
193 lines
6.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Key Tests"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
var gExpected = null;
var keysToTest = [
["k-v", "V", { } ],
["", "V", { shiftKey: true } ],
["k-v-scy", "V", { ctrlKey: true } ],
["", "V", { altKey: true } ],
["", "V", { metaKey: true } ],
["", "V", { osKey: true } ],
["k-v-scy", "V", { shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true } ],
["", "V", { shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true, altKey: true } ],
["k-e-y", "E", { } ],
["", "E", { shiftKey: true } ],
["", "E", { ctrlKey: true } ],
["", "E", { altKey: true } ],
["", "E", { metaKey: true } ],
["", "E", { osKey: true } ],
["k-d-a", "D", { altKey: true } ],
["k-8-m", "8", { metaKey: true } ],
["", "8", { metaKey: true, osKey: true } ],
["k-a-o", "A", { osKey: true } ],
["", "A", { osKey: true, metaKey: true } ],
["k-b-myo", "B", { osKey: true } ],
["k-b-myo", "B", { osKey: true, metaKey: true } ],
["k-f-oym", "F", { metaKey: true } ],
["k-f-oym", "F", { metaKey: true, osKey: true } ],
["k-c-scaym", "C", { metaKey: true } ],
["k-c-scaym", "C", { shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true, altKey: true, metaKey: true } ],
["", "V", { shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true, altKey: true } ],
["k-h-l", "H", { accelKey: true } ],
// ["k-j-s", "J", { accessKey: true } ],
["", "T", { } ],
["scommand", "Y", { } ],
["", "U", { } ],
function runTest()
iterateKeys(true, "normal");
var keyset = document.getElementById("keyset");
keyset.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
iterateKeys(false, "disabled");
var keyset = document.getElementById("keyset");
iterateKeys(true, "reenabled");
iterateKeys(false, "removed");
iterateKeys(true, "appended");
var accelText = function(menuitem) menuitem.getAttribute("acceltext").toLowerCase();
$("menubutton").open = true;
// now check if a menu updates its accelerator text when a key attribute is changed
var menuitem1 = $("menuitem1");
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("d") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText before");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) {
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("alt") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText modifier before");
menuitem1.setAttribute("key", "k-s-c");
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("s") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText after");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) {
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("ctrl") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText modifier after");
menuitem1.setAttribute("acceltext", "custom");
is(accelText(menuitem1), "custom", "menuitem1 accelText set custom");
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("s") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText remove");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) {
ok(accelText(menuitem1).indexOf("ctrl") >= 0, "menuitem1 accelText modifier remove");
var menuitem2 = $("menuitem2");
is(accelText(menuitem2), "", "menuitem2 accelText before");
menuitem2.setAttribute("key", "k-s-c");
ok(accelText(menuitem2).indexOf("s") >= 0, "menuitem2 accelText before");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) {
ok(accelText(menuitem2).indexOf("ctrl") >= 0, "menuitem2 accelText modifier before");
menuitem2.setAttribute("key", "k-h-l");
ok(accelText(menuitem2).indexOf("h") >= 0, "menuitem2 accelText after");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) {
ok(accelText(menuitem2).indexOf("ctrl") >= 0, "menuitem2 accelText modifier after");
is(accelText(menuitem2), "", "menuitem2 accelText after remove");
$("menubutton").open = false;
function iterateKeys(enabled, testid)
for (var k = 0; k < keysToTest.length; k++) {
gExpected = keysToTest[k];
var expectedKey = gExpected[0];
if (!gExpected[2].accessKey || navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == -1) {
synthesizeKey(gExpected[1], gExpected[2]);
ok((enabled && expectedKey) || expectedKey == "k-d-a" ?
!gExpected : gExpected, testid + " key step " + (k + 1));
function checkKey(event)
// the first element of the gExpected array holds the id of the <key> element
// that was expected. If this is empty, a handler wasn't expected to be called
if (gExpected[0])
is(, gExpected[0], "key " + gExpected[1]);
is("key " + + " was activated", "", "key " + gExpected[1]);
gExpected = null;
function is(l, r, n) {,r,n); }
function ok(v, n) { window.opener.wrappedJSObject.SimpleTest.ok(v,n); }
<command id="scommand" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<command id="scommand-disabled" disabled="true"/>
<keyset id="keyset">
<key id="k-v" key="v" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-v-scy" key="v" modifiers="shift any control" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-e-y" key="e" modifiers="any" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-8-m" key="8" modifiers="meta" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-a-o" key="a" modifiers="os" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-b-myo" key="b" modifiers="meta any os" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-f-oym" key="f" modifiers="os any meta" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-c-scaym" key="c" modifiers="shift control alt any meta" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-h-l" key="h" modifiers="accel" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-j-s" key="j" modifiers="access" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-t-y" disabled="true" key="t" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-y" key="y" command="scommand"/>
<key id="k-u" key="u" command="scommand-disabled"/>
<keyset id="keyset2">
<key id="k-d-a" key="d" modifiers="alt" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<key id="k-s-c" key="s" modifiers="control" oncommand="checkKey(event)"/>
<button id="menubutton" label="Menu" type="menu">
<menuitem id="menuitem1" label="Item 1" key="k-d-a"/>
<menuitem id="menuitem2" label="Item 2"/>
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<p id="display">
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">