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2009-07-17 17:14:49 -07:00
// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Roy Frostig <>
* Stuart Parmenter <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
const kXHTMLNamespaceURI = "";
// base-2 exponent for width, height of a single tile.
const kTileExponentWidth = 7;
const kTileExponentHeight = 7;
const kTileWidth = Math.pow(2, kTileExponentWidth); // 2^7 = 128
const kTileHeight = Math.pow(2, kTileExponentHeight); // 2^7 = 128
const kTileLazyRoundTimeCap = 500; // millis
* The Tile Manager!
* @param appendTile The function the tile manager should call in order to
* "display" a tile (e.g. append it to the DOM). The argument to this
* function is a TileManager.Tile object.
* @param removeTile The function the tile manager should call in order to
* "undisplay" a tile (e.g. remove it from the DOM). The argument to this
* function is a TileManager.Tile object.
* @param fakeWidth The width of the widest possible visible rectangle, e.g.
* the width of the screen. This is used in setting the zoomLevel.
function TileManager(appendTile, removeTile, browserView) {
// backref to the BrowserView object that owns us
this._browserView = browserView;
// callbacks to append / remove a tile to / from the parent
this._appendTile = appendTile;
this._removeTile = removeTile;
// tile cache holds tile objects and pools them under a given capacity
let self = this;
this._tileCache = new TileManager.TileCache(function(tile) { self._removeTileSafe(tile); },
-1, -1, 110);
// Rectangle within the viewport that is visible to the user. It is "critical"
// in the sense that it must be rendered as soon as it becomes dirty
this._criticalRect = null;
// if we have an outstanding paint timeout, its value is stored here
// for cancelling when we end page loads
//this._drawTimeout = 0;
this._pageLoadResizerTimeout = 0;
// timeout of the non-visible-tiles-crawler to cache renders from the browser
this._idleTileCrawlerTimeout = 0;
// object that keeps state on our current lazyload crawl
this._crawler = null;
// the max right coordinate we've seen from paint events
// while we were loading a page. If we see something that's bigger than
// our width, we'll trigger a page zoom.
this._pageLoadMaxRight = 0;
this._pageLoadMaxBottom = 0;
// Tells us to pan to top before first draw
this._needToPanToTop = false;
TileManager.prototype = {
// This is the callback fired by our client whenever the viewport
// changed somehow (or didn't change but someone asked it to update).
viewportChangeHandler: function viewportChangeHandler(viewportRect,
dirtyAll) {
// !!! --- DEBUG BEGIN -----
dump(viewportRect.toString() + "\n");
dump(criticalRect.toString() + "\n");
dump(boundsSizeChanged + "\n");
dump(dirtyAll + "\n***************\n");
// !!! --- DEBUG END -------
let tc = this._tileCache;
tc.iBound = Math.ceil(viewportRect.right / kTileWidth);
tc.jBound = Math.ceil(viewportRect.bottom / kTileHeight);
if (!criticalRect || !criticalRect.equals(this._criticalRect)) {
this.endCriticalMove(criticalRect, !boundsSizeChanged);
if (boundsSizeChanged) {
// TODO fastpath if !dirtyAll
this.dirtyRects([viewportRect.clone()], true);
dirtyRects: function dirtyRects(rects, doCriticalRender) {
let criticalIsDirty = false;
let criticalRect = this._criticalRect;
for each (let rect in rects) {
this._tileCache.forEachIntersectingRect(rect, false, this._dirtyTile, this);
if (criticalRect && rect.intersects(criticalRect))
criticalIsDirty = true;
if (criticalIsDirty && doCriticalRender)
criticalRectPaint: function criticalRectPaint() {
let cr = this._criticalRect;
if (cr) {
let [ctrx, ctry] = cr.centerRounded();
this.recenterEvictionQueue(ctrx, ctry);
beginCriticalMove: function beginCriticalMove(destCriticalRect) {
function appendNonDirtyTile(tile) {
if (!tile.isDirty())
if (destCriticalRect)
this._tileCache.forEachIntersectingRect(destCriticalRect, false, appendNonDirtyTile, this);
beginCriticalMoveUnrolled: function beginCriticalMoveUnrolled(destCriticalRect) {
let start =;
if (destCriticalRect) {
let rect = destCriticalRect;
let create = false;
