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<html id="html" style="height:100%">
<title>Test radii for mouse events</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
.target { position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px; width:100px; height:100px; background:blue; }
<body id="body" onload="setTimeout(runTest, 0)" style="margin:0; width:100%; height:100%">
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<div id="ruler" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:1mozmm; height:0;"></div>
<div class="target" id="t" onmousedown="x=1"></div>
<div class="target" id="t2" hidden></div>
<input class="target" id="t3_1" hidden></input>
<a href="#" class="target" id="t3_2" hidden></a>
<label class="target" id="t3_3" hidden></label>
<button class="target" id="t3_4" hidden></button>
<select class="target" id="t3_5" hidden></select>
<textarea class="target" id="t3_6" hidden></textarea>
<div role="button" class="target" id="t3_7" hidden></div>
<img class="target" id="t3_8" hidden></img>
<div class="target" style="transform:translate(-80px,0);" id="t4" onmousedown="x=1" hidden></div>
<div class="target" style="left:0; z-index:1" id="t5_left" onmousedown="x=1" hidden></div>
<div class="target" style="left:106px;" id="t5_right" onmousedown="x=1" hidden></div>
<div class="target" style="left:0; top:210px;" id="t5_below" onmousedown="x=1" hidden></div>
<div class="target" id="t6" onmousedown="x=1" hidden>
<div id="t6_inner" style="position:absolute; left:-20px; top:20px; width:60px; height:60px; background:yellow;"></div>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
var prefBase = "ui.mouse.radius.";
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref(prefBase + "enabled", true);
SpecialPowers.setIntPref(prefBase + "leftmm", 12);
SpecialPowers.setIntPref(prefBase + "topmm", 8);
SpecialPowers.setIntPref(prefBase + "rightmm", 4);
SpecialPowers.setIntPref(prefBase + "bottommm", 4);
SpecialPowers.setIntPref(prefBase + "visitedWeight", 50);
var mm = document.getElementById("ruler").getBoundingClientRect().width;
ok(4*mm >= 10, "WARNING: mm " + mm + " too small in this configuration. Test results will be bogus");
function endTest() {
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "enabled");
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "leftmmm");
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "topmm");
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "rightmm");
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "bottommm");
SpecialPowers.clearUserPref(prefBase + "visitedWeight");
var eventTarget;
window.onmousedown = function(event) { eventTarget =; };
function testMouseClick(idPosition, dx, dy, idTarget, msg) {
eventTarget = null;
synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById(idPosition), dx, dy, {});
try {
is(, idTarget,
"checking '" + idPosition + "' offset " + dx + "," + dy + " [" + msg + "]");
} catch (ex) {
ok(false, "checking '" + idPosition + "' offset " + dx + "," + dy + " [" + msg + "]; got " + eventTarget);
function setShowing(id, show) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
e.hidden = !show;
function runTest() {
// Test basic functionality: clicks sufficiently close to the element
// should be allowed to hit the element. We test points just inside and
// just outside the edges we set up in the prefs.
testMouseClick("t", 100 + 13*mm, 10, "body", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "t", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", 10, 100 + 9*mm, "body", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", 10, 100 + 7*mm, "t", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", -5*mm, 10, "body", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", -3*mm, 10, "t", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", 10, -5*mm, "body", "basic functionality");
testMouseClick("t", 10, -3*mm, "t", "basic functionality");
setShowing("t", false);
// Now test the criteria we use to determine which elements are hittable
// this way.
setShowing("t2", true);
var t2 = document.getElementById("t2");
// Unadorned DIVs are not click radius targets
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "body", "unadorned DIV");
// DIVs with the right event handlers are click radius targets
t2.onmousedown = function() {};
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "t2", "DIV with onmousedown");
t2.onmousedown = null;
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "body", "DIV with onmousedown removed");
t2.onmouseup = function() {};
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "t2", "DIV with onmouseup");
t2.onmouseup = null;
t2.onclick = function() {};
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "t2", "DIV with onclick");
t2.onclick = null;
// Keypresses don't make click radius targets
t2.onkeypress = function() {};
testMouseClick("t2", 100 + 11*mm, 10, "body", "DIV with onkeypress");
t2.onkeypress = null;
setShowing("t2", false);
// Now check that certain elements are click radius targets and others are not
for (var i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) {
var id = "t3_" + i;
var shouldHit = i <= 7;
setShowing(id, true);
testMouseClick(id, 100 + 11*mm, 10, shouldHit ? id : "body",
"<" + document.getElementById(id).tagName + "> element");
setShowing(id, false);
// Check that our targeting computations take into account the effects of
// CSS transforms
setShowing("t4", true);
testMouseClick("t4", -1, 10, "t4", "translated DIV");
setShowing("t4", false);
// Test the prioritization of multiple targets based on distance to
// the target.
setShowing("t5_left", true);
setShowing("t5_right", true);
setShowing("t5_below", true);
testMouseClick("t5_left", 102, 10, "t5_left", "closest DIV is left");
testMouseClick("t5_left", 102.5, 10, "t5_left",
"closest DIV to midpoint is left because of its higher z-index");
testMouseClick("t5_left", 104, 10, "t5_right", "closest DIV is right");
testMouseClick("t5_left", 10, 104, "t5_left", "closest DIV is left");
testMouseClick("t5_left", 10, 105, "t5_left",
"closest DIV to midpoint is left because of its higher z-index");
testMouseClick("t5_left", 10, 106, "t5_below", "closest DIV is below");
setShowing("t5_left", false);
setShowing("t5_right", false);
setShowing("t5_below", false);
// Test behavior of nested elements.
// The following behaviors are questionable and may need to be changed.
setShowing("t6", true);
testMouseClick("t6_inner", -1, 10, "t6_inner",
"inner element is clickable because its parent is, even when it sticks outside parent");
testMouseClick("t6_inner", 19, -1, "t6_inner",
"when outside both inner and parent, but in range of both, the inner is selected");
testMouseClick("t6_inner", 25, -1, "t6",
"clicking in clickable parent close to inner activates parent, not inner");
setShowing("t6", false);
// Not yet tested:
// -- visited link weight
// -- "Closest" using Euclidean distance