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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
let WSP = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/WspPduHelper.jsm", WSP);
let DEBUG; // set to true to see debug messages
function translatePduErrorToStatus(error) {
switch (error) {
* Internal decoding function for boolean values.
* Boolean-value = Yes | No
* Yes = <Octet 128>
* No = <Octet 129>
let BooleanValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Boolean true or false.
* @throws CodeError if read octet equals to neither 128 nor 129.
decode: function decode(data) {
let value = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((value != 128) && (value != 129)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("Boolean-value: invalid value " + value);
return value == 128;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* A boolean value to be encoded.
encode: function encode(data, value) {
WSP.Octet.encode(data, value ? 128 : 129);
* MMS Address
* address = email | device-address | alphanum-shortcode | num-shortcode
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A section 8
let Address = {
decode: function (data) {
let str = EncodedStringValue.decode(data);
let result;
if (((result = str.match(/^(\+?[\d.-]+)\/TYPE=(PLMN)$/)) != null)
|| ((result = str.match(/^(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\/TYPE=(IPv4)$/)) != null)
|| ((result = str.match(/^([\da-fA-F]{4}(?::[\da-fA-F]{4}){7})\/TYPE=(IPv6)$/)) != null)
|| ((result = str.match(/^([\w\+\-.%]+)\/TYPE=(\w+)$/)) != null)) {
return {address: result[1], type: result[2]};
let type;
if (str.match(/^[\+*#]\d+$/)) {
type = "num";
} else if (str.match(/^\w+$/)) {
type = "alphanum";
} else {
type = "unknown";
return {address: str, type: type};
* Header-field = MMS-header | Application-header
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.2
let HeaderField = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param options
* Extra context for decoding.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
decode: function decode(data, options) {
return WSP.decodeAlternatives(data, options,
MmsHeader, WSP.ApplicationHeader);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param octet
* Octet value to be encoded.
* @param options
* Extra context for encoding.
encode: function encode(data, value, options) {
WSP.encodeAlternatives(data, value, options,
MmsHeader, WSP.ApplicationHeader);
* MMS-header = MMS-field-name MMS-value
* MMS-field-name = Short-integer
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.2
let MmsHeader = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param options
* Extra context for decoding.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known header field
* number is not registered or supported.
decode: function decode(data, options) {
let index = WSP.ShortInteger.decode(data);
let entry = MMS_HEADER_FIELDS[index];
if (!entry) {
throw new WSP.NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"MMS-header: not well known header " + index);
let cur = data.offset, value;
try {
value = entry.coder.decode(data, options);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = cur;
value = WSP.skipValue(data);
debug("Skip malformed well known header: "
+ JSON.stringify({name:, value: value}));
return null;
return {
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param header
* An object containing two attributes: a string-typed `name` and a
* `value` of arbitrary type.
* @throws CodeError if got an empty header name.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if the well-known header field number is
* not registered or supported.
encode: function encode(data, header) {
if (! {
throw new WSP.CodeError("MMS-header: empty header name");
let entry = MMS_HEADER_FIELDS[];
if (!entry) {
throw new WSP.NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"MMS-header: not well known header " +;
WSP.ShortInteger.encode(data, entry.number);
entry.coder.encode(data, header.value);
* Content-class-value = text | image-basic| image-rich | video-basic |
* video-rich | megapixel | content-basic | content-rich
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.9
let ContentClassValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A integer value for each class.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in range 128..135.
decode: function decode(data) {
let value = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((value >= 128) && (value <= 135)) {
return value;
throw new WSP.CodeError("Content-class-value: invalid class " + value);
* When used in a PDU other than M-Mbox-Delete.conf and M-Delete.conf:
* Content-location-value = Uri-value
* When used in the M-Mbox-Delete.conf and M-Delete.conf PDU:
* Content-location-Del-value = Value-length Status-count-value Content-location-value
* Status-count-value = Integer-value
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.10
let ContentLocationValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param options
* Extra context for decoding.
