
188 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<window xmlns=""
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
var is =;
const anchorPositions =
[ "before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
"start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "overlap", "screen"];
var currentPosition;
function testResizer(resizerid, noShrink, hResize, vResize, testid)
var rect = document.getElementById(resizerid + "-container").getBoundingClientRect();
var resizer = document.getElementById(resizerid);
var resizerrect = resizer.getBoundingClientRect();
var originalX = resizerrect.left;
var originalY =;
const scale = 20;
for (var mouseX = -1; mouseX <= 1; ++mouseX) {
for (var mouseY = -1; mouseY <= 1; ++mouseY) {
var expectedWidth = rect.width + hResize * mouseX * scale;
var expectedHeight = rect.height + vResize * mouseY * scale;
if (noShrink) {
if (mouseX == -1)
expectedWidth = rect.width;
if (mouseY == -1)
expectedHeight = rect.height;
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, originalX + 5, originalY + 5, { type:"mousedown" });
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, originalX + 5 + mouseX * scale,
originalY + 5 + mouseY * scale, { type:"mousemove" });
var newrect = document.getElementById(resizerid + "-container").getBoundingClientRect();
is(Math.round(newrect.width), Math.round(expectedWidth), "resize element " + resizerid +
" " + testid + " width moving " + mouseX + "," + mouseY + ",,," + hResize);
is(Math.round(newrect.height), Math.round(expectedHeight), "resize element " + resizerid +
" " + testid + " height moving " + mouseX + "," + mouseY);
// release
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, originalX + 5 + mouseX * scale,
originalY + 5 + mouseY * scale, { type:"mouseup" });
// return to the original size
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, originalX + 5 + mouseX * scale,
originalY + 5 + mouseY * scale, { type:"dblclick" });
var newrect = document.getElementById(resizerid + "-container").getBoundingClientRect();
is(Math.round(newrect.width), Math.round(rect.width), "resize element " + resizerid +
" " + testid + " doubleclicking to restore original size");
is(Math.round(newrect.height), Math.round(rect.height), "resize element " + resizerid +
" " + testid + " doubleclicking to restore original size");
function doTest() {
// first, check if a resizer with a element attribute set to an element that
// does not exist does not cause a problem
var resizer = document.getElementById("notfound");
synthesizeMouse(resizer, 5, 5, { type:"mousedown" });
synthesizeMouse(resizer, 10, 10, { type:"mousemove" });
synthesizeMouse(resizer, 5, 5, { type:"mouseup" });
testResizer("outside", true, 1, 1, "");
testResizer("html", true, 1, 1, "");
testResizer("inside", true, 1, 1, "");
testResizer("inside-large", false, 1, 1, "");
testResizer("inside-with-border", true, 1, 1, "");
openPopupAtScreen(Math.ceil(window.mozInnerScreenX) + 100, Math.ceil(window.mozInnerScreenY) + 100);
function popupShown(event)
testResizer("inside-popup", false, 1, 1, "");
document.getElementById("inside-popup-container").id = "outside-popup-container";
testResizer("outside-popup", false, 1, 1, "");
var resizerrect = document.getElementById("inside-popup").getBoundingClientRect();
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, resizerrect.left + 5, + 5, { type:"mousedown" });
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, resizerrect.left + 2000, + 2000, { type:"mousemove" });
var isMac = (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0);
var popuprect = document.getElementById("outside-popup-container").getBoundingClientRect();
// subtract 3 due to space left for panel dropshadow
is(Math.ceil(window.mozInnerScreenX) + popuprect.right,
(isMac ? screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth : screen.left + screen.width) - 3, "resized to edge width");
is(Math.ceil(window.mozInnerScreenY) + popuprect.bottom,
(isMac ? screen.availTop + screen.availHeight : + screen.height) - 3, "resized to edge height");
resizerrect = document.getElementById("inside-popup").getBoundingClientRect();
synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, resizerrect.left + 5, + 5, { type:"mouseup" });;
function popupHidden()
if (anchorPositions.length == 0) {
currentPosition = anchorPositions.shift();
var anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");
var popup = document.getElementById("anchored-panel-container");
if (currentPosition == "screen")
popup.openPopupAtScreen(window.screenX + 100, window.screenY + 100);
popup.openPopup(anchor, currentPosition);
function anchoredPopupShown(event)
var leftAllowed = (currentPosition.indexOf("end_") == -1 && currentPosition.indexOf("_start") == -1);
var rightAllowed = (currentPosition.indexOf("start_") == -1 && currentPosition.indexOf("_end") == -1);
var topAllowed = (currentPosition.indexOf("after_") == -1 && currentPosition.indexOf("_before") == -1);
var bottomAllowed = (currentPosition.indexOf("before_") == -1 && currentPosition.indexOf("_after") == -1);
if (currentPosition == "overlap") {
leftAllowed = topAllowed = false;
rightAllowed = bottomAllowed = true;
var resizerTypes = [ "topleft", "top", "topright", "left", "right",
"bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomright", "bottomend" ];
for (var r = 0; r < resizerTypes.length; r++) {
var resizerType = resizerTypes[r];
var horiz = 0, vert = 0;
if (leftAllowed && resizerType.indexOf("left") >= 0) horiz = -1;
else if (rightAllowed && (resizerType.indexOf("right") >= 0 || resizerType == "bottomend")) horiz = 1;
if (topAllowed && resizerType.indexOf("top") >= 0) vert = -1;
else if (bottomAllowed && resizerType.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) vert = 1;
document.getElementById("anchored-panel").dir = resizerType;
testResizer("anchored-panel", false, horiz, vert, currentPosition + " " + resizerType);
window.opener.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(doTest, window);
<resizer id="outside" dir="bottomend" element="outside-container"/>
<resizer id="notfound" dir="bottomend" element="nothing"/>
<hbox id="outside-container">
<hbox minwidth="46" minheight="39"/>
<html:div id="html-container" xmlns:html="">
<resizer id="html" dir="bottomend" element="_parent"/>
<hbox id="anchor" align="start" style="margin-left: 100px;">
<hbox id="inside-container" align="start">
<hbox minwidth="45" minheight="41"/>
<resizer id="inside" dir="bottomend" element="_parent"/>
<hbox id="inside-large-container" width="70" height="70" align="start">
<resizer id="inside-large" dir="bottomend" element="_parent"/>
<hbox id="inside-with-border-container" style="border: 5px solid red; padding: 2px; margin: 2px;" align="start">
<hbox minwidth="35" minheight="30"/>
<resizer id="inside-with-border" dir="bottomend" element="_parent"/>
<panel id="inside-popup-container" align="start" onpopupshown="popupShown(event)" onpopuphidden="popupHidden()">
<resizer id="inside-popup" dir="bottomend"/>
<hbox width="50" height="50" flex="1"/>
<resizer id="outside-popup" dir="bottomend" element="outside-popup-container"/>
<panel id="anchored-panel-container" align="start" onpopupshown="anchoredPopupShown(event)"
<hbox width="50" height="50" flex="1"/>
<resizer id="anchored-panel" width="20" height="20"/>