
532 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Stuart Parmenter <>
* Brad Lassey <>
* Mark Finkle <>
* Gavin Sharp <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
function CanvasBrowser(canvas) {
this._canvas = canvas;
CanvasBrowser.prototype = {
_canvas: null,
_zoomLevel: 1,
_browser: null,
_pageX: 0,
_pageY: 0,
_screenX: 0,
_screenY: 0,
get canvasDimensions() {
if (!this._canvasRect) {
let canvasRect = this._canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
this._canvasRect = {
width: canvasRect.width,
height: canvasRect.height
return [this._canvasRect.width, this._canvasRect.height];
get _effectiveCanvasDimensions() {
return, this);
get _effectiveViewportDimensions() {
// XXX
setCurrentBrowser: function(browser) {
let currentBrowser = this._browser;
if (currentBrowser) {
// stop monitor paint events for this browser
currentBrowser.removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", this._paintHandler, false);
currentBrowser.setAttribute("type", "content");
browser.setAttribute("type", "content-primary");
// start monitoring paint events for this browser
var self = this;
this._paintHandler = function(ev) { self._handleMozAfterPaint(ev); }
browser.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", this._paintHandler, false);
this._browser = browser;
startLoading: function() {
// Clear the whole canvas
// we clear the whole canvas because the browser's width or height
// could be less than the area we end up actually drawing.
var ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
ctx.fillText("Loading...", 20, 20);
this._resizeInterval = setInterval(function(self) { self.zoomToPage(); }, 2000, this);
endLoading: function() {
viewportHandler: function(bounds, oldBounds) {
let pageBounds = bounds.clone(); = Math.floor(this._screenToPage(;
pageBounds.left = Math.floor(this._screenToPage(bounds.left));
pageBounds.bottom = Math.ceil(this._screenToPage(bounds.bottom));
pageBounds.right = Math.ceil(this._screenToPage(bounds.right));
if (0) {
if (true /*!oldBounds*/) {
this._pageX = pageBounds.x;
this._pageY = pageBounds.y;
var ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");;
ctx.scale(this._zoomLevel, this._zoomLevel);
try {
dump("drawWindow: " + pageBounds.x + " " + pageBounds.y + " " + pageBounds.width + " " + pageBounds.height + "\n");
pageBounds.x, pageBounds.y, pageBounds.width, pageBounds.height,
} catch (e) {
if (!oldBounds) {
// no old bounds means we resized the viewport, so redraw everything
this._screenX = bounds.x;
this._screenY = bounds.y;
this._pageX = pageBounds.x;
this._pageY = pageBounds.y;
this._redrawRect(pageBounds.x, pageBounds.y,
pageBounds.width, pageBounds.height);
let dx = this._screenX - bounds.x;
let dy = this._screenY - bounds.y;
this._screenX = bounds.x;
this._screenY = bounds.y;
this._pageX = pageBounds.x;
this._pageY = pageBounds.y;
//dump("viewportHandler: " + bounds.toSource() + " " + oldBounds.toSource() + "\n");
// deal with repainting
let srcRect = { x: 0, y: 0,
width: this._canvas.width, height: this._canvas.height };
let dstRect = { x: dx, y: dy,
width: this._canvas.width, height: this._canvas.height };
// we don't need to do anything if the source and destination are the same
if (srcRect.x == dstRect.x && srcRect.y == dstRect.y &&
srcRect.width == dstRect.width && srcRect.height == dstRect.height) {
//dump("avoiding dumb paint\n");
// blit what we can
var ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");
srcRect.x, srcRect.y,
srcRect.width, srcRect.height,
dstRect.x, dstRect.y,
dstRect.width, dstRect.height);
//dump("blitting " + srcRect.toSource() + " to " + dstRect.toSource() + "\n");
// redraw the rest
var rgn = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableRegion);
rgn.setToRect(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.width, srcRect.height);
rgn.subtractRect(dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.width, dstRect.height);
let outX = {}; let outY = {}; let outW = {}; let outH = {};
rgn.getBoundingBox(outX, outY, outW, outH);
dstRect = { x: outX.value, y: outY.value, width: outW.value, height: outH.value };
if (dstRect.width > 0 && dstRect.height > 0) {
dstRect.width += 1;
dstRect.height += 1;
