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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is canvas 3D.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Vladimir Vukicevic <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "nsICanvasRenderingContextGL.idl"
#include "nsICanvasRenderingContextGLBuffer.idl"
interface nsIDOMHTMLElement;
[scriptable, uuid(209a9c93-495e-4085-a3e4-29354b404cc4)]
interface nsICanvasRenderingContextGLWeb20 : nsICanvasRenderingContextGL
void activeTexture (in PRUint32 texture);
void attachShader (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 shader);
void bindAttribLocation (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 index, in string name);
void bindBuffer (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 buffer);
void bindTexture (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 texid);
void blendColor (in float red, in float green, in float blue, in float alpha);
void blendEquation (in PRUint32 mode);
void blendEquationSeparate (in PRUint32 modeRGB, in PRUint32 modeAlpha);
void blendFunc (in PRUint32 sfactor, in PRUint32 dfactor);
void blendFuncSeparate (in PRUint32 srcRGB, in PRUint32 dstRGB, in PRUint32 srcAlpha, in PRUint32 dstAlpha);
void bufferData (/*in PRUint32 target, in object[] array, in PRUint32 type, in PRUint32 usage*/);
void bufferSubData (/*in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 offset, in object[] array, in PRUint32 type*/);
void clear (in PRUint32 mask);
void clearColor (in float red, in float green, in float blue, in float alpha);
void clearDepth (in float depth);
void clearStencil (in PRInt32 s);
void colorMask (in boolean red, in boolean green, in boolean blue, in boolean alpha);
// NO compressedTexImage2D
// NO compressedTexSubImage2D
void copyTexImage2D (in PRUint32 target, in PRInt32 level, in PRUint32 internalFormat, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRUint32 width, in PRUint32 height, in PRInt32 border);
void copyTexSubImage2D (in PRUint32 target, in PRInt32 level, in PRInt32 xoffset, in PRInt32 yoffset, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRUint32 width, in PRUint32 height);
PRUint32 createProgram ();
PRUint32 createShader (in PRUint32 type);
void cullFace (in PRUint32 face);
void deleteBuffers (/*in PRUint32[] buffers*/);
void deleteTextures (/*in PRUint32[] textures*/);
void deleteProgram (in PRUint32 program);
void deleteShader (in PRUint32 shader);
void detachShader (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 shader);
void depthFunc (in PRUint32 func);
void depthMask (in boolean flag);
void depthRange (in float zNear, in float zFar);
void disable (in PRUint32 mode);
void disableVertexAttribArray (in PRUint32 index);
void drawArrays (in PRUint32 mode, in PRUint32 first, in PRUint32 count);
void drawElements (/*in PRUint32 mode, in PRUint32 count, in PRUint32 type, in PRUint32[] indices*/);
void enable (in PRUint32 mode);
void enableVertexAttribArray (in PRUint32 index);
void finish();
void flush();
void frontFace (in PRUint32 face);
// getActiveAttrib returns an object: { name: "..", size: .., type: .. }
void getActiveAttrib (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 index);
// getActiveUniform returns an object: { name: "..", size: .., type: .. }
void getActiveUniform (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 index);
// returns an array of shader IDs
void getAttachedShaders (in PRUint32 program);
PRInt32 getAttribLocation (in PRUint32 program, in string name);
// getBooleanv, getIntegerv, getFloatv, getDoublev, getString
// are all rolled into a single function that uses scriptable
// magic to return the right type of jsobj. Colors are always
// returned as normalized floats (0.0 .. 1.0).
