2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"
<window title="Key event tests"
<title>Key event tests</title>
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<p id="display">
<!-- for some reason, if we don't have 'accesskey' here, adding it dynamically later
doesn't work! -->
<button id="button" accesskey="z">Hello</button>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function synthesizeNativeKey(aLayout, aKeyCode, aModifiers, aSystemChars,
aSystemUnmodifiedChars, aWindow)
if (!aWindow)
aWindow = window;
2008-05-06 14:00:59 -07:00
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
var utils = aWindow.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
if (utils) {
var modifiers = 0;
if (aModifiers.capsLock) modifiers |= 0x01;
if (aModifiers.numLock) modifiers |= 0x02;
if (aModifiers.shift) modifiers |= 0x0100;
if (aModifiers.shiftRight) modifiers |= 0x0200;
if (aModifiers.ctrl) modifiers |= 0x0400;
if (aModifiers.ctrlRight) modifiers |= 0x0800;
if (aModifiers.alt) modifiers |= 0x1000;
if (aModifiers.altRight) modifiers |= 0x2000;
if (aModifiers.command) modifiers |= 0x4000;
if (aModifiers.help) modifiers |= 0x8000;
if (aModifiers.function) modifiers |= 0x10000;
if (aModifiers.numericKeyPad) modifiers |= 0x01000000;
utils.sendNativeKeyEvent(aLayout, aKeyCode, modifiers,
aSystemChars, aSystemUnmodifiedChars);
var keyboardLayouts;
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) {
// These constants can be found by inspecting files under
// /System/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/Unicode.bundle/Contents/Resources/
2008-05-07 14:54:21 -07:00
// XXX if you need a new keyboard layout and that uses KCHR resource,
// you need to modify GetScriptFromKeyboardLayout of nsChildView.mm
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
keyboardLayouts = {
2008-05-07 14:54:21 -07:00
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
} else if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
// These constants can be found by inspecting registry keys under
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts
keyboardLayouts = {
// Test the charcodes and modifiers being delivered to keypress handlers.
function runPressTests()
var pressList;
function onKeyPress(e)
// The first parameter is the complete input event. The second parameter is
// what to test against.
// XXX should probably check that keydown and keyup events were dispatched too
function testKey(aEvent, aExpectGeckoChar)
pressList = [];
aEvent.keyCode, aEvent, aEvent.chars, aEvent.unmodifiedChars);
var name = aEvent.layout + " '" + aEvent.chars + "'";
if (aEvent.shift) {
name += " [Shift]";
if (aEvent.ctrl) {
name += " [Ctrl]";
if (aEvent.alt) {
name += " [Alt]";
is(pressList.length, aExpectGeckoChar == "" ? 0 : 1, name + ", wrong number of press events");
if (pressList.length == 0)
var e = pressList[0];
is(e.ctrlKey, aEvent.ctrl || 0, name + ", Ctrl mismatch");
is(e.metaKey, aEvent.command || 0, name + ", Command mismatch");
is(e.altKey, aEvent.alt || 0, name + ", Alt mismatch");
is(e.shiftKey, aEvent.shift || 0, name + ", Shift mismatch");
if (aExpectGeckoChar.length > 0) {
is(e.charCode, aExpectGeckoChar.charCodeAt(0), name + ", charcode");
} else {
is(e.charCode, 0, name + ", no charcode");
document.addEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress, false);
// These tests have to be per-plaform.
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) {
// On Mac, you can produce event records for any desired keyboard input
// by running with NSPR_LOG_MODULES=nsCocoaWidgets:5 and typing into the browser.
// We will dump the key event fields to the console. Use the International system
// preferences widget to enable other keyboard layouts and select them from the
// input menu to see what keyboard events they generate.
// Note that it's possible to send bogus key events here, e.g.
// {keyCode:0, chars:"z", unmodifiedChars:"P"} --- sendNativeKeyEvent
// makes no attempt to verify that the keyCode matches the characters. So only
// test key event records that you saw Cocoa send.
