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# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
# provides two functions depending on the arguments passed
# to it when invoked.
# Preprocesses installer locale properties files and creates a basic NSIS nlf
# file when invoked with --preprocess-locale.
# Converts a UTF-8 file to a new UTF-16LE file when invoked with
# --convert-utf8-utf16le.
from codecs import BOM_UTF16_LE
from os.path import join, isfile
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
def open_utf16le_file(path):
Returns an opened file object with a a UTF-16LE byte order mark.
fp = open(path, "w+b")
return fp
def get_locale_strings(path, prefix, middle, add_cr):
Returns a string created by converting an installer locale properties file
into the format required by NSIS locale files.
path - the path to the installer locale properties file to preprocess
prefix - a string to prefix each line with
middle - a string to insert between the name and value for each line
add_cr - boolean for whether to add an NSIS carriage return before NSIS
linefeeds when there isn't one already
output = ""
fp = open(path, "r")
for line in fp:
line = line.strip()
if line == "" or line[0] == "#":
name, value = line.split("=", 1)
value = value.strip() # trim whitespace from the start and end
if value[-1] == "\"" and value[0] == "\"":
value = value[1:-1] # remove " from the start and end
if add_cr:
value = value.replace("\\n", "\\r\\n") # prefix $\n with $\r
value = value.replace("\\r\\r", "\\r") # replace $\r$\r with $\r
value = value.replace("\"", "$\\\"") # prefix " with $\
value = value.replace("\\r", "$\\r") # prefix \r with $
value = value.replace("\\n", "$\\n") # prefix \n with $
value = value.replace("\\t", "$\\t") # prefix \t with $
output += prefix + name.strip() + middle + " \"" + value + "\"\n"
return output
def lookup(path, l10ndirs):
for d in l10ndirs:
if isfile(join(d, path)):
return join(d, path)
return join(l10ndirs[-1], path)
def preprocess_locale_files(moz_dir, ab_cd, config_dir, l10ndirs):
Preprocesses the installer localized properties files into the format
required by NSIS and creates a basic NSIS nlf file.
moz_dir - the path to top source directory for the toolkit source
ab_cd - the locale code
config_dir - the path to the destination directory
l10ndirs - list of paths to search for installer locale files
# Set the language ID to 0 to make this locale the default locale. An
# actual ID will need to be used to create a multi-language installer
# (e.g. for CD distributions, etc.).
lang_id = "0"
rtl = "-"
# Check whether the locale is right to left from locales.nsi.
fp = open(join(moz_dir, "toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/nsis/locales.nsi"), "r")
for line in fp:
line = line.strip()
if line == "!define " + ab_cd + "_rtl":
rtl = "RTL"
# Create the main NSIS language file with RTL for right to left locales
# along with the default codepage, font name, and font size represented
# by the '-' character.
fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "baseLocale.nlf"))
fp.write((u"""# Header, don't edit
NLF v6
# Start editing here
# Language ID
# Font and size - dash (-) means default
# Codepage - dash (-) means ANSI code page
# RTL - anything else than RTL means LTR
""" % (lang_id, rtl)).encode("utf-16-le"))
# Create the main NSIS language file
fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "overrideLocale.nsh"))
locale_strings = get_locale_strings(lookup("", l10ndirs),
"LangString ^", " " + lang_id + " ", False)
fp.write(unicode(locale_strings, "utf-8").encode("utf-16-le"))
# Create the Modern User Interface language file
fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "baseLocale.nsh"))
fp.write((u""";NSIS Modern User Interface - Language File
;Compatible with Modern UI 1.68
;Language: baseLocale (%s)
!insertmacro MOZ_MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_BEGIN \"baseLocale\"
!define MUI_LANGNAME \"baseLocale\"
""" % (lang_id)).encode("utf-16-le"))
locale_strings = get_locale_strings(lookup("", l10ndirs),
"!define ", " ", True)
fp.write(unicode(locale_strings, "utf-8").encode("utf-16-le"))
fp.write(u"!insertmacro MOZ_MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_END\n".encode("utf-16-le"))
# Create the custom language file for our custom strings
fp = open_utf16le_file(join(config_dir, "customLocale.nsh"))
locale_strings = get_locale_strings(lookup("", l10ndirs),
"LangString ", " " + lang_id + " ", True)
fp.write(unicode(locale_strings, "utf-8").encode("utf-16-le"))
def convert_utf8_utf16le(in_file_path, out_file_path):
Converts a UTF-8 file to a new UTF-16LE file
in_file_path - the path to the UTF-8 source file to convert
out_file_path - the path to the UTF-16LE destination file to create
in_fp = open(in_file_path, "r")
out_fp = open_utf16le_file(out_file_path)
out_fp.write(unicode(, "utf-8").encode("utf-16-le"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = """usage: %prog command <args>
--convert-utf8-utf16le - preprocesses installer locale properties files and
creates a basic NSIS nlf file
--preprocess-locale - Preprocesses the installer localized properties files
into the format required by NSIS and creates a basic
NSIS nlf file. --preprocess-locale <src> <locale> <code> <dest>
<src> \tthe path to top source directory for the toolkit source
<locale>\tthe path to the installer's locale files
<code> \tthe locale code
<dest> \tthe path to the destination directory --convert-utf8-utf16le <src> <dest>
<src> \tthe path to the UTF-8 source file to convert
<dest>\tthe path to the UTF-16LE destination file to create
p = OptionParser(usage=usage)
p.add_option("--preprocess-locale", action="store_true", default=False,
p.add_option("--l10n-dir", action="append", default=[],
help="Add directory to lookup for locale files")
p.add_option("--convert-utf8-utf16le", action="store_true", default=False,
options, args = p.parse_args()
if ((not (options.preprocess or options.convert)) or
(options.preprocess and options.convert)):
p.error("You need to specify either --preprocess-locale or --convert-utf-utf16le")
if options.preprocess:
if len(args) not in (3,4):
p.error("--preprocess-locale needs all of <src> <locale> <code> <dest>")
pargs = args[:]
if len(args) == 4:
l10n_dirs = [args[1]]
del pargs[1]
if not options.l10n_dirs:
p.error("--preprocess-locale needs either <locale> or --l10ndir")
l10n_dirs = options.l10n_dirs
if len(args) != 2:
p.error("--convert-utf8-utf16le needs both of <src> <dest>")