2007-06-19 11:51:09 -07:00
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Content Preferences (cpref).
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
function run_test() {
2008-02-25 14:07:52 -08:00
// Database Creation, Schema Migration, and Backup
// Note: in these tests we use createInstance instead of getService
// so we can instantiate the service multiple times and make it run
// its database initialization code each time.
// Create a new database.
// Get the service and make sure it has a ready database connection.
let cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
// Open an existing database.
let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
let cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
// Get the service and make sure it has a ready database connection.
cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
// Open an empty database.
let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
// Create an empty database.
let dbService = Cc["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"].
let dbConnection = dbService.openDatabase(dbFile);
do_check_eq(dbConnection.schemaVersion, 0);
// Get the service and make sure it has created the schema.
let cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
do_check_neq(cps.DBConnection.schemaVersion, 0);
// Open a corrupted database.
let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
let backupDBFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteBackupDatabase();
// Create a corrupted database.
let foStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
foStream.init(dbFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0666, 0);
let garbageData = "garbage that makes SQLite think the file is corrupted";
foStream.write(garbageData, garbageData.length);
// Get the service and make sure it backs up and recreates the database.
let cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
// Open a database with a corrupted schema.
let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
let backupDBFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteBackupDatabase();
// Create an empty database and set the schema version to a number
// that will trigger a schema migration that will fail.
let dbService = Cc["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"].
let dbConnection = dbService.openDatabase(dbFile);
dbConnection.schemaVersion = -1;
// Get the service and make sure it backs up and recreates the database.
let cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
// Now get the content pref service for real for use by the rest of the tests.
2007-06-19 11:51:09 -07:00
var cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
2008-02-25 14:07:52 -08:00
2007-06-19 11:51:09 -07:00
var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.example.com/");
2008-02-25 14:07:52 -08:00
2007-06-19 11:51:09 -07:00
// Nonexistent Pref
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.getPref"), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.setPref", 5), undefined);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.hasPref"));
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.nonexistent.removePref"), undefined);
// Existing Pref
cps.setPref(uri, "test.existing", 5);
// getPref should return the pref value
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.existing"), 5);
// setPref should return undefined and change the value of the pref
do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.existing", 6), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.existing"), 6);
// hasPref should return true
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.existing"));
// removePref should return undefined and remove the pref
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.existing"), undefined);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.existing"));
// Round-Trip Data Integrity
// Make sure pref values remain the same from setPref to getPref.
cps.setPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.integer", 5);
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.integer"), 5);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.float", 5.5);
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.float"), 5.5);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.boolean", true);
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.boolean"), true);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.string", "test");
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.string"), "test");
cps.setPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.null", null);
do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.null"), null);
// XXX Test arbitrary binary data.
// Make sure hasPref and removePref work on all data types.
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.integer"));
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.float"));
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.boolean"));
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.string"));
do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.null"));
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.data-integrity.integer"), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.data-integrity.float"), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.data-integrity.boolean"), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.data-integrity.string"), undefined);
do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.data-integrity.null"), undefined);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.integer"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.float"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.boolean"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.string"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.data-integrity.null"));
// getPrefs
cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.a", 1);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.b", 2);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.c", 3);
var prefs = cps.getPrefs(uri);
do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.a"), 1);
do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.b"), 2);
do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.c"), 3);
// Site-Specificity
// These are all different sites, and setting a pref for one of them
// shouldn't set it for the others.
var uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain1.com/");
var uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://foo.domain1.com/");
var uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://domain1.com/");
var uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain2.com/");
cps.setPref(uri1, "test.site-specificity.uri1", 5);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, "test.site-specificity.uri1"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, "test.site-specificity.uri1"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, "test.site-specificity.uri1"));
cps.setPref(uri2, "test.site-specificity.uri2", 5);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, "test.site-specificity.uri2"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, "test.site-specificity.uri2"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, "test.site-specificity.uri2"));
cps.setPref(uri3, "test.site-specificity.uri3", 5);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, "test.site-specificity.uri3"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, "test.site-specificity.uri3"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, "test.site-specificity.uri3"));
cps.setPref(uri4, "test.site-specificity.uri4", 5);
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, "test.site-specificity.uri4"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, "test.site-specificity.uri4"));
do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, "test.site-specificity.uri4"));
// Observers
var specificObserver = {
interfaces: [Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsISupports],
QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
return this;
numTimesSetCalled: 0,
onContentPrefSet: function specificObserver_onContentPrefSet(group, name, value) {
do_check_eq(group, "www.example.com");
do_check_eq(name, "test.observer.1");
do_check_eq(value, "test value");
numTimesRemovedCalled: 0,
onContentPrefRemoved: function specificObserver_onContentPrefRemoved(group, name) {
do_check_eq(group, "www.example.com");
do_check_eq(name, "test.observer.1");
var genericObserver = {
interfaces: [Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsISupports],
QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
return this;
numTimesSetCalled: 0,
onContentPrefSet: function genericObserver_onContentPrefSet(group, name, value) {
do_check_eq(group, "www.example.com");
if (name != "test.observer.1" && name != "test.observer.2")
do_throw("genericObserver.onContentPrefSet: " +
"name not in (test.observer.1, test.observer.2)");
do_check_eq(value, "test value");
numTimesRemovedCalled: 0,
onContentPrefRemoved: function genericObserver_onContentPrefRemoved(group, name) {
do_check_eq(group, "www.example.com");
if (name != "test.observer.1" && name != "test.observer.2")
do_throw("genericObserver.onContentPrefSet: " +
"name not in (test.observer.1, test.observer.2)");
// Make sure we can add observers, observers get notified about changes,
// specific observers only get notified about changes to the specific setting,
// and generic observers get notified about changes to all settings.
cps.addObserver("test.observer.1", specificObserver);
cps.addObserver(null, genericObserver);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.observer.1", "test value");
cps.setPref(uri, "test.observer.2", "test value");
cps.removePref(uri, "test.observer.1");
cps.removePref(uri, "test.observer.2");
do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 1);
do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 2);
do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 1);
do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 2);
// Make sure we can remove observers and they don't get notified
// about changes anymore.
cps.removeObserver("test.observer.1", specificObserver);
cps.removeObserver(null, genericObserver);
cps.setPref(uri, "test.observer.1", "test value");
cps.removePref(uri, "test.observer.1", "test value");
do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 1);
do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 2);
do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 1);
do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 2);