
1921 lines
54 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const DBG_STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/";
const LAZY_EMPTY_DELAY = 150; // ms
const SEARCH_ACTION_MAX_DELAY = 1000; // ms
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["VariablesView", "create"];
* A tree view for inspecting scopes, objects and properties.
* Iterable via "for (let [id, scope] in instance) { }".
* Requires the devtools common.css and debugger.css skin stylesheets.
* To allow replacing variable or property values in this view, provide an
* "eval" function property. To allow replacing variable or property values,
* provide a "switch" function. To handle deleting variables or properties,
* provide a "delete" function.
* @param nsIDOMNode aParentNode
* The parent node to hold this view.
this.VariablesView = function VariablesView(aParentNode) {
this._store = new Map();
this._prevHierarchy = new Map();
this._currHierarchy = new Map();
this._parent = aParentNode;
this._onSearchboxInput = this._onSearchboxInput.bind(this);
this._onSearchboxKeyPress = this._onSearchboxKeyPress.bind(this);
// Create an internal list container.
this._list = this.document.createElement("vbox");
VariablesView.prototype = {
* Helper setter for populating this container with a raw object.
* @param object aData
* The raw object to display. You can only provide this object
* if you want the variables view to work in sync mode.
set rawObject(aObject) {
* Adds a scope to contain any inspected variables.
* @param string aName
* The scope's name (e.g. "Local", "Global" etc.).
* @return Scope
* The newly created Scope instance.
addScope: function VV_addScope(aName = "") {
let scope = new Scope(this, aName);
this._store.set(, scope);
this._currHierarchy.set(aName, scope);
scope.header = !!aName;
return scope;
* Removes all items from this container.
* @param number aTimeout [optional]
* The number of milliseconds to delay the operation if
* lazy emptying of this container is enabled.
empty: function VV_empty(aTimeout = LAZY_EMPTY_DELAY) {
// If there are no items in this container, emptying is useless.
if (!this._store.size) {
// Check if this empty operation may be executed lazily.
if (this.lazyEmpty && aTimeout > 0) {
let list = this._list;
let firstChild;
while (firstChild = list.firstChild) {
this._store = new Map();
* Emptying this container and rebuilding it immediately afterwards would
* result in a brief redraw flicker, because the previously expanded nodes
* may get asynchronously re-expanded, after fetching the prototype and
* properties from a server.
* To avoid such behaviour, a normal container list is rebuild, but not
* immediately attached to the parent container. The old container list
* is kept around for a short period of time, hopefully accounting for the
* data fetching delay. In the meantime, any operations can be executed
* normally.
* @see VariablesView.empty
* @see VariablesView.commitHierarchy
_emptySoon: function VV__emptySoon(aTimeout) {
let window = this.window;
let document = this.document;
let prevList = this._list;
let currList = this._list = this.document.createElement("vbox");
this._store = new Map();
this._emptyTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
this._emptyTimeout = null;
if (!this._store.size) {
}.bind(this), aTimeout);
* Specifies if enumerable properties and variables should be displayed.
* These variables and properties are visible by default.
* @param boolean aFlag
set enumVisible(aFlag) {
this._enumVisible = aFlag;
for (let [, scope] in this) {
scope._enumVisible = aFlag;
* Specifies if non-enumerable properties and variables should be displayed.
* These variables and properties are visible by default.
* @param boolean aFlag
set nonEnumVisible(aFlag) {
this._nonEnumVisible = aFlag;
for (let [, scope] in this) {
scope._nonEnumVisible = aFlag;
* Specifies if only enumerable properties and variables should be displayed.
* Both types of these variables and properties are visible by default.
* @param boolean aFlag
set onlyEnumVisible(aFlag) {
if (aFlag) {
this.enumVisible = true;
this.nonEnumVisible = false;
} else {
this.enumVisible = true;
this.nonEnumVisible = true;
* Enables variable and property searching in this view.
enableSearch: function VV_enableSearch() {
// If searching was already enabled, no need to re-enable it again.
if (this._searchboxContainer) {
let document = this.document;
let parent = this._parent;
let container = this._searchboxContainer = document.createElement("hbox");
container.className = "devtools-toolbar";
let searchbox = this._searchboxNode = document.createElement("textbox");
searchbox.className = "devtools-searchinput";
searchbox.setAttribute("placeholder", this._searchboxPlaceholder);
searchbox.setAttribute("type", "search");
searchbox.setAttribute("flex", "1");
searchbox.addEventListener("input", this._onSearchboxInput, false);
searchbox.addEventListener("keypress", this._onSearchboxKeyPress, false);
parent.insertBefore(container, parent.firstChild);
* Disables variable and property searching in this view.
disableSearch: function VV_disableSearch() {
// If searching was already disabled, no need to re-disable it again.
if (!this._searchboxContainer) {
this._searchboxNode.addEventListener("input", this._onSearchboxInput, false);
this._searchboxNode.addEventListener("keypress", this._onSearchboxKeyPress, false);
this._searchboxContainer = null;
this._searchboxNode = null;
* Sets if the variable and property searching is enabled.
set searchEnabled(aFlag) aFlag ? this.enableSearch() : this.disableSearch(),
* Gets if the variable and property searching is enabled.
get searchEnabled() !!this._searchboxContainer,
* Allows searches to be scheduled and delayed to avoid redundant calls.
delayedSearch: true,
* Schedules searching for variables or properties matching the query.
