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* jQuery Lint
* ---
* VERSION 0.36
* ---
* jQuery lint creates a thin blanket over jQuery that'll
* report any potentially erroneous activity the console.
* ---
* Idea from:
* ---
* @author James Padolsey
* @contributors Paul Irish
* ---
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* -
* -
var alias = 'jQuery',
glob = this,
// Define console if not defined
// Access it via jQuery.LINT.console
_console = {
warn: glob.console && console.warn ?
function(){console.warn.apply(console, arguments);} : function(){},
group: glob.console && ?
function(){, arguments);} : function(){},
groupEnd: glob.console && console.groupEnd ?
function(){console.groupEnd();} : function(){},
groupCollapsed: glob.console && console.groupCollapsed ?
function(){console.groupCollapsed.apply(console, arguments);} : function(){},
log: glob.console && console.log ?
function(){console.log.apply(console, arguments);} : function(){}
langs = {
en: {
incorrectCall: '%0(...) called incorrectly',
specialCheckFailed: '%0(...) special check failed',
moreInfo: 'More info:',
youPassed: 'You passed: ',
collection: 'Collection:',
availableSigsInclude: 'Available signatures include: ',
errorThrown: 'When I called %0(...) with your args, an error was thrown!',
repeatSelector: "You've used the same selector more than once.",
info: 'Info',
selector: 'Selector: ',
selectorAdvice: "You should only use the same selector more than once when you know the returned collection will be different. For example, if you've added more elements to the page that may comply with the selector",
noElementsFound: 'No elements were found with the selector: "%0"',
combineCalls: 'Why not combine these calls by passing an object? E.g. \n%0(%1)',
methodTwice: "You've called %0(...) more than once on the same jQuery object",
triggeredBy: 'Triggered by %0 event',
event: 'Event:',
handler: 'Handler:',
location: 'Location:',
invalidFilters: 'Selector: %0\nYou used invalid filters (aka Pseudo classes):\n%1',
badReadyCall: "Don't use jQuery().ready() - use jQuery(document).ready() instead. The former is likely to be deprecated in the future.",
browser: "Don't use jQuery.browser",
browserSafari: "Don't use jQuery.browser.safari - it's deprecated. If you have to use browser detection, then use jQuery.browser.webkit.",
featureDetection: 'The jQuery team recommends against using jQuery.browser, please try to use feature detection instead (see',
boxModel: "Don't use jQuery.boxModel.",
boxModelDeprecated: 'Deprecated in jQuery 1.3 (see'
// Add specific checks
// This is the best place to bring up bad practices
specialChecks = [
{/* Level 0 */},
{/* Level 1 */},
{/* Level 2 */},
{/* Level 3 */}
// Local scope jQuery
_jQuery = glob[alias],
lint = {
version: '0.36',
level: 3,
special: specialChecks,
lang: 'en',
langs: langs,
console: _console,
'throw': false,
specific: {
// True to report, false to supress
noElementsFound: true,
repeatSelector: true,
browserSniffing: true,
invalidFilters: true
// Only cover certain fns under the jQ namespace
jQNameSpace = /^(getJSON|extend|ajax|get|post|proxy|each|map|queue|ajax.+|removeData|data|pushStack)$/,
// API data, only with what we need
api = {"jQuery.proxy":[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"function",type:"Function"},{name:"scope",type:"Object"}]},{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"scope",type:"Object"},{name:"name",type:"String"}]}],focusout:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"handler(eventObject)",type:"Function"}]}],focusin:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"handler(eventObject)",type:"Function"}]}],has:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"selector",type:"String"}]},{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"contained",type:"Element"}]},{added:"1.1.4"}],"jQuery.contains":[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"container",type:"Element"},{name:"contained",type:"Element"}]}],"jQuery.noop":[{added:"1.4"}],delay:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"duration",type:"Integer"},{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true}]}],parentsUntil:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"selector",type:"Selector",optional:true}]}],prevUntil:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"selector",type:"Selector",optional:true}]}],nextUntil:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"selector",type:"Selector",optional:true}]}],"event.isImmediatePropagationStopped":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.stopImmediatePropagation":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.isPropagationStopped":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.stopPropagation":[{added:"1.0"}],"event.isDefaultPrevented