// this._tileCache.forEachIntersectingRect(destCriticalRect, false, appendNonDirtyTile, this);
let visited = {};
let evictGuard = null;
if (create) {
evictGuard = function evictGuard(tile) {
return !visited[tile.toString()];
let starti = rect.left >> kTileExponentWidth;
let endi = rect.right >> kTileExponentWidth;
let startj = >> kTileExponentHeight;
let endj = rect.bottom >> kTileExponentHeight;
let tile = null;
let tc = this._tileCache;
for (var j = startj; j <= endj; ++j) {
for (var i = starti; i <= endi; ++i) {
// 'this' for getTile needs to be tc
//tile = this.getTile(i, j, create, evictGuard);
//if (!tc.inBounds(i, j)) {
if (0 <= i && 0 <= j && i <= tc.iBound && j <= tc.jBound) {
//return null;
tile = null;
//if (tc._isOccupied(i, j)) {
if (!!(tc._tiles[i] && tc._tiles[i][j])) {
tile = tc._tiles[i][j];
} else if (create) {
// NOTE: create is false here
tile = tc._createTile(i, j, evictionGuard);
if (tile) tile.markDirty();
if (tile) {
visited[tile.toString()] = true;
//, tile);
//function appendNonDirtyTile(tile) {
//if (!tile.isDirty())
if (!tile._dirtyTileCanvas) {
if (!tile._appended) {
let astart =;
tile._appended = true;
let aend =;
dump("append: " + (aend - astart) + "\n");
let end =;
dump("start: " + (end-start) + "\n");
endCriticalMove: function endCriticalMove(destCriticalRect, doCriticalPaint) {
let tc = this._tileCache;
let cr = this._criticalRect;
let dcr = destCriticalRect; // XXX help the closure upval analyser with a local let
let f = function releaseOldTile(tile) {
if (!tile.boundRect.intersects(dcr))
if (cr)
tc.forEachIntersectingRect(cr, false, f, this);
if (cr)
this._criticalRect = cr = destCriticalRect;
if (doCriticalPaint)
restartLazyCrawl: function restartLazyCrawl(startRectOrQueue) {
if (!startRectOrQueue || startRectOrQueue instanceof Array) {
this._crawler = new TileManager.CrawlIterator(this._tileCache);
if (startRectOrQueue) {
let len = startRectOrQueue.length;
for (let k = 0; k < len; ++k)
this._crawler.enqueue(startRectOrQueue[k].i, startRectOrQueue[k].j);
} else {
this._crawler = new TileManager.CrawlIterator(this._tileCache, startRectOrQueue);
if (!this._idleTileCrawlerTimeout)
this._idleTileCrawlerTimeout = setTimeout(this._idleTileCrawler, 2000, this);
stopLazyCrawl: function stopLazyCrawl() {
this._idleTileCrawlerTimeout = 0;
this._crawler = null;
let cr = this._criticalRect;
if (cr) {
let [ctrx, ctry] = cr.centerRounded();
this.recenterEvictionQueue(ctrx, ctry);
recenterEvictionQueue: function recenterEvictionQueue(ctrx, ctry) {
let ctri = ctrx >> kTileExponentWidth;
let ctrj = ctry >> kTileExponentHeight;
function evictFarTiles(a, b) {
let dista = Math.max(Math.abs(a.i - ctri), Math.abs(a.j - ctrj));
let distb = Math.max(Math.abs(b.i - ctri), Math.abs(b.j - ctrj));
return dista - distb;
_renderTile: function _renderTile(tile) {
if (tile.isDirty())
_appendTileSafe: function _appendTileSafe(tile) {
if (!tile._appended) {
tile._appended = true;
_removeTileSafe: function _removeTileSafe(tile) {
if (tile._appended) {
tile._appended = false;
_dirtyTile: function _dirtyTile(tile) {
if (!this._criticalRect || !tile.boundRect.intersects(this._criticalRect))
if (this._crawler)
this._crawler.enqueue(tile.i, tile.j);
_holdRect: function _holdRect(rect) {
_releaseRect: function _releaseRect(rect) {
_renderAppendHoldRect: function _renderAppendHoldRect(rect) {
function renderAppendHoldTile(tile) {
if (tile.isDirty())
this._tileCache.forEachIntersectingRect(rect, true, renderAppendHoldTile, this);
_idleTileCrawler: function _idleTileCrawler(self) {
if (!self) self = this;
dump('crawl pass.\n');
let itered = 0, rendered = 0;
let start =;
let comeAgain = true;
while (( - start) <= kTileLazyRoundTimeCap) {
let tile =;
if (!tile) {
comeAgain = false;
if (tile.isDirty()) {
dump('crawl itered:' + itered + ' rendered:' + rendered + '\n');
if (comeAgain) {
self._idleTileCrawlerTimeout = setTimeout(self._idleTileCrawler, 2000, self);
} else {
dump('crawl end\n');
* The tile cache used by the tile manager to hold and index all
* tiles. Also responsible for pooling tiles and maintaining the
* number of tiles under given capacity.