//dump("redrawing: offset " + dstRect.x + " " + dstRect.y + "\n");;
ctx.translate(dstRect.x, dstRect.y);
ctx.scale(this._zoomLevel, this._zoomLevel);
let [offX, offY] = this._pageOffset;
let scaledRect = { x: offX + this._screenToPage(dstRect.x),
y: offY + this._screenToPage(dstRect.y),
width: this._screenToPage(dstRect.width),
height: this._screenToPage(dstRect.height) };
//dump(" rect " + scaledRect.toSource() + "\n");
scaledRect.x, scaledRect.y,
scaledRect.width, scaledRect.height,
// for testing
//ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)";
//ctx.fillRect(0, 0, scaledRect.width, scaledRect.height);
_handleMozAfterPaint: function(aEvent) {
let cwin = this._browser.contentWindow;
for (let i = 0; i < aEvent.clientRects.length; i++) {
let e = aEvent.clientRects.item(i);
//dump(Math.floor(e.left + cwin.scrollX),
// Math.floor( + cwin.scrollY),
// Math.ceil(e.width), Math.ceil(e.height));
this._redrawRect(Math.floor(e.left + cwin.scrollX),
Math.floor( + cwin.scrollY),
Math.ceil(e.width), Math.ceil(e.height));
_redrawRect: function(x, y, width, height) {
function intersect(r1, r2) {
let xmost1 = r1.x + r1.width;
let ymost1 = r1.y + r1.height;
let xmost2 = r2.x + r2.width;
let ymost2 = r2.y + r2.height;
let x = Math.max(r1.x, r2.x);
let y = Math.max(r1.y, r2.y);
let temp = Math.min(xmost1, xmost2);
if (temp <= x)
return null;
let width = temp - x;
temp = Math.min(ymost1, ymost2);
if (temp <= y)
return null;
let height = temp - y;
return { x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height };
let r1 = { x : x,
y : y,
width : width,
height: height };
// check to see if the input coordinates are inside the visible destination
let [canvasW, canvasH] = this._effectiveCanvasDimensions;
let r2 = { x : this._pageX,
y : this._pageY,
width : canvasW,
height: canvasH };
let dest = intersect(r1, r2);
if (!dest)
//dump(dest.toSource() + "\n");
var ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");;
ctx.scale(this._zoomLevel, this._zoomLevel);
let [offX, offY] = this._pageOffset;
ctx.translate(dest.x - offX, dest.y - offY);
//dump("drawWindow#2: " + dest.x + " " + dest.y + " " + dest.width + " " + dest.height + " @ " + (dest.x - offX) + " " + (dest.y - offY) + "\n");
dest.x, dest.y,
dest.width, dest.height,
_clampZoomLevel: function(aZoomLevel) {
const min = 0.2;
const max = 2.0;
return Math.min(Math.max(min, aZoomLevel), max);
set zoomLevel(val) {
this._zoomLevel = this._clampZoomLevel(val);
get zoomLevel() {
return this._zoomLevel;
zoom: function(aDirection) {
if (aDirection == 0)
var zoomDelta = 0.05; // 1/20
if (aDirection >= 0)
zoomDelta *= -1;
this.zoomLevel = this._zoomLevel + zoomDelta;
zoomToPage: function() {
//dump("zoom to page\n");
// Adjust the zoomLevel to fit the page contents in our window
// width
let [contentW, ] = this._contentAreaDimensions;
let [canvasW, ] = this.canvasDimensions;
if (contentW > canvasW)
this.zoomLevel = canvasW / contentW;
zoomToElement: function(aElement) {
const margin = 15;
// XXX The widget stack code doesn't do what we want when you change
// the viewport bounds to something smaller than your current position
// so pan back to 0,0 before we resize and then pan to our destination
ws.panTo(0, 0);
// scale to the element's width
let [canvasW, ] = this.canvasDimensions;
let elRect = this._getPagePosition(aElement);
let zoomLevel = canvasW / (elRect.width + (2 * margin));
this.zoomLevel = Math.min(zoomLevel, 10);
// pan to the element
ws.panTo(Math.floor(Math.max(this._pageToScreen(elRect.x) - margin, 0)),
Math.floor(Math.max(this._pageToScreen(elRect.y) - margin, 0)));
zoomFromElement: function(aElement) {
let elRect = this._getPagePosition(aElement);
// XXX The widget stack code doesn't do what we want when you change
// the viewport bounds to something smaller than your current position
// so pan back to 0,0 before we resize and then pan to our destination
ws.panTo(0, 0);
// pan to the element
// don't bother with x since we're zooming all the way out
// XXX have this center the element on the page
ws.panTo(0, Math.floor(Math.max(0, this._pageToScreen(elRect.y))));
* Retrieve the content element for a given point in client coordinates
* (relative to the top left corner of the chrome window).
