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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Corporation code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006-2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Vladimir Vukicevic <>
* Masayuki Nakano <>
* John Daggett <>
* Jonathan Kew <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "prtypes.h"
#include "prmem.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsBidiUtils.h"
#include "gfxTypes.h"
#include "nsPromiseFlatString.h"
#include "gfxContext.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "gfxPlatformMac.h"
#include "gfxCoreTextFonts.h"
#include "gfxFontTest.h"
#include "gfxFontUtils.h"
#include "cairo-quartz.h"
#include "gfxQuartzSurface.h"
#include "gfxQuartzFontCache.h"
#include "gfxUserFontSet.h"
#include "nsUnicodeRange.h"
// Uncomment this to dump all text runs created to the log (if enabled)
//#define DUMP_TEXT_RUNS
static PRLogModuleInfo *gCoreTextTextRunLog = PR_NewLogModule("coreTextTextRun");
#define ROUND(x) (floor((x) + 0.5))
// standard font descriptors that we construct the first time they're needed
CTFontDescriptorRef gfxCoreTextFont::sDefaultFeaturesDescriptor = NULL;
CTFontDescriptorRef gfxCoreTextFont::sDisableLigaturesDescriptor = NULL;
gfxCoreTextFont::gfxCoreTextFont(MacOSFontEntry *aFontEntry,
const gfxFontStyle *aFontStyle,
PRBool aNeedsBold)
: gfxFont(aFontEntry, aFontStyle),
mATSFont = aFontEntry->GetFontRef();
mCTFont = NULL;
// determine whether synthetic bolding is needed
PRInt8 baseWeight, weightDistance;
mFontStyle->ComputeWeightAndOffset(&baseWeight, &weightDistance);
PRUint16 targetWeight = (baseWeight * 100) + (weightDistance * 100);
// synthetic bolding occurs when font itself is not a bold-face and either the absolute weight
// is at least 600 or the relative weight (e.g. 402) implies a darker face than the ones available.
// note: this means that (1) lighter styles *never* synthetic bold and (2) synthetic bolding always occurs
// at the first bolder step beyond available faces, no matter how light the boldest face
if (!aFontEntry->IsBold()
&& ((weightDistance == 0 && targetWeight >= 600) || (weightDistance > 0 && aNeedsBold)))
mSyntheticBoldOffset = 1; // devunit offset when double-striking text to fake boldness
// InitMetrics will create the mCTFont (possibly taking account of sizeAdjust)
if (!mIsValid) {
// Set up the default attribute dictionary that we will need each time we create a CFAttributedString
mAttributesDict =
(const void**) &kCTFontAttributeName,
(const void**) &mCTFont,
1, // count of attributes
// Remaining initialization is largely based on CommonInit() in the gfxAtsuiFont code
CGFontRef cgFont = ::CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont(&mATSFont);
mFontFace = cairo_quartz_font_face_create_for_cgfont(cgFont);
cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);
// synthetic oblique by skewing via the font matrix
PRBool needsOblique =
(mFontEntry != NULL) &&
(!mFontEntry->IsItalic() && (mFontStyle->style & (FONT_STYLE_ITALIC | FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE)));
if (needsOblique) {
double skewfactor = (needsOblique ? Fix2X(kATSItalicQDSkew) : 0);
cairo_matrix_t style;
1, //xx
0, //yx
-1 * skewfactor, //xy
1, //yy
0, //x0
0); //y0
cairo_matrix_multiply(&sizeMatrix, &sizeMatrix, &style);
cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
// turn off font anti-aliasing based on user pref setting
if (mAdjustedSize <= (float) gfxPlatformMac::GetPlatform()->GetAntiAliasingThreshold()) {
cairo_font_options_set_antialias(fontOptions, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
//printf("font: %s, size: %f, disabling anti-aliasing\n", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mAdjustedSize);
mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(mFontFace, &sizeMatrix, &ctm, fontOptions);
cairo_status_t cairoerr = cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont);
if (cairoerr != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
mIsValid = PR_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
char warnBuf[1024];
sprintf(warnBuf, "Failed to create scaled font: %s status: %d", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), cairoerr);
static double
RoundToNearestMultiple(double aValue, double aFraction)
return floor(aValue/aFraction + 0.5)*aFraction;
gfxCoreTextFont::SetupCairoFont(gfxContext *aContext)
cairo_scaled_font_t *scaledFont = CairoScaledFont();
if (cairo_scaled_font_status(scaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Don't cairo_set_scaled_font as that would propagate the error to
// the cairo_t, precluding any further drawing.