* @param onBeforeTileDetach callback set by the TileManager to call before
* we must "detach" a tile from a tileholder due to needing it elsewhere or
* having to discard it on capacity decrease
* @param capacity the initial capacity of the tile cache, i.e. the max number
* of tiles the cache can have allocated
TileManager.TileCache = function TileCache(onBeforeTileDetach, iBound, jBound, capacity) {
if (arguments.length <= 3 || capacity < 0)
capacity = Infinity;
// We track all pooled tiles in a 2D array (row, column) ordered as
// they "appear on screen". The array is a grid that functions for
// storage of the tiles and as a lookup map. Each array entry is
// a reference to the tile occupying that space ("tileholder"). Entries
// are not unique, so a tile could be referenced by multiple array entries,
// i.e. a tile could "span" many tile placeholders (e.g. if we merge
// neighbouring tiles).
this._tiles = [];
// holds the same tiles that _tiles holds, but as contiguous array
// elements, for pooling tiles for reuse under finite capacity
this._tilePool = (capacity == Infinity) ? new Array() : new Array(capacity);
this._capacity = capacity;
this._nTiles = 0;
this._numFree = 0;
this._onBeforeTileDetach = onBeforeTileDetach;
this.iBound = iBound;
this.jBound = jBound;
TileManager.TileCache.prototype = {
get size() { return this._nTiles; },
get numFree() { return this._numFree; },
// A comparison function that will compare all free tiles as greater
// than all non-free tiles. Useful because, for instance, to shrink
// the tile pool when capacity is lowered, we want to remove all tiles
// at the new cap and beyond, favoring removal of free tiles first.
evictionCmp: function freeTilesLast(a, b) {
if ( == return (a.j == b.j) ? b.i - a.i : b.j - a.j;
return ( ? 1 : -1;
getCapacity: function getCapacity() { return this._capacity; },
setCapacity: function setCapacity(newCap, skipEvictionQueueSort) {
if (newCap < 0)
throw "Cannot set a negative tile cache capacity";
if (newCap == Infinity) {
this._capacity = Infinity;
} else if (this._capacity == Infinity) {
// pretend we had a finite capacity all along and proceed normally
this._capacity = this._tilePool.length;
let rem = null;
if (newCap < this._capacity) {
// This case is obnoxious. We're decreasing our capacity which means
// we may have to get rid of tiles. Depending on our eviction comparator,
// we probably try to get rid free tiles first, but we might have to throw
// out some nonfree ones too. Note that "throwing out" means the cache
// won't keep them, and they'll get GC'ed as soon as all other refholders
// let go of their refs to the tile.
if (!skipEvictionQueueSort)
rem = this._tilePool.splice(newCap);
} else {
// This case is win. Extend our tile pool array with new empty space.
this._tilePool.push.apply(this._tilePool, new Array(newCap - this._capacity));
// update state in the case that we threw things out.