":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.preventDefault":[{added:"1.0"}],"event.timeStamp":[{added:"1.2.6"}],"event.result":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.which":[{added:"1.1.3"}],"event.pageY":[{added:"1.0.4"}],"event.pageX":[{added:"1.0.4"}],"event.currentTarget":[{added:"1.3"}],"event.relatedTarget":[{added:"1.1.4"}],"":[{added:"1.1"}],"":[{added:"1.0"}],"event.type":[{added:"1.0"}],"":[{added:"1.3"}],each:[{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"function(index, Element)",type:"Function"}]}],"jQuery.pushStack":[{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"elements",type:"Array"}]},{added:"1.3",arg:[{name:"elements",type:"Array"},{name:"name",type:"String"},{name:"arguments",type:"Array"}]}],"jQuery.globalEval":[{added:"1.0.4",arg:[{name:"code",type:"String"}]}],"jQuery.isXMLDoc":[{added:"1.1.4",arg:[{name:"node",type:"Element"}]}],"jQuery.removeData":[{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"name",type:"String",optional:true}]}],"":[{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"element",type:"Element"},{name:"key",type:"String"},{name:"value",type:"Object"}]},{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"element",type:"Element"},{name:"key",type:"String"}]},{added:"1.4"}],"jQuery.dequeue":[{added:"1.3",arg:[{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true}]}],"jQuery.queue":[{added:"1.3",arg:[{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true}]},{added:"1.3",arg:[{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true},{name:"newQueue",type:"Array"}]},{added:"1.3",arg:[{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true},{name:"callback()",type:"Function"}]}],clearQueue:[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"queueName",type:"String",optional:true}]}],toArray:[{added:"1.4"}],"jQuery.isEmptyObject":[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"object",type:"Object"}]}],"jQuery.isPlainObject":[{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"object",type:"Object"}]}],keydown:[{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"handler(eventObject)",type:"Function"}]},{added:"1.0"}],index:[{added:"1.4"},{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"selector",type:"Selector"}]},{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"element",type:"Element, jQuery"}]}],removeData:[{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"name",type:"String",optional:true}]}],data:[{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"key",type:"String"},{name:"value",type:"Object"}]},{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"obj",type:"Object"}]},{added:"1.2.3",arg:[{name:"key",type:"String"}]},{added:"1.4"}],get:[{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"index",type:"Number",optional:true}]}],size:[{added:"1.0"}],"jQuery.noConflict":[{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"removeAll",type:"Boolean",optional:true}]}],selected:[{added:"1.0"}],checked:[{added:"1.0"}],disabled:[{added:"1.0"}],enabled:[{added:"1.0"}],file:[{added:"1.0"}],button:[{added:"1.0"}],reset:[{added:"1.0"}],image:[{added:"1.0"}],submit:[{added:"1.0"},{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"handler(eventObject)",type:"Function"}]},{added:"1.0"}],checkbox:[{added:"1.0"}],radio:[{added:"1.0"}],password:[{added:"1.0"}],text:[{added:"1.0"},{added:"1.0"},{added:"1.0",arg:[{name:"textString",type:"String"}]},{added:"1.4",arg:[{name:"function(index
if ( !_jQuery ) {
lint.api = api;
// Correct API
// Yes, it's ugly, but necessary...
api[''][1].arg[1].optional = true; // Making $.data(.,THIS) optional
api.each[0].arg[1] = api['jQuery.each'][0].arg[2] = {name:'args', type:'Array', optional:true};
api[''][0].arg[2].type = '*';
api.attr[1].arg[1].type = '*';[0].arg[1].type = '*';
api['jQuery.each'][0].arg[0].type += ', Array';
// extraParam to trigger & triggerHandler IS optional
api.trigger[0].arg[1].optional = true;
api.triggerHandler[0].arg[1].optional = true;
api.slice[0].arg[1] = {name:'end',type:'Integer',optional:true};
// Add elem arg to start of args for jQuery.queue
var jQQueue = api['jQuery.queue'];
jQQueue[0].arg.unshift({type:'Element', name:'elem'});
jQQueue[1].arg.unshift({type:'Element', name:'elem'});
jQQueue[2].arg.unshift({type:'Element', name:'elem'});
api['jQuery.removeData'][0].arg.unshift({type:'Element', name:'elem'});
// one(), bind(), unbind():[1] = api.unbind[1] = api.bind[1];
// $().bind({}, {data});[1].arg[1] = api.bind[1].arg[1] = _jQuery.extend({},[0].arg[1], {type:'*'});
// Make handler optional to unbind:
api.unbind[0].arg[1].optional = true;
api.hover[1] = {added:'1.4',arg:[{name:'handlerInOut(eventObject)',type:'Function'}]};
api['jQuery.proxy'][0].arg[1].optional = true;
api.bind[0].arg[1].type = 'notFunction';