return PR_FALSE;
cairo_set_scaled_font(aContext->GetCairo(), scaledFont);
return PR_TRUE;
gfxCoreTextFont::GetCharWidth(PRUnichar aUniChar, PRUint32 *aGlyphID)
UniChar c = aUniChar;
CGGlyph glyph;
if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(mCTFont, &c, &glyph, 1)) {
CGSize advance;
if (aGlyphID != nsnull)
*aGlyphID = glyph;
return advance.width;
// couldn't get glyph for the char
if (aGlyphID != nsnull)
*aGlyphID = 0;
return 0;
gfxCoreTextFont::GetCharHeight(PRUnichar aUniChar)
UniChar c = aUniChar;
CGGlyph glyph;
if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(mCTFont, &c, &glyph, 1)) {
CGRect boundingRect;
return boundingRect.size.height;
// couldn't get glyph for the char
return 0;
return static_cast<MacOSFontEntry*>(mFontEntry.get());
gfxCoreTextFont::TestCharacterMap(PRUint32 aCh)
return mIsValid && GetFontEntry()->TestCharacterMap(aCh);
if (mHasMetrics)
gfxFloat size =
PR_MAX(((mAdjustedSize != 0.0f) ? mAdjustedSize : GetStyle()->size), 1.0f);
if (mCTFont != NULL) {
mCTFont = NULL;
ATSFontMetrics atsMetrics;
OSStatus err;
err = ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics(mATSFont, kATSOptionFlagsDefault,
if (err != noErr) {
mIsValid = PR_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
char warnBuf[1024];
sprintf(warnBuf, "Bad font metrics for: %s err: %8.8x",
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), PRUint32(err));
// prefer to get xHeight from ATS metrics (unhinted) rather than Core Text (hinted),
// see bug 429605.
if (atsMetrics.xHeight > 0) {
mMetrics.xHeight = atsMetrics.xHeight * size;
} else {
mCTFont = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(mATSFont, size, NULL, GetDefaultFeaturesDescriptor());
mMetrics.xHeight = CTFontGetXHeight(mCTFont);
if (mAdjustedSize == 0.0f) {
if (mMetrics.xHeight != 0.0f && GetStyle()->sizeAdjust != 0.0f) {
gfxFloat aspect = mMetrics.xHeight / size;
mAdjustedSize = GetStyle()->GetAdjustedSize(aspect);
// the recursive call to InitMetrics will re-create mCTFont, with adjusted size,
// and then continue to set up the rest of the metrics fields
mAdjustedSize = size;
// create the CTFontRef if we didn't already do so above
if (mCTFont == NULL)
mCTFont = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(mATSFont, size, NULL, GetDefaultFeaturesDescriptor());
mMetrics.superscriptOffset = mMetrics.xHeight;
mMetrics.subscriptOffset = mMetrics.xHeight;
mMetrics.underlineSize = CTFontGetUnderlineThickness(mCTFont);
mMetrics.underlineOffset = CTFontGetUnderlinePosition(mCTFont);
mMetrics.strikeoutSize = mMetrics.underlineSize;
mMetrics.strikeoutOffset = mMetrics.xHeight / 2;
mMetrics.externalLeading = CTFontGetLeading(mCTFont);
mMetrics.emHeight = size;
// mMetrics.maxAscent = CTFontGetAscent(mCTFont);
// mMetrics.maxDescent = CTFontGetDescent(mCTFont);
// using the ATS metrics rather than CT gives us results more consistent with the ATSUI path
mMetrics.maxAscent =
NS_ceil(RoundToNearestMultiple(atsMetrics.ascent * size, 1/1024.0));
mMetrics.maxDescent =
NS_ceil(-RoundToNearestMultiple(atsMetrics.descent * size, 1/1024.0));
mMetrics.maxHeight = mMetrics.maxAscent + mMetrics.maxDescent;
if (mMetrics.maxHeight - mMetrics.emHeight > 0.0)
mMetrics.internalLeading = mMetrics.maxHeight - mMetrics.emHeight;
mMetrics.internalLeading = 0.0;
mMetrics.maxAdvance = atsMetrics.maxAdvanceWidth * size + mSyntheticBoldOffset;
mMetrics.emAscent = mMetrics.maxAscent * mMetrics.emHeight / mMetrics.maxHeight;
mMetrics.emDescent = mMetrics.emHeight - mMetrics.emAscent;
PRUint32 glyphID;
float xWidth = GetCharWidth('x', &glyphID);
if (atsMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth != 0.0)
mMetrics.aveCharWidth = PR_MIN(atsMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth * size, xWidth);
else if (glyphID != 0)
mMetrics.aveCharWidth = xWidth;
mMetrics.aveCharWidth = mMetrics.maxAdvance;
mMetrics.aveCharWidth += mSyntheticBoldOffset;
if (GetFontEntry()->IsFixedPitch()) {
// Some Quartz fonts are fixed pitch, but there's some glyph with a bigger
// advance than the average character width... this forces
// those fonts to be recognized like fixed pitch fonts by layout.
mMetrics.maxAdvance = mMetrics.aveCharWidth;
mMetrics.spaceWidth = GetCharWidth(' ', &glyphID);
mSpaceGlyph = glyphID;
mMetrics.zeroOrAveCharWidth = GetCharWidth('0', &glyphID);
if (glyphID == 0)
mMetrics.zeroOrAveCharWidth = mMetrics.aveCharWidth;
mHasMetrics = PR_TRUE;
SanitizeMetrics(&mMetrics, GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont);
#if 0
fprintf (stderr, "Font: %p (%s) size: %f\n", this,
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mStyle.size);
// fprintf (stderr, " fbounds.origin.x %f y %f size.width %f height %f\n", fbounds.origin.x, fbounds.origin.y, fbounds.size.width, fbounds.size.height);
fprintf (stderr, " emHeight: %f emAscent: %f emDescent: %f\n", mMetrics.emHeight, mMetrics.emAscent, mMetrics.emDescent);
fprintf (stderr, " maxAscent: %f maxDescent: %f maxAdvance: %f\n", mMetrics.maxAscent, mMetrics.maxDescent, mMetrics.maxAdvance);
fprintf (stderr, " internalLeading: %f externalLeading: %f\n", mMetrics.internalLeading, mMetrics.externalLeading);
fprintf (stderr, " spaceWidth: %f aveCharWidth: %f xHeight: %f\n", mMetrics.spaceWidth, mMetrics.aveCharWidth, mMetrics.xHeight);
fprintf (stderr, " uOff: %f uSize: %f stOff: %f stSize: %f suOff: %f suSize: %f\n", mMetrics.underlineOffset, mMetrics.underlineSize, mMetrics.strikeoutOffset, mMetrics.strikeoutSize, mMetrics.superscriptOffset, mMetrics.subscriptOffset);
// Construct the font attribute descriptor that we'll apply by default when creating a CTFontRef.