let nTilesDeleted = this._nTiles - newCap;
if (nTilesDeleted > 0) {
let nFreeDeleted = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < nTilesDeleted; ++k) {
if (rem[k].free)
this._detachTile(rem[k].i, rem[k].j);
this._nTiles -= nTilesDeleted;
this._numFree -= nFreeDeleted;
this._capacity = newCap;
_isOccupied: function _isOccupied(i, j) {
return !!(this._tiles[i] && this._tiles[i][j]);
_detachTile: function _detachTile(i, j) {
let tile = null;
if (this._isOccupied(i, j)) {
tile = this._tiles[i][j];
if (this._onBeforeTileDetach)
delete this._tiles[i][j];
return tile;
_reassignTile: function _reassignTile(tile, i, j) {
this._detachTile(tile.i, tile.j); // detach
tile.init(i, j); // re-init
this._tiles[i][j] = tile; // attach
return tile;
_evictTile: function _evictTile(evictionGuard) {
let k = this._nTiles - 1;
let pool = this._tilePool;
let victim = null;
for (; k >= 0; --k) {
if (pool[k].free &&
(!evictionGuard || evictionGuard(pool[k])))
victim = pool[k];
return victim;
_createTile: function _createTile(i, j, evictionGuard) {
if (!this._tiles[i])
this._tiles[i] = [];
let tile = null;
if (this._nTiles < this._capacity) {
// either capacity is infinite, or we still have room to allocate more
tile = new TileManager.Tile(i, j);
this._tiles[i][j] = tile;
this._tilePool[this._nTiles++] = tile;
} else {
// assert: nTiles == capacity
tile = this._evictTile(evictionGuard);
if (tile)
this._reassignTile(tile, i, j);
return tile;
inBounds: function inBounds(i, j) {
return 0 <= i && 0 <= j && i <= this.iBound && j <= this.jBound;
sortEvictionQueue: function sortEvictionQueue(cmp) {
if (!cmp) cmp = this.evictionCmp;
* Get a tile by its indices
* @param i Column
* @param j Row
* @param create Flag true if the tile should be created in case there is no
* tile at (i, j)
* @param reuseCondition Boolean-valued function to restrict conditions under
* which an old tile may be reused for creating this one. This can happen if
* the cache has reached its capacity and must reuse existing tiles in order to
* create this one. The function is given a Tile object as its argument and
* returns true if the tile is OK for reuse. This argument has no effect if the
* create argument is false.
getTile: function getTile(i, j, create, evictionGuard) {
if (!this.inBounds(i, j))
return null;
let tile = null;
if (this._isOccupied(i, j)) {
tile = this._tiles[i][j];
} else if (create) {
tile = this._createTile(i, j, evictionGuard);
if (tile) tile.markDirty();
return tile;
* Look up (possibly creating) a tile from its viewport coordinates.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param create Flag true if the tile should be created in case it doesn't
* already exist at the tileholder corresponding to (x, y)
tileFromPoint: function tileFromPoint(x, y, create) {
let i = x >> kTileExponentWidth;
let j = y >> kTileExponentHeight;
return this.getTile(i, j, create);
* Hold a tile (i.e. mark it non-free). Returns true if the operation
* actually did something, false elsewise.
holdTile: function holdTile(tile) {
if (tile && {
return true;
return false;
* Release a tile (i.e. mark it free). Returns true if the operation
* actually did something, false elsewise.
releaseTile: function releaseTile(tile) {
if (tile && ! {
return true;
return false;
// XXX the following two functions will iterate through duplicate tiles
// once we begin to merge tiles.
* Fetch all tiles that share at least one point with this rect. If `create'
* is true then any tileless tileholders will have tiles created for them.
