2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
function test() {
let cw;
let assertNumberOfGroupItems = function (num) {
let groupItems = cw.GroupItems.groupItems;
is(groupItems.length, num, "number of groupItems is " + num);
let dragTabOutOfGroup = function (groupItem) {
let tabItem = groupItem.getChild(0);
let target = tabItem.container;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {type: "mousedown"}, cw);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 400, 100, {type: "mousemove"}, cw);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {type: "mouseup"}, cw);
let testCreateGroup = function (callback) {
let content = cw.document.getElementById("content");
// drag to create a new group
2011-07-04 15:23:35 -07:00
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(content, 400, 50, {type: "mousedown"}, cw);
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(content, 500, 250, {type: "mousemove"}, cw);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(content, 500, 250, {type: "mouseup"}, cw);
2011-07-04 15:23:35 -07:00
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
// enter a title for the new group
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("t", {}, cw);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, cw);
let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[1];
is(groupItem.getTitle(), "t", "new groupItem's title is correct");
2011-07-14 10:54:25 -07:00
closeGroupItem(groupItem, callback);
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
2011-07-04 15:23:35 -07:00
let testDragOutOfGroup = function (callback) {
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0];
// enter a title for the new group
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("t", {}, cw);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, cw);
groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[1];
is(groupItem.getTitle(), "t", "new groupItem's title is correct");
closeGroupItem(groupItem, callback);
let onLoad = function (win) {
registerCleanupFunction(function () win.close());
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2011-07-04 15:23:35 -07:00
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
let onShow = function (win) {
cw = win.TabView.getContentWindow();
let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0];
groupItem.setSize(200, 600, true);
waitForFocus(function () {
testCreateGroup(function () {
2011-07-04 15:23:35 -07:00
2011-06-14 01:41:18 -07:00
}, cw);
newWindowWithTabView(onShow, onLoad);