* @return A decoded object containing `uri` and conditional `statusCount`
* properties.
decode: function decode(data, options) {
let type = WSP.ensureHeader(options, "x-mms-message-type");
let result = {};
|| (type == MMS_PDU_TYPE_DELETE_CONF)) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
result.statusCount = WSP.IntegerValue.decode(data);
result.uri = WSP.UriValue.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
} else {
result.uri = WSP.UriValue.decode(data);
return result;
* Element-Descriptor-value = Value-length Content-Reference-value *(Parameter)
* Content-Reference-value = Text-string
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.18
let ElementDescriptorValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing a string property `contentReference`
* and an optinal `params` name-value map.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let result = {};
result.contentReference = WSP.TextString.decode(data);
if (data.offset < end) {
result.params = Parameter.decodeMultiple(data, end);
if (data.offset != end) {
// Explicitly seek to end in case of skipped parameters.
data.offset = end;
return result;
* OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.18:
* `For well-known parameter names binary tokens MUST be used as defined in
* Table 27.` So we can't reuse that of WSP.
* Parameter = Parameter-name Parameter-value
* Parameter-name = Short-integer | Text-string
* Parameter-value = Constrained-encoding | Text-string
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.18
let Parameter = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded string.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known parameter number
* is not registered or supported.
decodeParameterName: function decodeParameterName(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
let number;
try {
number = WSP.ShortInteger.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
return WSP.TextString.decode(data).toLowerCase();
let entry = MMS_WELL_KNOWN_PARAMS[number];
if (!entry) {
throw new WSP.NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Parameter-name: not well known parameter " + number);
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
decode: function decode(data) {
let name = this.decodeParameterName(data);
let value = WSP.decodeAlternatives(data, null,
WSP.ConstrainedEncoding, WSP.TextString);
return {
name: name,
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param end
* Ending offset of following parameters.
* @return An array of decoded objects.
decodeMultiple: function decodeMultiple(data, end) {
let params, param;
while (data.offset < end) {
try {
param = this.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
if (param) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
params[] = param.value;
return params;
* Encoded-string-value = Text-string | Value-length Char-set Text-string
* The Char-set values are registered by IANA as MIBEnum value.
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.19
let EncodedStringValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
decode: function decode(data) {
return WSP.decodeAlternatives(data, null,
WSP.TextString, CharsetEncodedString);
* Charset-encoded-string = Value-length Char-set Text-string
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.19
let CharsetEncodedString = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
* @throws CodeError if the raw octets cannot be converted.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known charset number is
* not registered or supported.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let charset = WSP.ShortInteger.decode(data);
let entry = WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[charset];
if (!entry) {
throw new WSP.NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Charset-encoded-string: not well known charset " + charset);
let str;
if (entry.converter) {
// Read a possible string quote(<Octet 127>).
let begin = data.offset;
if (WSP.Octet.decode(data) != 127) {
data.offset = begin;
let raw = WSP.Octet.decodeMultiple(data, end - 1);
// Read NUL character.
WSP.Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 0);
if (!raw) {
str = "";
} else {
let conv = Cc[""]
conv.charset = entry.converter;
try {
str = conv.convertFromByteArray(raw, raw.length);
} catch (e) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("Charset-encoded-string: " + e.message);
} else {
str = WSP.TextString.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return str;
* Expiry-value = Value-length (Absolute-token Date-value | Relative-token Delta-seconds-value)
* Address-token = <Octet 128>
* Relative-token = <Octet 129>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.20
let ExpiryValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A Date object for absolute expiry or an integer for relative one.
* @throws CodeError if decoded token equals to neither 128 nor 129.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let token = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((token != 128) && (token != 129)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("Expiry-value: invalid token " + token);
let result;
if (token == 128) {
result = WSP.DateValue.decode(data);
} else {
result = WSP.DeltaSecondsValue.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* From-value = Value-length (Address-present-token Address | Insert-address-token)
* Address-present-token = <Octet 128>
* Insert-address-token = <Octet 129>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.21
let FromValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string or null for MMS Proxy-Relay Insert-Address mode.
