warn":
case "error":
case "debug":
case "groupEnd":
aRemoteMessage.argumentsToString =
Array.map(aOriginalMessage.arguments || [],
case "dir": {
aRemoteMessage.objectsCacheId = Manager.sequenceId;
aRemoteMessage.argumentsToString = [];
let mapFunction = function(aItem) {
if (WebConsoleUtils.isObjectInspectable(aItem)) {
return JSTerm.prepareObjectForRemote(aItem,
return aItem;
aRemoteMessage.apiMessage.arguments =
Array.map(aOriginalMessage.arguments || [], mapFunction);
Cu.reportError("Unknown Console API log level: " +
* Format an object's value to be displayed in the Web Console.
* @private
* @param object aObject
* The object you want to display.
* @return string
* The string you can display for the given object.
_formatObject: function CAO__formatObject(aObject)
return typeof aObject == "string" ?
aObject : WebConsoleUtils.formatResult(aObject);
* Get the cached messages for the current inner window.
* @see this._prepareApiMessageForRemote()
* @return array
* The array of cached messages. Each element is a Console API
* prepared to be sent to the remote Web Console instance.
getCachedMessages: function CAO_getCachedMessages()
let innerWindowId = WebConsoleUtils.getInnerWindowId(Manager.window);
let messages = gConsoleStorage.getEvents(innerWindowId);
let result = messages.map(function(aMessage) {
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
let remoteMessage = { _type: "ConsoleAPI" };
2012-05-10 06:15:10 -07:00
this._prepareApiMessageForRemote(aMessage.wrappedJSObject, remoteMessage);
return remoteMessage;
}, this);
return result;
* Handler for the "ConsoleAPI:ClearCache" message.
handleClearCache: function CAO_handleClearCache()
let windowId = WebConsoleUtils.getInnerWindowId(Manager.window);
* Destroy the ConsoleAPIObserver listeners.
destroy: function CAO_destroy()
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "console-api-log-event");
2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00
* The nsIConsoleService listener. This is used to send all the page errors
* (JavaScript, CSS and more) to the remote Web Console instance.
let ConsoleListener = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIConsoleListener]),
* Initialize the nsIConsoleService listener.
init: function CL_init()
* The nsIConsoleService observer. This method takes all the script error
* messages belonging to the current window and sends them to the remote Web
* Console instance.
* @param nsIScriptError aScriptError
* The script error object coming from the nsIConsoleService.
observe: function CL_observe(aScriptError)
if (!_alive || !(aScriptError instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError) ||
!aScriptError.outerWindowID) {
switch (aScriptError.category) {
// We ignore chrome-originating errors as we only care about content.
case "XPConnect JavaScript":
case "component javascript":
case "chrome javascript":
case "chrome registration":
case "XBL":
case "XBL Prototype Handler":
case "XBL Content Sink":
case "xbl javascript":
let errorWindow =
if (!errorWindow || errorWindow.top != Manager.window) {
Manager.sendMessage("WebConsole:PageError", { pageError: aScriptError });
* Get the cached page errors for the current inner window.
* @return array
* The array of cached messages. Each element is an nsIScriptError
* with an added _type property so the remote Web Console instance can
* tell the difference between various types of cached messages.
getCachedMessages: function CL_getCachedMessages()
let innerWindowId = WebConsoleUtils.getInnerWindowId(Manager.window);
let result = [];
let errors = {};
Services.console.getMessageArray(errors, {});
(errors.value || []).forEach(function(aError) {
if (!(aError instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError) ||
aError.innerWindowID != innerWindowId) {
let remoteMessage = WebConsoleUtils.cloneObject(aError);
remoteMessage._type = "PageError";
return result;
* Remove the nsIConsoleService listener.
destroy: function CL_destroy()
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2012-05-10 08:01:37 -07:00