
241 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Mozilla Bug 378028"
<script type="application/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js" />
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"/>
<!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
<body xmlns="">
<a href=""
target="_blank">Mozilla Bug 378028</a>
<!-- richlistbox currently has no way of giving us a defined number of
rows, so we just choose an arbitrary height limit that should give
us plenty of vertical scrollability -->
<richlistbox id="richlistbox" style="height:50px;">
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item1"><label value="Item 1"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item2"><label value="Item 2"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item3"><label value="Item 3"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item4"><label value="Item 4"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item5"><label value="Item 5"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item6"><label value="Item 6"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item7"><label value="Item 7"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item8"><label value="Item 8"/></richlistitem>
<listbox id="listbox" rows="2">
<listitem id="listbox_item1" label="Item 1"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item2" label="Item 2"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item3" label="Item 3"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item4" label="Item 4"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item5" label="Item 5"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item6" label="Item 6"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item7" label="Item 7"/>
<listitem id="listbox_item8" label="Item 8"/>
<box orient="horizontal">
<arrowscrollbox id="hscrollbox" clicktoscroll="true" orient="horizontal"
smoothscroll="false" style="max-width:80px;" flex="1">
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="width:40px; height:20px; background:black;"/>
<arrowscrollbox id="vscrollbox" clicktoscroll="true" orient="vertical"
smoothscroll="false" style="max-height:80px;" flex="1">
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="width:100px; height:40px; background:black;"/>
<!-- test code goes here -->
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
/** Test for Bug 378028 **/
/* and for Bug 350471 **/
/* There are three kinds of scroll events:
1. line scrolls without hasPixels
2. line scrolls with hasPixels
3. pixel scrolls
Listboxes and arrowscrollboxes (DOM event scrolling) should only react to
line scrolls and ignore hasPixels.
Richlistboxes ("native" scrolling) should be scrollable by kind 1 and 3.
const kinds = [
{ eventType: "DOMMouseScroll", hasPixels: false, shouldScrollDOM: true, shouldScrollNative: true },
{ eventType: "DOMMouseScroll", hasPixels: true, shouldScrollDOM: true, shouldScrollNative: false },
{ eventType: "MozMousePixelScroll", hasPixels: false, shouldScrollDOM: false, shouldScrollNative: true }
function testListbox(id)
var listbox = document.getElementById(id);
function helper(aStart, aDelta, aKind)
synthesizeMouseScroll(listbox, 10, 10,
{axis:"vertical", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
is(listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(), aKind.shouldScrollDOM ? aStart + aDelta : aStart,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' vertical starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
// Check that horizontal scrolling has no effect
synthesizeMouseScroll(listbox, 10, 10,
{axis:"horizontal", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
is(listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(), aStart,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' horizontal starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
kinds.forEach(function(aKind) {
helper(2, -1, aKind);
helper(2, 1, aKind);
helper(2, -2, aKind);
helper(2, 2, aKind);
function testRichListbox(id, andThen)
var listbox = document.getElementById(id);
var tests = [];
function helper()
var [aStart, aDelta, aKind] = tests[0];
synthesizeMouseScroll(listbox, 10, 10,
{axis:"vertical", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
setTimeout(function() {
var change = listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow() - aStart;
var direction = (change > 0) - (change < 0);
var expected = aKind.shouldScrollNative && (aDelta > 0) - (aDelta < 0);
is(direction, expected,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' vertical starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
// Check that horizontal scrolling has no effect
synthesizeMouseScroll(listbox, 10, 10,
{axis:"horizontal", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
setTimeout(function() {
is(listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(), aStart,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' horizontal starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
if (tests.length)
}, 0);
}, 0);
// richlistbox currently uses native XUL scrolling, so the "line"
// amounts don't necessarily correspond 1-to-1 with listbox items. So
// we just check that scrolling up/down scrolls in the right direction.
kinds.forEach(function(aKind) {
tests.push([2, -100, aKind]);
tests.push([2, 100, aKind]);
function testArrowScrollbox(id)
var scrollbox = document.getElementById(id);
var scrollBoxObject = scrollbox.scrollBoxObject;
var orient = scrollbox.getAttribute("orient");
function helper(aStart, aDelta, aExpected, aKind)
var xpos = {};
var ypos = {};
var pos = orient == "horizontal" ? xpos : ypos;
scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(aStart, aStart);
for (var i = (orient == "horizontal") ? 2 : 0; i >= 0; i--) {
synthesizeMouseScroll(scrollbox, 5, 5,
{axis:"vertical", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
scrollBoxObject.getPosition(xpos, ypos);
// Note, vertical mouse scrolling is allowed to scroll horizontal
// arrowscrollboxes, because many users have no horizontal mouse scroll
// capability
var expected = (aKind.shouldScrollDOM && !i) ? aExpected : aStart;
is(pos.value, expected,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' vertical starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
for (var i = (orient == "horizontal") ? 2 : 0; i >= 0; i--) {
scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(aStart, aStart);
synthesizeMouseScroll(scrollbox, 5, 5,
{axis:"horizontal", delta:aDelta, type:aKind.eventType,
// horizontal mouse scrolling is never allowed to scroll vertical
// arrowscrollboxes
scrollBoxObject.getPosition(xpos, ypos);
var expected = (aKind.shouldScrollDOM && !i && (orient == "horizontal")) ? aExpected : aStart;
is(pos.value, expected,
"mouse-scroll of '" + id + "' horizontal starting " + aStart + " delta " + aDelta
+ " eventType " + aKind.eventType + " hasPixels " + aKind.hasPixels);
var scrolledWidth = {};
var scrolledHeight = {};
scrollBoxObject.getScrolledSize(scrolledWidth, scrolledHeight);
var scrollMaxX = scrolledWidth.value - scrollBoxObject.width;
var scrollMaxY = scrolledHeight.value - scrollBoxObject.height;
var scrollMax = orient == "horizontal" ? scrollMaxX : scrollMaxY;
kinds.forEach(function(aKind) {
helper(50, -100, 0, aKind);
helper(50, 100, scrollMax, aKind);
function runTests()
testRichListbox("richlistbox", function() {
window.onload = function() { setTimeout(runTests, 0); };