* @throws CodeError if decoded token equals to neither 128 nor 129.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let token = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((token != 128) && (token != 129)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("From-value: invalid token " + token);
let result = null;
if (token == 128) {
result = Address.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* Previously-sent-by-value = Value-length Forwarded-count-value Address
* Forwarded-count-value = Integer-value
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.23
let PreviouslySentByValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded object containing an integer `forwardedCount` and an
* string-typed `originator` attributes.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let result = {};
result.forwardedCount = WSP.IntegerValue.decode(data);
result.originator = Address.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* Previously-sent-date-value = Value-length Forwarded-count-value Date-value
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.23
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.24
let PreviouslySentDateValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded object containing an integer `forwardedCount` and an
* Date-typed `timestamp` attributes.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let result = {};
result.forwardedCount = WSP.IntegerValue.decode(data);
result.timestamp = WSP.DateValue.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* Message-class-value = Class-identifier | Token-text
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.27
let MessageClassValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded string.
decode: function decode(data) {
return WSP.decodeAlternatives(data, null,
ClassIdentifier, WSP.TokenText);
* Class-identifier = Personal | Advertisement | Informational | Auto
* Personal = <Octet 128>
* Advertisement = <Octet 129>
* Informational = <Octet 130>
* Auto = <Octet 131>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.27
let ClassIdentifier = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded string.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..131.
decode: function decode(data) {
let value = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
switch (value) {
case 128: return "personal";
case 129: return "advertisement";
case 130: return "informational";
case 131: return "auto";
throw new WSP.CodeError("Class-identifier: invalid id " + value);
* Message-type-value = <Octet 128..151>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.30
let MessageTypeValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..151.
decode: function decode(data) {
let type = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((type >= 128) && (type <= 151)) {
return type;
throw new WSP.CodeError("Message-type-value: invalid type " + type);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param type
* A numeric message type value to be encoded.
* @throws CodeError if the value is not in the range 128..151.
encode: function encode(data, type) {
if ((type < 128) || (type > 151)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("Message-type-value: invalid type " + type);
WSP.Octet.encode(data, type);
* MM-flags-value = Value-length ( Add-token | Remove-token | Filter-token ) Encoded-string-value
* Add-token = <Octet 128>
* Remove-token = <Octet 129>
* Filter-token = <Octet 130>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.32
let MmFlagsValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded object containing an integer `type` and an string-typed
* `address` attributes.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..130.
decode: function decode(data) {
let length = WSP.ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let result = {};
result.type = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((result.type < 128) || (result.type > 130)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("MM-flags-value: invalid type " + result.type);
result.text = EncodedStringValue.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* MM-state-value = Draft | Sent | New | Retrieved | Forwarded
* Draft = <Octet 128>
* Sent = <Octet 129>
* New = <Octet 130>
* Retrieved = <Octet 131>
* Forwarded = <Octet 132>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.33
let MmStateValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..132.
decode: function decode(data) {
let state = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((state >= 128) && (state <= 132)) {
return state;
throw new WSP.CodeError("MM-state-value: invalid state " + state);
* Priority-value = Low | Normal | High
* Low = <Octet 128>
* Normal = <Octet 129>
* High = <Octet 130>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.35
let PriorityValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..130.
decode: function decode(data) {
let priority = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((priority >= 128) && (priority <= 130)) {
return priority;
throw new WSP.CodeError("Priority-value: invalid priority " + priority);
* Recommended-Retrieval-Mode-value = Manual
* Manual = <Octet 128>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.39
let RecommendedRetrievalModeValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
decode: function decode(data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 128);
* Reply-charging-value = Requested | Requested text only | Accepted |
* Accepted text only
* Requested = <Octet 128>
* Requested text only = <Octet 129>
* Accepted = <Octet 130>
* Accepted text only = <Octet 131>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.43
let ReplyChargingValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..131.