// This will turn off line-edge swashes by default, because we don't know the actual line breaks
// when doing glyph shaping.
if (sDefaultFeaturesDescriptor != NULL)
SInt16 val = kSmartSwashType;
CFNumberRef swashesType =
val = kLineInitialSwashesOffSelector;
CFNumberRef lineInitialsOffSelector =
CFTypeRef keys[] = { kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey,
kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey };
CFTypeRef values[] = { swashesType,
lineInitialsOffSelector };
CFDictionaryRef featureSettings[2];
featureSettings[0] =
(const void **) keys,
(const void **) values,
val = kLineFinalSwashesOffSelector;
CFNumberRef lineFinalsOffSelector =
values[1] = lineFinalsOffSelector;
featureSettings[1] =
(const void **) keys,
(const void **) values,
CFArrayRef featuresArray =
(const void **) featureSettings,
const CFTypeRef attrKeys[] = { kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute };
const CFTypeRef attrValues[] = { featuresArray };
CFDictionaryRef attributesDict =
(const void **) attrKeys,
(const void **) attrValues,
sDefaultFeaturesDescriptor =
// Create a copy of a CTFontRef, with the Common Ligatures feature disabled [static]
gfxCoreTextFont::CreateCopyWithDisabledLigatures(CTFontRef aFontRef)
if (sDisableLigaturesDescriptor == NULL) {
// initialize cached descriptor to turn off the Common Ligatures feature
SInt16 val = kLigaturesType;
CFNumberRef ligaturesType =
val = kCommonLigaturesOffSelector;
CFNumberRef commonLigaturesOffSelector =
const CFTypeRef keys[] = { kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey,
kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey };
const CFTypeRef values[] = { ligaturesType,
commonLigaturesOffSelector };
CFDictionaryRef featureSettingDict =
(const void **) keys,
(const void **) values,
CFArrayRef featuresArray =
(const void **) &featureSettingDict,
CFDictionaryRef attributesDict =
(const void **) &kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute,
(const void **) &featuresArray,
1, // count of keys & values
sDisableLigaturesDescriptor =
aFontRef =
return aFontRef;
gfxCoreTextFont::Shutdown() // [static]
if (sDisableLigaturesDescriptor != NULL) {
sDisableLigaturesDescriptor = NULL;
if (sDefaultFeaturesDescriptor != NULL) {
sDefaultFeaturesDescriptor = NULL;
* Look up the font in the gfxFont cache. If we don't find it, create one.
* In either case, add a ref and return it ---
* except for OOM in which case we do nothing and return null.
static already_AddRefed<gfxCoreTextFont>
GetOrMakeCTFont(MacOSFontEntry *aFontEntry, const gfxFontStyle *aStyle, PRBool aNeedsBold)
// the font entry name is the psname, not the family name
nsRefPtr<gfxFont> font = gfxFontCache::GetCache()->Lookup(aFontEntry->Name(), aStyle);
if (!font) {
gfxCoreTextFont *newFont = new gfxCoreTextFont(aFontEntry, aStyle, aNeedsBold);
if (!newFont)
return nsnull;
if (!newFont->Valid()) {
delete newFont;
return nsnull;
font = newFont;
gfxFont *f = nsnull;
return static_cast<gfxCoreTextFont *>(f);
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::gfxCoreTextFontGroup(const nsAString& families,
const gfxFontStyle *aStyle,
gfxUserFontSet *aUserFontSet)
: gfxFontGroup(families, aStyle, aUserFontSet)
ForEachFont(FindCTFont, this);
if (mFonts.Length() == 0) {
// XXX this will generate a list of the lang groups for which we have no
// default fonts for on the mac; we should fix this!
// Known:
// ja x-beng x-devanagari x-tamil x-geor x-ethi x-gujr x-mlym x-armn
// x-orya x-telu x-knda x-sinh
//fprintf (stderr, "gfxCoreTextFontGroup: %s [%s] -> %d fonts found\n", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(families).get(), aStyle->langGroup.get(), mFonts.Length());
// If we get here, we most likely didn't have a default font for
// a specific langGroup. Let's just pick the default OSX
// user font.