tilesIntersectingRect: function tilesIntersectingRect(rect, create) {
let dx = (rect.right % kTileWidth) - (rect.left % kTileWidth);
let dy = (rect.bottom % kTileHeight) - ( % kTileHeight);
let tiles = [];
for (let y =; y <= rect.bottom - dy; y += kTileHeight) {
for (let x = rect.left; x <= rect.right - dx; x += kTileWidth) {
let tile = this.tileFromPoint(x, y, create);
if (tile)
return tiles;
forEachIntersectingRect: function forEachIntersectingRect(rect, create, fn, thisObj) {
let visited = {};
let evictGuard = null;
if (create) {
evictGuard = function evictGuard(tile) {
return !visited[tile.toString()];
let starti = rect.left >> kTileExponentWidth;
let endi = rect.right >> kTileExponentWidth;
let startj = >> kTileExponentHeight;
let endj = rect.bottom >> kTileExponentHeight;
let tile = null;
for (var j = startj; j <= endj; ++j) {
for (var i = starti; i <= endi; ++i) {
tile = this.getTile(i, j, create, evictGuard);
if (tile) {
visited[tile.toString()] = true;, tile);
holdTilesIntersectingRect: function holdTilesIntersectingRect(rect) {
this.forEachIntersectingRect(rect, false, this.holdTile, this);
releaseTilesIntersectingRect: function releaseTilesIntersectingRect(rect) {
this.forEachIntersectingRect(rect, false, this.releaseTile, this);
TileManager.Tile = function Tile(i, j) {
// canvas element is where we keep paint data from browser for this tile
this._canvas = document.createElementNS(kXHTMLNamespaceURI, "canvas");
this._canvas.setAttribute("width", String(kTileWidth));
this._canvas.setAttribute("height", String(kTileHeight));
this._canvas.setAttribute("moz-opaque", "true");
// = "1px solid red";
this.init(i, j); // defines more properties, cf below
TileManager.Tile.prototype = {
// essentially, this is part of constructor code, but since we reuse tiles
// in the tile cache, this is here so that we can reinitialize tiles when we
// reuse them
init: function init(i, j) {
if (!this.boundRect)
this.boundRect = new wsRect(i * kTileWidth, j * kTileHeight, kTileWidth, kTileHeight);
this.boundRect.setRect(i * kTileWidth, j * kTileHeight, kTileWidth, kTileHeight);
// indices!
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
// flags true if we need to repaint our own local canvas
this._dirtyTileCanvas = false;
// keep a dirty rectangle (i.e. only part of the tile is dirty)
this._dirtyTileCanvasRect = null;
// flag used by TileManager to avoid re-appending tiles that have already
// been appended
this._appended = false;
// We keep tile objects around after their use for later reuse, so this
// flags true for an unused pooled tile. We don't actually care about
// this from within the Tile prototype, it is here for the cache to use. = true;
// viewport coordinates
get x() { return this.boundRect.left; },
get y() { return; },
// the actual canvas that holds the most recently rendered image of this
// canvas
getContentImage: function getContentImage() { return this._canvas; },
isDirty: function isDirty() { return this._dirtyTileCanvas; },
* Mark this entire tile as dirty (i.e. the whole tile needs to be rendered
* on next render).
markDirty: function markDirty() { this.updateDirtyRegion(); },
unmarkDirty: function unmarkDirty() {
this._dirtyTileCanvasRect = null;
this._dirtyTileCanvas = false;
* This will mark dirty at least everything in dirtyRect (which must be
* specified in canvas coordinates). If dirtyRect is not given then
* the entire tile is marked dirty.
updateDirtyRegion: function updateDirtyRegion(dirtyRect) {
if (!dirtyRect) {
if (!this._dirtyTileCanvasRect)
this._dirtyTileCanvasRect = this.boundRect.clone();
} else {
if (!this._dirtyTileCanvasRect)
this._dirtyTileCanvasRect = dirtyRect.intersect(this.boundRect);
else if (dirtyRect.intersects(this.boundRect))
// TODO if after the above, the dirty rectangle is large enough,
// mark the whole tile dirty.
if (this._dirtyTileCanvasRect)
this._dirtyTileCanvas = true;
* Actually draw the browser content into the dirty region of this
* tile. This requires us to actually draw with the
* nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D object's drawWindow method, which
* we expect to be a relatively heavy operation.
* You likely want to check if the tile isDirty() before asking it
* to render, as this will cause the entire tile to re-render in the
* case that it is not dirty.
render: function render(browserView) {
if (!this.isDirty())
let rect = this._dirtyTileCanvasRect;
let x = rect.left - this.boundRect.left;
let y = -;
let sourceContent = browserView._contentWindow;
let ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");;
ctx.translate(x, y);
rect.width, rect.height,
toString: function toString(more) {
if (more) {
return 'Tile(' + [this.i,
"dirty=" + this.isDirty(),
"boundRect=" + this.boundRect].join(', ')
+ ')';
return 'Tile(' + this.i + ', ' + this.j + ')';
_hold: function hold() { = false; },
_release: function release() { = true; }
* A CrawlIterator is in charge of creating and returning subsequent tiles "crawled"
* over as we render tiles lazily. It supports iterator semantics so you can use
* CrawlIterator objects in loops.