decode: function decode(data) {
let value = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((value >= 128) && (value <= 131)) {
return value;
throw new WSP.CodeError("Reply-charging-value: invalid value " + value);
* Retrieve-status-value = Ok | Error-transient-failure |
* Error-transient-message-not-found |
* Error-transient-network-problem |
* Error-permanent-failure |
* Error-permanent-service-denied |
* Error-permanent-message-not-found |
* Error-permanent-content-unsupported
* Ok = <Octet 128>
* Error-transient-failure = <Octet 192>
* Error-transient-message-not-found = <Octet 193>
* Error-transient-network-problem = <Octet 194>
* Error-permanent-failure = <Octet 224>
* Error-permanent-service-denied = <Octet 225>
* Error-permanent-message-not-found = <Octet 226>
* Error-permanent-content-unsupported = <Octet 227>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.50
let RetrieveStatusValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
decode: function decode(data) {
let value = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((value == 128)
|| ((value >= 192) && (value <= 194))
|| ((value >= 224) && (value <= 227))) {
return value;
if ((value >= 195) && (value <= 223)) {
// The values 195 through 223 are reserved for future use to indicate
// other transient failures. An MMS Client MUST react the same to a value
// in range 195 to 223 as it does to the value 192
// (Error-transient-failure).
// The values 228 through 255 are reserved for future use to indicate
// other permanent failures. An MMS Client MUST react the same to a value
// in range 228 to 255 as it does to the value 224
// (Error-permanent-failure).
// Any other values SHALL NOT be used. They are reserved for future use.
// An MMS Client that receives such a reserved value MUST react the same
// as it does to the value 224 (Error-permanent-failure).
* Status-value = Expired | Retrieved | Rejected | Deferred | Unrecognised |
* Indeterminate | Forwarded | Unreachable
* Expired = <Octet 128>
* Retrieved = <Octet 129>
* Rejected = <Octet 130>
* Deferred = <Octet 131>
* Unrecognised = <Octet 132>
* Indeterminate = <Octet 133>
* Forwarded = <Octet 134>
* Unreachable = <Octet 135>
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.54
let StatusValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer.
* @throws CodeError if decoded value is not in the range 128..135.
decode: function decode(data) {
let status = WSP.Octet.decode(data);
if ((status >= 128) && (status <= 135)) {
return status;
throw new WSP.CodeError("Status-value: invalid status " + status);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* A numeric status value to be encoded.
* @throws CodeError if the value is not in the range 128..135.
encode: function encode(data, value) {
if ((value < 128) || (value > 135)) {
throw new WSP.CodeError("Status-value: invalid status " + value);
WSP.Octet.encode(data, value);
let PduHelper = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param headers
* An optional object to store parsed header fields. Created
* automatically if undefined.
* @return A boolean value indicating whether it's followed by message body.
parseHeaders: function parseHeaders(data, headers) {
if (!headers) {
headers = {};
let header;
while (data.offset < data.array.length) {
// There is no `header length` information in MMS PDU. If we just got
// something wrong in parsing header fields, we might not be able to
// determine the correct header-content boundary.
header = HeaderField.decode(data, headers);
if (header) {
headers[] = header.value;
if ( == "content-type") {
// `... if the PDU contains a message body the Content Type MUST be
// the last header field, followed by message body.` See
// OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A section 7.
return headers;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param msg
* A message object to store decoded multipart or octet array content.
parseContent: function parseContent(data, msg) {
let contentType = msg.headers["content-type"].media;
if ((contentType == "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related")
|| (contentType == "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed")) { = WSP.PduHelper.parseMultiPart(data);
if (data.offset >= data.array.length) {
msg.content = WSP.Octet.decodeMultiple(data, data.array.length);
if (false) {
for (let begin = 0; begin < msg.content.length; begin += 20) {
debug("content: " + JSON.stringify(msg.content.subarray(begin, begin + 20)));
* Check existences of all mandatory fields of a MMS message. Also sets `type`
* and `typeinfo` for convient access.
* @param msg
* A MMS message object.