PRBool needsBold;
MacOSFontEntry *defaultFont =
gfxQuartzFontCache::SharedFontCache()->GetDefaultFont(aStyle, needsBold);
NS_ASSERTION(defaultFont, "invalid default font returned by GetDefaultFont");
nsRefPtr<gfxCoreTextFont> font = GetOrMakeCTFont(defaultFont, aStyle, needsBold);
if (font) {
mPageLang = gfxPlatform::GetFontPrefLangFor(mStyle.langGroup.get());
if (!mStyle.systemFont) {
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mFonts.Length(); ++i) {
gfxCoreTextFont* font = static_cast<gfxCoreTextFont*>(mFonts[i].get());
if (font->GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont) {
gfxFloat first = mFonts[0]->GetMetrics().underlineOffset;
gfxFloat bad = font->GetMetrics().underlineOffset;
mUnderlineOffset = PR_MIN(first, bad);
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::FindCTFont(const nsAString& aName,
const nsACString& aGenericName,
void *closure)
gfxCoreTextFontGroup *fontGroup = (gfxCoreTextFontGroup*) closure;
const gfxFontStyle *fontStyle = fontGroup->GetStyle();
PRBool needsBold;
MacOSFontEntry *fe = nsnull;
// first, look up in the user font set
gfxUserFontSet *fs = fontGroup->GetUserFontSet();
gfxFontEntry *gfe;
if (fs && (gfe = fs->FindFontEntry(aName, *fontStyle, needsBold))) {
// assume for now platform font if not SVG
fe = static_cast<MacOSFontEntry*> (gfe);
// nothing in the user font set ==> check system fonts
if (!fe) {
gfxQuartzFontCache *fc = gfxQuartzFontCache::SharedFontCache();
fe = fc->FindFontForFamily(aName, fontStyle, needsBold);
if (fe && !fontGroup->HasFont(fe->GetFontRef())) {
nsRefPtr<gfxCoreTextFont> font = GetOrMakeCTFont(fe, fontStyle, needsBold);
if (font) {
return PR_TRUE;
gfxFontGroup *
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::Copy(const gfxFontStyle *aStyle)
return new gfxCoreTextFontGroup(mFamilies, aStyle, mUserFontSet);
#define UNICODE_LRO 0x202d
#define UNICODE_RLO 0x202e
#define UNICODE_PDF 0x202c
inline void
AppendDirectionalIndicatorStart(PRUint32 aFlags, nsAString& aString)
static const PRUnichar overrides[2] = { UNICODE_LRO, UNICODE_RLO };
aString.Append(overrides[(aFlags & gfxTextRunFactory::TEXT_IS_RTL) != 0]);
aString.Append(' ');
inline void
AppendDirectionalIndicatorEnd(PRBool aNeedDirection, nsAString& aString)
// append a space (always, for consistent treatment of last char,
// and a direction control if required (we skip this for 8-bit text,
// which is known to be unidirectional LTR, unless the direction was
// forced RTL via overrides)
aString.Append(' ');
if (!aNeedDirection)
gfxTextRun *
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::MakeTextRun(const PRUint8 *aString, PRUint32 aLength,
const Parameters *aParams, PRUint32 aFlags)
NS_ASSERTION(aLength > 0, "should use MakeEmptyTextRun for zero-length text");
NS_ASSERTION(aFlags & TEXT_IS_8BIT, "should be marked 8bit");
gfxTextRun *textRun = gfxTextRun::Create(aParams, aString, aLength, this, aFlags);
if (!textRun)
return nsnull;
nsDependentCSubstring cString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aString),
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aString) + aLength);
nsAutoString utf16;
PRBool wrapBidi = (aFlags & TEXT_IS_RTL) != 0;
if (wrapBidi)
AppendDirectionalIndicatorStart(aFlags, utf16);
PRUint32 startOffset = utf16.Length();
AppendASCIItoUTF16(cString, utf16);
AppendDirectionalIndicatorEnd(wrapBidi, utf16);
InitTextRun(textRun, utf16.get(), utf16.Length(), startOffset, aLength);
return textRun;
gfxTextRun *
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::MakeTextRun(const PRUnichar *aString, PRUint32 aLength,
const Parameters *aParams, PRUint32 aFlags)
NS_ASSERTION(aLength > 0, "should use MakeEmptyTextRun for zero-length text");
gfxTextRun *textRun = gfxTextRun::Create(aParams, aString, aLength, this, aFlags);
if (!textRun)
return nsnull;
gfxPlatformMac::SetupClusterBoundaries(textRun, aString);
nsAutoString utf16;
AppendDirectionalIndicatorStart(aFlags, utf16);
PRUint32 startOffset = utf16.Length();
utf16.Append(aString, aLength);
// Ensure that none of the whitespace in the run is considered "trailing"
// by CoreText's bidi algorithm
AppendDirectionalIndicatorEnd(PR_TRUE, utf16);
InitTextRun(textRun, utf16.get(), utf16.Length(), startOffset, aLength);
return textRun;
#define SMALL_GLYPH_RUN 128 // preallocated size of our auto arrays for per-glyph data;
// some testing indicates that 90%+ of glyph runs will fit
// without requiring a separate allocation
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::InitTextRun(gfxTextRun *aTextRun,
const PRUnichar *aString,
PRUint32 aTotalLength,
PRUint32 aLayoutStart,
PRUint32 aLayoutLength)
PRBool disableLigatures = (aTextRun->GetFlags() & TEXT_DISABLE_OPTIONAL_LIGATURES) != 0;
gfxCoreTextFont *mainFont = static_cast<gfxCoreTextFont*>(mFonts[0].get());
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 str(aString, aTotalLength);
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 families(mFamilies);
PR_LOG(gCoreTextTextRunLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG,\
("MakeTextRun %p fontgroup %p (%s) lang: %s len %d TEXTRUN \"%s\" ENDTEXTRUN\n",
