2012-11-16 18:53:38 -08:00
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<title>Test for CSS parser diagnostics escaping unprintable
characters correctly</title>
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>Mozilla Bug 229827</a>
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// This test has intimate knowledge of how to get the CSS parser to
// emit diagnostics that contain text under control of the user.
// That's not the point of the test, though; the point is only that
// *that text* is properly escaped.
// There is one "pattern" for each code path through the error reporter
// that might need to escape some kind of user-supplied text.
// Each "pattern" is tested once with each of the "substitution"s below:
// <t>, <i>, and <s> are replaced by the t:, i:, and s: fields of
// each substitution object in turn.
const patterns = [
// REPORT_UNEXPECTED_P (only ever used in contexts where identifier-like
// escaping is appropriate)
{ i: "<t>|x{}", o: "prefix '<i>'" },
// _Ident
{ i: "@namespace fnord <t>;", o: "within @namespace: '<i>'" },
// _Ref
{ i: "@namespace fnord #<t>;", o: "within @namespace: '#<i>'" },
// _Function
{ i: "@namespace fnord <t>();", o: "within @namespace: '<i>('" },
// _Dimension
{ i: "@namespace fnord 14<t>;", o: "within @namespace: '14<i>'" },
// _AtKeyword
{ i: "x{@<t>: }", o: "declaration but found '@<i>'." },
// _String
{ i: "x{ '<t>'}" , o: "declaration but found ''<s>''." },
// _Bad_String
{ i: "x{ '<t>\n}", o: "declaration but found ''<s>'." },
// _URL
{ i: "x{ url('<t>')}", o: "declaration but found 'url('<s>')'." },
// _Bad_URL
{ i: "x{ url('<t>'.)}" , o: "declaration but found 'url('<s>''." }
// Blocks of characters to test, and how they should be escaped when
// they appear in identifiers and string constants.
const substitutions = [
// ASCII printables that _can_ normally appear in identifiers,
// so should of course _not_ be escaped.
{ t: "-_0123456789", i: "-_0123456789",
s: "-_0123456789" },
{ t: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", i: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
s: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" },
// ASCII printables that are not normally valid as the first character
// of an identifier, or the character immediately after a leading dash,
// but can be forced into that position with escapes.
{ t: "\\-", i: "\\-", s: "-" },
{ t: "\\30 ", i: "\\30 ", s: "0" },
{ t: "\\31 ", i: "\\31 ", s: "1" },
{ t: "\\32 ", i: "\\32 ", s: "2" },
{ t: "\\33 ", i: "\\33 ", s: "3" },
{ t: "\\34 ", i: "\\34 ", s: "4" },
{ t: "\\35 ", i: "\\35 ", s: "5" },
{ t: "\\36 ", i: "\\36 ", s: "6" },
{ t: "\\37 ", i: "\\37 ", s: "7" },
{ t: "\\38 ", i: "\\38 ", s: "8" },
{ t: "\\39 ", i: "\\39 ", s: "9" },
{ t: "-\\-", i: "-\\-", s: "--" },
{ t: "-\\30 ", i: "-\\30 ", s: "-0" },
{ t: "-\\31 ", i: "-\\31 ", s: "-1" },
{ t: "-\\32 ", i: "-\\32 ", s: "-2" },
{ t: "-\\33 ", i: "-\\33 ", s: "-3" },
{ t: "-\\34 ", i: "-\\34 ", s: "-4" },
{ t: "-\\35 ", i: "-\\35 ", s: "-5" },
{ t: "-\\36 ", i: "-\\36 ", s: "-6" },
{ t: "-\\37 ", i: "-\\37 ", s: "-7" },
{ t: "-\\38 ", i: "-\\38 ", s: "-8" },
{ t: "-\\39 ", i: "-\\39 ", s: "-9" },
// ASCII printables that must be escaped in identifiers.
// Most of these should not be escaped in strings.
{ t: "\\!\\\"\\#\\$", i: "\\!\\\"\\#\\$", s: "!\\\"#$" },
{ t: "\\%\\&\\'\\(", i: "\\%\\&\\'\\(", s: "%&\\'(" },
{ t: "\\)\\*\\+\\,", i: "\\)\\*\\+\\,", s: ")*+," },
{ t: "\\.\\/\\:\\;", i: "\\.\\/\\:\\;", s: "./:;" },
{ t: "\\<\\=\\>\\?", i: "\\<\\=\\>\\?", s: "<=>?", },
{ t: "\\@\\[\\\\\\]", i: "\\@\\[\\\\\\]", s: "@[\\\\]" },
{ t: "\\^\\`\\{\\}\\~", i: "\\^\\`\\{\\}\\~", s: "^`{}~" },
// U+0000 - U+0020 (C0 controls, space)
// cannot be put into a CSS token as escaped literal characters, so
// we do them with hex escapes instead.
{ t: "\\\x00\\\x01\\\x02\\\x03", i: "\\0 \\1 \\2 \\3 ",
s: "\\0 \\1 \\2 \\3 " },
{ t: "\\\x04\\\x05\\\x06\\\x07", i: "\\4 \\5 \\6 \\7 ",
s: "\\4 \\5 \\6 \\7 " },
{ t: "\\\x08\\\x09\\000A\\\x0B", i: "\\8 \\9 \\A \\B ",
s: "\\8 \\9 \\A \\B " },
{ t: "\\000C\\000D\\\x0E\\\x0F", i: "\\C \\D \\E \\F ",
s: "\\C \\D \\E \\F " },
{ t: "\\\x10\\\x11\\\x12\\\x13", i: "\\10 \\11 \\12 \\13 ",
s: "\\10 \\11 \\12 \\13 " },
{ t: "\\\x14\\\x15\\\x16\\\x17", i: "\\14 \\15 \\16 \\17 ",
s: "\\14 \\15 \\16 \\17 " },
{ t: "\\\x18\\\x19\\\x1A\\\x1B", i: "\\18 \\19 \\1A \\1B ",
s: "\\18 \\19 \\1A \\1B " },
{ t: "\\\x1C\\\x1D\\\x1E\\\x1F\\ ", i: "\\1C \\1D \\1E \\1F \\ ",
s: "\\1C \\1D \\1E \\1F " },
// U+007F (DELETE) and U+0080 - U+009F (C1 controls)
{ t: "\\\x7f\\\x80\\\x81\\\x82", i: "\\7F \\80 \\81 \\82 ",
s: "\\7F \\80 \\81 \\82 " },
{ t: "\\\x83\\\x84\\\x85\\\x86", i: "\\83 \\84 \\85 \\86 ",
s: "\\83 \\84 \\85 \\86 " },
{ t: "\\\x87\\\x88\\\x89\\\x8A", i: "\\87 \\88 \\89 \\8A ",
s: "\\87 \\88 \\89 \\8A " },
{ t: "\\\x8B\\\x8C\\\x8D\\\x8E", i: "\\8B \\8C \\8D \\8E ",
s: "\\8B \\8C \\8D \\8E " },
{ t: "\\\x8F\\\x90\\\x91\\\x92", i: "\\8F \\90 \\91 \\92 ",
s: "\\8F \\90 \\91 \\92 " },
{ t: "\\\x93\\\x94\\\x95\\\x96", i: "\\93 \\94 \\95 \\96 ",
s: "\\93 \\94 \\95 \\96 " },
{ t: "\\\x97\\\x98\\\x99\\\x9A", i: "\\97 \\98 \\99 \\9A ",
s: "\\97 \\98 \\99 \\9A " },
{ t: "\\\x9B\\\x9C\\\x9D\\\x9E\\\x9F", i: "\\9B \\9C \\9D \\9E \\9F ",
s: "\\9B \\9C \\9D \\9E \\9F " },
// CSS doesn't bother with the full Unicode rules for identifiers,
// instead declaring that any code point greater than or equal to
// U+00A0 is a valid identifier character. Test a small handful
// of both basic and astral plane characters.
// Arabic (caution to editors: there is a possibly-invisible U+200E
// LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK in each string, just before the close quote)
{ t: "أبجدهوزحطيكلمنسعفصقرشتثخذضظغ",
i: "أبجدهوزحطيكلمنسعفصقرشتثخذضظغ",
s: "أبجدهوزحطيكلمنسعفصقرشتثخذضظغ" },
// Box drawing
{ t: "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼╭╮╯╰╴╵╶╷",
i: "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼╭╮╯╰╴╵╶╷",
s: "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼╭╮╯╰╴╵╶╷" },
// CJK Unified Ideographs
{ t: "一丁丂七丄丅丆万丈三上下丌不与丏",
i: "一丁丂七丄丅丆万丈三上下丌不与丏",
s: "一丁丂七丄丅丆万丈三上下丌不与丏" },
// CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (astral)
{ t: "𠀀𠀁𠀂𠀃𠀄𠀅𠀆𠀇𠀈𠀉𠀊𠀋𠀌𠀍𠀎𠀏",
i: "𠀀𠀁𠀂𠀃𠀄𠀅𠀆𠀇𠀈𠀉𠀊𠀋𠀌𠀍𠀎𠀏",
s: "𠀀𠀁𠀂𠀃𠀄𠀅𠀆𠀇𠀈𠀉𠀊𠀋𠀌𠀍𠀎𠀏" },
// Devanagari
{ t: "कखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसह",
i: "कखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसह",
s: "कखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसह" },
// Emoticons (astral)
{ t: "😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐",
i: "😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐",
s: "😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐" },
// Greek
{ t: "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω",
i: "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω",
s: "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω" }
const npatterns = patterns.length;
const nsubstitutions = substitutions.length;
function quotemeta(str) {
return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
function subst(str, sub) {
return str.replace("<t>", sub.t)
.replace("<i>", sub.i)
.replace("<s>", sub.s);
var curpat = 0;
var cursubst = -1;
var testbench = document.getElementById("testbench");
function nextTest() {
if (cursubst == nsubstitutions) {
cursubst = 0;
if (curpat == npatterns) {
let css = subst(patterns[curpat].i, substitutions[cursubst]);
let msg = quotemeta(subst(patterns[curpat].o, substitutions[cursubst]));
SimpleTest.expectConsoleMessages(function () { testbench.innerHTML = css },
[{ errorMessage: new RegExp(msg) }],
2013-01-17 15:38:47 -08:00
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set':[["layout.css.report_errors", true]]},
function() { nextTest(); });
2012-11-16 18:53:38 -08:00