* @param string aQuery
* The variable or property to search for.
scheduleSearch: function VV_scheduleSearch(aQuery) {
if (!this.delayedSearch) {
let delay = Math.max(SEARCH_ACTION_MAX_DELAY / aQuery.length, 0);
this._searchFunction = this._startSearch.bind(this, aQuery);
this._searchTimeout = this.window.setTimeout(this._searchFunction, delay);
* Immediately searches for variables or properties matching the query.
* @param string aQuery
* The variable or property to search for.
performSearch: function VV_performSearch(aQuery) {
this._searchFunction = null;
* Performs a case insensitive search for variables or properties matching
* the query, and hides non-matched items.
* @param string aQuery
* The variable or property to search for.
_startSearch: function VV__startSearch(aQuery) {
for (let [, scope] in this) {
switch (aQuery) {
case "":
// fall through
case null:
* Expands the first search results in this container.
expandFirstSearchResults: function VV_expandFirstSearchResults() {
for (let [, scope] in this) {
for (let [, variable] in scope) {
if (variable._isMatch) {
* Sets the text displayed for the searchbox in this container.
* @param string aValue
set searchPlaceholder(aValue) {
if (this._searchboxNode) {
this._searchboxNode.setAttribute("placeholder", aValue);
this._searchboxPlaceholder = aValue;
* Listener handling the searchbox input event.
_onSearchboxInput: function VV__onSearchboxInput() {
* Listener handling the searchbox key press event.
_onSearchboxKeyPress: function VV__onSearchboxKeyPress(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_ENTER:
this._searchboxNode.value = "";
* Sets the text displayed in this container when there are no available items.
* @param string aValue
set emptyText(aValue) {
if (this._emptyTextNode) {
this._emptyTextNode.setAttribute("value", aValue);
this._emptyTextValue = aValue;
* Creates and appends a label signaling that this container is empty.
_appendEmptyNotice: function VV__appendEmptyNotice() {
if (this._emptyTextNode) {
let label = this.document.createElement("label");
label.className = "empty list-item";
label.setAttribute("value", this._emptyTextValue);
this._emptyTextNode = label;
* Removes the label signaling that this container is empty.
_removeEmptyNotice: function VV__removeEmptyNotice() {
if (!this._emptyTextNode) {
this._emptyTextNode = null;
* Gets the parent node holding this view.
* @return nsIDOMNode
get parentNode() this._parent,
* Gets the owner document holding this view.
* @return nsIHTMLDocument
get document() this._parent.ownerDocument,
* Gets the default window holding this view.
* @return nsIDOMWindow
get window() this.document.defaultView,
eval: null,
lazyEmpty: false,
_store: null,
_prevHierarchy: null,
_currHierarchy: null,
_emptyTimeout: null,
_searchTimeout: null,
_searchFunction: null,
_enumVisible: true,
_nonEnumVisible: true,
_parent: null,
_list: null,
_searchboxNode: null,
_searchboxContainer: null,
_searchboxPlaceholder: "",
_emptyTextNode: null,
_emptyTextValue: ""
* A Scope is an object holding Variable instances.
* Iterable via "for (let [name, variable] in instance) { }".
* @param VariablesView aView
* The view to contain this scope.
* @param string aName
* The scope's name.
* @param object aFlags [optional]
* Additional options or flags for this scope.
function Scope(aView, aName, aFlags = {}) { =;
this.hide = this.hide.bind(this);
this.expand = this.expand.bind(this);
this.collapse = this.collapse.bind(this);
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this._openEnum = this._openEnum.bind(this);
this._openNonEnum = this._openNonEnum.bind(this);
this.ownerView = aView;
this.eval = aView.eval;
this.switch = aView.switch;
this.delete = aView.delete;
this._store = new Map();
this._init(aName.trim(), aFlags);
Scope.prototype = {
* Adds a variable to contain any inspected properties.
* @param string aName
* The variable's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* Specifies the value and/or type & class of the variable,
* or 'get' & 'set' accessor properties. If the type is implicit,
* it will be inferred from the value.
* e.g. - { value: 42 }
* - { value: true }
* - { value: "nasu" }
* - { value: { type: "undefined" } }
* - { value: { type: "null" } }
* - { value: { type: "object", class: "Object" } }
* - { get: { type: "object", class: "Function" },
* set: { type: "undefined" } }
* @return Variable
* The newly created Variable instance, null if it already exists.
addVar: function S_addVar(aName = "", aDescriptor = {}) {
if (this._store.has(aName)) {
return null;
let variable = new Variable(this, aName, aDescriptor);
this._store.set(aName, variable);
this._variablesView._currHierarchy.set(variable._absoluteName, variable);
variable.header = !!aName;
return variable;
* Gets the variable in this container having the specified name.