aTextRun, this, families.get(), mStyle.langGroup.get(), aTotalLength, str.get()));
// This is awfully verbose, but the idea is simply to create a CFAttributedString
// with our text and style info, then we can use CoreText to do layout with it
CFStringRef stringObj =
CFDictionaryRef attrObj;
if (disableLigatures) {
// For letterspacing (or maybe other situations) we need to make a copy of the CTFont
// with the ligature feature disabled
CTFontRef mainCTFont = mainFont->GetCTFont();
mainCTFont = gfxCoreTextFont::CreateCopyWithDisabledLigatures(mainCTFont);
// Set up the initial font, for the (common) case of a monostyled textRun
attrObj =
(const void**) &kCTFontAttributeName,
(const void**) &mainCTFont,
1, // count of attributes
// Having created the dict, we're finished with our modified copy of the CTFont
} else {
attrObj = mainFont->GetAttributesDictionary();
// Now we can create an attributed string
CFAttributedStringRef attrStringObj =
CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, stringObj, attrObj);
// Note that the attributed string is currently not mutable;
// if we need to change attributes of a range, we'll first make a mutable copy
CFMutableAttributedStringRef mutableStringObj = NULL;
PRUint32 runStart = aLayoutStart;
nsAutoTArray<gfxTextRange,3> fontRanges;
ComputeRanges(fontRanges, aString, runStart, runStart + aLayoutLength);
PRUint32 numRanges = fontRanges.Length();
nsAutoTArray<PRPackedBool,SMALL_GLYPH_RUN> unmatchedArray;
PRPackedBool *unmatched = NULL;
for (PRUint32 r = 0; r < numRanges; r++) {
const gfxTextRange& range = fontRanges[r];
UniCharCount matchedLength = range.Length();
gfxCoreTextFont *matchedFont =
static_cast<gfxCoreTextFont*> (range.font ? range.font.get() : nsnull);
PR_LOG(gCoreTextTextRunLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
("InitTextRun %p fontgroup %p font %p match %s (%d-%d)", aTextRun, this, matchedFont,
(matchedFont ? NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(matchedFont->GetUniqueName()).get() : "<null>"),
runStart, matchedLength));
if (matchedFont) {
// apply the appropriate font to the run, if it's not the primary font that was already set
if (matchedFont != mainFont) {
CTFontRef matchedCTFont = matchedFont->GetCTFont();
if (disableLigatures)
matchedCTFont = gfxCoreTextFont::CreateCopyWithDisabledLigatures(matchedCTFont);
// if necessary, make a mutable copy of the string
if (!mutableStringObj) {
mutableStringObj =
CFRangeMake(runStart, matchedLength),
if (disableLigatures)
aTextRun->AddGlyphRun(matchedFont, runStart-aLayoutStart, (matchedLength > 0));
} else {
// no font available, so record missing glyph info instead
if (unmatched == NULL) {
if (unmatchedArray.SetLength(aTotalLength)) {
unmatched = unmatchedArray.Elements();
memset(unmatched, PR_FALSE, aTotalLength*sizeof(PRPackedBool));
// create the glyph run before calling SetMissing Glyph
aTextRun->AddGlyphRun(mainFont, runStart-aLayoutStart, matchedLength);
for (PRUint32 index = runStart; index < runStart + matchedLength; index++) {
// Record the char code so we can draw a box with the Unicode value; also need to
// replace char(s) in the string with SPACE because CoreText crashes on missing chars :(
if (!mutableStringObj) {
mutableStringObj =
if (NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(aString[index]) &&
index + 1 < aTotalLength &&
NS_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(aString[index+1])) {
CFRangeMake(index, 2),
CFSTR(" "));
} else {
aTextRun->SetMissingGlyph(index-aLayoutStart, aString[index]);
CFRangeMake(index, 1),
CFSTR(" "));
// We have to remember the indices of unmatched chars to avoid overwriting
// their glyph (actually char code) data with the space glyph later,
// while we're retrieving actual glyph data from CoreText runs.
if (unmatched)
memset(unmatched + runStart, PR_TRUE, matchedLength);
runStart += matchedLength;
// Create the CoreText line from our string, then we're done with it
CTLineRef line;
if (mutableStringObj) {
line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(mutableStringObj);
} else {
line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrStringObj);
// and finally retrieve the glyph data and store into the gfxTextRun
CFArrayRef glyphRuns = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
PRUint32 numRuns = CFArrayGetCount(glyphRuns);
// Iterate through the glyph runs. Note that they may extend into the wrapper
// area, so we have to be careful not to include the extra glyphs from there
for (PRUint32 runIndex = 0; runIndex < numRuns; runIndex++) {
CTRunRef aCTRun = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(glyphRuns, runIndex);
if (SetGlyphsFromRun(aTextRun, aCTRun, unmatched, aLayoutStart, aLayoutLength) != NS_OK)
} // end loop over each CTRun in the CTLine
// It's possible for CoreText to omit glyph runs if it decides they contain
// only invisibles (e.g., U+FEFF, see reftest 474417-1). In this case, we
// need to eliminate them from the glyph run array to avoid drawing "partial
// ligatures" with the wrong font.
