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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
2009-08-18 12:05:15 -07:00
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
2012-05-21 04:12:37 -07:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include protocol PAudio;
include protocol PBlob;
include protocol PBluetooth;
include protocol PBrowser;
include protocol PCompositor;
include protocol PCrashReporter;
include protocol PExternalHelperApp;
include protocol PDeviceStorageRequest;
include protocol PHal;
include protocol PImageBridge;
include protocol PIndexedDB;
include protocol PMemoryReportRequest;
include protocol PNecko;
include protocol PSms;
include protocol PStorage;
include protocol PTestShell;
include DOMTypes;
include URIParams;
include "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h";
include "nsGeoPositionIPCSerialiser.h";
using GeoPosition;
using PrefTuple;
using ChromePackage;
using ResourceMapping;
using OverrideMapping;
using IPC::Permission;
using mozilla::null_t;
using mozilla::void_t;
using mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId;
using gfxIntSize;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
// Data required to clone an existing DOMStorageImpl in the parent
struct StorageClone
// Existing cross-process storage actor to clone
PStorage actor;
// Result of calling IsCallerSecure() in the child
bool callerSecure;
// When creating a new PStorage protocol, an existing one can be
// cloned (see nsDOMStorage2::Clone)
union StorageConstructData
struct FontListEntry {
nsString familyName;
nsString faceName;
nsCString filepath;
uint16_t weight;
int16_t stretch;
uint8_t italic;
uint8_t index;
struct DeviceStorageStatParams
nsString type;
nsString fullpath;
struct DeviceStorageAddParams
nsString type;
PBlob blob;
nsString name;
nsString fullpath;
struct DeviceStorageGetParams
nsString type;
nsString name;
nsString fullpath;
struct DeviceStorageDeleteParams
nsString type;
nsString fullpath;
struct DeviceStorageEnumerationParams
nsString type;
nsString fullpath;
uint64_t since;
union DeviceStorageParams
struct SlicedBlobConstructorParams
PBlob source;
uint64_t begin;
uint64_t end;
nsString contentType;
struct MysteryBlobConstructorParams
// Nothing is known about this type of blob.
union BlobConstructorParams
union AppId {
nullable PBrowser;
union PrefValue {
union MaybePrefValue {
struct PrefSetting {
nsCString name;
MaybePrefValue defaultValue;
MaybePrefValue userValue;
rpc protocol PContent
parent opens PCompositor;
parent opens PImageBridge;
manages PAudio;
manages PBlob;
manages PBluetooth;
manages PBrowser;
manages PCrashReporter;
manages PDeviceStorageRequest;
manages PExternalHelperApp;
manages PHal;
manages PIndexedDB;
manages PMemoryReportRequest;
manages PNecko;
manages PSms;
manages PStorage;
manages PTestShell;
// Depending on exactly how the new browser is being created, it might be
// created from either the child or parent process!
// The child creates the PBrowser as part of
// TabChild::BrowserFrameProvideWindow, and the parent creates the
// PBrowser as part of ContentParent::CreateTab.
// When the parent constructs a PBrowser, the app ID handed to the
// child side is trusted. In that case, |appId| is uint32_t.
// However, when the child side constructs a PBrowser, for
//, the parent must validate the app ID used on the
// parent side. To do so, the child process must pass a valid
// PBrowser as its |AppId|.
async PBrowser(uint32_t chromeFlags, bool isBrowserElement, AppId appId);
async PBlob(BlobConstructorParams params);
* Dump the contents of about:memory to a file in our temp directory.
* For documentation on the args, see
* nsIMemoryReporterManager::dumpMemoryReportsToFile.
async DumpMemoryReportsToFile(nsString identifier,
bool minimizeMemoryUsage,
bool dumpChildProcesses);
RegisterChrome(ChromePackage[] packages, ResourceMapping[] resources,
OverrideMapping[] overrides, nsCString locale);
async SetOffline(bool offline);
async NotifyVisited(URIParams uri);
PreferenceUpdate(PrefSetting pref);
NotifyAlertsObserver(nsCString topic, nsString data);
GeolocationUpdate(GeoPosition somewhere);
// nsIPermissionManager messages
AddPermission(Permission permission);
ScreenSizeChanged(gfxIntSize size);
FlushMemory(nsString reason);
* Start accessibility engine in content process.
AppInfo(nsCString version, nsCString buildID);
// Notify child that last-pb-context-exited notification was observed
FilePathUpdate(nsString type, nsString filepath, nsCString reasons);
FileSystemUpdate(nsString fsName, nsString mountPoint, int32_t fsState);
2009-08-18 12:05:15 -07:00
* Tell the content process some attributes of itself. This is
* among the first information queried by content processes after
* startup. (The message is sync to allow the content process to
* control when it receives the information.)
* |id| is a unique ID among all subprocesses. When |isForApp &&
* isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser> for an app. When
* |isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser>. When |!isForApp &&
* !isForBrowser|, we're probably loading <xul:browser remote>.
sync GetProcessAttributes()
returns (uint64_t id, bool startBackground,
bool isForApp, bool isForBrowser);
PAudio(int32_t aNumChannels, int32_t aRate, int32_t aFormat);
PDeviceStorageRequest(DeviceStorageParams params);
sync PCrashReporter(NativeThreadId tid, uint32_t processType);
PStorage(StorageConstructData data);
// Services remoting
async StartVisitedQuery(URIParams uri);
async VisitURI(URIParams uri, OptionalURIParams referrer, uint32_t flags);
async SetURITitle(URIParams uri, nsString title);
// filepicker remoting
sync ShowFilePicker(int16_t mode, int16_t selectedType, bool addToRecentDocs,
nsString title, nsString defaultFile, nsString defaultExtension,
nsString[] filters, nsString[] filterNames)
returns (nsString[] files, int16_t retValue, nsresult result);
async LoadURIExternal(URIParams uri);
// PrefService message
sync ReadPrefsArray() returns (PrefSetting[] prefs);
sync ReadFontList() returns (FontListEntry[] retValue);
sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData)
returns (nsString[] retval);
ShowAlertNotification(nsString imageUrl,
nsString title,
nsString text,
bool textClickable,
nsString cookie,
nsString name);
PExternalHelperApp(OptionalURIParams uri, nsCString aMimeContentType,
nsCString aContentDisposition, bool aForceSave,
int64_t aContentLength, OptionalURIParams aReferrer);
ConsoleMessage(nsString message);
ScriptError(nsString message, nsString sourceName, nsString sourceLine,
uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t colNumber, uint32_t flags,
nsCString category);
// nsIPermissionManager messages
sync ReadPermissions() returns (Permission[] permissions);
// These clipboard methods are only really used on Android since
// the clipboard is not available in the content process.
SetClipboardText(nsString text, bool isPrivateData, int32_t whichClipboard);
sync GetClipboardText(int32_t whichClipboard)
returns (nsString text);
sync ClipboardHasText()
returns (bool hasText);
sync GetSystemColors(uint32_t colorsCount)
returns (uint32_t[] colors);
sync GetIconForExtension(nsCString aFileExt, uint32_t aIconSize)
returns (uint8_t[] bits);
sync GetShowPasswordSetting()
returns (bool showPassword);
// Notify the parent of the presence or absence of private docshells
PrivateDocShellsExist(bool aExist);
// Tell the parent that the child has gone idle for the first time
async FirstIdle();
AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData);