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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsXBLService_h_
#define nsXBLService_h_
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "jsapi.h" // nsXBLJSClass derives from JSClass
#include "jsclist.h" // nsXBLJSClass derives from JSCList
#include "nsFixedSizeAllocator.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
class nsXBLBinding;
class nsXBLDocumentInfo;
class nsIContent;
class nsIDocument;
class nsString;
class nsIURI;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsSupportsHashtable;
class nsHashtable;
class nsIDOMEventTarget;
class nsXBLService : public nsIObserver,
public nsSupportsWeakReference
static nsXBLService* gInstance;
static void Init();
static void Shutdown() {
static nsXBLService* GetInstance() { return gInstance; }
static bool IsChromeOrResourceURI(nsIURI* aURI);
// This function loads a particular XBL file and installs all of the bindings
// onto the element. aOriginPrincipal must not be null here.
nsresult LoadBindings(nsIContent* aContent, nsIURI* aURL,
nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal, bool aAugmentFlag,
nsXBLBinding** aBinding, bool* aResolveStyle);
// Indicates whether or not a binding is fully loaded.
nsresult BindingReady(nsIContent* aBoundElement, nsIURI* aURI, bool* aIsReady);
// This method checks the hashtable and then calls FetchBindingDocument on a
// miss. aOriginPrincipal or aBoundDocument may be null to bypass security
// checks.
nsresult LoadBindingDocumentInfo(nsIContent* aBoundElement,
nsIDocument* aBoundDocument,
nsIURI* aBindingURI,
nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal,
bool aForceSyncLoad,
nsXBLDocumentInfo** aResult);
// Used by XUL key bindings and for window XBL.
static nsresult AttachGlobalKeyHandler(nsIDOMEventTarget* aTarget);
static nsresult DetachGlobalKeyHandler(nsIDOMEventTarget* aTarget);
virtual ~nsXBLService();
// This function clears out the bindings on a given content node.
nsresult FlushStyleBindings(nsIContent* aContent);
// Release any memory that we can
nsresult FlushMemory();
// This method synchronously loads and parses an XBL file.
nsresult FetchBindingDocument(nsIContent* aBoundElement, nsIDocument* aBoundDocument,
nsIURI* aDocumentURI, nsIURI* aBindingURI,
bool aForceSyncLoad, nsIDocument** aResult);
* This method calls the one below with an empty |aDontExtendURIs| array.
nsresult GetBinding(nsIContent* aBoundElement, nsIURI* aURI,
bool aPeekFlag, nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal,
bool* aIsReady, nsXBLBinding** aResult);
* This method loads a binding doc and then builds the specific binding
* required. It can also peek without building.
* @param aBoundElement the element to get a binding for
* @param aURI the binding URI
* @param aPeekFlag if true then just peek to see if the binding is ready
* @param aIsReady [out] if the binding is ready or not
* @param aResult [out] where to store the resulting binding (not used if
* aPeekFlag is true, otherwise it must be non-null)
* @param aDontExtendURIs a set of URIs that are already bound to this
* element. If a binding extends any of these then further loading
* is aborted (because it would lead to the binding extending itself)
* and NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE is returned.
* @note This method always calls LoadBindingDocumentInfo(), so it's
* enough to funnel all security checks through that function.
nsresult GetBinding(nsIContent* aBoundElement, nsIURI* aURI,
bool aPeekFlag, nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal,
bool* aIsReady, nsXBLBinding** aResult,
nsTArray<nsIURI*>& aDontExtendURIs);
static bool gDisableChromeCache;
static nsHashtable* gClassTable; // A table of nsXBLJSClass objects.
static JSCList gClassLRUList; // LRU list of cached classes.
static uint32_t gClassLRUListLength; // Number of classes on LRU list.
static uint32_t gClassLRUListQuota; // Quota on class LRU list.
static bool gAllowDataURIs; // Whether we should allow data
// urls in -moz-binding. Needed for
// testing.
nsFixedSizeAllocator mPool;
class nsXBLJSClass : public JSCList, public JSClass
nsrefcnt mRefCnt;
nsCString mKey;
static uint64_t sIdCount;
nsrefcnt Destroy();
nsXBLJSClass(const nsAFlatCString& aClassName, const nsCString& aKey);
~nsXBLJSClass() { nsMemory::Free((void*) name); }
static uint64_t NewId() { return ++sIdCount; }
nsCString& Key() { return mKey; }
void SetKey(const nsCString& aKey) { mKey = aKey; }
nsrefcnt Hold() { return ++mRefCnt; }
nsrefcnt Drop() { return --mRefCnt ? mRefCnt : Destroy(); }