// Is this actually necessary? Without it, gfxTextRun::CopyGlyphDataFrom may assert
// "Glyphruns not coalesced", but does that matter?
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::SetGlyphsFromRun(gfxTextRun *aTextRun,
CTRunRef aCTRun,
const PRPackedBool *aUnmatched,
PRInt32 aLayoutStart,
PRInt32 aLayoutLength)
// The textRun has been bidi-wrapped (if necessary);
// aLayoutStart and aLayoutLength define the range of characters
// within the textRun that are "real" data we need to handle.
// aCTRun is a glyph run from the CoreText layout process.
PRBool isLTR = !aTextRun->IsRightToLeft();
PRInt32 direction = isLTR ? 1 : -1;
PRInt32 numGlyphs = CTRunGetGlyphCount(aCTRun);
if (numGlyphs == 0)
return NS_OK;
// skip the run if it is entirely outside the real text range
CFRange stringRange = CTRunGetStringRange(aCTRun);
if (stringRange.location >= aLayoutStart + aLayoutLength ||
stringRange.location + stringRange.length <= aLayoutStart)
return NS_OK;
// retrieve the laid-out glyph data from the CTRun
nsAutoArrayPtr<CGGlyph> glyphsArray;
nsAutoArrayPtr<CGPoint> positionsArray;
nsAutoArrayPtr<CFIndex> glyphToCharArray;
const CGGlyph* glyphs = NULL;
const CGPoint* positions = NULL;
const CFIndex* glyphToChar = NULL;
// Testing indicates that CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (almost?) always succeeds,
// and so allocating a new array and copying data with CTRunGetGlyphs
// will be extremely rare.
// If this were not the case, we could use an nsAutoTArray<> to
// try and avoid the heap allocation for small runs.
// It's possible that some future change to CoreText will mean that
// CTRunGetGlyphsPtr fails more often; if this happens, nsAutoTArray<>
// may become an attractive option.
glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(aCTRun);
if (glyphs == NULL) {
glyphsArray = new CGGlyph[numGlyphs];
if (!glyphsArray)
CTRunGetGlyphs(aCTRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphsArray.get());
glyphs = glyphsArray.get();
positions = CTRunGetPositionsPtr(aCTRun);
if (positions == NULL) {
positionsArray = new CGPoint[numGlyphs];
if (!positionsArray)
CTRunGetPositions(aCTRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), positionsArray.get());
positions = positionsArray.get();
// String indices from CoreText are relative to the line, not the current run
glyphToChar = CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(aCTRun);
if (glyphToChar == NULL) {
glyphToCharArray = new CFIndex[numGlyphs];
if (!glyphToCharArray)
CTRunGetStringIndices(aCTRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphToCharArray.get());
glyphToChar = glyphToCharArray.get();
double runWidth = CTRunGetTypographicBounds(aCTRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), NULL, NULL, NULL);
nsAutoTArray<gfxTextRun::DetailedGlyph,1> detailedGlyphs;
gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph g;
const PRUint32 appUnitsPerDevUnit = aTextRun->GetAppUnitsPerDevUnit();
// CoreText gives us the glyphindex-to-charindex mapping, which relates each glyph
// to a source text character; we also need the charindex-to-glyphindex mapping to
// find the glyph for a given char. Note that some chars may not map to any glyph
// (ligature continuations), and some may map to several glyphs (eg Indic split vowels).
// We set the glyph index to NO_GLYPH for chars that have no associated glyph, and we
// record the last glyph index for cases where the char maps to several glyphs,
// so that our clumping will include all the glyph fragments for the character.
// The charToGlyph array is indexed by char position within the stringRange of the run.
static const PRInt32 NO_GLYPH = -1;
nsAutoTArray<PRInt32,SMALL_GLYPH_RUN> charToGlyphArray;
if (!charToGlyphArray.SetLength(stringRange.length))
PRInt32 *charToGlyph = charToGlyphArray.Elements();
for (PRInt32 offset = 0; offset < stringRange.length; ++offset)
charToGlyph[offset] = NO_GLYPH;
for (PRInt32 g = 0; g < numGlyphs; ++g)
// charToGlyph array is indexed by char position within the run, not the whole line
charToGlyph[glyphToChar[g]-stringRange.location] = g;
// Find character and glyph clumps that correspond, allowing for ligatures,
// indic reordering, split glyphs, etc.
// The idea is that we'll find a character sequence starting at the first char of stringRange,
// and extend it until it includes the character associated with the first glyph;
// we also extend it as long as there are "holes" in the range of glyphs. So we
// will eventually have a contiguous sequence of characters, starting at the beginning
// of the range, that map to a contiguous sequence of glyphs, starting at the beginning
// of the glyph array. That's a clump; then we update the starting positions and repeat.
// NB: In the case of RTL layouts, we iterate over the stringRange in reverse.
// This may find characters that fall outside the range aLayoutStart:aLayoutLength,
// so we won't necessarily use everything we find here.
PRInt32 glyphStart = 0; // looking for a clump that starts at this glyph index
PRInt32 charStart = isLTR ?
