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Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* John Gaunt (
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
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* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef _nsAccessible_H_
#define _nsAccessible_H_
#include "nsAccessNodeWrap.h"
#include "nsARIAMap.h"
#include "nsRelUtils.h"
#include "nsTextEquivUtils.h"
#include "nsIAccessible.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleHyperLink.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleSelectable.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleValue.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleRole.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleStates.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleEvent.h"
#include "nsIDOMNodeList.h"
#include "nsINameSpaceManager.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsIDOMDOMStringList.h"
struct nsRect;
class nsIContent;
class nsIFrame;
class nsIPresShell;
class nsIDOMNode;
class nsIAtom;
class nsIView;
// see nsAccessible::GetAttrValue
// see nsAccessible::GetNameInternal
#define NS_OK_EMPTY_NAME \
// see nsAccessible::GetNameInternal
// Saves a data member -- if child count equals this value we haven't
// cached children or child count yet
enum { eChildCountUninitialized = -1 };
class nsAccessibleDOMStringList : public nsIDOMDOMStringList
virtual ~nsAccessibleDOMStringList();
PRBool Add(const nsAString& aName) {
return mNames.AppendElement(aName) != nsnull;
nsTArray<nsString> mNames;
{ /* 07c5a6d6-4e87-4b57-8613-4c39e1b5150a */ \
0x07c5a6d6, \
0x4e87, \
0x4b57, \
{ 0x86, 0x13, 0x4c, 0x39, 0xe1, 0xb5, 0x15, 0x0a } \
class nsAccessible : public nsAccessNodeWrap,
public nsIAccessible,
public nsIAccessibleHyperLink,
public nsIAccessibleSelectable,
public nsIAccessibleValue
nsAccessible(nsIDOMNode* aNode, nsIWeakReference* aShell);
virtual ~nsAccessible();
// nsAccessNode
virtual nsresult Shutdown();
// Public methods
* Returns the accessible name specified by ARIA.
nsresult GetARIAName(nsAString& aName);
* Maps ARIA state attributes to state of accessible. Note the given state
* argument should hold states for accessible before you pass it into this
* method.
* @param [in/out] where to fill the states into.
* @param [in/out] where to fill the extra states into
virtual nsresult GetARIAState(PRUint32 *aState, PRUint32 *aExtraState);
* Returns the accessible name provided by native markup. It doesn't take
* into account ARIA markup used to specify the name.
* @param aName [out] the accessible name
* @return NS_OK_EMPTY_NAME points empty name was specified by native markup
* explicitly (see nsIAccessible::name attribute for
* details)
virtual nsresult GetNameInternal(nsAString& aName);
* Returns enumerated accessible role from native markup (see constants in
* nsIAccessibleRole). Doesn't take into account ARIA roles.
* @param aRole [out] accessible role.
virtual nsresult GetRoleInternal(PRUint32 *aRole);
* Return the state of accessible that doesn't take into account ARIA states.
* Use nsIAccessible::state to get all states for accessible. If
* second argument is omitted then second bit field of accessible state won't
* be calculated.
virtual nsresult GetStateInternal(PRUint32 *aState, PRUint32 *aExtraState);
* Returns attributes for accessible without explicitly setted ARIA
* attributes.
virtual nsresult GetAttributesInternal(nsIPersistentProperties *aAttributes);
* Return direct or deepest child at the given point.
* @param aX [in] x coordinate relative screen
* @param aY [in] y coordinate relative screen
* @param aDeepestChild [in] flag points if deep child should be returned
* @param aChild [out] found child
virtual nsresult GetChildAtPoint(PRInt32 aX, PRInt32 aY,
PRBool aDeepestChild,
nsIAccessible **aChild);
// Initializing methods
* Set the ARIA role map entry for a new accessible.
* For a newly created accessible, specify which role map entry should be used.
* @param aRoleMapEntry The ARIA nsRoleMapEntry* for the accessible, or
* nsnull if none.
virtual void SetRoleMapEntry(nsRoleMapEntry *aRoleMapEntry);
* Set accessible parent.
void SetParent(nsIAccessible *aParent);
* Set the child count to -1 (unknown) and null out cached child pointers.
* Should be called when accessible tree is changed because document has
* transformed.
virtual void InvalidateChildren();
// Accessible tree traverse methods
* Return parent accessible.
virtual nsIAccessible* GetParent();
* Return child accessible at the given index.
virtual nsIAccessible* GetChildAt(PRUint32 aIndex);
* Return child accessible count.
virtual PRInt32 GetChildCount();
* Return index of the given child accessible.
virtual PRInt32 GetIndexOf(nsIAccessible *aChild);
* Return index in parent accessible.
PRInt32 GetIndexInParent();
* Return parent accessible only if cached.
already_AddRefed<nsIAccessible> GetCachedParent();
* Return first child accessible only if cached.
already_AddRefed<nsIAccessible> GetCachedFirstChild();
// Miscellaneous methods
* Fire accessible event.
virtual nsresult FireAccessibleEvent(nsIAccessibleEvent *aAccEvent);
* Return true if there are accessible children in anonymous content
virtual PRBool GetAllowsAnonChildAccessibles();
* Returns text of accessible if accessible has text role otherwise empty
* string.