* @return Variable
* The matched variable, or null if nothing is found.
get: function S_get(aName) {
return this._store.get(aName);
* Shows the scope.
show: function S_show() {
this._target.hidden = false;
this._isShown = true;
if (this.onshow) {
* Hides the scope.
hide: function S_hide() {
this._target.hidden = true;
this._isShown = false;
if (this.onhide) {
* Expands the scope, showing all the added details.
expand: function S_expand() {
if (this._isExpanded || this._locked) {
if (this._variablesView._enumVisible) {
if (this._variablesView._nonEnumVisible) {{ run: this._openNonEnum }, 0);
this._isExpanded = true;
if (this.onexpand) {
* Collapses the scope, hiding all the added details.
collapse: function S_collapse() {
if (!this._isExpanded || this._locked) {
this._isExpanded = false;
if (this.oncollapse) {
* Toggles between the scope's collapsed and expanded state.
toggle: function S_toggle(e) {
if (e && e.button != 0) {
// Only allow left-click to trigger this event.
this._wasToggled = true;
this.expanded ^= 1;
// Make sure the scope and its contents are visibile.
for (let [, variable] in this) {
variable.header = true;
variable._match = true;
if (this.ontoggle) {
* Shows the scope's title header.
showHeader: function S_showHeader() {
if (this._isHeaderVisible) {
this._isHeaderVisible = true;
* Hides the scope's title header.
* This action will automatically expand the scope.
hideHeader: function S_hideHeader() {
if (!this._isHeaderVisible) {
this._target.setAttribute("non-header", "");
this._isHeaderVisible = false;
* Shows the scope's expand/collapse arrow.
showArrow: function S_showArrow() {
if (this._isArrowVisible) {
this._isArrowVisible = true;
* Hides the scope's expand/collapse arrow.
hideArrow: function S_hideArrow() {
if (!this._isArrowVisible) {
this._arrow.setAttribute("invisible", "");
this._isArrowVisible = false;
* Gets the visibility state.
* @return boolean
get visible() this._isShown,
* Gets the expanded state.
* @return boolean
get expanded() this._isExpanded,
* Gets the header visibility state.
* @return boolean
get header() this._isHeaderVisible,
* Gets the twisty visibility state.
* @return boolean
get twisty() this._isArrowVisible,
* Sets the visibility state.
* @param boolean aFlag
set visible(aFlag) aFlag ? : this.hide(),
* Sets the expanded state.
* @param boolean aFlag
set expanded(aFlag) aFlag ? this.expand() : this.collapse(),
* Sets the header visibility state.
* @param boolean aFlag
set header(aFlag) aFlag ? this.showHeader() : this.hideHeader(),
* Sets the twisty visibility state.
* @param boolean aFlag
set twisty(aFlag) aFlag ? this.showArrow() : this.hideArrow(),
* Specifies if the configurable/enumerable/writable tooltip should be shown
* whenever a variable or property descriptor is available.
* This flag applies non-recursively to the current scope.
showDescriptorTooltip: true,
* Specifies if editing variable or property names is allowed.
* This flag applies non-recursively to the current scope.
allowNameInput: false,
* Specifies if editing variable or property values is allowed.
* This flag applies non-recursively to the current scope.
allowValueInput: true,
* Specifies if removing variables or properties values is allowed.
* This flag applies non-recursively to the current scope.
allowDeletion: false,
* Specifies the context menu attribute set on variables and properties.
contextMenu: "",
* Gets the id associated with this item.
* @return string
get id() this._idString,
* Gets the name associated with this item.
* @return string
get name() this._nameString,
* Gets the element associated with this item.
* @return nsIDOMNode
get target() this._target,
* Initializes this scope's id, view and binds event listeners.
* @param string aName
* The scope's name.
* @param object aFlags [optional]
* Additional options or flags for this scope.
* @param string aClassName [optional]
* A custom class name for this scope.
_init: function S__init(aName, aFlags = {}, aClassName = "scope") {
this._idString = generateId(this._nameString = aName);
this._createScope(aName, aClassName);
* Creates the necessary nodes for this scope.
* @param string aName
* The scope's name.
* @param string aClassName
* A custom class name for this scope.
_createScope: function S__createScope(aName, aClassName) {
let document = this.document;
let element = this._target = document.createElement("vbox"); = this._idString;
element.className = aClassName;
let arrow = this._arrow = document.createElement("hbox");
arrow.className = "arrow";
let name = this._name = document.createElement("label");
name.className = "name plain";
name.setAttribute("value", aName);
let title = this._title = document.createElement("hbox");
title.className = "title" + (aClassName == "scope" ? " devtools-toolbar" : "");
title.setAttribute("align", "center");
let enumerable = this._enum = document.createElement("vbox");
let nonenum = this._nonenum = document.createElement("vbox");
enumerable.className = "details";
nonenum.className = "details nonenum";
* Adds the necessary event listeners for this scope.
_addEventListeners: function S__addEventListeners() {
this._title.addEventListener("mousedown", this.toggle, false);
* Adds an event listener for the mouse over event on the title element.
* @param function aCallback
set onmouseover(aCallback) {
this._title.addEventListener("mouseover", aCallback, false);
* Opens the enumerable items container.
_openEnum: function S__openEnum() {
this._arrow.setAttribute("open", "");
this._enum.setAttribute("open", "");
* Opens the non-enumerable items container.