void getParameter (in PRUint32 pname);
void getBufferParameter (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 pname);
void genBuffers (in PRUint32 n);
void genTextures (in PRUint32 n);
void generateMipmap (in PRUint32 target);
PRUint32 getError ();
void getProgramParameter (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 pname);
string getProgramInfoLog (in PRUint32 program);
void getTexParameter(in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 pname);
void getUniform (in PRUint32 program, in PRUint32 location);
PRInt32 getUniformLocation (in PRUint32 program, in string name);
void getVertexAttrib (in PRUint32 index, in PRUint32 pname);
// NO void getVertexAttribPointerv
void hint (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 mode);
boolean isBuffer (in PRUint32 buffer);
boolean isEnabled (in PRUint32 cap);
boolean isProgram (in PRUint32 program);
boolean isShader (in PRUint32 shader);
boolean isTexture (in PRUint32 texture);
void lineWidth (in float width);
void linkProgram (in PRUint32 program);
// NO pixelStore
void pixelStore (in PRUint32 pname, in PRInt32 param);
void polygonOffset (in float factor, in float units);
void readPixels (in PRUint32 x, in PRUint32 y, in PRUint32 width, in PRUint32 height, in PRUint32 format, in PRUint32 type);
void sampleCoverage (in float value, in boolean invert);
void scissor (in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRInt32 width, in PRInt32 height);
void stencilFunc (in PRUint32 func, in PRInt32 ref, in PRUint32 mask);
void stencilFuncSeparate (in PRUint32 face, in PRUint32 func, in PRInt32 ref, in PRUint32 mask);
void stencilMask (in PRUint32 mask);
void stencilMaskSeparate (in PRUint32 face, in PRUint32 mask);
void stencilOp (in PRUint32 fail, in PRUint32 zfail, in PRUint32 zpass);
void stencilOpSeparate (in PRUint32 face, in PRUint32 fail, in PRUint32 zfail, in PRUint32 zpass);
void texSubImage2D ();
void texImage2D ();
void texSubImage2DHTML (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 level, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in nsIDOMHTMLElement imageOrCanvas);
void texImage2DHTML (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 level, in nsIDOMHTMLElement imageOrCanvas);
void texParameter();
// YES void texSubImage2DHTML (...);
void uniform1i(in PRUint32 id, in PRInt32 x);
void uniform2i(in PRUint32 id, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y);
void uniform3i(in PRUint32 id, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRInt32 z);
void uniform4i(in PRUint32 id, in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRInt32 z, in PRInt32 w);
void uniform1iv(/*in PRUint32 id, in int[] array */);
void uniform2iv(/*in PRUint32 id, in int[] array */);
void uniform3iv(/*in PRUint32 id, in int[] array */);
void uniform4iv(/*in PRUint32 id, in int[] array */);
void uniform1f(in PRUint32 id, in float x);
void uniform2f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y);
void uniform3f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y, in float z);
void uniform4f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y, in float z, in float w);
void uniform1fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniform2fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniform3fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniform4fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniformMatrix2fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniformMatrix3fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void uniformMatrix4fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array */);
void useProgram (in PRUint32 program);
void validateProgram (in PRUint32 program);
void vertexAttrib1f(in PRUint32 id, in float x);
void vertexAttrib2f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y);
void vertexAttrib3f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y, in float z);
void vertexAttrib4f(in PRUint32 id, in float x, in float y, in float z, in float w);
void vertexAttrib1fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array*/);
void vertexAttrib2fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array*/);
void vertexAttrib3fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array*/);
void vertexAttrib4fv(/*in PRUint32 id, in float[] array*/);
void vertexAttribPointer (/*in PRUint32 index, in PRInt32 size, in PRUint32 type, in PRBool normalized, in PRUint32 stride, in Object[] array*/);
void viewport (in PRInt32 x, in PRInt32 y, in PRInt32 width, in PRInt32 height);
void compileShader (in PRUint32 shader);
void getShaderParameter (in PRUint32 shader, in PRUint32 pname);
string getShaderInfoLog (in PRUint32 shader);
string getShaderSource (in PRUint32 shader);
void shaderSource(in PRUint32 shader, in string source);
void getImageData (in PRUint32 x, in PRUint32 y, in PRUint32 width, in PRUint32 height);
// framebuffer_object methods
void bindRenderbuffer (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 renderbuffer);
boolean isRenderbuffer (in PRUint32 renderbuffer);
void deleteRenderbuffers (/*in PRUint32[] renderbuffers*/);
void genRenderbuffers (in PRUint32 n);
void renderbufferStorage (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 internalFormat, in PRUint32 width, in PRUint32 height);
void getRenderbufferParameter (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 pname);
void bindFramebuffer (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 framebuffer);
boolean isFramebuffer (in PRUint32 framebuffer);
void deleteFramebuffers (/*in PRUint32[] framebuffers*/);
void genFramebuffers (in PRUint32 n);
PRUint32 checkFramebufferStatus (in PRUint32 target);
void framebufferTexture2D (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 attachmentPoint, in PRUint32 textureTarget, in PRUint32 texture, in PRInt32 level);
void framebufferRenderbuffer (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 attachmentPoint, in PRUint32 renderbufferTarget, in PRUint32 renderbuffer);
void getFramebufferAttachmentParameter (in PRUint32 target, in PRUint32 attachment, in PRUint32 pname);