
159 lines
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2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
import sys
import re
import string
defines = dict()
def parseShaderName(shadername):
name = ""
params = {}
inparams = None
inparam = None
curparams = []
for c in shadername:
if c == '<':
inparams = ''
elif c == ':':
if inparams is None:
raise Exception(": in shader name")
inparam = ''
elif c == ',':
if inparams is None:
raise Exception(", in shader name")
if inparam is None:
raise Exception("no values for parameter " + inparams)
inparam = ''
elif c == '>':
if inparams is None:
raise Exception("> in shader name")
if inparam is None:
raise Exception("no values for parameter " + inparams)
params[inparams] = curparams
name += '$' + inparams + '$'
inparams = None
inparam = None
if inparam is not None:
inparam += c
elif inparams is not None:
inparams += c
name += c
return (name, params)
2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
def emitShader(fp, shadername, shaderlines):
(parsedname, params) = parseShaderName(shadername)
2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
eolContinue = "\\n\\\n";
pvals = ['']
pname = ''
pnames = params.keys()
if len(pnames) > 1:
raise Exception("Currently only supports zero or one parameters to a @shader")
if pnames:
pname = pnames[0]
pvals = params[pname]
for pval in pvals:
name = parsedname.replace('$' + pname + '$', pval, 1);
fp.write("static const char %s[] = \"/* %s */%s" % (name,name,eolContinue))
for line in shaderlines:
line = line.replace("\\", "\\\\")
while line.find('$') != -1:
expansions = re.findall('\$\S+\$', line)
for m in expansions:
mkey = m[1:-1]
mkey = mkey.replace('<' + pname + '>', '<' + pval + '>')
if not defines.has_key(mkey):
print "Error: Undefined expansion used: '%s'" % (m,)
mval = defines[mkey]
if type(mval) == str:
line = line.replace(m, mval)
elif type(mval) == list:
line = line.replace(m, eolContinue.join(mval) + eolContinue);
print "Internal Error: Unknown type in defines array: '%s'" % (str(type(mval)),)
2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
fp.write("%s%s" % (line,eolContinue))
2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
def genShaders(infile, outfile):
source = open(infile, "r").readlines()
desthdr = open(outfile, "w+")
desthdr.write("/* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED from " + infile + " */\n");
2010-05-24 23:35:35 -07:00
desthdr.write("/* DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n");
global defines
indefine = None
inshader = None
inblock = False
linebuffer = []
for line in source:
# strip comments, if not inblock
if not inblock and line.startswith("//"):
line = string.strip(line)
if len(line) == 0:
if line[0] == '@':
cmd = line
rest = ''
if line.find(' ') != -1:
cmd = line[0:line.find(' ')]
rest = string.strip(line[len(cmd) + 1:])
if cmd == "@define":
if inblock:
raise Exception("@define inside a block!")
space = rest.find(' ')
if space != -1:
defines[rest[0:space]] = rest[space+1:]
indefine = rest
inblock = True
elif cmd == "@shader":
if inblock:
raise Exception("@shader inside a block!")
if len(rest) == 0:
raise Exception("@shader without a name!")
inshader = rest
inblock = True
elif cmd == "@end":
if indefine is not None:
if type(linebuffer) == list:
for i in range(len(linebuffer)):
linebuffer[i] = linebuffer[i].replace("\\", "\\\\")
defines[indefine] = linebuffer
elif inshader is not None:
emitShader(desthdr, inshader, linebuffer)
raise Exception("@end outside of a block!")
indefine = None
inshader = None
inblock = None
linebuffer = []
raise Exception("Unknown command: %s" % (cmd,))
if inblock:
if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
print "Usage: %s infile.txt outfile.h" % (sys.argv[0],)
genShaders(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])