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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
var SERVERS = {
var DEBUG = false;
* Wraps objects from the chrome context, and allows them to be accessed via the iframe
* @name The id of the iframe that is being loaded
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @next The next operation to jump to, this might need to be invoked by the iframe when the test has completed
function onIframeLoad(name, check, next) {
document.getElementById(name) = next;
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.getOrigin = getOrigin;
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.check = check;
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.debug = debug;
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.appURL = SERVERS[name];
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.popup_listener = popup_listener;
document.getElementById(name).contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.readFile = readFile;
* Uninstall All uninstalls all Apps
* @next The next operation to jump to, this might need to be invoked by the iframe when the test has completed
function uninstallAll(next) {
var pendingGetAll = navigator.mozApps.mgmt.getAll();
pendingGetAll.onsuccess = function() {
var m = this.result;
var total = m.length;
var finished = (total === 0);
debug("total = " + total);
for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {
var app = m[i];
var pendingUninstall = app.uninstall();
pendingUninstall.onsuccess = function(r) {
finished = (--total === 0);
if(finished == true) {
pendingUninstall.onerror = function () {
finished = true;
if(finished == true) {
if(finished == true && total == 0) {
function subsetOf(resultObj, list) {
var returnObj = {} ;
for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) {
returnObj[list[i]] = resultObj[list[i]];
return returnObj;
* Uninstall uninstalls a specific App
* @appURL The manifest app url
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @next The next operation to jump to, this might need to be invoked by the iframe when the test has completed
function uninstall(appURL, check, next) {
var pending = navigator.mozApps.getInstalled();
pending.onsuccess = function () {
var m = this.result;
for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {
var app = m[i];
if (app.manifestURL == appURL) {
found = true;
var pendingUninstall = app.uninstall();
pendingUninstall.onsuccess = function(r) {
finished = true;
check(true, "app has been uninstalled");
try {
var secondUninstall = app.uninstall();
secondUninstall.onsuccess = function(r) {
secondUninstall.onerror = function(r) {
catch(e) {
check(e.message == "Not enough arguments \[mozIDOMApplicationRegistry.install\]", "install returned " + e.message);
pendingUninstall.onerror = function () {
finished = true;
pending.onerror = function () {
check(false, "Unexpected on error called in uninstall " );
* A function that recurses a javascript object, and compares with the template to determine if the object has the expected properties
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @object Most likely a DOM object
function js_traverse(template, check, object) {
var type = typeof template;
if (type == "object") {
if (Object.keys(template).length == 1 && template["status"]) {
check(!object || object.length == 0,"The return object from mozApps api was null as expected");
for (var key in template) {
debug("key: ", key);
var accessor = key.split(".",1);
if (accessor.length > 1) {
js_traverse(template[key], check, object[accessor[0]].accessor[1]);
} else {
if(object[key]) {
js_traverse(template[key], check, object[key]);
} else {
check(typeof template[key] == "undefined", key + " is undefined as expected");
} else if (type == "array") {
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
js_traverse(template[i], check, object[i]);
} else {
var evaluate = "";
try {
debug("object = " + object.quote());
debug("template = " + template);
evaluate = object.quote() + template;
catch (e) {
debug("template = " + template);
evaluate = object + template;
debug("evaluate = " + evaluate);
check(eval(evaluate), "#" + object + "# is expected to be true per template #" + template + "#");
* Used to compare the result of a navigator.mozApps query, and jump to the next operation
* @pending the variable hold the result of the navigator.mozApps query
* @comparatorObj the array of json objects, representing what should be returned from the mozApps query
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @next The next operation to jump to
function mozAppscb(pending, comparatorObj, check, next) {
debug("inside mozAppscb");
pending.onsuccess = function () {
debug("success cb, called");
if(pending.result) {
if(pending.result.length) {
for(i=0;i < pending.result.length;i++) {
pending.result[i].status= 'success';
js_traverse(comparatorObj[i], check, pending.result[i]);
} else {
debug("comparatorOBj in else");
pending.result.status = 'success';
js_traverse(comparatorObj[0], check, pending.result);
} else {
js_traverse(comparatorObj[0], check, null);
if(typeof next == 'function') {
debug("calling next");
pending.onerror = function () {
pending.error.status = 'error';
check(true, "failure cb called");
js_traverse(comparatorObj[0], check, pending.error);
if(typeof next == 'function') {
debug("calling next");
* Helper function to step through the various steps of the test
* @steps an array of steps that we need to traverse in order to complete the test
function runAll(steps) {
var index = 0;
function callNext() {
if (index >= steps.length - 1) {
debug("index = " + index);
var func = steps[index];
* Uninstall uninstalls a specific App
* @appURL The manifest app url
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @next The next operation to jump to, this might need to be invoked by the iframe when the test has completed
function install(appURL, check, next) {
var origin = getOrigin(appURL);
debug("origin = " + origin);
var installOrigin = getOrigin(window.location.href);
debug("installOrigin = " + installOrigin);
var url = appURL.substring(appURL.indexOf('/apps/'));
var manifest = JSON.parse(readFile(url));
if(!manifest.installs_allowed_from) {
manifest.installs_allowed_from = undefined;
} else {
for (var i = 0 ; i < manifest.installs_allowed_from.length; i++)
manifest.installs_allowed_from[i] = "== " + manifest.installs_allowed_from[i].quote();
appURL, null),
status: "== \"success\"",
installOrigin: "== " + installOrigin.quote(),
origin: "== " + origin.quote(),
manifestURL: "== " + appURL.quote(),
manifest: {
name: "== " + unescape(,
installs_allowed_from: manifest.installs_allowed_from
}], check,
* Gets an installed App and compares it against the expected
* @appURL The manifest app url
* @check An abstraction over ok / todo to allow for that determination to be made by the invoking code
* @next The next operation to jump to, this might need to be invoked by the iframe when the test has completed
function getInstalled(appURLs, check, next) {
var checkInstalled = [];
for (var i = 0; i < appURLs.length ; i++) {
var appURL = appURLs[i];
var origin = getOrigin(appURL);
var url = appURL.substring(appURL.indexOf('/apps/'));
var manifest = JSON.parse(readFile(url));
if(manifest.installs_allowed_from) {
for (var j = 0 ; j < manifest.installs_allowed_from.length; j++)
manifest.installs_allowed_from[j] = "== " + manifest.installs_allowed_from[j].quote();
checkInstalled[i] = {
status: "== " + "success".quote(),
installOrigin: "== " + "chrome://mochitests".quote(),
origin: "== " + origin.quote(),
manifestURL: "== " + appURL.quote(),
installTime: " \> - 3000",
manifest: {
name: "== " + unescape(,
installs_allowed_from: manifest.installs_allowed_from
mozAppscb(navigator.mozApps.getInstalled(), checkInstalled, check, next);
* debug function, which basically controls what goes to stdout
* @msg The message you want to output
function debug(msg) {
if(DEBUG == true) {
function check_event_listener_fired (next) {
todo(triggered, "Event Listener fired");
triggered = false;