// Make append('a','b','c') (and prepend) possible:
api.append[0].arg[0].multiple = true;
api.prepend[0].arg[0].multiple = true;
var version = _jQuery.fn.jquery,
map =,
each = _jQuery.each,
extend = _jQuery.extend,
find = _jQuery.find,
locale = langs[lint.lang],
slice = function(a,s,e) {
return a.length ?, s || 0, e || a.length) : [];
compare = function(a,b) {
// Compare two arrays
var i = a.length;
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
while (i--) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
isFunction = function(obj) {
return === "[object Function]";
isArray = function(obj) {
return === "[object Array]";
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
typeToString = function(o) {
if (!o) { return ""; }
if (typeof o === 'string') {
return '"' + o.replace(/"/g,'\\"') + '"';
if (isFunction(o)) {
return 'function(){...}';
return o.toString();
shaveArray = function(arr) {
arr =;
// Shave "undefined" off the end of args
for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
if (arr[i] === undefined) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
} else {
return arr;
// type map
types = {
'*': function() {
return true;
selector: function(o) {
return this.string(o);
element: function(o) {
return o && (!!o.nodeName || o === window);
elements: function(o) {
return this.element(o) || this.jquery(o) || this.array(o);
array: function(o) {
// Just check that it's "array-like"
return o && o.length !== undefined
&& typeof o !== 'string' && !isFunction(o);
jquery: function(o) {
return o instanceof _jQuery;
object: function(o) {
return === '[object Object]';
'function': function(o) {
return isFunction(o);
notfunction: function(o) {
return !this['function'](o);
callback: function(o) {
return isFunction(o);
string: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'string';
number: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'number' && !isNaN(o);
integer: function(o) {
return this.number(o) && ~~o === o;
map: function(o) {
return this.object(o);
options: function(o) {
return this.object(o);
'null': function(o) {
return o === null;
'boolean': function(o) {
return typeof o === 'boolean';
typeCheck = function typeCheck(type, arg) {
// Check that argument is of the right type
// The types are specified within the API data
var split = type.split(/,\s?/g),
i = split.length,
if (arg === undefined) {
return false;
while (i--) {
cur = split[i];
if ((types[cur] && types[cur](arg))
// Try lowercase too
|| (types[cur = cur.toLowerCase()] && types[cur](arg))) {
return true;
return false;
complies = function complies(args, sig) {
// Determine if argument list complies with
// signature outlined in API.
var matches = false,
argLength = args.length,
nextIsOptional = false;
if (version < sig.added) {
// Too new
return false;
if (!sig.arg) {
return 0 === args.length;
if (!sig.arg[0] && (args.length > 1)) {
return false;
for (
var sigIndex = 0,
argIndex = 0,
fullLength = Math.max(argLength,sig.arg.length||1);
sigIndex < fullLength || argIndex < argLength;
) {
sigArg = sigIndex === 0 ? sig.arg[0] || sig.arg : sig.arg[sigIndex];
if (!sigArg) {
// Too many args
return false;
matches = typeCheck(sigArg.type, args[argIndex]);
if (!matches) {
if (sigArg.optional) {
if (args[argIndex] === undefined || args[argIndex] === null) {
matches = true;
} else {
// Sig isn't optional, return false
return false;
if (sigArg.multiple) {
// If it's multiple, then carry on with the same
// signature, but check that there are remaining
// arguments
if (argIndex + 1 >= argLength) {
return matches;
logLocation = function() {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch(e) {
if (e.stack) {
// Remove everything before the file name and line number
// plus, get rid of errors from jQuery.lint.js & any libs
// from google's CDN
.replace(/^.+?\n|.+?(jquery\.lint\.js|http:\/\/ajax\.googleapis\.com).+?(\n|$)|.+?(?=@)/g, '')
// Remove duplicates
.replace(/(^|\n)(.+?)\n(?=\2(?:\n|$)|[\s\S]+?\n\2(?:\n|$))/g, '$1')
selectorCache = {},
internal = false;
function register(name, methodAPI) {
var obj = /^jQuery\./.test(name) ? _jQuery : _jQuery.fn,
methodName = name.replace(/^jQuery\./, '');
obj[methodName] = (function(meth, name){
return extend(function() {
return, name, function(){
var wasInternal = internal;
internal = true;
try {
var ret = meth.apply(this, arguments);
} catch(e) {
internal = wasInternal;
throw e;
internal = wasInternal;
return ret;
}, arguments);
}, meth);
})(obj[methodName], name);
if (methodAPI) {
api[name] = methodAPI;
lint.register = register;
function coverMethod(name, meth, args) {
args = shaveArray(args);
var sigs = api[name],
_console = lint.console,
self = this,
i = 0,
specialCheckResults = (function(){
// Perform special checks for current level and
// all levels below current level.