_openNonEnum: function S__openNonEnum() {
this._nonenum.setAttribute("open", "");
* Specifies if enumerable properties and variables should be displayed.
* @param boolean aFlag
set _enumVisible(aFlag) {
for (let [, variable] in this) {
variable._enumVisible = aFlag;
if (!this.expanded) {
if (aFlag) {
this._enum.setAttribute("open", "");
} else {
* Specifies if non-enumerable properties and variables should be displayed.
* @param boolean aFlag
set _nonEnumVisible(aFlag) {
for (let [, variable] in this) {
variable._nonEnumVisible = aFlag;
if (!this.expanded) {
if (aFlag) {
this._nonenum.setAttribute("open", "");
} else {
* Performs a case insensitive search for variables or properties matching
* the query, and hides non-matched items.
* @param string aLowerCaseQuery
* The lowercased name of the variable or property to search for.
_performSearch: function S__performSearch(aLowerCaseQuery) {
for (let [, variable] in this) {
let currentObject = variable;
let lowerCaseName = variable._nameString.toLowerCase();
let lowerCaseValue = variable._valueString.toLowerCase();
// Non-matched variables or properties require a corresponding attribute.
if (!lowerCaseName.contains(aLowerCaseQuery) &&
!lowerCaseValue.contains(aLowerCaseQuery)) {
variable._match = false;
// Variable or property is matched.
else {
variable._match = true;
// If the variable was ever expanded, there's a possibility it may
// contain some matched properties, so make sure they're visible
// ("expand downwards").
if (variable._wasToggled && aLowerCaseQuery) {
if (variable._isExpanded && !aLowerCaseQuery) {
variable._wasToggled = true;
// If the variable is contained in another scope (variable or property),
// the parent may not be a match, thus hidden. It should be visible
// ("expand upwards").
while ((variable = variable.ownerView) && /* Parent object exists. */
(variable instanceof Scope ||
variable instanceof Variable ||
variable instanceof Property)) {
// Show and expand the parent, as it is certainly accessible.
variable._match = true;
aLowerCaseQuery && variable.expand();
// Proceed with the search recursively inside this variable or property.
if (currentObject._wasToggled ||
currentObject.getter ||
currentObject.setter) {
* Sets if this object instance is a match or non-match.
* @param boolean aStatus
set _match(aStatus) {
if (this._isMatch == aStatus) {
if (aStatus) {
this._isMatch = true;"non-match");
} else {
this._isMatch = false;"non-match", "");
* Gets top level variables view instance.
* @return VariablesView
get _variablesView() {
let parentView = this.ownerView;
let topView;
while (topView = parentView.ownerView) {
parentView = topView;
return parentView;
* Gets the parent node holding this scope.
* @return nsIDOMNode
get parentNode() this.ownerView._list,
* Gets the owner document holding this scope.
* @return nsIHTMLDocument
get document() this.ownerView.document,
* Gets the default window holding this scope.
* @return nsIDOMWindow
get window() this.ownerView.window,
ownerView: null,
eval: null,
fetched: false,
_committed: false,
_locked: false,
_isShown: true,
_isExpanded: false,
_wasToggled: false,
_isHeaderVisible: true,
_isArrowVisible: true,
_isMatch: true,
_store: null,
_idString: "",
_nameString: "",
_target: null,
_arrow: null,
_name: null,
_title: null,
_enum: null,
_nonenum: null
* A Variable is a Scope holding Property instances.
* Iterable via "for (let [name, property] in instance) { }".
* @param Scope aScope
* The scope to contain this varialbe.
* @param string aName
* The variable's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
function Variable(aScope, aName, aDescriptor) {
this._onClose = this._onClose.bind(this);
this._displayTooltip = this._displayTooltip.bind(this);
this._activateNameInput = this._activateNameInput.bind(this);
this._activateValueInput = this._activateValueInput.bind(this);
this._deactivateNameInput = this._deactivateNameInput.bind(this);
this._deactivateValueInput = this._deactivateValueInput.bind(this);
this._onNameInputKeyPress = this._onNameInputKeyPress.bind(this);
this._onValueInputKeyPress = this._onValueInputKeyPress.bind(this);, aScope, aName, aDescriptor);
this._symbolicName = aName;
this._absoluteName = + "." + aName;
this._initialDescriptor = aDescriptor;
create({ constructor: Variable, proto: Scope.prototype }, {
* Adds a property for this variable.
* @param string aName
* The property's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* Specifies the value and/or type & class of the property,
* or 'get' & 'set' accessor properties. If the type is implicit,
* it will be inferred from the value.
* e.g. - { value: 42 }
* - { value: true }
* - { value: "nasu" }
* - { value: { type: "undefined" } }
* - { value: { type: "null" } }
* - { value: { type: "object", class: "Object" } }
* - { get: { type: "object", class: "Function" },
* set: { type: "undefined" } }
* @return Property
* The newly created Property instance, null if it already exists.
addProperty: function V_addProperty(aName = "", aDescriptor = {}) {
if (this._store.has(aName)) {
return null;
let property = new Property(this, aName, aDescriptor);
this._store.set(aName, property);
this._variablesView._currHierarchy.set(property._absoluteName, property);
property.header = !!aName;
return property;
* Adds properties for this variable.