elementFromPoint: function(aX, aY) {
let [x, y] = this._clientToContentCoords(aX, aY);
let cwu = this._browser.contentWindow
let element = cwu.elementFromPoint(x, y,
true, /* ignore root scroll frame*/
false); /* don't flush layout */
return element;
* Retrieve the page position for a given element
* (relative to the document origin).
_getPagePosition: function(aElement) {
let r = aElement.getBoundingClientRect();
let cwin = this._browser.contentWindow;
let retVal = {
width: r.width,
height: r.height,
x: r.left + cwin.scrollX,
y: + cwin.scrollY
return retVal;
get _pageOffset() {
// return [this._screenToPage(ws._viewport.viewportInnerBounds.x),
// this._screenToPage(ws._viewport.viewportInnerBounds.y)];
return [this._pageX, this._pageY];
/* Given a set of client coordinates (relative to the app window),
* returns the content coordinates relative to the viewport.
_clientToContentCoords: function(aClientX, aClientY) {
// Determine position relative to the document origin
// Need to adjust for the deckbrowser not being at 0,0
// (e.g. due to other browser UI)
let canvasRect = this._canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
let clickOffsetX = this._screenToPage(aClientX - canvasRect.left) + this._pageX;
let clickOffsetY = this._screenToPage(aClientY - + this._pageY;
// Take scroll offset into account to return coordinates relative to the viewport
let cwin = this._browser.contentWindow;
return [clickOffsetX - cwin.scrollX,
clickOffsetY - cwin.scrollY];
get _effectiveContentAreaDimensions() {
return, this);
get _contentAreaDimensions() {
var cdoc = this._browser.contentDocument;
if (cdoc instanceof SVGDocument) {
let rect = cdoc.rootElement.getBoundingClientRect();
return [rect.width, rect.height];
// These might not exist yet depending on page load state
var body = cdoc.body || {};
var html = cdoc.documentElement || {};
var w = Math.max(body.scrollWidth, html.scrollWidth);
var h = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, html.scrollHeight);
if (isNaN(w) || isNaN(h) || w == 0 || h == 0)
return [this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height];
return [w, h];
_screenToPage: function(aValue) {
return aValue / this._zoomLevel;
_pageToScreen: function(aValue) {
return aValue * this._zoomLevel;
/* ensures that a given content element is visible */
ensureElementIsVisible: function(aElement) {
// XXX
// this method is broken because viewportDimensions getters are broken
let elRect = this._getPagePosition(aElement);
let [viewportW, viewportH] = this._effectiveViewportDimensions;
let curRect = {
x: this._pageX,
y: this._pageY,
width: viewportW,
height: viewportH
// Adjust for part of our viewport being offscreen
// XXX this assumes that the browser is meant to be fullscreen
let browserRect = this._currentBrowser.getBoundingClientRect();
curRect.height -= this._screenToPage(Math.abs(;
if ( < 0)
curRect.y -= this._screenToPage(;
curRect.width -= this._screenToPage(Math.abs(browserRect.left));
if (browserRect.left < 0)
curRect.x -= this._screenToPage(browserRect.left);
let newx = curRect.x;
let newy = curRect.y;
if (elRect.x + elRect.width > curRect.x + curRect.width) {
newx = curRect.x + ((elRect.x + elRect.width)-(curRect.x + curRect.width));
} else if (elRect.x < curRect.x) {
newx = elRect.x;
if (elRect.y + elRect.height > curRect.y + curRect.height) {
newy = curRect.y + ((elRect.y + elRect.height)-(curRect.y + curRect.height));
} else if (elRect.y < curRect.y) {
newy = elRect.y;
this.panTo(newx, newy);
/* Pans directly to a given content element */
panToElement: function(aElement) {
var elRect = this._getPagePosition(aElement);
this.panTo(elRect.x, elRect.y);
panTo: function(x, y) {
ws.panTo(x, y);