var lvl = lint.level + 1,
checks = [],
while (lvl--) {
if (specialChecks[lvl] && (check = specialChecks[lvl][name])) {
if (types.array(check)) {
each(check, function(i, chk){
chk.apply(self, args)
} else {
check.apply(self, args)
return checks;
signatureMatch = false,
sliced = slice(this, 0, 10);
if (!sigs || !lint.level || internal) {
return meth.apply(this, args);
if (this.length > 10) {
// Check for calls like css().css().css()
// May as well use css({...})
if (lint.level > 2 && !types.object(args[0]) && !isFunction(args[1]) && (/^(css|attr)$/.test(name) || (name === 'bind' && version >= '1.4'))) {
if (this._lastMethodCalled === name) {
_console.warn(locale.methodTwice.replace(/%0/, name));
if (this instanceof _jQuery) {
_console.log(locale.collection, sliced);
.replace(/%0/, name)
.replace(/%1/, '{\n' +
map([args, this._lastMethodArgs], function(a){
return ' "' + a[0] + '": ' + typeToString(a[1]);
+ '\n}')
this._lastMethodCalled = name;
this._lastMethodArgs = args;
self._lastMethodCalled = null;
self._lastMethodArgs = null;
// Check all arguments passed to method for compliance
// against the corresponding signature.
while ((sig = sigs[i++])) {
if ( complies(args, sig) ) {
signatureMatch = true;
if (!signatureMatch) {
try {
// Args !== signature
_console.warn(locale.incorrectCall.replace(/%0/, name));
if (this instanceof _jQuery) {
_console.log(locale.collection, sliced);
_console.log(locale.youPassed, args);;
each(sigs, function(i, sig){
if (version < sig.added) {
var sigArgs = sig.arg;
name + '(' +
(sigArgs ?
sigArgs[0] ?
map(sigArgs, function(sig, i){
return sig ? sig.optional ? '[' + + ']' : sig.multiple ? + ',[...]' : : [];
}).join(', ') :
: '') + ')'
} catch(e) { }
try {
if (specialCheckResults.length) {
each(specialCheckResults, function(i, checkResult){
if (checkResult && checkResult !== true) {
if (isFunction(checkResult)) {
} else {
_console.warn(locale.specialCheckFailed.replace(/%0/, name));
if (self instanceof _jQuery) {
_console.log(locale.collection, sliced);
} catch(e) { }
if (lint['throw']) {
return meth.apply(this, args);
try {
return meth.apply(this, args);
} catch(e) {
try {
locale.errorThrown.replace(/%0/, name), e
_console.log(locale.youPassed, args);
} catch(e) { }
return this;
// "Cover" init constructor
// Reports when no elements found, and when selector
// used more than once to no effect.
_jQuery.fn.init = (function(_init){
return function(selector, context) {
var ret =, 'jQuery', function(){
// Set internal flag to avoid incorrect internal method
// calls being reported by Lint.
var wasInternal = internal;
internal = true;
try {
var instance = new _init(selector, context);
extend(instance, this); // Add any flags (added before instantiation)
} catch(e) {
internal = wasInternal;
throw e;
internal = wasInternal;
return instance
}, arguments),
_console = lint.console;
// Deal with situations where no elements are returned
// and for the same selector being used more than once
// to no effect
if (typeof selector === 'string' && lint.level > 1) {
if (lint.specific.noElementsFound && !ret[0]) {
// No elements returned
_console.warn(locale.noElementsFound.replace(/%0/, selector));
} else {
if (lint.specific.repeatSelector) {
// Check for identical collection already in cache.
if ( selectorCache[selector] && compare(selectorCache[selector], ret) ) {
_console.log(locale.selector + '"' + selector + '"');
selectorCache[selector] = ret;
} catch(e) { }
return ret;
// Cover all methods, except init
for (var i in _jQuery.fn) {
if (i === 'init' || !isFunction(_jQuery.fn[i])) {
// Cover some helper function under jQ namespace
for (var i in _jQuery) {
if ( !jQNameSpace.test(i) || !isFunction(_jQuery[i]) ) {
register('jQuery.' + i);
_jQuery.LINT = lint;
// Some special checks //
specialChecks[2].jQuery = [
function(selector) {
// Find invalid filters (e.g. :hover, :active etc.)
// suggested by Paul Irish
if (lint.specific.invalidFilters && typeof selector === 'string' && !/^[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$/.test(selector)) {
// It's a string, and NOT html - must be a selector
var invalidFilters = [];
selector.replace(/('|")(?:\\\1|[^\1])+?\1/g, '').replace(/:(\w+)/g, function(m, filter){
if (!/^(contains|not)$/.test(filter) && !((filter in _jQuery.expr[':']) || (filter in _jQuery.expr.setFilters))) {
if (invalidFilters.length) {
return locale.invalidFilters.replace(/%0/, selector).replace(/%1/, invalidFilters.join('\n'));
function() {
// Set flag for ready() method, so we can check
// for $().ready() - which should be $(document).ready()
// suggested by Paul Irish
if (!arguments.length) {
this._lint_noArgs = true;
specialChecks[2].ready = [
function() {
// If _lint_noArgs is set then this object
// was instantiated with no args. I.e. $().ready()
if (this._lint_noArgs) {
return locale.badReadyCall;