* @throws FatalCodeError if the PDU type is not supported yet.
checkMandatoryFields: function checkMandatoryFields(msg) {
let type = WSP.ensureHeader(msg.headers, "x-mms-message-type");
let entry = MMS_PDU_TYPES[type];
if (!entry) {
throw new WSP.FatalCodeError(
"checkMandatoryFields: unsupported message type " + type);
entry.mandatoryFields.forEach(function (name) {
WSP.ensureHeader(msg.headers, name);
// Setup convient alias that referenced frequently.
msg.type = type;
msg.typeinfo = entry;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param msg [optional]
* Optional target object for decoding.
* @return A MMS message object or null in case of errors found.
parse: function parse(data, msg) {
if (!msg) {
msg = {};
try {
msg.headers = this.parseHeaders(data, msg.headers);
// Validity checks
if (msg.typeinfo.hasContent) {
this.parseContent(data, msg);
} catch (e) {
debug("Failed to parse MMS message, error message: " + e.message);
return null;
return msg;
* Convert javascript Array to an nsIInputStream.
convertArrayToInputStream: function convertDataToInputStream(array) {
let storageStream = Cc[";1"]
storageStream.init(4096, array.length, null);
let boStream = Cc[";1"]
boStream.writeByteArray(array, array.length)
return storageStream.newInputStream(0);
* @param data [optional]
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data. Created if undefined.
* @param headers
* A dictionary object containing multiple name/value mapping.
* @return the passed data parameter or a created one.
encodeHeaders: function encodeHeaders(data, headers) {
if (!data) {
data = {array: [], offset: 0};
function encodeHeader(name) {
HeaderField.encode(data, {name: name, value: headers[name]});
function encodeHeaderIfExists(name) {
// Header value could be zero or null.
if (headers[name] !== undefined) {
// `In the encoding of the header fields, the order of the fields is not
// significant, except that X-Mms-Message-Type, X-Mms-Transaction-ID (when
// present) and X-Mms-MMS-Version MUST be at the beginning of the message
// headers, in that order, and if the PDU contains a message body the
// Content Type MUST be the last header field, followed by message body.`
// ~ OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A section 7
for (let key in headers) {
if ((key == "x-mms-message-type")
|| (key == "x-mms-transaction-id")
|| (key == "x-mms-mms-version")
|| (key == "content-type")) {
// Remove extra space consumed during encoding.
while (data.array.length > data.offset) {
return data;
* @param multiStream
* An exsiting nsIMultiplexInputStream.
* @param msg
* A MMS message object.
* @return An instance of nsIMultiplexInputStream or null in case of errors.
compose: function compose(multiStream, msg) {
if (!multiStream) {
multiStream = Cc[";1"]
try {
// Validity checks
let data = this.encodeHeaders(null, msg.headers);
debug("Composed PDU Header: " + JSON.stringify(data.array));
let headerStream = this.convertArrayToInputStream(data.array);
return multiStream;
} catch (e) {
debug("Failed to compose MMS message, error message: " + e.message);
return null;
const MMS_PDU_TYPES = (function () {
let pdus = {};
function add(number, hasContent, mandatoryFields) {
pdus[number] = {
number: number,
hasContent: hasContent,
mandatoryFields: mandatoryFields,
add(MMS_PDU_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND, false, ["x-mms-message-type",
add(MMS_PDU_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF, true, ["x-mms-message-type",
add(MMS_PDU_TYPE_NOTIFYRESP_IND, false, ["x-mms-message-type",
return pdus;
* Header field names and assigned numbers.