* @param object aProperties
* An object containing some { name: descriptor } data properties,
* specifying the value and/or type & class of the variable,
* or 'get' & 'set' accessor properties. If the type is implicit,
* it will be inferred from the value.
* e.g. - { someProp0: { value: 42 },
* someProp1: { value: true },
* someProp2: { value: "nasu" },
* someProp3: { value: { type: "undefined" } },
* someProp4: { value: { type: "null" } },
* someProp5: { valu§e: { type: "object", class: "Object" } },
* someProp6: { get: { type: "object", class: "Function" },
* set: { type: "undefined" } }
addProperties: function V_addProperties(aProperties) {
// Sort all of the properties before adding them.
let sortedPropertyNames = Object.keys(aProperties).sort();
for (let name of sortedPropertyNames) {
this.addProperty(name, aProperties[name]);
* Populates this variable to contain all the properties of an object.
* @param object aObject
* The raw object you want to display.
populate: function V_populate(aObject) {
// Retrieve the properties only once.
if (this.fetched) {
this.fetched = true;
// Sort all of the properties before adding them.
let sortedPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(aObject).sort();
let prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(aObject);
// Add all the variable properties.
for (let name of sortedPropertyNames) {
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aObject, name);
if (descriptor.get || descriptor.set) {
this._addRawNonValueProperty(name, descriptor);
} else {
this._addRawValueProperty(name, descriptor, aObject[name]);
// Add the variable's __proto__.
if (prototype) {
this._addRawValueProperty("__proto__", {}, prototype);
* Adds a property for this variable based on a raw value descriptor.
* @param string aName
* The property's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* Specifies the exact property descriptor as returned by a call to
* Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.
* @param object aValue
* The raw property value you want to display.
_addRawValueProperty: function V__addRawValueProperty(aName, aDescriptor, aValue) {
let descriptor = Object.create(aDescriptor);
descriptor.value = VariablesView.getGrip(aValue);
let propertyItem = this.addProperty(aName, descriptor);
// Add an 'onexpand' callback for the property, lazily handling
// the addition of new child properties.
if (!VariablesView.isPrimitive(descriptor)) {
propertyItem.onexpand = this.populate.bind(propertyItem, aValue);
return propertyItem;
* Adds a property for this variable based on a getter/setter descriptor.
* @param string aName
* The property's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* Specifies the exact property descriptor as returned by a call to
* Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.
_addRawNonValueProperty: function V__addRawNonValueProperty(aName, aDescriptor) {
let descriptor = Object.create(aDescriptor);
descriptor.get = VariablesView.getGrip(aDescriptor.get);
descriptor.set = VariablesView.getGrip(aDescriptor.set);
let propertyItem = this.addProperty(aName, descriptor);
return propertyItem;
* Returns this variable's value from the descriptor if available,
get value() this._initialDescriptor.value,
* Returns this variable's getter from the descriptor if available,
get getter() this._initialDescriptor.get,
* Returns this variable's getter from the descriptor if available,
get setter() this._initialDescriptor.set,
* Sets the specific grip for this variable.
* The grip should contain the value or the type & class, as defined in the
* remote debugger protocol. For convenience, undefined and null are
* both considered types.
* @param any aGrip
* Specifies the value and/or type & class of the variable.
* e.g. - 42
* - true
* - "nasu"
* - { type: "undefined" }
* - { type: "null" }
* - { type: "object", class: "Object" }
_setGrip: function V__setGrip(aGrip) {
if (aGrip === undefined) {
aGrip = { type: "undefined" };
if (aGrip === null) {
aGrip = { type: "null" };
* Applies the necessary text content and class name to a value node based
* on a grip.
* @param any aGrip
* @see Variable._setGrip
_applyGrip: function V__applyGrip(aGrip) {
let prevGrip = this._valueGrip;
if (prevGrip) {
this._valueGrip = aGrip;
this._valueString = VariablesView.getString(aGrip);
this._valueClassName = VariablesView.getClass(aGrip);
this._valueLabel.setAttribute("value", this._valueString);
* Initializes this variable's id, view and binds event listeners.
* @param string aName
* The variable's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
_init: function V__init(aName, aDescriptor) {
this._idString = generateId(this._nameString = aName);
this._createScope(aName, "variable");
this._setAttributes(aName, aDescriptor);
if (aDescriptor.enumerable || aName == "this" || aName == "<exception>") {
} else {
* Creates the necessary nodes for this variable.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The property's descriptor.