* @param aText returned text of the accessible
* @param aStartOffset start offset inside of the accesible
* @param aLength required lenght of text
virtual nsresult AppendTextTo(nsAString& aText, PRUint32 aStartOffset,
PRUint32 aLength);
// Initializing, cache and tree traverse methods
* Cache accessible children.
virtual void CacheChildren();
* Assert if child not in parent's cache.
void TestChildCache(nsIAccessible *aCachedChild);
* Cache children if necessary. Return true if the accessible is defunct.
PRBool EnsureChildren();
* Return sibling accessible at the given offset.
virtual nsIAccessible* GetSiblingAtOffset(PRInt32 aOffset,
nsresult* aError = nsnull);
// Miscellaneous helpers
virtual nsIFrame* GetBoundsFrame();
virtual void GetBoundsRect(nsRect& aRect, nsIFrame** aRelativeFrame);
PRBool IsVisible(PRBool *aIsOffscreen);
// Name helpers
* Compute the name of HTML node.
nsresult GetHTMLName(nsAString& aName);
* Compute the name for XUL node.
nsresult GetXULName(nsAString& aName);
// helper method to verify frames
static nsresult GetFullKeyName(const nsAString& aModifierName, const nsAString& aKeyName, nsAString& aStringOut);
static nsresult GetTranslatedString(const nsAString& aKey, nsAString& aStringOut);
// nsCOMPtr<>& is useful here, because getter_AddRefs() nulls the comptr's value, and NextChild
// depends on the passed-in comptr being null or already set to a child (finding the next sibling).
nsIAccessible *NextChild(nsCOMPtr<nsIAccessible>& aAccessible);
already_AddRefed<nsIAccessible> GetNextWithState(nsIAccessible *aStart, PRUint32 matchState);
* Return an accessible for the given DOM node, or if that node isn't
* accessible, return the accessible for the next DOM node which has one
* (based on forward depth first search).
* @param aStartNode [in] the DOM node to start from
* @return the resulting accessible
GetFirstAvailableAccessible(nsIDOMNode *aStartNode);
// Hyperlink helpers
virtual nsresult GetLinkOffset(PRInt32* aStartOffset, PRInt32* aEndOffset);
// Action helpers
* Used to describe click action target. See DoCommand() method.
struct nsCommandClosure
nsCommandClosure(nsAccessible *aAccessible, nsIContent *aContent,
PRUint32 aActionIndex) :
accessible(aAccessible), content(aContent), actionIndex(aActionIndex) {}
nsRefPtr<nsAccessible> accessible;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content;
PRUint32 actionIndex;
* Prepares click action that will be invoked in timeout.
* @note DoCommand() prepares an action in timeout because when action
* command opens a modal dialog/window, it won't return until the
* dialog/window is closed. If executing action command directly in
* nsIAccessible::DoAction() method, it will block AT tools (e.g. GOK) that
* invoke action of mozilla accessibles direclty (see bug 277888 for details).
* @param aContent [in, optional] element to click
* @param aActionIndex [in, optional] index of accessible action
nsresult DoCommand(nsIContent *aContent = nsnull, PRUint32 aActionIndex = 0);
* Dispatch click event to target by calling DispatchClickEvent() method.
* @param aTimer [in] timer object
* @param aClosure [in] nsCommandClosure object describing a target.
static void DoCommandCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure);
* Dispatch click event.
virtual void DispatchClickEvent(nsIContent *aContent, PRUint32 aActionIndex);
// Helpers
// Check the visibility across both parent content and chrome
PRBool CheckVisibilityInParentChain(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIView* aView);
* Get the container node for an atomic region, defined by aria-atomic="true"
* @return the container node
nsIDOMNode* GetAtomicRegion();
* Get numeric value of the given ARIA attribute.
* @param aAriaProperty - the ARIA property we're using
* @param aValue - value of the attribute
* @return - NS_OK_NO_ARIA_VALUE if there is no setted ARIA attribute
nsresult GetAttrValue(nsIAtom *aAriaProperty, double *aValue);
* Return the action rule based on ARIA enum constants EActionRule
* (see nsARIAMap.h). Used by GetNumActions() and GetActionName().
* @param aStates [in] states of the accessible
PRUint32 GetActionRule(PRUint32 aStates);
* Compute group attributes ('posinset', 'setsize' and 'level') based
* on accessible hierarchy. Used by GetAttributes() method if group attributes
* weren't provided by ARIA or by internal accessible implementation.
* @param aRole [in] role of this accessible
* @param aAttributes [in, out] object attributes
nsresult ComputeGroupAttributes(PRUint32 aRole,
nsIPersistentProperties *aAttributes);
* Fires platform accessible event. It's notification method only. It does
* change nothing on Gecko side. Mostly you should use
* nsIAccessible::FireAccessibleEvent excepting special cases like we have
* in xul:tree accessible to lie to AT. Must be overridden in wrap classes.
* @param aEvent the accessible event to fire.
virtual nsresult FirePlatformEvent(nsIAccessibleEvent *aEvent) = 0;
// Data Members
nsCOMPtr<nsIAccessible> mParent;
nsCOMArray<nsIAccessible> mChildren;
PRBool mAreChildrenInitialized;
nsRoleMapEntry *mRoleMapEntry; // Non-null indicates author-supplied role; possibly state & value as well