// Plain text input
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:11, chars:"b", unmodifiedChars:"b"},
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, shift:1, chars:"A", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
// Ctrl keys
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
// Alt keys
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, alt:1, chars:"\u00e5", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, alt:1, shift:1, chars:"\u00c5", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
// Command keys
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, command:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
// Shift-cmd gives us the unshifted character
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, command:1, shift:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
// Ctrl-cmd gives us the unshifted character
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, command:1, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
// Alt-cmd gives us the *shifted* character
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, command:1, alt:1, chars:"\u00e5", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, command:1, alt:1, shift:1, chars:"\u00c5", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
// Greek ctrl keys produce Latin charcodes
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u0391"},
// Greek command keys
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, command:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
// Shift-cmd gives us the unshifted character
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, command:1, shift:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"\u391"},
// Ctrl-cmd gives us the unshifted character
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, command:1, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
// Alt-cmd gives us the *shifted* character
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, command:1, alt:1, chars:"\u00a8", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, command:1, alt:1, shift:1, chars:"\u00b9", unmodifiedChars:"\u0391"},
2008-05-07 14:54:21 -07:00
// German (KCHR/KeyTranslate case)
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:0, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:33, chars:"\u00fc", unmodifiedChars:"\u00fc"},
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
// On Windows, you can use Spy++ or Winspector (free) to watch window messages.
// The keyCode is given by the wParam of the last WM_KEYDOWN message. The
// chars string is given by the wParam of the WM_CHAR message. unmodifiedChars
// is not needed on Windows.
// Plain text input
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, chars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:66, chars:"b"},
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, shift:1, chars:"A"},
// Ctrl keys
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001"},
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001"},
// Alt keys
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, alt:1, chars:"a"},
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, alt:1, shift:1, chars:"A"},
// Shift-ctrl-alt generates no WM_CHAR, but we still get a keypress
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, alt:1, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:""},
// Greek plain text
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, chars:"\u03b1"},
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, shift:1, chars:"\u0391"},
// Greek ctrl keys produce Latin charcodes
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001"},
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001"},
document.removeEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress, false);
// Test the activation (or not) of an HTML accesskey
function runAccessKeyTests()
var button = document.getElementById("button");
var activationCount;
function onClick(e)
// The first parameter is the complete input event. The second and third parameters are
// what to test against.
function testKey(aEvent, aAccessKey, aShouldActivate)
activationCount = 0;
button.setAttribute("accesskey", aAccessKey);
aEvent.keyCode, aEvent, aEvent.chars, aEvent.unmodifiedChars);
var name = aEvent.layout + " '" + aEvent.chars + "'";
is(activationCount, aShouldActivate ? 1 : 0, name + ", activating '" + aAccessKey + "'");
button.addEventListener("click", onClick, false);
// These tests have to be per-plaform.
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) {
// Basic sanity checks
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"a", false);
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"a", true);
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"A", true);
// Shift-ctrl does not activate accesskeys
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
"a", false);
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, shift:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"A"},
"A", false);
// Alt-ctrl does not activate accesskeys
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, alt:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"a", false);
testKey({layout:"US-Extended", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, alt:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"A", false);
// Greek layout can activate a Latin accesskey
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
"a", true);
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
"A", true);
// ... and a Greek accesskey!
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
"\u03b1", true);
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"\u0001", unmodifiedChars:"\u03b1"},
"\u0391", true);
2008-05-07 14:54:21 -07:00
// German (KCHR/KeyTranslate case)
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"a", true);
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:0, ctrl:1, chars:"a", unmodifiedChars:"a"},
"A", true);
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:33, ctrl:1, chars:"\u00fc", unmodifiedChars:"\u00fc"},
"\u00fc", true);
testKey({layout:"German", keyCode:33, ctrl:1, chars:"\u00fc", unmodifiedChars:"\u00fc"},
"\u00dc", true);
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
// Basic sanity checks
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, chars:"a"},
"a", false);
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"a", true);
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"A", true);
// shift-alt-ctrl does not activate accesskeys
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, shift:1, alt:1, chars:""},
"a", false);
testKey({layout:"US", keyCode:65, ctrl:1, shift:1, alt:1, chars:""},
"A", false);
// Greek layout can activate a Latin accesskey
2008-05-06 21:46:37 -07:00
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"a", true);
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"A", true);
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
// ... and a Greek accesskey!
2008-05-06 21:46:37 -07:00
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"\u03b1", true);
testKey({layout:"Greek", keyCode:65, shift:1, alt:1, chars:"A"},
"\u0391", true);
2008-05-05 16:01:07 -07:00
button.removeEventListener("click", onClick, false);
function runTest()