_displayVariable: function V__displayVariable(aDescriptor) {
let document = this.document;
let separatorLabel = this._separatorLabel = document.createElement("label");
separatorLabel.className = "plain";
separatorLabel.setAttribute("value", this.ownerView.separator);
let valueLabel = this._valueLabel = document.createElement("label");
valueLabel.className = "value plain";
let isPrimitive = VariablesView.isPrimitive(aDescriptor);
let isUndefined = VariablesView.isUndefined(aDescriptor);
if (isPrimitive || isUndefined) {
if (!isUndefined && (aDescriptor.get || aDescriptor.set)) {
this.addProperty("get", { value: aDescriptor.get });
this.addProperty("set", { value: aDescriptor.set });
separatorLabel.hidden = true;
valueLabel.hidden = true;
if (this.ownerView.allowDeletion) {
let closeNode = this._closeNode = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
closeNode.className = "dbg-variables-delete plain devtools-closebutton";
closeNode.addEventListener("click", this._onClose, false);
if (this.ownerView.contextMenu) {
this._title.setAttribute("context", this.ownerView.contextMenu);
* Prepares a tooltip for this variable.
_prepareTooltip: function V__prepareTooltip() {
this._target.addEventListener("mouseover", this._displayTooltip, false);
* Creates a tooltip for this variable.
_displayTooltip: function V__displayTooltip() {
this._target.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._displayTooltip, false);
let document = this.document;
if (this.ownerView.showDescriptorTooltip) {
let tooltip = document.createElement("tooltip"); = "tooltip-" +;
let configurableLabel = document.createElement("label");
configurableLabel.setAttribute("value", "configurable");
let enumerableLabel = document.createElement("label");
enumerableLabel.setAttribute("value", "enumerable");
let writableLabel = document.createElement("label");
writableLabel.setAttribute("value", "writable");
tooltip.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal")
if (this.ownerView.allowNameInput) {
this._name.setAttribute("tooltiptext", L10N.getStr("variablesEditableNameTooltip"));
if (this.ownerView.allowValueInput) {
this._valueLabel.setAttribute("tooltiptext", L10N.getStr("variablesEditableValueTooltip"));
if (this.ownerView.allowDeletion) {
this._closeNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", L10N.getStr("variablesCloseButtonTooltip"));
* Sets a variable's configurable, enumerable and writable attributes,
* and specifies if it's a 'this', '<exception>' or '__proto__' reference.
* @param object aName
* The varialbe name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
_setAttributes: function V__setAttributes(aName, aDescriptor) {
if (aDescriptor) {
if (!aDescriptor.configurable) {
this._target.setAttribute("non-configurable", "");
if (!aDescriptor.enumerable) {
this._target.setAttribute("non-enumerable", "");
if (!aDescriptor.writable) {
this._target.setAttribute("non-writable", "");
if (aName == "this") {
this._target.setAttribute("self", "");
if (aName == "<exception>") {
this._target.setAttribute("exception", "");
if (aName == "__proto__") {
this._target.setAttribute("proto", "");
* Adds the necessary event listeners for this variable.
_addEventListeners: function V__addEventListeners() {
this._arrow.addEventListener("mousedown", this.toggle, false);
this._name.addEventListener("mousedown", this.toggle, false);
this._name.addEventListener("dblclick", this._activateNameInput, false);
this._valueLabel.addEventListener("click", this._activateValueInput, false);
* The click listener for the close button.
_onClose: function V__onClose() {
if (this.delete) {
* Creates a textbox node in place of a label.
* @param nsIDOMNode aLabel
* The label to be replaced with a textbox.
* @param string aClassName
* The class to be applied to the textbox.
* @param object aCallbacks
* An object containing the onKeypress and onBlur callbacks.
_activateInput: function V__activateInput(aLabel, aClassName, aCallbacks) {
let initialString = aLabel.getAttribute("value");
// Create a texbox input element which will be shown in the current
// element's specified label location.
let input = this.document.createElement("textbox");
input.setAttribute("value", initialString);
input.className = "plain " + aClassName;
input.width = this._target.clientWidth;
aLabel.parentNode.replaceChild(input, aLabel);;
// When the value is a string (displayed as "value"), then we probably want
// to change it to another string in the textbox, so to avoid typing the ""
// again, tackle with the selection bounds just a bit.
if (aLabel.getAttribute("value").match(/^"[^"]*"$/)) {
input.addEventListener("keypress", aCallbacks.onKeypress, false);
input.addEventListener("blur", aCallbacks.onBlur, false);
this._prevExpandable = this.twisty;
this._prevExpanded = this.expanded;
this._locked = true;
* Removes the textbox node in place of a label.
* @param nsIDOMNode aLabel
* The label which was replaced with a textbox.
* @param object aCallbacks
* An object containing the onKeypress and onBlur callbacks.
_deactivateInput: function V__deactivateInput(aLabel, aInput, aCallbacks) {
aInput.parentNode.replaceChild(aLabel, aInput);
aInput.removeEventListener("keypress", aCallbacks.onKeypress, false);
aInput.removeEventListener("blur", aCallbacks.onBlur, false);
this._locked = false;
this.twisty = this._prevExpandable;
this.expanded = this._prevExpanded;
* Makes this variable's name editable.
_activateNameInput: function V__activateNameInput(e) {
if (e && e.button != 0) {
// Only allow left-click to trigger this event.
if (!this.ownerView.allowNameInput || !this.switch) {
this._activateInput(this._name, "element-name-input", {
onKeypress: this._onNameInputKeyPress,
onBlur: this._deactivateNameInput
this._separatorLabel.hidden = true;
this._valueLabel.hidden = true;
* Deactivates this variable's editable name mode.