0 : stringRange.length-1; // and this char index (relative to stringRange.location)
while (glyphStart < numGlyphs) { // keep finding groups until all glyphs are accounted for
PRBool inOrder = PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 charEnd = glyphToChar[glyphStart] - stringRange.location;
PRInt32 glyphEnd = glyphStart;
PRInt32 charLimit = isLTR ? stringRange.length : -1;
do {
// This is normally executed once for each iteration of the outer loop,
// but in unusual cases where the character/glyph association is complex,
// the initial character range might correspond to a non-contiguous
// glyph range with "holes" in it. If so, we will repeat this loop to
// extend the character range until we have a contiguous glyph sequence.
charEnd += direction;
while (charEnd != charLimit && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH) {
charEnd += direction;
// find the maximum glyph index covered by the clump so far
for (PRInt32 i = charStart; i != charEnd; i += direction) {
if (charToGlyph[i] != NO_GLYPH) {
glyphEnd = PR_MAX(glyphEnd, charToGlyph[i] + 1); // update extent of glyph range
if (glyphEnd == glyphStart + 1) {
// for the common case of a single-glyph clump, we can skip the following checks
if (glyphEnd == glyphStart) {
// no glyphs, try to extend the clump
// check whether all glyphs in the range are associated with the characters
// in our clump; if not, we have a discontinuous range, and should extend it
// unless we've reached the end of the text
PRBool allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 prevGlyphCharIndex = charStart;
for (PRInt32 i = glyphStart; i < glyphEnd; ++i) {
PRInt32 glyphCharIndex = glyphToChar[i] - stringRange.location;
if (isLTR) {
if (glyphCharIndex < charStart || glyphCharIndex >= charEnd) {
allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = PR_FALSE;
if (glyphCharIndex < prevGlyphCharIndex) {
inOrder = PR_FALSE;
prevGlyphCharIndex = glyphCharIndex;
} else {
if (glyphCharIndex > charStart || glyphCharIndex <= charEnd) {
allGlyphsAreWithinCluster = PR_FALSE;
if (glyphCharIndex > prevGlyphCharIndex) {
inOrder = PR_FALSE;
prevGlyphCharIndex = glyphCharIndex;
if (allGlyphsAreWithinCluster) {
} while (charEnd != charLimit);
NS_ASSERTION(glyphStart < glyphEnd, "character/glyph clump contains no glyphs!");
NS_ASSERTION(charStart != charEnd, "character/glyph contains no characters!");
// Now charStart..charEnd is a ligature clump, corresponding to glyphStart..glyphEnd;
// Set baseCharIndex to the char we'll actually attach the glyphs to (1st of ligature),
// and endCharIndex to the limit (position beyond the last char).
PRInt32 baseCharIndex, endCharIndex;
if (isLTR) {
while (charEnd < stringRange.length && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH)
baseCharIndex = charStart + stringRange.location;
endCharIndex = charEnd + stringRange.location;
} else {
while (charEnd >= 0 && charToGlyph[charEnd] == NO_GLYPH)
baseCharIndex = charEnd + stringRange.location + 1;
endCharIndex = charStart + stringRange.location + 1;
// Then we check if the clump falls outside our actual string range; if so, just go to the next.
if (baseCharIndex < aLayoutStart || baseCharIndex >= aLayoutStart + aLayoutLength) {
glyphStart = glyphEnd;
charStart = charEnd;
// Ensure we won't try to go beyond the valid length of the textRun's text
endCharIndex = PR_MIN(endCharIndex, aLayoutStart + aLayoutLength);
// for missing glyphs, we already recorded the info in the textRun
if (aUnmatched && aUnmatched[baseCharIndex]) {
glyphStart = glyphEnd;
charStart = charEnd;
// Now we're ready to set the glyph info in the textRun; measure the glyph width
// of the first (perhaps only) glyph, to see if it is "Simple"
double toNextGlyph;
if (glyphStart < numGlyphs-1)
toNextGlyph = positions[glyphStart+1].x - positions[glyphStart].x;
toNextGlyph = positions[0].x + runWidth - positions[glyphStart].x;
PRInt32 advance = PRInt32(toNextGlyph * appUnitsPerDevUnit);
// Check if it's a simple one-to-one mapping
PRInt32 glyphsInClump = glyphEnd - glyphStart;
if (glyphsInClump == 1 &&
gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph::IsSimpleGlyphID(glyphs[glyphStart]) &&
gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph::IsSimpleAdvance(advance) &&
aTextRun->IsClusterStart(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart) &&
positions[glyphStart].y == 0.0)
aTextRun->SetSimpleGlyph(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart,
g.SetSimpleGlyph(advance, glyphs[glyphStart]));
} else {
// collect all glyphs in a list to be assigned to the first char;
// there must be at least one in the clump, and we already measured its advance,
// hence the placement of the loop-exit test and the measurement of the next glyph
while (1) {
gfxTextRun::DetailedGlyph *details = detailedGlyphs.AppendElement();
details->mGlyphID = glyphs[glyphStart];
details->mXOffset = 0;
details->mYOffset = -positions[glyphStart].y * appUnitsPerDevUnit;
details->mAdvance = advance;