* @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A clause 7.3.4
const MMS_HEADER_FIELDS = (function () {
let names = {};
function add(name, number, coder) {
let entry = {
name: name,
number: number,
coder: coder,
names[name] = names[number] = entry;
add("bcc", 0x01, Address);
add("cc", 0x02, Address);
add("x-mms-content-location", 0x03, ContentLocationValue);
add("content-type", 0x04, WSP.ContentTypeValue);
add("date", 0x05, WSP.DateValue);
add("x-mms-delivery-report", 0x06, BooleanValue);
//add("x-mms-delivery-time", 0x07);
add("x-mms-expiry", 0x08, ExpiryValue);
add("from", 0x09, FromValue);
add("x-mms-message-class", 0x0A, MessageClassValue);
add("message-id", 0x0B, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-message-type", 0x0C, MessageTypeValue);
add("x-mms-mms-version", 0x0D, WSP.ShortInteger);
add("x-mms-message-size", 0x0E, WSP.LongInteger);
add("x-mms-priority", 0x0F, PriorityValue);
add("x-mms-read-report", 0x10, BooleanValue);
add("x-mms-report-allowed", 0x11, BooleanValue);
//add("x-mms-response-status", 0x12);
//add("x-mms-response-text", 0x13);
//add("x-mms-sender-visibility", 0x14);
add("x-mms-status", 0x15, StatusValue);
add("subject", 0x16, EncodedStringValue);
add("to", 0x17, Address);
add("x-mms-transaction-id", 0x18, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-retrieve-status", 0x19, RetrieveStatusValue);
add("x-mms-retrieve-text", 0x1A, EncodedStringValue);
//add("x-mms-read-status", 0x1B);
add("x-mms-reply-charging", 0x1C, WSP.ReplyChargingValue);
add("x-mms-reply-charging-deadline", 0x1D, ExpiryValue);
add("x-mms-reply-charging-id", 0x1E, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-reply-charging-size", 0x1F, WSP.LongInteger);
add("x-mms-previously-sent-by", 0x20, PreviouslySentByValue);
add("x-mms-previously-sent-date", 0x21, PreviouslySentDateValue);
add("x-mms-store", 0x22, BooleanValue);
add("x-mms-mm-state", 0x23, MmStateValue);
add("x-mms-mm-flags", 0x24, MmFlagsValue);
//add("x-mms-store-status", 0x25);
//add("x-mms-store-status-text", 0x26);
add("x-mms-stored", 0x27, BooleanValue);
//add("x-mms-attributes", 0x28);
add("x-mms-totals", 0x29, BooleanValue);
//add("x-mms-mbox-totals", 0x2A);
add("x-mms-quotas", 0x2B, BooleanValue);
//add("x-mms-mbox-quotas", 0x2C);
add("x-mms-message-count", 0x2D, WSP.IntegerValue);
//add("content", 0x2E);
add("x-mms-start", 0x2F, WSP.IntegerValue);
//add("additional-headers", 0x30);
add("x-mms-distribution-indicator", 0x31, BooleanValue);
add("x-mms-element-descriptor", 0x32, ElementDescriptorValue);
add("x-mms-limit", 0x33, WSP.IntegerValue);
add("x-mms-recommended-retrieval-mode", 0x34, RecommendedRetrievalModeValue);
add("x-mms-recommended-retrieval-mode-text", 0x35, EncodedStringValue);
//add("x-mms-status-text", 0x36);
add("x-mms-applic-id", 0x37, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-reply-applic-id", 0x38, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-aux-applic-id", 0x39, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-content-class", 0x3A, ContentClassValue);
add("x-mms-drm-content", 0x3B, BooleanValue);
add("x-mms-adaptation-allowed", 0x3C, BooleanValue);
add("x-mms-replace-id", 0x3D, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-cancel-id", 0x3E, WSP.TextString);
add("x-mms-cancel-status", 0x3F, BooleanValue);
return names;
// @see OMA-TS-MMS_ENC-V1_3-20110913-A Table 27: Parameter Name Assignments
const MMS_WELL_KNOWN_PARAMS = (function () {
let params = {};
function add(name, number, coder) {
let entry = {
name: name,
number: number,
coder: coder,
params[name] = params[number] = entry;
add("type", 0x02, WSP.ConstrainedEncoding);
return params;
let debug;
if (DEBUG) {
debug = function (s) {
dump("-$- MmsPduHelper: " + s + "\n");
} else {
debug = function (s) {};
// Utility functions
// Decoders
// Parser