_deactivateNameInput: function V__deactivateNameInput(e) {
this._deactivateInput(this._name,, {
onKeypress: this._onNameInputKeyPress,
onBlur: this._deactivateNameInput
this._separatorLabel.hidden = false;
this._valueLabel.hidden = false;
* Makes this variable's value editable.
_activateValueInput: function V__activateValueInput(e) {
if (e && e.button != 0) {
// Only allow left-click to trigger this event.
if (!this.ownerView.allowValueInput || !this.eval) {
this._activateInput(this._valueLabel, "element-value-input", {
onKeypress: this._onValueInputKeyPress,
onBlur: this._deactivateValueInput
* Deactivates this variable's editable value mode.
_deactivateValueInput: function V__deactivateValueInput(e) {
this._deactivateInput(this._valueLabel,, {
onKeypress: this._onValueInputKeyPress,
onBlur: this._deactivateValueInput
* Disables this variable prior to a new name switch or value evaluation.
_disable: function V__disable() {
this.twisty = false;
this._separatorLabel.hidden = true;
this._valueLabel.hidden = true;
this._enum.hidden = true;
this._nonenum.hidden = true;
* Deactivates this variable's editable mode and callbacks the new name.
_saveNameInput: function V__saveNameInput(e) {
let input =;
let initialString = this._name.getAttribute("value");
let currentString = input.value.trim();
if (initialString != currentString) {
this._name.value = currentString;
this.switch(this, currentString);
* Deactivates this variable's editable mode and evaluates the new value.
_saveValueInput: function V__saveValueInput(e) {
let input =;
let initialString = this._valueLabel.getAttribute("value");
let currentString = input.value.trim();
if (initialString != currentString) {
this.eval(this._symbolicName + "=" + currentString);
* The key press listener for this variable's editable name textbox.
_onNameInputKeyPress: function V__onNameInputKeyPress(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_ENTER:
* The key press listener for this variable's editable value textbox.
_onValueInputKeyPress: function V__onValueInputKeyPress(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_ENTER:
_symbolicName: "",
_absoluteName: "",
_initialDescriptor: null,
_separatorLabel: null,
_valueLabel: null,
_closeNode: null,
_tooltip: null,
_valueGrip: null,
_valueString: "",
_valueClassName: "",
_prevExpandable: false,
_prevExpanded: false
* A Property is a Variable holding additional child Property instances.
* Iterable via "for (let [name, property] in instance) { }".
* @param Variable aVar
* The variable to contain this property.
* @param string aName
* The property's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The property's descriptor.
function Property(aVar, aName, aDescriptor) {, aVar, aName, aDescriptor);
this._symbolicName = aVar._symbolicName + "[\"" + aName + "\"]";
this._absoluteName = aVar._absoluteName + "." + aName;
this._initialDescriptor = aDescriptor;
create({ constructor: Property, proto: Variable.prototype }, {
* Initializes this property's id, view and binds event listeners.
* @param string aName
* The property's name.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The property's descriptor.
_init: function P__init(aName, aDescriptor) {
this._idString = generateId(this._nameString = aName);
this._createScope(aName, "property");
this._setAttributes(aName, aDescriptor);
if (aDescriptor.enumerable) {
} else {
* A generator-iterator over the VariablesView, Scopes, Variables and Properties.
VariablesView.prototype.__iterator__ =
Scope.prototype.__iterator__ =
Variable.prototype.__iterator__ =
Property.prototype.__iterator__ = function VV_iterator() {
for (let item of this._store) {
yield item;
* Start recording a hierarchy of any added scopes, variables or properties.
* @see VariablesView.commitHierarchy
VariablesView.prototype.createHierarchy = function VV_createHierarchy() {
this._prevHierarchy = this._currHierarchy;
this._currHierarchy = new Map();
* Briefly flash the variables that changed between the previous and current
* scope/variable/property hierarchies and reopen previously expanded nodes.
VariablesView.prototype.commitHierarchy = function VV_commitHierarchy() {
let prevHierarchy = this._prevHierarchy;
let currHierarchy = this._currHierarchy;
for (let [absoluteName, currVariable] of currHierarchy) {
// Ignore variables which were already commmitted.
if (currVariable._committed) {
// Avoid performing expensive operations.
if (this.commitHierarchyIgnoredItems[currVariable._nameString]) {
// Try to get the previous instance of the inspected variable to
// determine the difference in state.
let prevVariable = prevHierarchy.get(absoluteName);
let expanded = false;
let changed = false;
// If the inspected variable existed in a previous hierarchy, check if
// the displayed value (a representation of the grip) has changed and if
// it was previously expanded.
if (prevVariable) {
expanded = prevVariable._isExpanded;
changed = prevVariable._valueString != currVariable._valueString;
// Make sure this variable is not handled in ulteror commits for the
// same hierarchy.
currVariable._committed = true;
// Re-expand the variable if not previously collapsed.
if (expanded) {
currVariable._wasToggled = prevVariable._wasToggled;
// This variable was either not changed or removed, no need to continue.
if (!changed) {
// Apply an attribute determining the flash type and duration.