* Currently the CrawlIterator is built to expand a rectangle iteratively and return
* subsequent tiles that intersect the boundary of the rectangle. Each expansion of
* the rectangle is one unit of tile dimensions in each direction. This is repeated
* until all tiles from elsewhere have been reused (assuming the cache has finite
* capacity) in this crawl, so that we don't start reusing tiles from the beginning
* of our crawl. Afterward, the CrawlIterator enters a state where it operates as a
* FIFO queue, and calls to next() simply dequeue elements, which must be added with
* enqueue().
* @param tileCache The TileCache over whose tiles this CrawlIterator will crawl
* @param startRect [optional] The rectangle that we grow in the first (rectangle
* expansion) iteration state.
TileManager.CrawlIterator = function CrawlIterator(tileCache, startRect) {
this._tileCache = tileCache;
this._stepRect = startRect;
// used to remember tiles that we've reused during this crawl
this._visited = {};
// filters the tiles we've already reused once from being considered victims
// for reuse when we ask the tile cache to create a new tile
let visited = this._visited;
this._notVisited = function(tile) { return !visited[tile.toString()]; };
// a generator that generates tile indices corresponding to tiles intersecting
// the boundary of an expanding rectangle
this._crawlIndices = !startRect ? null : (function indicesGenerator(rect, tc) {
let outOfBounds = false;
while (!outOfBounds) {
// expand rect
rect.left -= kTileWidth;
rect.right += kTileWidth; -= kTileHeight;
rect.bottom += kTileHeight;
let dx = (rect.right % kTileWidth) - (rect.left % kTileWidth);
let dy = (rect.bottom % kTileHeight) - ( % kTileHeight);
outOfBounds = true;
// top, bottom borders
for each (let y in [, rect.bottom]) {
for (let x = rect.left; x <= rect.right - dx; x += kTileWidth) {
let i = x >> kTileExponentWidth;
let j = y >> kTileExponentHeight;
if (tc.inBounds(i, j)) {
outOfBounds = false;
yield [i, j];
// left, right borders
for each (let x in [rect.left, rect.right]) {
for (let y =; y <= rect.bottom - dy; y += kTileHeight) {
let i = x >> kTileExponentWidth;
let j = y >> kTileExponentHeight;
if (tc.inBounds(i, j)) {
outOfBounds = false;
yield [i, j];
})(this._stepRect, this._tileCache), // instantiate the generator
// after we finish the rectangle iteration state, we enter the FIFO queue state
this._queueState = !startRect;
this._queue = [];
// used to prevent tiles from being enqueued twice --- "patience, we'll get to
// it in a moment"
this._enqueued = {};
TileManager.CrawlIterator.prototype = {
__iterator__: function() {
while (true) {
let tile =;
if (!tile) break;
yield tile;
becomeQueue: function becomeQueue() {
this._queueState = true;
unbecomeQueue: function unbecomeQueue() {
this._queueState = false;
next: function next() {
if (this._queueState)
return this.dequeue();
let tile = null;
if (this._crawlIndices) {
try {
let [i, j] =;
tile = this._tileCache.getTile(i, j, true, this._notVisited);
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof StopIteration))
throw e;
if (tile) {
this._visited[tile.toString()] = true;
} else {
return tile;
dequeue: function dequeue() {
let tile = null;
do {
let idx = this._queue.shift();
if (!idx)
return null;
delete this._enqueued[idx];
let [i, j] = this._unstrIndices(idx);
tile = this._tileCache.getTile(i, j, false);
} while (!tile);
return tile;
enqueue: function enqueue(i, j) {
let idx = this._strIndices(i, j);
if (!this._enqueued[idx]) {
this._enqueued[idx] = true;
_strIndices: function _strIndices(i, j) {
return i + "," + j;
_unstrIndices: function _unstrIndices(str) {
return str.split(',');