if (++glyphStart >= glyphEnd)
if (glyphStart < numGlyphs-1)
toNextGlyph = positions[glyphStart+1].x - positions[glyphStart].x;
toNextGlyph = positions[0].x + runWidth - positions[glyphStart].x;
advance = PRInt32(toNextGlyph * appUnitsPerDevUnit);
gfxTextRun::CompressedGlyph g;
g.SetComplex(aTextRun->IsClusterStart(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart),
PR_TRUE, detailedGlyphs.Length());
aTextRun->SetGlyphs(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart, g, detailedGlyphs.Elements());
// the rest of the chars in the group are ligature continuations, no associated glyphs
while (++baseCharIndex != endCharIndex &&
(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart) < aLayoutLength) {
g.SetComplex(inOrder && aTextRun->IsClusterStart(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart),
aTextRun->SetGlyphs(baseCharIndex - aLayoutStart, g, nsnull);
glyphStart = glyphEnd;
charStart = charEnd;
return NS_OK;
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::HasFont(ATSFontRef aFontRef)
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mFonts.Length(); ++i) {
if (aFontRef == static_cast<gfxCoreTextFont *>(mFonts.ElementAt(i).get())->GetATSFont())
return PR_TRUE;
return PR_FALSE;
struct PrefFontCallbackData {
PrefFontCallbackData(nsTArray<nsRefPtr<MacOSFamilyEntry> >& aFamiliesArray)
: mPrefFamilies(aFamiliesArray)
nsTArray<nsRefPtr<MacOSFamilyEntry> >& mPrefFamilies;
static PRBool AddFontFamilyEntry(eFontPrefLang aLang, const nsAString& aName, void *aClosure)
PrefFontCallbackData *prefFontData = (PrefFontCallbackData*) aClosure;
MacOSFamilyEntry *family = gfxQuartzFontCache::SharedFontCache()->FindFamily(aName);
if (family) {
return PR_TRUE;
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::WhichPrefFontSupportsChar(PRUint32 aCh)
gfxFont *font;
// FindCharUnicodeRange only supports BMP character points and there are no non-BMP fonts in prefs
if (aCh > 0xFFFF)
return nsnull;
// get the pref font list if it hasn't been set up already
PRUint32 unicodeRange = FindCharUnicodeRange(aCh);
eFontPrefLang charLang = gfxPlatformMac::GetFontPrefLangFor(unicodeRange);
// if the last pref font was the first family in the pref list, no need to recheck through a list of families
if (mLastPrefFont && charLang == mLastPrefLang &&
mLastPrefFirstFont && mLastPrefFont->TestCharacterMap(aCh)) {
font = mLastPrefFont;
return font;
// based on char lang and page lang, set up list of pref lang fonts to check
eFontPrefLang prefLangs[kMaxLenPrefLangList];
PRUint32 i, numLangs = 0;
gfxPlatformMac *macPlatform = gfxPlatformMac::GetPlatform();
macPlatform->GetLangPrefs(prefLangs, numLangs, charLang, mPageLang);
for (i = 0; i < numLangs; i++) {
nsAutoTArray<nsRefPtr<MacOSFamilyEntry>, 5> families;
eFontPrefLang currentLang = prefLangs[i];
gfxQuartzFontCache *fc = gfxQuartzFontCache::SharedFontCache();
// get the pref families for a single pref lang
if (!fc->GetPrefFontFamilyEntries(currentLang, &families)) {
eFontPrefLang prefLangsToSearch[1] = { currentLang };
PrefFontCallbackData prefFontData(families);
gfxPlatform::ForEachPrefFont(prefLangsToSearch, 1, PrefFontCallbackData::AddFontFamilyEntry,
fc->SetPrefFontFamilyEntries(currentLang, families);
// find the first pref font that includes the character
PRUint32 i, numPrefs;
numPrefs = families.Length();
for (i = 0; i < numPrefs; i++) {
// look up the appropriate face
MacOSFamilyEntry *family = families[i];
if (!family) continue;
// if a pref font is used, it's likely to be used again in the same text run.
// the style doesn't change so the face lookup can be cached rather than calling
// GetOrMakeCTFont repeatedly. speeds up FindFontForChar lookup times for subsequent
// pref font lookups
if (family == mLastPrefFamily && mLastPrefFont->TestCharacterMap(aCh)) {
font = mLastPrefFont;
return font;
PRBool needsBold;
MacOSFontEntry *fe = family->FindFont(&mStyle, needsBold);
// if ch in cmap, create and return a gfxFont
if (fe && fe->TestCharacterMap(aCh)) {
nsRefPtr<gfxCoreTextFont> prefFont = GetOrMakeCTFont(fe, &mStyle, needsBold);
if (!prefFont) continue;
mLastPrefFamily = family;
mLastPrefFont = prefFont;
mLastPrefLang = charLang;
mLastPrefFirstFont = (i == 0);
nsRefPtr<gfxFont> font2 = (gfxFont*) prefFont;
return font2.forget();
return nsnull;
gfxCoreTextFontGroup::WhichSystemFontSupportsChar(PRUint32 aCh)
MacOSFontEntry *fe;
fe = gfxQuartzFontCache::SharedFontCache()->FindFontForChar(aCh, GetFontAt(0));
if (fe) {
nsRefPtr<gfxCoreTextFont> ctFont = GetOrMakeCTFont(fe, &mStyle, PR_FALSE); // ignore bolder considerations in system fallback case...
nsRefPtr<gfxFont> font = (gfxFont*) ctFont;
return font.forget();
return nsnull;
// if user font set is set, check to see if font list needs updating
if (mUserFontSet && mCurrGeneration != GetGeneration()) {
// xxx - can probably improve this to detect when all fonts were found, so no need to update list
ForEachFont(FindCTFont, this);
mCurrGeneration = GetGeneration();