// Dispatch this action after all the nodes have been drawn, so that
// the transition efects can take place.
this.window.setTimeout(function(aTarget) {
aTarget.setAttribute("changed", "");
aTarget.addEventListener("transitionend", function onEvent() {
aTarget.removeEventListener("transitionend", onEvent, false);
}, false);
}.bind(this,, LAZY_EMPTY_DELAY + 1);
// Some variables are likely to contain a very large number of properties.
// It would be a bad idea to re-expand them or perform expensive operations.
VariablesView.prototype.commitHierarchyIgnoredItems = Object.create(null, {
"window": { value: true },
"this": { value: true }
* Returns true if the descriptor represents an undefined, null or
* primitive value.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
VariablesView.isPrimitive = function VV_isPrimitive(aDescriptor) {
if (!aDescriptor || typeof aDescriptor != "object") {
return true;
// For accessor property descriptors, the getter and setter need to be
// contained in 'get' and 'set' properties.
let getter = aDescriptor.get;
let setter = aDescriptor.set;
if (getter || setter) {
return false;
// As described in the remote debugger protocol, the value grip
// must be contained in a 'value' property.
let grip = aDescriptor.value;
if (!grip || typeof grip != "object") {
return true;
// For convenience, undefined and null are both considered types.
let type = grip.type;
if (type == "undefined" || type == "null") {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the descriptor represents an undefined value.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
VariablesView.isUndefined = function VV_isUndefined(aDescriptor) {
// For accessor property descriptors, the getter and setter need to be
// contained in 'get' and 'set' properties.
let getter = aDescriptor.get;
let setter = aDescriptor.set;
if (typeof getter == "object" && getter.type == "undefined" &&
typeof setter == "object" && setter.type == "undefined") {
return true;
// As described in the remote debugger protocol, the value grip
// must be contained in a 'value' property.
// For convenience, undefined is considered a type.
let grip = aDescriptor.value;
if (grip && grip.type == "undefined") {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the descriptor represents a falsy value.
* @param object aDescriptor
* The variable's descriptor.
VariablesView.isFalsy = function VV_isFalsy(aDescriptor) {
if (!aDescriptor || typeof aDescriptor != "object") {
return true;
// As described in the remote debugger protocol, the value grip
// must be contained in a 'value' property.
let grip = aDescriptor.value;
if (typeof grip != "object") {
return !grip;
// For convenience, undefined and null are both considered types.
let type = grip.type;
if (type == "undefined" || type == "null") {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a standard grip for a value.
* @param any aValue
* The raw value to get a grip for.
* @return any
* The value's grip.
VariablesView.getGrip = function VV_getGrip(aValue) {
if (aValue === undefined) {
return { type: "undefined" };
if (aValue === null) {
return { type: "null" };
if (typeof aValue == "object" || typeof aValue == "function") {
if (aValue.constructor) {
return { type: "object", class: };
} else {
return { type: "object", class: "Object" };
return aValue;
* Returns a custom formatted property string for a grip.
* @param any aGrip
* @see Variable._setGrip
* @param boolean aConciseFlag
* Return a concisely formatted property string.
* @return string
* The formatted property string.
VariablesView.getString = function VV_getString(aGrip, aConciseFlag) {
if (aGrip && typeof aGrip == "object") {
switch (aGrip.type) {
case "undefined":
return "undefined";
case "null":
return "null";
if (!aConciseFlag) {
return "[" + aGrip.type + " " + aGrip.class + "]";
} else {
return aGrip.class;
} else {
switch (typeof aGrip) {
case "string":
return "\"" + aGrip + "\"";
case "boolean":
return aGrip ? "true" : "false";
return aGrip + "";
* Returns a custom class style for a grip.
* @param any aGrip
* @see Variable._setGrip
* @return string
* The custom class style.
VariablesView.getClass = function VV_getClass(aGrip) {
if (aGrip && typeof aGrip == "object") {
switch (aGrip.type) {
case "undefined":
return "token-undefined";
case "null":
return "token-null";
} else {
switch (typeof aGrip) {
case "string":
return "token-string";
case "boolean":
return "token-boolean";
case "number":
return "token-number";
return "token-other";
* Localization convenience methods.
let L10N = {
* L10N shortcut function.
* @param string aName
* @return string
getStr: function L10N_getStr(aName) {
return this.stringBundle.GetStringFromName(aName);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(L10N, "stringBundle", function() {
return Services.strings.createBundle(DBG_STRINGS_URI);
* The separator label between the variables or properties name and value.
* This property applies non-recursively to the current scope.
Scope.prototype.separator = L10N.getStr("variablesSeparatorLabel");
* A monotonically-increasing counter, that guarantees the uniqueness of scope,
* variables and properties ids.
* @param string aName
* An optional string to prefix the id with.
* @return number
* A unique id.
let generateId = (function() {
let count = 0;
return function VV_generateId(aName = "") {
return aName.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\s+/g, "-") + (++count);
* Sugar for prototypal inheritance using Object.create.
* Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties.
* @param object target
* @param object properties
function create({ constructor, proto }, properties = {}) {
let propertiesObject = {
constructor: { value: constructor }
for (let name in properties) {
propertiesObject[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, name);
constructor.prototype = Object.create(proto, propertiesObject);